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一、党的十八大理论体系与房地产发展实践 党的十八大总结了我党历史上的两次飞跃,第一次是毛泽东思想的形成,第二次是中国特色社会主义理论体系的形成。在这个理论体系中,包括了邓小平理论、“三个代表”和科学发展观,这些指导思想对中国和上海的房地产发展起到了决定性的作用。  相似文献   

2012年11月,中国共产党成功地召开了第十八次全国代表大会,这是一次高举旗帜、继往开来、团结奋进的大会。大会充分肯定了党的十六大以来所取得历史性成就,指出形成和贯彻科学发展观是这10年我们最重要、最宝贵的经验,号召全党全国人民在建设中国特色社会主义时,要有强烈的理论自信、道路自信和制度自信。十八大深刻阐述了中国特色社会主义体系的内涵及外延,提出了当代中国全面建成小康社会、全面深化改革开放两大战略任务。十八大还对推进五位一体的社会主义建设总布局和全面提高党的建设科学化水平进行了具有划时代意义的理论创新。  相似文献   

社会主义建设和改革开放事业的光辉指南□侯兴国江泽民同志在党的十五大报告中指出:马克思列宁主义同中国革命实际相结合有过两次历史性飞跃,产生了两大理论成果。第一次飞跃的理论成果是毛泽东思想,第二次飞跃的理论成果是邓小平理论,作为毛泽东思想继承和发展的邓小...  相似文献   

党的十六届四中全会第一次鲜明地提出和阐述了“构建社会主义和谐社会”的科学命题,众所周知,劳动关系是最基本的社会关系,由此,构建和谐的劳动关系在构建社会主义和谐社会的全局中占有极其重要的位置。深刻领会党中央两次重要会议先后提出的“构建和谐社会”与“进一步推动文化建设”的理论精髓,对新形势下继续推进建设有中国特色社会主义的进程有着非常深远的历史意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

常婧 《活力》2010,(2):130-132
马克思列宁主义军事理论产生于19世纪40年代,它指引着无产阶级的革命蓬勃发展,指引着中国成功的创建了社会主义制度,它的生命力在中国的不断发展,在中国创造性的产生了一系列的适合中国国情的军队建设思想。本文军队建设的最初创立者马克思恩格斯出发,系统的分析了马克思列宁主义军事理论及其在中国的两次飞跃——毛泽东的军队建设思想、中国特色社会主义体系下的军队建设思想。  相似文献   

从事中国数量经济学和中国技术经济学的研究工作者,要想推动这两门学科沿着正确方向发展并有所建树,就必须通过学习世界历史特别是世界近代史和学习中国历史特别是中国近代史,搞清楚社会主义是中国社会发展的历史选择。这样从社会主义之根底入手来建设学科,并依序在战略上“展扩宏图”、在理论上“抓住根本”、在方法上“西法中用”、在实践上“预测未来”并“规划未来”,从而使这两门学科“全天候”为社会主义建设事业服务,并达到”根深叶茂“.  相似文献   

邓小平的市场经济理论科学地把握社会主义的本质,第一次比较系统地初步回答了中国这样的经济文化比较落后的国家如何建设社会主义,如何巩固和发展社会主义的一系列基本问题。它是马克思主义基本原理与当代中国实际和时代特征相结合的产物,是毛泽东思想的继承和发展,是当代的马克思主义。纵观邓小平理论体系,其突出特点有两个方面:一是求真务实;二是加快发展。  相似文献   

18日,中国共产党第十七届中央委员会第六次全体会议胜利闭幕,此次全会从中国特色社会主义事业总体布局的高度,部署了深化文化体制改革、推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣,并提出了建设社会主义“文化强国”。中国传媒大学文化产业研究院研究员、原国家发改委文化产业研究中心主任齐勇锋在接受记者采访时指出,中央提出建设“文化强国”具有两重...  相似文献   

在二十年改革开放的伟大实践中,中国共产党和中国人民曾经面临过三次重大的历史关头.在每一次重大历史关头,中国共产党和中国人民都面临着极为严峻的形势和错综复杂的局面,我们面前都有不同的路可以选择.而在每一次关键时刻,中国共产党都坚持了解放思想,实事求是的思想路线,大胆地、冷静地、客观地分析了我们面临的复杂情况,从不固守已有的经验,善于汲取国内外社会主义建设的经验教训,敢于打破传统观念的束缚,敢于在理论上作出重大突玻,敢于在实践中进行新的探索,从而使有中国特色的社会主义事业在整个世界社会主义处于低潮时,仍然能够乘风破浪,不断前进.二十年的实践证明了:解放思想,实事求是是党永葆蓬勃生机的法宝;邓小平理论是我们改革开放事业成功的行动指南.  相似文献   

全面贯彻两个"毫不动摇",坚持和不断完善公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的基本经济制度,既是高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,坚定不移走中国特色社会主义伟大道路的经济基础巩固和完善面临的重大理论问题,又是重大实践问题。贯彻两个"毫不动摇"中出现的"两个异化"现象,歪曲了两个"毫不动摇"的中国特色社会主义本质,严重削弱了中国特色社会主义赖以存在的经济基础。因而,需要注意汲取国内外历史教训,充分认识和正确坚持两个"毫不动摇"的重要意义,警惕中国特色社会主义被异化为中国特色资本主义,避免重蹈苏联覆辙。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a simple procedure for obtaining monthly assessments of short-run perspectives for quarterly world GDP and trade. It combines high-frequency information from emerging and advanced countries so as to explain quarterly national accounts variables through bridge models. The union of all bridge equations leads to our world bridge model (WBM). The WBM approach of this paper is new for two reasons: its equations combine traditional short-run bridging with theoretical level-relationships, and it is the first time that forecasts of world GDP and trade have been computed for both advanced and emerging countries on the basis of a real-time database of approximately 7000 time series. Although the performances of the equations that are searched automatically should be taken as a lower bound, our results show that the forecasting ability of the WBM is superior to the benchmark. Finally, our results confirm that the use of revised data leads to models’ forecasting performances being overstated significantly.  相似文献   

我国世界遗产申报"次序性"问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自1985年我国签署《世界文化遗产保护宪章》至今我国的世界遗产保护、利用和发展都取得了长足的发展。2009年列入我国《世界遗产预备清单》的遗产项多达84项,而目前世界遗产委员会明确要求每个国家每年只能申报2项世界遗产,且其中之一为自然遗产,我国诸多的世界遗产在申报时面临次序性问题不断凸显。如何能尽快获取世界遗产身份,谁将有幸成为下一个世界遗产成为人们关注的焦点。本文首先梳理了我国世界遗产申报各个历史阶段的特征特点,探求了我国世界遗产成功申报的内在机制以及影响因素,综合认为世界遗产的申报已经由竞争国际化已经过渡为竞争国内化,获取年度国家世界遗产提名成为世界遗产身份确立的最关键步骤。对下一遗产的诞生进行了预测,以期对我国世界遗产的申报有所裨益。  相似文献   

In 2004, 75 million people are scheduled to become EU citizens, making this the largest round of expansion of the Western European club to date. Of the 10 new entrants, 8 are former socialist economies, for which membership in the EU represents the coronation of an effort began with the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989. Based on their recent economic performance, the Central and Eastern European countries appear to be well on their way to successfully integrate in the Western European club, while the Baltic Republics still lag behind. The gap between the two groups emerges when we consider the adjustment of the production structure, the composition of trade and FDI flows, and income distribution. The evidence we review appears to support the role of institutional quality to facilitate integration in the world market and overall economic performance.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The term 'Washington Consensus', as Williamson conceived it, was the lowest common denominator of the reforms that he judged 'Washington' could agree were required in Latin America. The term has evolved to denote a different set of policies from those initially conceived. This paper investigates the different versions and interpretations of this controversial term and assesses whether the term itself is suitable and viable or slowly becoming irrelevant and obsolete. Most importantly, the evolution of the term mirrors the evolution of economic thought on economic development for nearly the last two decades.  相似文献   

We use World Values Survey data from the Netherlands and Germany to compare the importance of within-nation region differences with nation differences in work goals. These two nations have historical relationships and internal differences that are especially useful for testing hypotheses about nation compared to within-nation region differences. We develop hypotheses about the implications of religious heritage and urbanization for work goals based on functional, institutional and critical event explanations for regional culture differences. A number of work goals (notably extrinsic goals like pay) show too little difference between either nations or within-nation regions to consider them. For those work goals that do show region differences, the largest differences, those for job security goals and goals for working with pleasant people, are associated with region differences between rather than within the two nations. Regional differences in some work goals are also related to religious heritage. Regional differences in work goals have implications for the kinds of HR programs that managers may wish to promote in different locations. For example, the results suggest that HR managers have reason to anticipate that policies promoting job security may receive especially positive responses in Germany, whereas programs promoting social relationships may be best received in the Netherlands. Similarly, organizations that operate in both the north and south of each country should be alert to a number of possible within-nation differences in local optimal HR policies, but the within-nation differences found here are small enough that they should be carefully checked in specific organizations.  相似文献   

Dilip Ratha   《Economic Systems》2005,29(4):408-421
This paper attempts to quantify the relevance of crisis lending in IBRD and IDA lending commitments. It finds that IBRD and IDA lending commitments are positively related to an increase in debt service payments and inversely related to the level of reserves of the borrowing country. These two variables explain a large part of the variation in IBRD and IDA lending commitments – adjustment lending as well as project lending – not only since the Asian crisis, but also during tranquil times over the last two decades. This finding implies that bridging the financing gap has been an important factor affecting developing countries’ decision to seek financial help from the Bank. While borrowing for servicing debt during a crisis is consistent with the World Bank's goal of poverty reduction and assisting countries without access to financial markets, such borrowing during tranquil times may conflict with these goals.  相似文献   

上海世博会是迄今为止中国举办的最大的一次盛会,集中体现了中国服务的新水准.世博会既是中国服务的见证,也是中国服务的一个新起点,推动着中国服务向更高水平发展.本文概括阐述了上海世博会公共服务的概念和主要类型;尝试构建了世博会公共服务流程和管理体系,从服务准备、服务实施和服务质量控制三方面分析了世博会公共服务的运营与传递;在此基础上,从六个方面说明世博会见证了中国服务的提升.  相似文献   

孙庆春 《价值工程》2013,(14):19-20
本文以上海世博会和韩国丽水世博会为研究背景,分析在重大旅游事件影响下珠三角地区旅游者的购买行为,通过设计调研问卷,对得到的数据运用SPSS19.0进行处理。从旅游动机、信息渠道、预计停留时间、评价标准以及购后评价方面分析了旅游购买行为过程,得出了结论与建议。  相似文献   

世博会“服务型管理”模式浅析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
论文在揭示世界博览会的公共服务性本质基础上,提出了世博会"服务型管理"模式的内涵和基 本特征,并针对"服务型管理"模式中的目标体系、管理手段等问题进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

Traditional clustering algorithms are deterministic in the sense that a given dataset always leads to the same output partition. This article modifies traditional clustering algorithms whereby data are associated with a probability model, and clustering is carried out on the stochastic model parameters rather than the data. This is done in a principled way using a Bayesian approach which allows the assignment of posterior probabilities to output partitions. In addition, the approach incorporates prior knowledge of the output partitions using Bayesian melding. The methodology is applied to two substantive problems: (i) a question of stylometry involving a simulated dataset and (ii) the assessment of potential champions of the 2010 FIFA World Cup.  相似文献   

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