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1.国内外专家对对话性的研究 对话性是本世纪初前苏联学派的语言学理论和文学批评理论中一个主要概念,巴赫金是对话思想的代表人物之一.巴赫金认为语言的本质在于交往,而有交往必然就有对话,对话性主要强调语言的交际功能,因此他说:在对话性的语篇中存在两个或更多相互作用的声音.单一的声音,什么也结束不了,什么也解决不了,两个声音才是生命的最低条件"(1996).巴赫金把对话性视为一切话语与语篇的基本特征(Tejera,1995).Volosinov也坚持认为任何话语和语篇都具有对话性.  相似文献   

邵乐 《活力》2010,(14):149-149,151
阅读理解是作者与读者沟通交际的过程。是一种创造性的思维劳动,是读者从语篇中获取信息的过程。著名语言学家Christine Nuttall认为,作者将自己头脑中的信息编码(encoding),形成语篇(text),读者再把语篇解码,获取信息。作者要把他头脑里的信息(一个主意,一个事实或一种情感)传达出去,让别人理解,他首先必须把信息形诸于文字,即编码,作者亦被称为编码者。  相似文献   

姜垌羽 《活力》2014,(11):51-51
一、研究对象 本文的研究对象是汉民族言语交际过程中形成的一种特定语篇类型-新闻评论类语篇。新闻评论语篇是指现代各种新闻舆论工具所普遍运用的一种表达意见的形式,大量出现在报刊、广播、电视和网络这四大媒体中。在本文里,新闻评论语篇是在结构形式与外在功能上具有共享特征,并因此而与其他语篇相区别的一系列语篇的集合。“语篇”是语言学研究中经常用到的术语,但在不同学者的著述中,含义却不尽相同。有的人将语篇定义为作者与读者之间完整的、有目的的互动,作者在语篇生成的过程中占主动地位;有的学者认为,语篇只指书面语一言,不包括口头语言;有的学者认为语篇是在实际运用中产生的,与语境有一致性,不限于书面与口头;有的学者认为语篇是使用中的语言单位,它不限长短,但表意必须完整。本文中的语篇被定义为一次有效的言语交际过程中产生的话语成品,它在实际的交际场景中形成,是针对一定主题或者目标的谈论方式,包括文字、口语这两种表述方式。语篇在形式上、意义上和功能上都有规定性。  相似文献   

刘越 《价值工程》2014,(11):308-309
莫言于2012年成为中国籍第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的作家。本文依据韩礼德的系统功能语法理论对莫言获得文学奖后的获奖演说进行语篇分析。从概念功能、人际功能与语篇功能三个元功能理论出发,具体分析了演说的及物系统、语态与主位结构,从而唤起读者对莫言获奖演说的语言艺术欣赏。  相似文献   

郭佳 《现代企业》2012,(11):35+38
系统功能语言学在我国越来越受到外语教学界的关注,该理论提出的语言的三大功能——概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能是其核心所在。近年来,语篇在翻译中的重要性愈来愈得到重视,与传统的字词层面的翻译相比,语篇层面上的翻译在承载作者美学意图、保持原文与译文意义和形式上的一致等方面显得更胜一筹。主位推进模式是语篇生成的重要形式手段,体现了语篇的谋篇意义,反映了语篇对概念意义和人际意义的组织方式。  相似文献   

本文先将语篇理论与语篇分析的概念引入,再对两者的理论研究作出介绍,之后将语篇理论与语篇分析融入英语视听说教学中作深入探讨,从而说明在英语视听说教学中巧妙运用"语篇"的必要性。  相似文献   

李太珠 《价值工程》2011,30(28):197-198
运用系统功能语言学理论来分析商务英语听说语篇可以更好地揭示这一特定语域的语言特点,这对商务英语从业人员进行商务交际和沟通具有重要的参考应用价值。对公司"销售情况回顾和绩效报告(SRAPR)"类语篇进行的统计与分析证明,将系统功能语言学三大纯理功能理论应用于商务英语听说语篇分析是可行的、有价值的,而且,商务英语听说语篇的语篇、语言特点与语境、交际目的与意图等外部因素有着必然的对应关系。  相似文献   

<正> 去年10月29日,经济日报刊登了原一汽集团总经理、董事长耿昭杰与经济日报资深记者程远的对话:“没有品牌,造多少车都是别人的辉煌”。这篇对话围绕汽车工业的引进与开发展开,讨论了“要不要提倡自主开发?要不要搞民族品牌?”等问题。对话中,耿昭杰在  相似文献   

李会琴 《价值工程》2011,30(1):251-252
影响我国学生英语写作水平的一个主要原因是学生不能得体正确地运用语篇衔接手段,这主要源于英汉在语篇衔接手段方面的差异.本文探讨了英语写作中常用的语篇衔接手段,并提出了运用语篇分析法培养学生有效运用语篇衔接手段的能力,从而提高学生的写作水平.  相似文献   

赵丽 《活力》2005,(6):342-343
语篇不是一连串句子或语段的无序组合,而是一个结构严密、功能明确的语义统一体。语篇无论以何种形式出现,都必须合乎语法,语义连贯。语篇分析的界限不应小于单句。语篇特征体现在很多方面,显性衔接、隐性连贯是语篇分析的重要内容。语篇中的各个成分不是彼此无关的,而是连贯的,试看一个例子:  相似文献   

In 1903 the well-known Dutch astronomer Kapteyn published a paper in which he discussed statistical methods which he thought would be relevant for biologists. His motivation was the 1895 paper of Pearson on skew frequency curves. Kapteyn had concluded that the theory was open to grave objections and was not adapted to nonmathematical readers. He was then led to an independent investigation of the subject. This publication would lead to a heated dialogue between Kapteyn and Pearson, in which they accused each other of inappropriate starting points, of plagiarism and of making serious mathematical mistakes. This article evaluates these claims. In addition, Kapteyn's struggle to make his work accessible to biologists is discussed.  相似文献   

The extension of management discourse to public-sector entities in Italy comes up against a particularly interesting case in museums and art organisations. Here more than anywhere else, perhaps, the rhetoric of managerialisation faces serious problems in understanding the nature of such anomalous organisations, and defining frameworks for representing their performances. In such a context management knowledge often leads to radical conflicts with well established professional discourses (museology, museography, history of art, etc.). Rather than a simplistic, pre-defined and ready-to-use exercise in “performance valuation”, the article suggests a more modest approach, processual in nature, whereby performance representation is open to dialogue with the basic features of the substantive culture of the professionals and the central role they still occupy in the management of these kinds of organisation.  相似文献   

贺佃斌 《价值工程》2010,29(1):88-89
功能语言学中的主位推进模式是语篇生成的重要形式手段,近年来,语篇在翻译中的重要性愈来愈得到重视。现把主位推进模式作为重要的参考依据,分析了朱自清名篇《匆匆》的三个英译本,可以看到,在译者组织译语语篇时,如果把握住主位述位之间的联系变化,则有利于更全面地再现原文的谋篇意义和交际意义。当译文与源语之间存在结构以及表达习惯等的差异和冲突时,应该做出适当转换和调整,既使译文符合译语的句法习惯,又使重建的主位推进模式能够再现原文语篇风格。  相似文献   

Even with a myriad of definitions of leadership, we still know little about the discourse of leadership in which those of us without formal leadership education and development are embedded. Through a discourse analysis of interviews with a broad cross‐section of 12 “followers,” the current study begins exploring the idea of a societal discourse of leadership and how that discourse complements and conflicts with the academic and workplace discourses. Analysis shows that although individuals define leadership in a similar fashion to the academic discourse, they identify heroic figures as leaders, and they neither look for, nor feel they need, leadership in their own lives.  相似文献   

Leadership branding has been proposed as a new approach for transforming the impact of leaders in organizations by developing a shared leadership identity. There has, however, been little empirical evidence to support the concept. In this paper, we combine new theories of leadership identity construction with dialogue theory to provide a more adequate explanation of why leadership branding might offer multinational enterprises (MNEs) with a useful conceptual framework and a set of practices to help resolve the integration-responsiveness problems they face. We do this by using data from a longitudinal case study of a UK-based MNE. Our findings support the claims that successful identity construction and dialogue help explain the process of leadership branding. They also show that a leadership-structure schema emphasizing shared values and dialogue can assist in resolving integration-responsiveness problems in MNEs, although strong corporate leadership brands are difficult to establish and may not be beneficial in the long term.  相似文献   

周路 《价值工程》2012,31(23):198-199
由于条型码技术在图书馆管理过程中存在缺陷,目前越来越多的图书馆采用了RFID技术。RFID技术的使用提高了图书馆的管理效率,使馆员向读者提供更多有价值的附加服务,也使读者可以及时、准确的获得自己所需要的资源,最终提高图书馆管理水平和服务质量。但是RFID技术在图书馆管理中的应用也存在一些问题,如有关个人隐私和安全问题,标准化和费用问题。  相似文献   

Land policy and land‐use planning policy are two types of public policy pertaining to space. In general, land‐use planning policy deals with land‐use allocation and property rights, whereas land policy defines the land regime of a society. These differences have shaped a unique discourse for each of these policy types. The purpose of this article is to examine the differences and similarities between the land discourse and the planning discourse by analyzing two public campaigns conducted in Israel against two proposed reforms: the 2009 reform of the Israel Land Administration and the 2010–12 reform of the Planning and Building Law. The findings reveal substantive differences between the two campaigns, manifested in the nature of the leading players, the types of public activities they chose, and most notably in the discourses and the hierarchy of considerations they addressed. The findings raise profound questions regarding universal trends in spatial policy reforms; their influence on the activities of public coalitions and the discourses they adopted; possible future effects of these trends on the differences between the land discourse and the planning discourse; and the impact of these trends on the ability of groups and individuals elsewhere to influence spatial policies (such as planning and land policies).  相似文献   

Battle in the Boardroom: A Discursive Perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines the centrality of discourse in achieving managerially relevant outcomes, with a focus on the in-situ performance context of corporate storytellers. The Ricœurian concept of speech act, capturing both the intentionality of organizational discourse and the social context of its production and reception, implicitly guided our research effort. The article has at its core a story of how senior organizational officers exploited the volatile circumstances of a public takeover in Singapore. By looking at the social construction of narratives in their many fragments we come to see how a key protagonist carves out a powerful position. The efficacy of his performances can be seen to be dependent upon the effective use of poetic tropes and the receptiveness of listeners to particular Chinese archetypal relationship-driven themes. In crafting our story we use multiple texts which were produced in and around two case organizations. As such we offer a carefully constructed collage, a mixture of production and reproduction, sticking closely to forms of communication that key organizational actors used to plan, enact and interpret their actions and those of others. Whilst our story offers insights to readers with an interest in organizational discourse, corporate governance and Asian management practices, we refrain from imposing an authoritarian interpretation that insists on identifying with the intentions of the authors.  相似文献   

abstract This study drew from a structurational view of discourse and employed a discourse analysis approach based on rhetoric and hermeneutics to analyse the organizational discourses operating in the UK operations of a global human resources consulting firm, People Associates. The aims were firstly to understand in what sense we can speak of ‘modes of discourse’ in organizational settings; secondly to explore the potential existence and nature of interrelations among different modes of discourse; and thirdly to explore the constructive potential of modes of discourse on their social and organizational contexts. The results suggest that modes of discourse can usefully be seen as rhetorical enthymemes constituted of relatively stable, normative structures and flexible, action‐oriented structures; that modes of discourse can interrelate through their deeper structural features, and can have mutually co‐optive or antagonistic relationships; and lastly that the constructive potential of discourse is based primarily on its deeper structures, and on the consonance of surface communicative actions with these structures. This research thus sheds light on fundamental definitional and substantive issues in organizational discourse; in particular offering a novel conceptualization of the nature of discourse, a further understanding of discursive interrelations, and finally one way to understand its constructive effects on social organizations.  相似文献   

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