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摘要:金融服务业集群的研究是现代金融服务业组织理论关注的重点之一。本文首先针对国际上关于金融服务业集群演进的相关概念进行文献综述;然后对金融服务业集群演进问题研究的理论脉络加以分类和整理,提出其集中研究的三大领域:集群形成的动因、集群的发展演进和集群演进的效应;最后对该领域近5年关于集群效应和金融危机对集群影响这两大研究领域进行评述,得出对金融服务业集群演进问题的启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

随着新时期的到来,金融企业在城市发展中的作用变得越来越重要,尤其是银行和保险等已经成为金融服务业的核心,其发展在一定程度上促进了城市发展和社会发展的进程.然而,在实际发展过程中常会因为区域、地区资源基础的不同而使区域不能得到更好的发展,在这种情况下就应该以城市金融竞争力为基础构建多层次金融中心体系,以便为城市发展和区域发展创造有利条件.本文主要以苏州金融竞争力为主,从城市竞争力概况、城市金融竞争力评价指标体系和多层次金融中心体系构建等方面出发,对基于城市金融竞争力评价我国多层次金融中心体系进行探讨  相似文献   

我国金融服务业国际竞争力的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曾凯 《海南金融》2009,(2):19-21
本文应用产业国际竞争力评价体系。对细分的我国金融服务业的国际竞争力现状进行分析,得出我国金融服务业的国际竞争力与发达国家相比劣势明显的结论.并在此基础上提出几点提升我国金融服务业国际竞争力的对策建议。  相似文献   

徐狄伟 《中国外资》2012,(12):39-40
随着新时期的到来,金融企业在城市发展中的作用变得越来越重要,尤其是银行和保险等已经成为金融服务业的核心,其发展在一定程度上促进了城市发展和社会发展的进程。然而,在实际发展过程中常会因为区域、地区资源基础的不同而使区域不能得到更好的发展,在这种情况下就应该以城市金融竞争力为基础构建多层次金融中心体系,以便为城市发展和区域发展创造有利条件。本文主要以苏州金融竞争力为主,从城市竞争力概况、城市金融竞争力评价指标体系和多层次金融中心体系构建等方面出发,对基于城市金融竞争力评价我国多层次金融中心体系进行探讨。  相似文献   

广深金融服务业集群特征、效应与策略研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
金融服务业集群作为新兴的经济现象,能够为区域经济发展提供持久的竞争动力.广州、深圳作为华南地区的中心城市,吸引了大批金融企业到此集聚,形成规模庞大的金融服务业集群.本文基于两地金融服务业集群的现状与特点,利用波特的集群理论,从竞争效应、成本效应等五方面来探讨两地金融服务业的集群效应,分析两地金融服务业在集群过程中各自的...  相似文献   

英国金融服务业产业集群发展对上海金融中心建设的启示   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
徐全勇 《上海金融》2004,7(12):42-44
本文分析英国金融服务业产业集群的发展现状,探讨了英国金融服务业产业集群集聚的动力机制,以及产业集群的形成与发展的因素。借鉴英国金融服务业产业集群的经验,对上海建设金融中心实施产业集群战略提出初步的构想。  相似文献   

本文通过分析影响河北省服务业发展的因素,选取2010年河北省服务业竞争力相关指标,运用因子分析对河北省服务业区域竞争力进行研究,综合评价河北省11个设区市服务业发展水平,并进一步运用聚类分析方法把这些地区分成五类来研究,结合各设区市的经济资源状况,分析了服务业区域竞争力存在的差异和特点,并为协调服务业区域布局,提高区域的分工协作效率从而整体上提高河北省服务业的发展水平提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

商业银行国际竞争力评级指标的选择与实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文使用数据包络分析和计量经济学方法对影响商业银行的效率指标进行分析,在非效率指标的评价中,引入商业银行的公司治理水平、金融全球化水平、金融创新能力和宏观经济环境等一些指标进行评价。然后使用层次分析法分析指标的权重,构建商业银行竞争力的评价体系。并通过对中外部分商业银行的竞争力进行实证分析,研究中国商业银行国际竞争力现状,并找出中国商业银行国际竞争力低下的内在根源。  相似文献   

当前产业集群快速发展,已成为增强区域乃至国际竞争力的有效途径,其金融需求也复杂化。本文通过对孝感市纸制品产业集群的调查,分析了金融在产业集群的发展中的作用和制约因素,提出了促进产业集群发展的建议。  相似文献   

金融体系国际竞争力分析和评价是金融统计分析中的一项重要研究课题。这一问题随着金融的日益国际化和金融在综合国力竞争中地位的不断提升而愈显重要。设计科学合理的评价方法是研究问题的核心。本文利用模糊数学将定性指标定量化 ,把定性评价与定量评价相结合 ,给出一种金融体系国际竞争力的模糊综合评判方法 ,具有较强的可操作性  相似文献   

证券公司效率评价:一种经过风险调整的方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鉴于现有的有关证券公司效率评价的研究没有考虑风险的状况,利用数据包络方法,以风险作为证券公司效率评价中的一种投入,以净资产与净资本之差作为风险的代理指标,基于2010年证券公司财务报告和净资本数据,对我国证券公司效率进行实证研究,并与不考虑风险条件下的效率评价结果进行比较。结果发现,上述方法具有可行性,是否考虑风险对于证券公司效率评价具有显著的影响。  相似文献   

In the context of recommending and implementing change in accounting education, the role played by the evaluation of accounting programs cannot be ignored. In fact, program evaluation and continuous improvement are also a critical accreditation requirement of the AACSB. While accounting curriculum reviews, standardized examinations, portfolio analysis, student surveys, alumni surveys, employer\recruiter surveys, and interviews, discussions and observations are important, they are not the only means of evaluating accounting programs. The objective of this paper is to propose and illustrate the factor-analytic approach as an addition to the existing arsenal of evaluation methods. This approach, which uses examination results, can add a new, objective and empirical dimension and make the evaluation more comprehensive. This paper explains the rationale for and presents the proposed factor-analytic approach to evaluating accounting programs. It also illustrates the application of the proposed approach via a Singapore case study. Finally, limitations of the proposed factor-analytic approach to evaluating accounting programs are discussed, with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

We compare upfront and staged financing to see when and how one financing policy prevails over the other. In our model, there are two moral hazard problems that interact with each other. First, the entrepreneur may pursue his own private benefit out of the raised fund in the initial period. Second, the entrepreneur may shirk on project evaluation at the refinancing stage if the project is stage-financed. When the entrepreneur's effort for project evaluation is verifiable, the project may be stage-financed even if the cost of evaluating effort exceeds the value of information (over-evaluation). When such effort is unverifiable, the project may be financed upfront even if the value of information exceeds the cost of evaluating effort (under-evaluation).  相似文献   

众所周知,音乐课是人文学科的一个重要领域。在以往的对学生音乐素质评价中,教师往往采用让学生唱一首课本上的歌曲来给学生评分,有的教师甚至凭自己的主观臆断和对学生的大体印象来给学生打分。带着这样的思考,本文在贯彻落实新《课标》理念教学运作中,在音乐素质检测的内容与形式方面进行了大胆尝试与探索,并取得了一些经验。第一,学生自选强项内容,让检测更具个性色彩;第二,举行班级音乐会表演,让学生检测更具生活情趣;第三,相互评价,让学生的检测更富有人性魅力;第四,音乐档案袋,让检测更具全程性;第五,星级评定制,让检测更富有激励性。  相似文献   

如何对商业银行财务状况做出科学全面的评价,日益成为监管者、投资人和管理者关注的焦点。通过总结以往商业银行财务评价研究中存在问题,有针对性地提出一套商业银行财务评价方法。首先按照"盈利性、安全性、流动性"的商业银行经营原则,构建起一套商业银行财务评价指标体系,然后以13家上市银行为样本,运用主成分分析法完成财务综合评价函数设计,最后选取深圳发展银行为典型,应用所设计财务评价方法对其进行财务分析,以验证该方法的科学性和适用性。  相似文献   

It has become standard practice in the fund performance evaluation literature to use the bootstrap approach to distinguish “skills” from “luck”, while its reliability has not been subject to rigorous statistical analysis. This paper reviews and critiques the bootstrap schemes used in the literature, and provides a simulation analysis of the validity and reliability of the bootstrap approach by applying it to evaluating the performance of hypothetical funds under various assumptions. We argue that this approach can be misleading, regardless of using alpha estimates or their t‐statistics. While alternative bootstrap schemes can result in improvements, they are not foolproof either. The case can be worse if the benchmark model is misspecified. It is therefore only with caution that we can use the bootstrap approach to evaluate the performance of funds and we offer some suggestions for improving it.  相似文献   

This study investigates the challenges associated with designing a system to evaluate the mature operating phase of long-term partnerships with the private sector for the provision of public services (PPPS), an area largely neglected by a performance audit (PA) focus. It argues that assessing economy, efficiency and effectiveness (the three Es) are key to any PA, but that their nature is contextually defined; that auditing for effectiveness involves going beyond a 'watchdog' to a 'sheepdog' role; and that internal evaluation procedures provide insights that are necessary, but not necessary and sufficient to evaluating the achievement of the three Es in the PPPS mature operating stage. Findings are based on an analysis of the literature and an engagement with an audit office. The paper elucidates the meaning of each of the three Es in the context of PA of the PPPS mature operating stage.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the continued evaluation of EDP-XPERT, and expert system for assisting Computer Audit Specialists (CASs) in evaluating the reliability of EDP controls in advanced computer environments. The current evaluation of the system involved four phases. First, Senior CASs used the system on two case studies. Second, it was then used by the Senior CASs to evaluate recently completed audits. Third, a sensitivity analysis of the system's output was conducted. Fourth, the knowledge base was reprogrammed into another expert system shell and the Senior CASs' responses on the two cases and the audits were re-run. The results indicated that EDP-XPERT performed well on the case studies but that performance declined on the audits. The sensitivity analysis showed that EDP-XPERT's conclusions were affected by moderate perturbations of the CASs' input judgments. Finally, reprogramming the knowledge base into a more flexible expert system shell substantially improved the performance of the system's judgements.  相似文献   

论文梳理了国内外科技企业孵化器绩效评价研究现状,通过分析现有指标体系及评价方法的优缺点,提出投入与产出、静态与动态相结合的新模型,构架出服务能力、孵育效率、营运效率和成长性四个方面组成的评价指标体系,并采用德尔菲法、层次分析法和变异系数法的新思路测算该指标体系的权重。另外对湖南科技企业孵化器进行了评价与分析。  相似文献   

本文在研究企业经营目标(Objective)、经营活动(Activities)、内部控制(Control)和信息系统(System)四要素基础上,提出了OACS审计模式的基本框架,认为该模式的功能目标是通过对四要素的内在质量和关系质量的考核评价,保障企业经营目标的实现;实现途径是建立考核评价指标体系以评价其内在质量,建立考核评价指标关系程序以评价其关系质量,建立信息技术系统以实现四要素内在质量和关系质量的评价;操作规程是确立OACS审计模式下的操作规范和管理模式。  相似文献   

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