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近年来,预付式消费作为一种新型消费方式在给消费者带来优惠、便利的同时,也伴生着诸多风险,成为当前消费领域纠纷频发的热点。如何规范预付式消费,在发挥其增强市场经济活力作用的同时,降低其对消费者权益的潜在损害,值得工商部门的高度关注和重视。一、现行法规对预付式消费的规定与预付式消费快速发展的状况相比,我国立法进程相对缓慢,目前尚没有预付式消费的专门规定,具  相似文献   

预付式消费作为新型消费形式,既有自身存在的合理性,也有内在缺陷。在预付式消费中,消费者向企业提供了长期信用,却难以进行自我救济,容易造成对消费者利益的损害。仅凭事后救济,不足以妥善保护消费者利益,必须在预付式消费的提前申报、销售收入第三方控制、消费合同强制条款、消费合同担保以及营业转让等方面,加强对预付式消费的事前控制。  相似文献   

近年来,预付式消费作为一种新型消费方式在给消费者带来优惠、便利的同时,也伴生着诸多风险,成为当前消费领域纠纷频发的热点.如何规范预付式消费,在发挥其增强市场经济活力作用的同时,降低其对消费者权益的潜在损害,值得工商部门的高度关注和重视. 一、现行法规对预付式消费的规定 与预付式消费快速发展的状况相比,我国立法进程相对缓慢,目前尚没有预付式消费的专门规定,具体规定散见于不同层级的法律、法规和规范性文件中,如《消费者权益保护法》第四十七条规定:"经营者以预收款方式提供商品或者服务的,应当按照约定提供.  相似文献   

作为新兴的消费模式,预付式消费在市场竞争中具有较强的竞争力,广泛应用于餐饮、美容、健身、洗浴、购物、教育培训、手机通讯等领域。预付式消费也往往被视为身份的象征。在给消费者和经营者带来极大地实惠的同时,也存在很多问题,如恶意欺诈、霸王条款、消费者信息泄露等。加强对预付式消费中的消费者权益进行保护,刻不容缓。  相似文献   

预付式消费为消费提供了很大的便利,但隐藏在其中的风险我们也不能视而不见.如何对预付式消费的潜在风险进行法律应对已经成为新时期我国消费者权益保护中的重要课题.  相似文献   

试论预付式消费的权益保护   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近年来,很多商场、美容院、健身中心、洗车等服务行业,以优惠的折扣吸引消费者办卡,并要求消费者预先存入数额不小的现金,再提供优惠服务。这种消费方式其实就是预付式消费。事实表明,预付式消费对消费者虽然有有利的一面,但本质上是将经营风险转嫁给消费者,为消费者日后的维权埋下了不小的隐患。  相似文献   

美容行业"VIP卡"、"贵宾卡"、"会员卡"等预付式充值卡,以丰厚的折扣吸引了不少消费者。但是,这些预付费卡在给消费者带来实惠的同时,也引发了不少消费纠纷。据北京市海淀区消协消息,消费者王女士去一家洗浴中心消费后,路过一家美容美发店。正好看到有推销人员在为店里的除皱体验做推广宣传,并承诺加入会员后可获得全套服务.  相似文献   

近期,本刊陆续接到消费者投诉,称其预付的健身、洗车、美容等项目,在卡中余额未消费完时,就出现店家失踪、产品缩水、强制消费等现象。  相似文献   

预付费式消费成为一种新型消费模式,在发展过程中出现了诸多问题,引起了消费者的不满。本文分析了预付费式消费存在的风险和弊端,探讨其法律困境,提出了健全和完善预付费式消费制度的建议。  相似文献   

正近期,在北京、河北、苏州、上海等地,一家名为聚智堂的培训机构预收学费数亿元后老板跑路。万余名家长受"存学费,送超长免费课时,返本金"等广告欺骗,进行预付消费,最终血本无归。而"中国为民教育网"同样打着教育培训的幌子拉人头、收会费、发展下线,覆盖20余个省区市,注册会员约18万人,涉案金额达2亿元。以教育培训为幌子,只是预付式消费诈骗中较常见的一种。美容美发、游泳健身、餐饮娱乐等  相似文献   

Some of Law and Economics’ pivotal claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind seems problematic. What the consequences of the criticism mean for Law and Economics’ tenability depends largely on the questions whether (1) some elements are unassailable to the alternative’s objections and (2) the alternative is a systematic whole. It is argued that Law and Economics may be salvaged, if it is minimized and its ambitions are tempered. This means focusing on the stable, a priori, elements inherent to it.  相似文献   

端倪初现 2004年,在四大金融资产管理公司审计中,审计署西安特派办对长城公司西安办进行资产负债损益审计中发现:一笔西安市×公司1 656万元贷款债务的处置只收回了100万元.而且处置档案中还这样写道:"先收回这100万元,后续资金还要陆续收回……"  相似文献   

This article examines judicial and administrative rulings and legislation involving or related to the issue of drug testing in the workplace. It discusses the rights of employees in the public and private sector: constitutional rights; federal, state, and local statutory rights; rights of unionized employees; and common law rights. It analyzes both the current state of the law and future directions the law may take, as courts and administrative agencies decide more cases and governmental bodies continue to pass drug testing legislation.  相似文献   

The tradition in national labour laws to support labour standards in collective agreements is reflected in the trend in EC labour law towards recognition of collectively bargained standards in a number of recent legislative initiatives. If this trend can be linked with, and reinforced by, sectoral bargaining at EC-level, the emergence of a European labour law will come nearer to realisation.  相似文献   

Reform of the law dealing with industrial relations was one of the major election commitments of the Conservative Government. In this commentary, Karl Mackie and Ian Hooker analyse the Employment Bill and the Working Paper on Secondary Industrial Action.  相似文献   

The “Law of Markets” as originally stated by Fetter and amended by Hyson and Hyson is based on the assumption that the transportation of goods is along a line segment from firm to customer. In many situations the assumption that transportation is along a block-like network of roads is a better approximation of reality. In this paper we establish the “law of markets” appropriate to the block metric. We discover that with such a metric there exist significant discontinuities in a firm's demand functions and we argue that these discontinuities have important implications for the types of competitive strategies open to firms.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the law of one price (LOP), using 84 Canada/U.S. manufacturing prices over 1961–1996. We find that while there is a long-run relationship between Canadian and U.S. prices, industries vary in terms of adherence to the LOP. In industries with higher degree of market competition and integration, the correlation between Canadian and U.S. prices becomes stronger.  相似文献   

In 1972, three national strikes received a wide coverage on television, radio and in the press. They were the miners' dispute, followed by the docks' industry dispute, and finally the national building industry strike. While much attention was directed to the respective claims which were lodged, a further aspect arising out of those strikes provoked a great deal of controversy. This related to the unlawful behaviour of a number of pickets who had taken up their stances outside various industrial establishments. It appears that at some locations, clashes had taken place between police and pickets, resulting in the arrest and charging of a substantial number of workmen. Figures show that at least 263 pickets were arrested in England and Wales during the course of the miners' strike.  相似文献   

The provisions of the 1982 Act were described in the last IRJ law commentary. In this part, the policies behind the Act are analysed.  相似文献   

This paper studies inter-jurisdictional competition in the fight against crime and its impact on occupational choice and the allocation of capital. In a world where capital is mobile, jurisdictions are inhabited by individuals who choose to become either workers or criminals. Because the return of the two occupations depends on capital, and because investment in capital in a jurisdiction depends on its crime rate, there is a bi-directional relationship between capital investment and crime which may lead to capital concentration. By investing in costly law enforcement, a jurisdiction makes the choice of becoming a criminal less attractive, which in turn reduces the number of criminals and makes its territory more secure. This increased security increases the attractiveness of the jurisdiction for investors and this can eventually translate into more capital being invested. We characterize the Nash equilibria—some entailing a symmetric outcome, others an asymmetric one—and study their efficiency.  相似文献   

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