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重庆川东南地质大队提交的忠县移民新城大道窑高坡滑坡初步勘察报告,最近通过了忠县交通委员会组织的专家评审。报告提出的新城大道宜优先选用路基工程与地质灾害治理相结合的方案建议得到专家肯定;忠县县委、县政府、县人大、县政协四大班子表示符合实际,对新县城拓展区的土地利用,拉动县域经济具有现实意义。  相似文献   

张娓娟 《审计月刊》2023,(12):49-51
<正>房屋建筑工程勘察设计是保证工程质量的重要环节。工程勘察成果为地基基础设计和工程施工提供依据,也是影响工程造价重要因素之一,因此在工程审计中工程勘察设计也是审计重点。但在审计工作中,工程审计人员往往因工程勘察设计专业性太强,规范要求众多,收费标准复杂,项目投资占比却很低等原因,放弃对勘察设计深层次问题的审计。同时,审计也发现勘察单位不重视勘察报告质量,设计单位忽视勘察成果运用等问题长期存在,有的项目甚至出现虚假勘察报告虚增工程费用的问题。文章意在通过审计案例分析,促进相关单位加强管理,提高勘察设计过程的严谨性和成果运用的有效性。  相似文献   

岩土工程勘察应正确反映场地工程地质条件,查明不良地质作用和地质灾害,并通过对原始资料的整理、检查和分析,提出资料完整、评价正确、建议合理的勘察报告。文章主要针对岩土工程勘察报告中常见的一些问题,如关于场地环境类型的分类问题,关于场地类别确定问题,关于静压预制桩单桩承载力的确定,关于地下水的问题,关于高层建筑极软岩嵌岩桩的勘探深度等问题提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

张宏 《民营科技》2009,(6):234-234
从岩土工程勘察报告的编制程序、报告论述的主要内容以及报告的图表编制要点等方面介绍如何进行岩土工程勘察报告的编写。  相似文献   

岩土工程勘察报告是建筑地基基础设计和施工的重要依据。在保证外业和实验资料准确可靠的基础上,文字报告应按合理的程序编制。报告要充分搜集利用相关的工程地质资料,做到内容齐全,论据充足,正确评价建筑场地条件、地基岩土条件和特殊问题,为工程设计和施工提供合理适用的建议。  相似文献   

岩土工程勘察是工程建设的基础,勘察成果报告是工程项目设计、施工等的重要依据,切实保证工程勘察质量,是提高建筑工程质量水平的重要保障。为加强建设工程勘察质量管理,遏制勘察外业作假行为,保证工程勘察成果真实、可靠,辽宁省住房和城乡建设厅自2014年4月1日开始施行《辽宁省建设工程勘察外业见证管理暂行办法》。  相似文献   

王胜利 《数据》2002,(5):26-28
第四步:提交检查/调查终结报告 统计检查/调查和取证工作结束后,检查组应及时向统计执法检查机构提交检查/调查终结报告.  相似文献   

廖辉 《企业技术开发》2011,30(3):142-142,145
岩土工程勘察报告是基础设计的重要依据,正确使用经过审查合格的勘察报告,并在施工验槽中验证地基持力层是否与勘察报告相符,使基础设计经济合理安全可靠。  相似文献   

本文作为淮南市港航管理局向上级提交的立法后评估报告,结合评估样本和评估相关数据,受到安徽省交通厅的高度赞扬,省交通厅将淮南市做为<条例>立法后评估的重点调研单位.该评估报告对我们今后进行立法评估具有一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

勘察工程实行项目管理,就是要使勘察项目成为勘察队实行计划管理、经济核算、组织施工和考核勘察成果的基本对象,使项目管理成为整个勘察工作管理体制中的主导和核心。文章对坦桑尼亚输气管道工程勘察设计项目管理进行探讨,为今后的相关工作提供经验。  相似文献   

How companies respond to impending regulations is a significant aspect of corporate strategy. Regulations, especially environmental regulations, are expanding quickly and increasingly important to firm success. The threat of impending environmental regulation forces companies to choose levels of strategic responses on a continuum from passive to active. Using practitioner oriented research and existing theoretical models of corporate response, this study finds that the type of strategic response is negatively related to size, positively related to state uncertainty and negatively related to effect/response uncertainty. Based on existing literature and the results of this study, the paper suggests that simplifying the uncertainty construct could lead to more definitive findings in future research. The study results also suggest that a curvilinear relationship may exist between managerial perception of influence and level of strategic response. Most importantly, the findings could have a significant impact on firm decision making regarding environmental investments. For example, it is hoped that firms will be able to use the findings of this study to further understand and anticipate their competitors' decisions. Practitioners may also benefit from the conclusions on uncertainty in that they may be able to more cleanly parse the types of uncertainty immersed in impending environmental regulations. Finally, firms may be better able to understand decisions by their own managers and their competitors' managers in terms of their perceived influence over the regulatory process. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

Resource‐intensive business plays a fundamental role in causing climate change through the emission of large amounts of GHGs (greenhouse gases), and, in turn, climate‐induced physical changes affect companies. The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) reports an increase in the frequency and severity of extreme weather and climate events (IPCC, 2012). Droughts represent a major challenge for energy and water businesses, in terms of both exacerbation of dry climates and increase in the number of territories that experience water shortage. On the basis of an analysis of the energy and utility companies operating in different continents, the objective of this empirical research is twofold: on the one hand, it examines how these companies perceive the changes in water availability induced by climate change (as well as the potential impacts on business); on the other hand, it analyses the corresponding measures that these companies adopt to cope with changes in hydrology and water resources driven by climate change. Data from the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) provide valuable information about business climate‐related responses of several of the world's largest firms. Our results show that, in the energy and water sectors, some adaptive measures are starting to be implemented to deal not only with the risks but also with the opportunities related to climate‐induced physical changes, thus leading to interesting innovation. The paper concludes that anticipated positive effects could drive energy and utility companies towards a proactive stance to achieve a competitive advantage and trigger innovative trajectories. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

Statistical theory aims to provide a foundation for studying the collection and interpretation of data, a foundation that does not depend on the particular details of the substantive field in which the data are being considered. This gives a systematic way to approach new problems, and a common language for summarising results; ideally, the foundations and common language ensure that statistical aspects of one study, or of several studies on closely related phenomena, can be broadly accessible. We discuss some principles of statistical inference, to outline how these are, or could be, used to inform the interpretation of results, and to provide a greater degree of coherence for the foundations of statistics.  相似文献   


Performance management systems are used to increase employees’ performance with the ultimate aim of increasing organizational performance. Organizations rely on line managers to implement performance management systems and to engage in a continuous process of goal-setting, feedback, coaching and performance appraisal with their employees. Drawing on the AMO theory, we predict that the effectiveness of performance management implementation will be a function of three factors. First, line managers should have the Ability to enact the activities that are involved in performance management. Secondly, they should be Motivated to perform these activities. Thirdly, line managers should have sufficient Opportunity to fulfill these activities on top of the demands from other organizational. If not, they could experience role conflict. We developed several cross-level hypotheses. The data came from 71 line managers and 318 employees working in Flemish education. Hierarchical linear modelling found that line managers’ AMO to implement performance management systems was positively related to employees’ satisfaction with the system. These relationships were mediated by employees’ perceptions that the performance management system is strong. A strong system signals that its features are salient across employees and that the system is clear and understood. This study has several theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

人类已经步入知识经济时代,知识正成为最重要的资源,相应的知识管理因此显得非常重要。文章分析了知识管理的内涵,并介绍了国内外几种著名的知识管理模式,然后从需求角度出发构建企业的知识管理模式,以对企业的发展有所帮助。  相似文献   

The Covid-19 pandemic played a relevant role in the diffusion of distance learning alternatives to “traditional” learning based on classroom activities, to allow university students to continue attending lessons during the most severe phases of the pandemic. In such a context, investigating the students' perspective on distance learning provides useful information to stakeholders to improve effective educational strategies, which could be useful also after the end of the emergency to favor the digital transformation in the higher educational setting.Here we focus on the satisfaction in distance learning for Italian university students. We rely on data comprising students enrolled in various Italian universities, which were inquired about several aspects related to learning distance.We explicitly take into account the hierarchical nature of data (i.e., students nested in universities) and the latent nature of the variable of interest (i.e., students' learning satisfaction) through a multilevel Item Response Theory model with students' and universities' covariates.As the main results of our study, we find out that distance learning satisfaction of students: (i) depends on the University where they study; (ii) is affected by some students' socio-demographic characteristics, among which psychological factors related to Covid-19; (iii) is affected by some observable university characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the value added score published for all publicly funded secondary schools in England is an unreliable indicator of school performance. A substantial proportion of the between‐school variation in the value added score is accounted for by factors outside the school's control. These factors include several pupil‐related variables such as the proportion of pupils on free school meals, the authorized absence rate of pupils and the proportion of pupils from ethnic minority backgrounds. The value added score is also related to several school characteristics such as the school's admission policy and its subject specialism. The main policy recommendation of this paper is that the value added score should not be used as a performance indicator, but should be used to gain a better understanding of why the value added score varies between schools.  相似文献   

杨疆 《价值工程》2004,23(5):7-11
运用信用传导理论,我们认为:宏观信用状况对经济周期具有的良好的指示剂功能;信用作为经济体系的内部通道,将作用于宏观经济运行,改变其速率和效果;同时,调控信用管理系统将能够改善和影响宏观经济的发展和变化。中国经济的货币政策弱效性问题利用信用通道传导机制可以得到很好的解释。在中国资本市场的不完善、信息不对称以及长期形成的强银行信贷结构加剧了信用通道的作用效力。因此,从信用传导理论的角度对中国经济政策进行检讨和改善,才能真正制定出行之有效的宏观经济政策,从而缓解当前通货紧缩压力,使经济体系进入良性运行轨道。  相似文献   

Malaria is a leading cause of infectious disease and death worldwide. As a common example of a vector‐borne disease, malaria could be greatly affected by the influence of climate change. Climate impacts the transmission of malaria in several ways, affecting all stages of the disease's development. Using various weather‐related factors that influence climate change, this study utilizes statistical analysis to determine the effect of climate change on reported malaria rates in an African region with endemic malaria. It examines the relationship between malaria prevalence and climate in western Africa using spatial regression modeling and tests for correlation. Our analysis suggests that minimal correlation exists between reported malaria rates and climate in western Africa. This analysis further contradicts the prevailing theory that climate and malaria prevalence are closely linked and negates the idea that climate change will increase malaria transmission in this region.  相似文献   

Increasingly employers are using social media as a mechanism to screen potential job candidates. This study examined college students' perceptions of the amount and degree of information available to potential employers who use social media. The study employed a survey of college students to determine how much information they felt someone could learn about them through their Facebook page. Results indicated that participants did not perceive much information about key job categories could be derived from their pages and they planned very few changes even though many believed it highly likely an employer would review their page. A subgroup also had their pages reviewed by HR professionals. A comparison analysis revealed that in several key job‐related areas, such as potential unethical behaviours and communication skills, HR personnel felt that they were able to learn significantly more about the participants than the participants believed themselves.  相似文献   

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