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为切实推动秦岭保护和文化旅游产业的开发,亟需加快完善秦岭生态旅游区综合交通体系构建。在分析秦岭生态旅游区综合交通体系现状的基础上,按照秦岭旅游区综合交通规划设想,充分发挥秦岭旅游区综合交通的功能定位,提出秦岭综合交通系统线网架构方案,形成“南北两翼,东西组团”的秦岭综合旅游交通格局。从对外交通网络建设、区内干线交通网络建设、观光慢行交通网络建设、服务保障体系建设等方面,对秦岭生态旅游区综合交通体系架构进行设计。  相似文献   

旅游交通是旅游业发展的重要条件,交通服务的完善程度不仅影响旅游者的决策和体验,也会影响旅游景区的发展。不过,由于受景区性质、管理体制和发展基础等因素的影响,我国不少旅游景区的交通服务并未形成体系,旅游景区普遍面临着交通服务体系构建或优化的升级任务。因此,研究旅游景区交通服务体系对提升景区交通服务质量具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

区域交通网络对旅游业发展的影响及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合区域旅游需求和旅游交通需求的预测方法和模型,分析交通网络对旅游需求和对交通工具选择的影响。并基于旅游业发展需要的交通网络建设存在的问题,提出完善区域旅游交通网络的建议。  相似文献   

旅游交通生态足迹模型实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据生态足迹理论构建旅游交通生态的足迹模型,从计算旅游交通设施的建成地面积、能源消耗量转化成化石能源土地面积、旅游交通生态足迹计算方面,阐释了旅游交通生态足迹模型与计算方法。以江苏盐城海滨湿地为例,对其旅游交通生态足迹进行了计算。根据计算结果,分析了江苏盐城海滨湿地建成地与化石能源地面积、交通工具生态足迹构成、旅游交通生态足迹对旅游区内外部的影响,认为该模型可以较全面地评价旅游交通活动的生态影响。  相似文献   

高速铁路的开通扩大了旅游客源市场,引发同城效应,进而改变了河南省旅游产业发展格局。运用经济地理学、产业经济学、旅游规划学等相关理论分析高速铁路开通对河南省旅游产业的影响,从旅游业空间流动视角审视河南省旅游产业的发展,提出河南省应在旅游交通、旅游景区、旅行社、住宿业、旅游餐饮等方面加强规划管理,提升旅游产业以适应高速铁路游客的新需求。  相似文献   

正事件回放2012年9月,某市机关效能建设办公室接到当地4A级风景区管理处投诉,称4A级风景区所属地的县公路管理机构不履行法定职责,行政不作为,未按照《道路交通标志和标线》的规定,设置景区旅游标志。对此,该市效能办介入此事件的调查和处理。事件起源于某县公路管理机构接到所管辖省道公路沿线某4A级风景区《关于要求在公路上设置旅游区标志》的函,函件内容要求该县公路管理机构依照法定职责,在公路上为该景区义务设置旅游区标志。该县公路管理机构接到此函,作出书面回复:公路管理机构依照法定职责有义务设置与公路安全通行有关的公路标志,但没有义务为景区设置旅游区标志。对此回复,该风景区管理处相当不满意,故进行了上述投诉。面对县级公路管理机构的回复,市效能办提出了三点质疑:旅游区标志是不是交通标志?公路标志是不是交通标志?公路管理机构是否有义务必须为景  相似文献   

长治太行山旅游轨道大峡谷经八泉峡至川底段采用悬挂式单轨制式,其中八泉峡景区为核心景区,客流量大,与其他景区线路需进行三方向立体疏解。结合长治市旅游规划整体布局,阐述长治太行山旅游轨道车流组织、系统制式及线路规划,为达到局部疏解的目的,研究"区间四线""车站疏解""区间疏解"3个线路局部方案,以及"外包疏解""环形疏解""平行疏解"3个车站疏解方案,经综合分析,推荐局部采用车站疏解,站内采用环形疏解的交通创意。疏解方案将有效、合理地解决三方向双线的交通矛盾问题,实现乘降便捷性与交通快捷性。  相似文献   

<正>2019年5月11日,贵州景区直达高铁环线旅游专列在铜仁站首发。乘坐该旅游专列的近150名旅客赴西江苗寨、梵净山等景区,体验旅游专列带来的便利。贵州省旅游资源极其丰富,深受国内外游客青睐。近年来,贵广、沪昆等高铁线路陆续开通,贵州高铁交通优势愈发明显,核心景区的通行能  相似文献   

看点:喀纳斯湖风景旅游区在开发之初,由于缺乏规划和资金保证,破坏了景区的原始风貌,成为破坏生态的诱因。 即将取代这些建筑的贾登峪接待中心远离风景区,由喀纳斯环境与旅游管理局统一规划和招商,建成较高规格的住宿、餐饮、娱乐及服务等设施,预计今年8月即可接待游客。湖光山色将复归于原始和谐,有利于喀纳斯风景旅游区的可持续发展。  相似文献   

随着汽车进入家庭,“驾车游”、“郊区游”逐步成为生活时尚。旅游区(点)的人流、车流增加,使停车问题日益突出。北京市的各类旅游景区(点)较多,停车问题严重,特别是1999年实行“五一”、“十一”长假以来,假日旅游热导  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine tourism demand for Singapore from 1995 to 2013 by six major origin countries which belong to three different regions. Unlike prior tourism research, we take into account the dependence relations among the different tourist flows via copula. Copula is a statistical model of dependence and measurement of association. Specifically, we investigate the association between two tourist flows in each region. Based on empirical copula estimation, the Frank function has been identified as the most appropriate to capture the pairwise dependence structures of tourist flows. The copula-based approach combined with econometric models is proposed for tourism demand analysis that can be used to predict tourist arrivals. We apply the copula-ARDL and copula-ECM frameworks to generate joint forecasts of tourist arrivals from three regions. The findings show that the forecast performance of the Frank copula-based model outperforms the benchmark model which corresponds to the independence structure (no association) of tourist flows.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the coefficients of the determinants of international tourism demand for the period 1995–2014 in the USA using the gravity framework. The analysis is based on a panel dataset of tourist arrivals among 14 countries using autoregressive distributed lag methods. The results show real gross domestic product, consumer price index, real exchange rate and certain specific events have a significant impact on international tourism demand. The income elasticity suggests that tourism is non-luxury goods, and prices and real exchange rate have negative relation to tourist arrivals. We also find that tourism transport infrastructure is a significant determinant of tourist arrivals into USA. This implies that infrastructure to reinforce taste formation is important to attract more international tourists to USA. In addition, results also suggest implications for public and private tourism authorities.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse the potential demand for premium products on medium haul leisure routes, which is currently not met by appropriate supply. More precisely, we discuss if all-premium class services targeting the wealthy tourist could be viable on such routes. In a case study approach, we estimate potential costs, average ticket prices and demand for hypothetical all-premium class operations between Germany and Spanish islands Majorca, Gran Canaria and Tenerife.  相似文献   

Small island tourism economies (SITEs) vary in their size, land area, location, narrow resource bases, economic development, overwhelming reliance on tourism and consistent inflow of foreign direct investment for economic growth. Small island tourism economics differ in their ethnic diversity, political systems, economic and environmental vulnerability, ecological fragility and the risks facing investors. Owing to natural disasters, ethnic conflicts, crime and the threat of global terrorism, there have been dramatic changes in the arrivals of international tourists to SITEs. These variations in international tourism demand to SITEs, particularly the conditional variance (or volatility) in international tourist arrivals, have not previously been analysed in the tourism research literature. An examination of the conditional volatility of international tourist arrivals is essential for policy analysis and marketing purposes. This paper models the conditional mean and conditional variance of the logarithm of monthly international tourist arrivals and the growth rate (or log‐difference) in the monthly international tourist arrivals for six SITEs, namely Barbados, Cyprus, Dominica, Fiji, Maldives and Seychelles. Diagnostic checks of the regularity conditions of the logarithm of monthly international tourist arrivals and their growth rates suggest that the estimated univariate models of trends and volatility are statistically adequate. Therefore, the estimated models are appropriate for purposes of public and private sector management of tourism. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we propose a dynamic econometric model for tourism demand which takes into account the implications of the Tourism Area Life Cycle (TALC) theory on tourism demand. Unlike other dynamic models, in our specification the effect of the lagged demand on the current tourism demand is not constant, but dependent on congestion. We estimate the model using disaggregated data from the most visited Spanish municipalities for the period 2006–2015. Two panel data estimations are carried out: one with the coastal tourist resorts and the other one with the inland municipalities. The results show that tourism congestion reduces the positive previous tourist effect on current arrivals, suggesting that increasing congestion could worsen the attraction of a tourist destination. Congestion is more negatively perceived in inland destinations than coastal ones. Finally, a strong persistence in tourism demand for coastal destinations is shown.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to study how cultural tourist typologies apply in an urban gaming destination and how such typologies could aid in the segmentation and profiling of this niche tourist market. Results showed that there exists a certain demand for cultural tourism in Macao and there are different ways to distinguish between cultural and non-cultural tourists, as well as to identify sub-groups of cultural tourists. The three approaches used to distinguish between the two cohorts came up with different percentages of cultural tourists within the total tourist sample. Other findings showed significant differences in trip characteristics and information search behaviour between the two cohorts and among sub-groups of cultural tourists. Such information could be used for profiling purposes. The resulting profiles have implications on marketing and promotion strategies which should not focus only on tourists' primary motives but should attempt to induce or arouse their secondary interests. The methodology could be applied to other destinations hoping to develop cultural tourism.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to use co-integration analysis to estimate the long-run relationship between monthly tourist flows to Sweden from American, European and Scandinavian countries. Also, the factors that influence arrivals, such as income, price, exchange rate, the Chernobyl nuclear accident and the 1991 Gulf War are estimated. An econometric model approach of cointegration analysis is adopted to estimate the effect of the above factors on the number of visitors to Sweden and the area No.6 in Sweden (SW:6). Monthly time-series data for the period 1980-1998 were used. The estimated model does not indicate any statistically significant effect of the Chernobyl nuclear accident, or the 1991 Gulf War on international tourism demand. On the other hand, the estimated model does indicate statistically significant effect of income, exchange rate and the consumer price index (CPI) on international tourism demand. The estimation and diagnostic testing strategy supports the specification of the model.  相似文献   

Charter passengers represent a category of airport users that imposes uncommon operating conditions to airport terminal facilities, which, if not anticipated, may result in a low level of service. This is usually the case of airports serving areas of tourist attraction where growth in demand of charter flights has made them the dominant passenger flow. This paper presents a simulation model that enables the investigation of charter passenger effects on air terminal facilities and enables the estimation of the level of service offered. Some of the model’s features can be easily implemented by use of spreadsheets. The paper concludes with a critical assessment of the results arisen in the master plan of two Greek airports where the simulation model was implemented.  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of Hong Kong tourism demand for the top-three major tourist arrival countries, namely Mainland China, Taiwan, and Japan, with an error correction model. Specifically, this paper will examine the effects of relaxing the visa requirement, the launch of the Individual Visit Scheme (IVS), for Mainland Chinese tourists in 2003. Empirical results show that tourists are income-elastic and consider international tourism to be a luxury good. Tourists are more sensitive to changes in the nominal exchange rate than to changes in the foreign pricing level. The positive effect of the launch of the IVS for Mainland Chinese tourists outweighs the adverse impact of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) on tourism demand for Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Regional political climate has become an increasingly significant force influencing travel behaviour in many tourist destinations. This paper attempts to address impacts of regional political stability on Russian inbound tourism into Spain within a demand model framework and using a cointegration approach. The results show that visa openness as well as political instability and civil unrest in substitute destinations attract more Russian tourists, boosting economic growth and reducing unemployment rates in Spain. On the contrary, international political confrontation results in disadvantage to Russian tourism demand to Spain.  相似文献   

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