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韩国德国产业政策比较及对我国的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
韩国和德国经济的全面发展,在很大的程度上依赖于其有效的产业政策。进入20世纪90年代末期,德国企业继续保持着蓬蓬勃勃的向上势头,韩国经济却面临东南亚的金融危机中,出现了动荡不安的局面,这也是由于他们采取的产业政策不同所致。金融危机以后,韩国开始审视并重新制定完善其产业政策。至今经济得到较快地恢复和发展。中国应从中得到深刻的启示。  相似文献   

进入21世纪,随着中韩关系的发展,哈尔滨市与韩国的经贸合作关系更l加紧密。在金融危机席卷全球的背景下,哈尔滨市将对韩科技合作作为拉动经济的重要方式,以科技合作形成推动全市现代化工业发展的强大动力,能够使哈尔滨市经济在后金融危机时代恢复快速发展态势。  相似文献   

韩国在不到三十年的时间内,取得了飞速的发展,取得了不小的成就,而随着两次金融危机的出现,给韩国外向型经济的发展模式提出了警示。韩国面对危机过后的困境,应该如何调整经济发展战略,最后保持国民经济的不断增长。本文从韩国经济的特点出发,对危机后韩国经济面临的困境,以及最后的解决措施进行了详细的阐述。  相似文献   

在金融危机前,香港是一个以服务业为主的较单一的经济体系。服务业和服务贸易推动了香港经济的发展,香港成为全球重要的服务中心。但是过度强调发展服务业造成了香港产业的空洞化,使其经济极易受到外部的冲击和影响。香港在金融危机后陷入了持久的经济衰退和通货紧缩。现在香港正处于经济转型期,通过加大和内地的合作,调整了经济发展政策,香港经济正逐渐走出困境。  相似文献   

1997年的亚洲金融危机,使韩国经济遭受重创,此后韩国进行了一系列的金融改革,在短短的5年时间内,韩国经济成功恢复并得到迅猛发展,可以说韩国的金融改革对韩国经济复苏起到了至关重要的作用。本文将对韩国的金融改革措施和效应进行研究,并在此基础上总结其对我国的启示。  相似文献   

1997年韩国金融危机的爆发给韩国经济带来了前所未有的巨大冲击,严重影响了韩国经济的发展。对历史经常的反思是尤为重要的,本文试着从金融监管的角度分析韩国金融危机爆发的深层原因,希望能在当前金融市场不景气的情况下给人们提供一个思考的空间。  相似文献   

97年金融危机之前,韩国的“政府主导、大企业集团为主体”的发展模式,创造了韩国经济高速地持续地增长,这在一定程度上是对政府与大企业集团关系的某种肯定。一时间,韩国的这种模式仿佛是十分有效的经济发展模式。然而,随着97年东亚金融危机的爆发,韩国的这种政企关系也暴露出了其弊端,大企业的倒闭、政府官员收受贿赂、官商勾结等成为了韩国经济的代名词。政府与大企业集团的关系一下子从天上掉到了地下,成为了人们批评的对象。本文认为,对韩国政府与大企业集团关系进行评价,既不能全盘地肯定也不能全盘地否定。这种政企关系在一定时期对韩国经济的发展产生了正面的积极的作用,只不过是在经济发展过程中,由于一些内在的机制问题或是人为的原因造成了其关系中存在着某些缺陷,如果能够发现这种缺陷并对其进行改变,以这种政企关系为核心的韩国发展模式还是能够促进经济发展的。本文将围绕这些问题对韩国政府与大企业集团关系进行分析,试图找出其成功的经验与失败的教训,以此来对韩国和与韩国经济发展模式相近的后发国家提出几点建议。  相似文献   

金球金融危机对韩国的影响,主要是对韩国经济和金融市场的影响,具体表现在韩国股市、汇市下跌速度明显加快.韩国经济战缓等方面.虽然韩国政府采取了诸如干预汇市,支持股市,援助银行业,刺激经济计划、央行减息等一些列救援措施,但从总体上看,如果2009年上半年全球金融危机没有得到显著缓解,韩国经济将继续面对国内需求严重萎缩以及出口急速下降的双重打击.韩元的疲软走势将持续,可能导致其国内经济大幅下滑.  相似文献   

廉勇  李宝山  金永真 《商业研究》2005,(24):113-116
受1997年亚洲金融危机的影响,韩国经济遭受巨大损失。韩国政府为化解金融危机所暴露出的经济问题,采取了许多积极应对措施,取得了很好的效果。金融改革的成功极大地促进了韩国经济的恢复进程。为了解韩国的金融改革以YOULI银行为案例从侧面研究韩国金融改革过程及效果,并对中韩金融合作的途径进行探讨。  相似文献   

在严重的金融危机和经济衰退冲击下,韩国致力于银行、大企业重组和经济结构调整,并实行扩大内需和扶植中小企业的新政策。但是,由于亚洲金融危机使其长期积累的财富萎缩,企业效率低下,失业率上升。因此,韩国经济在年内难以摆脱窘境,但从中期看,可望渐趋翻升。 高强度调整金融机制 在IMF的严格监督下,那些负债过多并失去经营能力的银行和综合性金融机构被关闭或者被兼并。  相似文献   

In this article the major elements of the 30 year old Asian development model are examined in the light of the financial crisis in the region. The notion of a common model is examined and found to be overstated. The monetary crisis in Asia has affected countries to different degrees, with Indonesia and Korea being particularly weakened. Korea has two major economic problems which can be traced to economic policies established in the 1960s. First, the industrial organization of the economy under a few industrial conglomerates, which has outlived its usefulness and is now a major source of the troubles in the economy. The conglomerates have been responsible for an investment policy where risk has been pushed to recklessness and the rate of return on capital employed is meagre. Second, banking policy, which is best characterized as a severe form of ‘moral hazard’. Both of these policies, while having played major parts in past economic successes, are now the main cause of a weakened economy in a globalized world.  相似文献   

1997年亚洲金融危机时,我国采取了以公路基建建设为主拉动内需的策略,成功闯过险滩。2008年全球金融危机,铁路投资成为我国拉动内需、应对风险的重要战略。如今在后金融危机时代,铁路投资能否依旧成为拉动中国经济的新引擎,铁路建设对国民经济的拉动到底有多大成为了关键问题。通过分析铁路建设所带来的铁路投资乘数效应,探讨其对GDP的拉动能力。  相似文献   

两次金融危机下我国能源国际贸易的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当1998年亚洲金融危机已经逐渐脱离人们关注之时,时隔10年,2007年美国次贷危机爆发,以迅雷不及掩耳之势蔓延到全球。2008年,此次金融危机在世界范围内愈演愈烈,波及数个领域。能源产业也未能逃过此劫。我国是一个能源消费大国,随着我国经济的快速发展,对石油、煤和天然气的需求也逐渐增加,同时能源的对外依存度也不断提高。当前金融危机对能源企业,尤其是石油行业的影响巨大,对其产量、价格和进出口贸易等都产生了深刻影响。石油作为国家的一种非常重要的战略储备,关系国计民生。因此,当前经济背景下,我国石油产业如何在"危"中寻找"机",积极开展新一轮的能源国际贸易,对于推进石油产业和整个能源产业的发展具有重要意义。本文通过将当前经济形势对我国能源的国际贸易带来的影响与10年前亚洲金融危机的背景进行对比,揭示本轮金融危机下我国能源国际贸易面临的挑战与机遇。  相似文献   

This paper provides a novel analysis of the South Korean financial crisis drawing on the findings of a unique survey of IMF/World Bank and South Korean experts. The survey reveals that over‐optimism and inadequate recognition of financial risks inadvertently led to excessive risk‐taking by Korean financial intermediaries. It also indicates that the sources of over‐optimistic assessments of East Asian economies were mainly to be found outside East Asia and included the Bretton Woods Institutions themselves, Western media and analysts. In Korea, weaknesses in risk management were the result of (i) lack of expertise in relation to handling the risks associated with capital flows, and (ii) disincentives to manage risks emanating from a relatively successful history of government‐provided safety nets for both industry and banking. Financial liberalisation widened risk‐taking opportunities, by allowing Korean financial institutions to both borrow from and lend to institutions outside Korea. It also created additional disincentives for managing risk by intensifying competition and eroding bank franchise values. Weaknesses in prudential regulation allowed bank portfolios to become riskier, especially in terms of increased liquidity risk as a result of maturity mismatches between dollar‐denominated assets and liabilities. The liquidity crisis, which followed the re‐assessment of the South Korean economy by international lenders in late 1997, triggered a full‐blown financial crisis because of the absence of an effective international lender of last resort.  相似文献   

This paper summarises China’s financial liberalisation experience and examines the contributions of financial resources on economic growth during the post‐reform period. Financial liberalisation has resulted in the reallocation of the four sources of total investment in fixed assets: state budget appropriation, national bank loans, self‐raised funds, and foreign investment. We find that the growth of GDP and industrial production are positively related to the growth of self‐raised funds and foreign investment. We conclude that the use of foreign investment and funds raised by the enterprises themselves are more efficient than the government’s appropriation and provision of bank loans.  相似文献   

Greece has suffered the worst from the late 2000s global financial crisis. Despite the completion of the economic adjustment program the rate of recovery in Greece is still weak. The liquidity constraints in the Greek economy imply that the investment shock, which will accelerate its recovery rate, will be an outcome of investment inflows by privatizations and/or other opportunities arising to foreign investors (inward FDI) due to the devaluation of the assets in Greece caused by the crisis. However, the level of attracted by the Greek economy has always been well below the European Union average. This paper investigates the factors favoring inward FDI in Greece after the crisis. A survey is made by the use of a questionnaire for the collection of primary data on the activity of multinationals in Greece and non-parametric methods are used for investigating the attractiveness of the Greek market and the decision to invest.  相似文献   

金融危机下中国对外贸易发展战略思考   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
国际金融危机对全球经济格局的影响是广泛而深刻的。究竟如何判断危机后全球经济格局的变动趋势?尤其是它对外贸依存度高达70%的我国外贸来说将会带来怎样的影响?本文针对当前中国外贸出口锐减、企业倒闭、失业率大增、贸易壁垒高企等方面进行了分析,并从外贸发展方式的转变、吸引外商投资解决就业问题、增强外贸企业自主创新能力等多方面提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

This study investigates the rising role of China's domestic market expansion from 1995 to 2011 in the world economy's growth. China maintained high domestic expenditure growth during the entire period, with even bigger increases in the last years, when the global financial crisis and subsequent economic recovery occurred. The expenditures facilitated rapid growth through high demand for durable goods, which are produced across widely fragmented Asian channels. At the same time, China integrated further into the global economy and imported intermediate goods increasingly became embedded in goods for domestic sale. These two forces combined to magnify the impact of China's market expansion on foreign economies but disproportionately more on its neighbouring countries and sectors related to durable goods production. Specifically, our estimates suggest that the expenditure growth in China over the 2009–11 period added about 1 percentage point to the annual GDP growth rate in Taiwan, Malaysia and Korea, while the NAFTA and EU member countries typically benefited by less than 0.1 percentage point.  相似文献   

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