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The wave of economic globalization moves to all the countries in the world to be integrated with multilateralism and by promotion of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade/World Trade Organization (GATT/WTO). Meanwhile, the growth of regional economic integration has been one of the major developments in international economic relations, and undoubtedly regionalism is a part of the global economic environment. The objective of the paper is to review the trends and highlight the prospects for enhancing economic integration in East Asia. This paper has argued that the emerging East Asian economies have achieved sustained economic development and poverty reduction through domestic structural, institutional and governance reforms as well as through market-driven integration with the global and regional markets. Though this process was temporarily interrupted by the Asian financial crisis in 1997-1998, the economies have pursued further liberalization and reforms, deepened economic integration through trade, FDI and finance, and regained dynamic growth. The author argues that the reasonable choice for Eastern Asian countries is to deepen their economic integration and the optimal strategy is fostering economic integration with institutional cooperation.  相似文献   

The East Asian corporate governance model is gradually established based on institutional innovation of western corporate governance. This paper holds that institutional innovation of the East Asian corporate governance model is mainly manifested in following aspects: the relational style of governance mechanisms, more intervention of government, high concentration of ownership structure and unique operation of the power institutions etc. This unique model of corporate governance is considered as one of the motivations of "East Asian Miracle", but it also causes many problems. After the Asian financial crisis, the East Asian countries and regions reform and improve their pattern of corporate governance and obtain some results. The paper deems that reduction of government intervention and legal protection provided by judicial system are crucial for corporate governance.  相似文献   

In this study the authors make efforts to survey the impact of foreign direct investment and trade on the economic growth of five East Asian countries, China, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand. Using an augmented production function (APF) growth model, the authors apply panel data Method and data span is from1980 to 2006. The required data are extracted from World Development Indicator 2008. The result shows that a co-integration relationship between growth and its determinants in the APF model is supported. Firstly, the study shows that with the increasing the inflow of foreign direct investment, positive impact on growth in Thailand, Korea and China is proved. However, this impact is negative in Philippine and Malaysia. Also the impact of trade on economic growth has the same result with FDI impact in sign. Further, the impact of labor force on growth is not significant in these countries and the effect of gross fixed capital on growth is positive and has a very high impact on selected countries.  相似文献   

The American financial market plays a remarkable role as one of the global core markets, but many changes have taken place in recent years. The policy of White House becomes one of the variables deciding the direction of the market movement. After the Presidential Election, the financial market will move in the effect of anticipating the policies in next phase. For the uncertainty during the resuscitation, the financial policy is facing the problem that how to be an assistance in keeping the economic growth, and how to seek for balances in the contradiction between controlling deficit and maintaining competitive advantages. After the comprehensive analysis on American financial market, the possible result could be like this: interest rate will rise gradually again, exchange rate will fluctuate in perch, but the price of the assets in capital markets will show the difference according to the market framework. The analysis aiming at market and policy can impossibly be built on the base of the hypothetical close system. If no ideal adjustment emerges in American foreign policy in the future, the financial market will possibly turn into another disordered circle.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to gain the nature and practice of international trade and its development through learning about some important trade negotiations, agreements and disputes. In this article, we will demonstrate and discuss some major issues in the Doha round negotiation, which are also controversial topics in international trade forum.  相似文献   

Adjustment of Global Imbalances and Its Impact on China's Economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I. Introduction Global imbalances have aroused increasingly greater attention worldwide. The global current account deficits are mainly concentrated in the USA and the US current account deficit is rapidly expanding, whereas the counterpart surpluses are more and more concentrated in the East Asian economies,1 especially China and other East Asian economies other than China and Japan (including the four newly industrialized economies, Indonesia, Malaysia,72 Jianhuai Shi / 71 – 85, Vol.…  相似文献   

Since 1979, China has recorded a remarkable trade performance, which has been driven by international processing and the offshoring strategies of foreign firms. The diversification of Chinese exports and their technological upgrading have been phenomenal However, there is also inertia, illustrated by the persistent dualism of the trade sector, the unrelenting specialization in downmarket products and the deteriorating terms of trade. These weaknesses have helped its partners to adjust to the rise of this new trade power. In the past decade, China's economy has faced the adverse effects o fan export-led growth and the global crisis has revealed its vulnerability. China is now forced to rebalance its economy. This will imply major changes in foreign trade, in favor of ordinary trade and away from processing. In the foreseeable future, China is unlikely to become the driver of international demand but will remain the engine of Asian economic integration.  相似文献   

The latest episode of the armed conflict between Northern and Southern Sudan erupted in 1983 and ended with the signing of the "Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA)" in 2005. The CPA allows for a referendum on independence for South Sudan in 2011. A similar scenario is possible for Darfur, where an armed conflict broke out in 2003 over demands for greater decentralization and development in the region. The peace agreement between the central government and the Eastern Sudan region continues to be fragile, and the risk of escalation of across the border spillovers of conflicts with Uganda and Chad persists. The U.S., EU, among other global players, is putting pressure on the Khartoum government to change its policies. Economic sanctions are among the tools used by the U.S. government while encouraging others follow suit. This paper investigates the response of the Sudanese economy to eliminating trade flows with the EU in the first phase and with East-Asian countries in the second. It discusses the changes in the macro-indicators, trade variables and welfare measures that would result. Moreover, it assesses the potential trade diversion and resource reallocation due to sanctions in each phase. To simulate these scenarios, detailed economic databases for Sudan, EU, East-Asian region, MENA, COMESA and the rest of the world are needed. For this purpose, GTAP Africa database and the standard GTAP model are employed. The 57 sectors of Africa database are aggregated to ten sectors including: grains and crops, livestock and meat products, mining and extraction, processed food, textiles and clothing, light manufacturing, heavy manufacturing, utilities and construction, transport and communication and other services. Moreover, the database regions are aggregated to six including Sudan, the EU, East Asia, MENA, COMESA and the Rest of the world. Results show that Sudanese trade reallocates to Asia in the first phase and to COMESA and MENA regions in the second. Sanctions exact a devastating toll on the Sudanese economy: GDP declines, trade shrinks and welfare deteriorates. The deterioration in the country's trade is mainly in the imports side, which justifies an improvement of the country's balance of trade, while welfare losses are derived by a deteriorated terms of trade and allocative efficiency.  相似文献   

Global Production Sharing and Sino-US Trade Relations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines Sino-US trade relations, focusing on the ongoing process of global production sharing, involving splitting of the production process into discrete activities that are then allocated across countries, and the resulting trade complementarities between the two countries in world manufacturing trade. The results suggest that the Sino--US trade imbalance is basically a structural phenomenon resulting from the pivotal role played by China as the final assembly centre in East Asia-centered global production networks.  相似文献   

Through the analysis of the accomplishment of trade fund allocation and industrial structure adjustment, we find there are big differences in the efficiency of using the trade fund of listed companies. It is very important to optimize the trade allocation of the fund. As to the efficiency of allocating the trade funds, the two indexes, trade competition and enterprises technology have the strong instructive meaning. And the trade assets with characters of resource monopoly and consumption particularity are used most effectively. While promoting the industrial structure adjustment of listed companies in the future, we should consider the competitive situation of the trade and the technological situations of enterprises in the companies' access and in the fund allocation sufficiently. This paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to solve the problems of the unreasonable allocation of trade fund in companies coming into market, the low effect of the use of the whole fund in listed companies, etc.  相似文献   

中国在东亚区域内的进口贸易分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从"三角贸易"到"新三角贸易",东亚地区贸易模式都未能摆脱对外部市场的高度依赖,特别是对美国市场的依赖。中国作为区域内经济贸易大国,随着经济改革的日益深入及增长方式的转变,其在东亚区域贸易分工模式转变中的地位及作用将不断增强。本文以中国在东亚区域内的重要贸易伙伴国为研究对象,从世界和东亚两个区域范围入手,以进口份额分布与进口增长率分解指标按进口来源地和按产品分类的分布分别进行静态和动态分析,在此基础上对中国市场在东亚区域内的地位及作用进行深入研究。  相似文献   

熊珍琴 《改革与战略》2011,27(4):176-178
文章认为,中美贸易逆差近年来大幅增长,在很大程度上是由于发达国家国内产业结构调整,将大量劳动密集型产业和资本技术密集型产业中的劳密型环节转移到中国,实际上等于是把东亚周边国家和地区以前对美、欧的顺差转变成中国对美、欧的顺差,将它们过去与美国的贸易摩擦转换成为中美贸易摩擦。为理顺中美经贸关系,应加快外贸发展方式的转变,坚持合作共赢的原则,大力推进走出去的战略和实施出口多元化战略。  相似文献   

When in November 2001, the leaders of the Southeast Asian and Northeast Asian states met for the “ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) plus three (China, Japan and Korea),” President Kim Dae‐Jung of South Korea proposed the exploration for an East Asian Free Trade Area (EAFTA) and thereby opened a new chapter of East Asian integration. The special Northeast Asian perspective on regional co‐operation became clear by the simultaneous decision to hold annual meetings of finance and trade ministers of China, Japan and Korea. At the same time, bilateral agreements, like a free trade area between Japan and Singapore, the tentative large free trade area between ASEAN and China and the work‐in‐progress on a Korean‐Japanese Free Trade Area, show the devotion and sometimes even obsession of current policy‐making with reaching regional trade agreements. Regional integration, it seems, is finally on the Northeast Asian agenda. In this paper, the preconditions and perspectives of economic integration in Northeast Asia will be explored. Since economic integration is in various ways linked to political factors, the second section discusses the geo‐political situation of Northeast Asia today. The third section deals with the economic perspectives of different forms of trade integration, followed by an analysis of various attempts for greater macro‐economic and financial co‐operation and a short conclusion.  相似文献   

在以零部件贸易快速发展为主要特征的东亚生产网络框架内,东亚生产者服务贸易也呈现出不可忽视的增长。中国链接东亚区域内外的特殊地位,使其必然在发展零部件产业的同时,在生产者服务业方面也开始出现"后发"的增长态势,而在东亚生产网络中则表现为中国承接生产者服务外包业务不断涌现。本文利用动态Shift-Share方法,以东亚区域经济体为参照组,从产业结构效应、竞争效应以及交叉效应等角度,研究中国承接生产者服务外包优势的结构性问题,即对中国生产者服务业的出口优势进行结构分解研究,具体分析在中国承接外包优势中是哪些结构性因素导致了这些优势的发展,研究结果表明,中国在进入2000年后尤其是加入世贸组织后,承接来自区域外的生产者服务外包增长速度趋于快速发展态势,但与东亚区域内的经济体相比,无论从整体还是从分行业的角度,当前中国生产者服务出口的主要问题仍表现为较快的发展速度和较低的竞争优势。  相似文献   

Since the 1997 Asian currency crisis, new interest has emerged in the formation of a common currency area in East Asia. This paper provides estimates of trade and welfare effects of East Asian currency unions, using a micro-founded gravity model. Counter-factual experiments to assess the effects of various hypothetical currency arrangements for East Asia suggest that an East Asian currency union will double bilateral trade in the region, but the resulting welfare effects will be moderate. However, if Japan, a major trade partner for East Asia, is included in the union, welfare effects increase substantially. The evidence thus suggests that certain regional currency arrangements in East Asia will stimulate regional trade rigorously and can generate economically significant welfare gains.  相似文献   

Using a global general equilibrium trade model, this paper assesses the long-term implications of global rebalancing for Asian economies and explores the benefits of China–Japan–United States (US) integration. The analysis suggests that consumption evaporation, a growth slowdown in the US, and the consequent current account correction would force China, Japan, and other East Asian economies to undergo substantial structural adjustments. A combination of domestic reform aimed at boosting service sector productivity and external liberalization aimed at fostering broader economic integration will be critical for East Asian economies to facilitate their economic rebalancing and sustained growth. Our global computable general equilibrium (CGE) analysis suggests that China and Japan need to strengthen their economic ties with the US while at the same time bringing other East Asian economies into this integration process.  相似文献   

本文从零部件贸易的角度分析了中国在东亚贸易结构中的地位。文中计算了中国和其他东亚经济体1992~2005年的零部件贸易额,在大量事实数据的基础上得出结论:中国在东亚地区以零部件进口为主,而与区域外市场之间以最终产品出口为主。同时,随着中国经济逐渐融入到东亚地区的生产网络中,东亚地区的"三角贸易"模式发生了转变:中国成为东亚地区的出口平台,进口来自于区域内较发达经济体的中间产品零部件,进行装配加工后将最终产品销往区域外市场。  相似文献   

Trade creation and the status of FTAs: empirical evidence from East Asia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
East Asia has been considered a latecomer with respect to Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). Since the turn of the last century, however, FTAs with East Asian participation have seen an intra- and extra-regional expansion. Many trade initiatives have been proposed, negotiated or even implemented. This introduces interesting perspectives for the analysis of trade agreements regarding their anticipatory trade effects. This paper focuses on the trade impact of FTAs at different stages that East Asian economies participate in. The central part of this study is an econometric analysis that applies panel data to the gravity model of international trade flows. We augment the traditional model with variables to estimate trade effects of bilateral and multilateral agreements and year-to-year changes in the stages of their implementation. Our results reveal that there exist anticipatory effects preceding the actual implementation of bilateral FTAs with East Asian participation. Further, anticipation effects are larger for bilateral than for multilateral agreements, possibly because the realisation of bilateral agreements is considered more realistic.  相似文献   

东亚地区对华直接投资的贸易效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东亚地区的外商直接投资,不仅在东亚地区形成了基于生产阶段分工的垂直型分工格局,也对亚洲地区的贸易流向和贸易结构产生了显著的影响。日本、韩国、台湾地区通过其对外直接投资一方面使这些国家或地区对美国、欧盟的贸易顺差减少;另一方面却使中国对美国和欧盟等的贸易顺差不断增加,由此产生了一种明显的贸易顺差转移效应。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the economic integration of the East and South Asian economies in the global economy. East Asian economies are shown to be achieving much more of their potential trade than South Asian economies, both in terms of intra‐regional trade and in trade with the rest of the world. Examination of the China–Japan, India–Pakistan and Taiwan–mainland China bilateral relationships shows that integration of these economies into the global economy has allowed economic relations to dominate and constrain difficult bilateral political relations in East Asia while in South Asia adverse political relations have hampered development of bilateral economic relationships.  相似文献   

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