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利用搪瓷制品使用的碳素冷轧薄板产生的边角料为原料生产硫酸亚铁、氧化铁红、氧化铁黄、氧化铁黑、和铁粉等化工产品。现将产品用途和金属消耗情况简介如下: 一、硫酸亚铁,俗称绿矾、皂矾、铁矾、黑矾(FeSO_4、7H_2O)含量96%。硫酸亚铁为绿色块状结晶,无臭有毒,溶于水,不溶于醇,被空气氧化呈黄色。硫酸亚铁用于净水剂,医药上脱臭消毒剂,木料保存剂;又是氧化铁华兰和黑兰墨水的主要原料;农业杀菌剂,下  相似文献   

比较了三氯化铁、硫酸铝和硫酸亚铁处理低温低浊水的效果,结果表明,三氯化铁除浊效果最好,硫酸铝次之,硫酸亚铁最差;在此基础上,通过投加活化硅酸作为助凝剂进一步进行实验,表明硫酸铝用活化硅酸作为助凝剂对于低温低浊水的处理具有相当好的效果,而三氯化铁对助凝剂反映不明显,因此,不适宜用其做助凝剂。  相似文献   

为拓展活性炭的资源化利用,以过50目的活性炭作为载体,硫酸亚铁为铁源,采用液相还原法制备活性炭-纳米铁复合材料。用XRD对其进行结构表征,并就其对模拟的含镍废水进行还原去除研究。实验结果表明:m(活性炭):m(硫酸亚铁)为1:2所制备的活性炭-纳米铁复合材料负载的粒子主要是α—Fe,具有较强的还原性,对含镍废水具有较好的去除作用,可在重金属废水处理中推广使用。  相似文献   

本文以硫酸铜废液为原料,研究了聚合硫酸铁的制备方法,考察了硫酸用量、氯酸钠用量和反应时间对聚合硫酸铁的盐基度的影响,并用响应面法优化工艺条件。试验表明,影响聚合硫酸铁的盐基度显著性大小的因素依次为:硫酸用量氯酸钠用量反应时间。当硫酸与硫酸亚铁的摩尔比为0.3,氯酸钠与硫酸亚铁的摩尔比为0.2,反应时间为2 h时,反应条件最佳。  相似文献   

姜有亮 《魅力中国》2010,(34):227-227
铁与硫酸反应后的硫酸亚铁放入一个我把它叫做磁筛或是磁荷对撞中,接通电源,待电瓶电量放完,取出磁介质硫酸亚铁进行测量,会得出一个新的发现。由高斯计显示是NSN极,与单把铁放进去实验做比较,用图来表示,以横轴表示磁介质Ur,以纵轴表示磁感应强度B。上下是磁极。  相似文献   

阐述了利用钕铁硼废料制取二氧化二钕、铁红、硫酸亚铁、十水芒硝的原理、条件、特点、工艺流程和主要设备。  相似文献   

在机械加工及制造行业生产过程中常产生大量的铁屑。利用这部分铁屑可生产许多化工原料或化学试剂,真正做到变废为宝,减少资源浪费。铁屑上一般含有油污.因此在使用前要除油,如将废铁屑加入到10%纯碱(碳酸钠)溶液中并加热即可除油。本文仅介绍利用废铁屑生产以下产品:1.硫酸亚铁硫酸亚铁俗称绿矾、铁矾,是一种蓝绿结晶或颗粒,分子式FeSO4·7H2O。硫酸亚铁不稳定,在空气中易被氧化成三价铁。当加热到64-90℃,失去6个结晶水.加热到300℃,失去全部结晶水。在农业上用作农药、肥料.工业上用来生产氧化铁等。其制法是:将除油…  相似文献   

棉籽饼的营养价值高,是比较常用的蛋白质饲料。但是含有有毒物质,所以饲喂畜禽时应进行脱毒处理和正确使用,以防畜禽发生中毒。1、棉籽饼的脱毒方法1)硫酸亚铁水溶液浸泡法将1.25kg工业用的硫酸亚铁,溶解于125kg水中,浸泡50kg粉碎的棉籽饼,中间搅拌几次,一昼夜即可饲用。去毒效果可达75%~95%。2)煮沸法将粉碎的棉籽饼,加适量的水煮沸,时常搅拌,保持沸腾半小时,冷却后即可饲用,去毒效果可达75%。  相似文献   

介绍了综合利用白银冶金及化工生产过程中产生的高含铁废渣开发新产品铁精砂、硫酸亚铁、固体聚合硫酸铁的生产工艺流程,用这一方法生产其产品,投资少,能耗低,无三废排放,附加值高,经济效益十分可观。  相似文献   

钢铁厂酸性废水处理工艺研究进展及扩散渗析处理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对钢铁厂酸性废水处理工艺的研究进展进行综合分析,结合该酸性废水的特点,提出采用扩散渗析法处理酸性废水。研究结果表明,使用扩散渗析法具有良好的分离性能,硫酸回收率大于90%,硫酸亚铁透过率小于4%,具备了工业应用的可能。  相似文献   

Fenton试剂法深度处理造纸废水的实验研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用Fenton试剂法对造纸废水生化出水进行处理研究,讨论了处理造纸废水的影响因素:pH值,H2O2的用量,Fe^2+的用量,反应时间等因素对CODCr去除率的影响,得到最佳的工艺条件为pH=4.00,H2O2(3%)的用量5.00mmol/L,FeSO4的用量为1.50mmol/L,反应时间40min后,CODCr去除率达到81.59%,出水COD降到100mg/L以下,达到国家造纸废水排放标准。  相似文献   

“4P”“4C”“4S”三位一体的结合与应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
傅光成 《华东经济管理》2004,18(4):153-154,163
本文根据市场营销的最新理论 ,论述企业是怎样认识 4P、 4C、 4S (简称 4PCS)的新理论 ,从市场营销的管理理论、行销策略及企业市场营销的核心理论 ,进行分析和应用 ,从而帮助企业结合自身的实际把理论应用到实践中。  相似文献   

在总结“第N方物流”主要观点的基础上,提出第四方物流的概念,阐述其内涵,强调第四方物流解决方案的整合功能、信息系统功能和监督指导功能,以实现物流系统低成本、高服务水平的目标。  相似文献   

融通仓是解决中小企业融资难、完善银行信贷结构、促进物流业快速发展的有效途径。因此,研究和完善融通仓的相关理论和业务模式具有非常重要的现实意义。文章在深入分析仅有第三方物流参与融通仓不足的基础上,提出第四方物流参与融通仓业务并详细分析其参与的可行性,最后给出两种有第四方物流参与的融通仓运作模式,以期能对融通仓业务的完善和发展提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate whether the increase in regulatory scrutiny epitomized by the initial PCAOB inspection impacted audit quality differentially for Big 4 and non–Big 4 auditors to better understand the consequences of PCAOB inspections for different audit firm types. Because of competing views on the effect of PCAOB inspections, the relation between PCAOB inspections and the audit quality differential between Big 4 and other auditors is an empirical issue. Empirically, we take the endogenous choice of auditor as a given and utilize a difference‐in‐differences specification that takes into account the staggered timing of the initial PCAOB inspection for different‐sized auditors in the United States. Our results suggest that the initial PCAOB inspection improved audit quality more for Big 4 auditors than for other annually inspected or triennially inspected non–Big 4 auditors. We also examine annually and triennially inspected non–Big 4 auditors separately, and find that the pre‐post Big 4/non–Big 4 differential audit quality effect is more pronounced for the triennially inspected non–Big 4 firms. In the larger context of the highly concentrated US audit market, our findings that PCAOB inspections accentuate the Big 4/non–Big 4 audit quality differential are of potential interest to public company audit clients contemplating an auditor change, investors interested in learning about the consequences of PCAOB inspections, regulators concerned about the Big 4 dominance of the US audit market, and academics investigating audit quality differences.  相似文献   

徐天方  闵杰 《科技和产业》2009,9(3):53-54,91
通过对李强博士在科技和产业期刊2008年第八卷第一期发表的"第四方物流的概念与内涵"一文中论述的"第N方物流"的观点;第四方物流的概念;第四方物流的内涵三个方面进行商榷,得出了第四方物流概念和内涵理解,进一步推动第四方物流在理论上的发展。  相似文献   

This study employs the VAR-MGARCH model to investigate the spillover across the sovereign bond markets between the US and ASEAN4 economies. The empirical results confirm the unidirectional spillover in bond return from the US to ASEAN4, while there is a bidirectional influence in volatility. Additionally, dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) analysis is employed to depict the changing correlation in volatility. The empirical results also show that the yields of ASEAN4 bonds increase with emerging market risks, and the exchange rate can act as a buffer to reduce spillover. Given that ASEAN4 governments have issued a large number of government bonds to finance their large fiscal spending during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the return and volatility spillovers from the US to ASEAN4 could be important factors to consider when the US unwinds its unconventional monetary policy and normalizes its interest rates in the medium to long term.  相似文献   

Structural adjustment policies have been adopted in the ASEAN-4 countries. The policy changes were intended to shift manufacturing from import substitution to export promotion. We assess how successful this was using the Asian International Input-Output Tables for 1975 and 1985. The success of structural adjustment is verified, as the number of export-led industrial sectors increased in each of the ASEAN-4 countries. The 1-0 tables are used to evaluate the similarity of industrial technologies and input structures of the ASEAN-4, Japan, and other Pacific Rim economies. While there are some similarities in industrial technologies with Japan, input structures are dissimilar. Interdependence increased between the ASEAN-4, Japan and the United States. Increases in US final demand had a larger impact on ASEAN-4 textile exports, however, than did increases in Japanese final demand.  相似文献   

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