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"非国内化"仲裁理论的核心内容是仲裁程序和实体法法律适用的"非当地化"。通过尊重当事人意思自治、运用国际法、一般法律原则、合同条款以及善意扩大国际条约和国内立法的立法本意等措施,克服传统私法对在线仲裁最大的法律障碍——司法管辖权,凸现在线快捷、高效和成本低廉的优势,使仲裁在"互联网+"的条件下与选择性纠纷解决方法有效结合,优势更加突出。为了推动网络经济创新发展、构建互联网治理体系,应克服司法资源不足等困难,大力发展"互联网+司法",建立在线仲裁机制,解决社会纠纷。我国是单一的法律体系国家,实行"互联网+"的在线仲裁模式,有着独特的优势,一般仲裁中不存在在线仲裁形式和实体法律问题;而对于涉外仲裁,我国可以采取"WIPO"模式。  相似文献   

一、对仲裁进行监督的必要性仲裁作为解决争议的一种方式,因其灵活性、效率性和保密性等特点被广泛应用于民商事案件中。仲裁不同于法院的审判,前者可以说民间性的,后者则是公权性的。根据仲裁的特征,仲裁员由当事人的授权而对当事人之间的争议进行裁决,因此,仲裁员具有一定的类似法官的裁决权,这种权力学者称之为仲裁权,正如权力导致腐败,绝对权力导致绝对腐败所言,故需要对仲裁进行监督,否则仲裁原本的公正性就会受到质疑。并且,这种仲裁权是来源于当事人的授权,若仲裁没有受到监督,势必影响当  相似文献   

虚假仲裁,是指民商事仲裁各方当事人恶意串通,采取虚构法律关系、伪造证据、捏造案件事实等方式,通过仲裁以获取非法利益的行为。虽然我国仲裁法和民事诉讼法对仲裁的司法监督进行了规定,但以现行法律规定还难以妥善解决因虚假仲裁所导致的遗留问题。本文拟通过一起涉嫌虚假仲裁的借款合同纠纷仲裁执行案,对如何解决由此产生的执行回转难问题及今后如何防范虚假仲裁提出个人观点,以供参考。  相似文献   

虚假仲裁,是指民商事仲裁各方当事人恶意串通,采取虚构法律关系、伪造证据、捏造案件事实等方式,通过仲裁以获取非法利益的行为。虽然我国仲裁法和民事诉讼法对仲裁的司法监督进行了规定,但以现行法律规定还难以妥善解决因虚假仲裁所导致的遗留问题。本文拟通过一起涉嫌虚假仲裁的借款合同纠纷仲裁执行案,对如何解决由此产生的执行回转难问题及今后如何防范虚假仲裁提出个人观点,以供参考。  相似文献   

邢朝霞 《活力》2023,(4):151-153
在我国司法实践中,仲裁秘书是指被仲裁机构指派、仲裁庭决定或者当事人选定并为仲裁案件全流程服务的人员。仲裁秘书的工作内容不完全等同于法院书记员的工作内容,除从事一般文秘人员的材料文字工作、秘书事务等辅助性、事务性工作外,还承担法律专业化案件程序管理及当事人、仲裁员、鉴定机构等多方组织联络工作、监督工作。因此,仲裁秘书是一种复合型人才,其自身素质和能力也成为影响仲裁委员会和仲裁公信力的重要因素。本文以提升仲裁秘书综合素质为切入点,从问题角度和策略角度解决仲裁秘书人力资源管理问题。  相似文献   

杨芳 《企业导报》2011,(12):182
商事仲裁方式在实践中得到广泛应用,但其作为一种权力有被滥用的可能,因此需要完善的司法监督体制来制约。本文仅对我国商事仲裁司法监督体制的完善方法加以探讨。  相似文献   

我国现行劳动争议解决机制是“先裁后审”模式,即在发生劳动争议后,未能和解,并且当事人不愿申请基层调解机构调解或基层调解机构调解不成的,须先经劳动仲裁机构仲裁,才能向法院提起诉讼;劳动仲裁无须当事人事先达成仲裁协议,一方申请即可启动仲裁程序,另一方则被动强制地参加仲裁。  相似文献   

民事纠纷是当前社会的主要纠纷,如何处理好民事纠纷,从一方面来讲,涉及到纠纷当事人的合法权益的维护,另一方面来讲,其对维护社会稳定具有积极意义。立法者主张通过仲裁的手段高效,公正的解决纠纷,从而化解司法机关的裁判压力。这并不意味着司法对仲裁的无权干涉。在对仲裁的司法救济方面,可以通过合理地界定我国司法机关对仲裁裁决的监督范围以及细化对仲裁裁决不予执行的司法救济范围来实现司法救济。  相似文献   

刘景军  程翠珍 《管理观察》2011,(26):129-130
当前,案件当事人对法院执行工作不满意,“执行难”、“乱执行”现象普遍存在.民事诉讼法只规定人民检察院对民事审判活动实行法律监督的原则,并未就民事执行中的检察监督作出明确、具体的规定.检察机关依法对民事执行活动进行监督具有坚实的理论、实践基础,应当积极构建和完善民事执行检察监督制度.  相似文献   

根据《劳动争议调解仲裁法》第五条的规定,劳动争议当事人不能不经仲裁程序而直接向法院提起诉讼。这意味着,劳动争议仲裁是司法诉讼的必经和前置程序,这一规定在实际执行过程中显现出了诸多问题。本文就此问题进行深入分析,结合国外的做法对完善我国劳动争议仲裁体系提出了建议。  相似文献   

Why should the grievant’s gender or the presence of legal representation affect arbitration outcomes? The “chivalry hypothesis” holds that male arbitrators will tend to favor female grievants; its theoretical mirror image, the “evil woman” hypothesis, suggests that female grievants suffer a comparative disadvantage vis-à-vis similarly situated males. However, neither hypothesis (both drawn from criminologists’ studies of judicial sentencing patterns) applies all that well to the grievance arbitration process where, unlike in the court system, the parties themselves select their decision-maker. This is not to say that the grievance arbitration process is free of gender discrimination, only that arbitrators are probably not the source of any pro- or anti-female bias which may be uncovered.  相似文献   

Deciding on what should be the most suitable reforms of a national judicial system, whether this means reorganising a courts' structure or offering incetives to judges, requires more empirical evidence. The efficiency of the public judicial system is important to any functioning democracy as it affects several aspects of citizens’ life. As a consequence, new statistical methodologies are required for further valuable insights into the issues that affect the effectiveness of a judicial system.The current study attempts to fill this gap by introducing a new statistical method to investigate the heterogeneity among Italian judicial courts. Here we propose a generalisation of log-ratio analysis for the analysis of the association between the variables of a three-way contingency table. Our focus of this investigation will be on the tax court system of the Italian judicial system.Log-ratio analysis presents many advantages, two of which are the computation and the visual representation of the odds ratios on which the analysis is based. For three-way tables, a conditional odds ratio reflects the likelihood that an event (say tax disputes) will take place in a particular geographical area (say North Italy) instead of an another (say South Italy) given a specific condition (type of justice court).Interestingly, the three-way log-ratio analysis presented in this paper allows one to visually describe these conditional odds-ratios in terms of point distances in a biplot between the types of justice court located in different geographical areas of Italy.  相似文献   

王敏 《价值工程》2011,30(35):276-277
随着人类体育活动的国际化和商业化,各种体育纠纷越来越多,如何针对不同体育纠纷的特殊性构建适当的解决机制,体育仲裁就是行之有效且运行广泛的一种。与国际体育仲裁相比,公平公正是我国体育仲裁制度所追求的首要价值;经济高效是我国体育仲裁制度所追求的基本价值。  相似文献   

本文认为委托代理关系的存在是审计产生的前提和必要条件,内部审计的产生是基于所有权监督的需要,但在其发展中逐渐完成了从“所有权导向型”向“经营权导向型”再向“治理导向型”导向模式的转变,这可借助委托代理理论加以解释。  相似文献   

非对称信息下权力运行与监督制约中的“诺思悖论”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢南斌 《价值工程》2007,26(9):104-108
权力主体拥有信息优势。权力主体之所以拥有信息优势,是因为他更接近信息源,同时由于人本性所具有权力倾向动机所产生的信息垄断。而监督制约是监督主体针对权力主体的权力运行所采取的约束手段,监督主体处于维护权力正确运行的被动而且明显的信息劣势地位,但也具有自己的相对独立性。在这种情况下,权力主体与监督主体之间存在严重的非对称信息问题。从这种非对称信息大格局下审视权力运行与监督制约,实际上可以把问题扩展为权力主体与监督主体所拥有的信息不对称状态下存在"诺思悖论"问题。然而,权力主体与监督主体非对称信息的体制性根源究竟何在?其相悖的社会动力机制又是怎样的?诸如此类的问题,都迫切需要作进一步的探讨。正是基于这样一种思考,本文拟在现有理论的基础上,尝试利用信息经济学的观点作为观察问题的新视角,予以对问题的剖析,并探求解决其困难的可能路径,这就是本文考察权力运行与监督制约问题的理论和方法。  相似文献   

The previous decade has seen an increasing trend toward the use of arbitration to resolve statutory employment discrimination claims. The enforceability of most private sector arbitration agreements arising in a nonunion setting is reviewable under the Federal Arbitration Act. Such arbitration agreements are most often created by management and become a condition of employment. To represent a feasible alternative to court litigation, employers and employees must have confidence that outcomes achieved through the arbitration process will be enforced by the courts as final and binding upon the parties to the dispute. The extent to which an arbitration agreement adequately protects the procedural and remedial rights of the participants is an important issue affecting the probability that a court will enforce the outcome of an arbitration procedure. This paper reviews guidelines provided by the courts and practitioners to aid in the design of an effective and legally enforceable arbitration procedure to resolve statutory employment discrimination claims arising in a private sector nonunion environment.  相似文献   

唐杰英 《企业经济》2012,(3):183-186
现行民事立法对狭义无权代理未被追认的法律效果设有明文,由无权代理人对相对人承担(民事)责任,但立法对无权代理人究竟承担何种性质与内容的责任却语焉不详,导致人民法院在民事审判实务中见解各异,判决理由与结果时有冲突,影响司法统一。本文拟借鉴德国、日本、中国台湾等大陆法系国家或地区典型的立法例及法学理论,对无权代理合同未被追认之效力、责任性质及内容进行梳理,并提出本文的思考与建议。  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料法,在理论上对高校开展"定向运动"进行可行性分析,认为"定向运动"课程作为高校体育课程的拓展形式,符合现代教学发展观和现代课程论体系,它对丰富学校体育理论,培养全面发展的高素质人才具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

贺红岩 《价值工程》2014,(28):324-325
本文以评价理论中的介入系统为分析框架,简要分析了评价资源在法庭辩论中的具体语言运用。作为一种典型的法庭机构性语篇,法庭辩论中体现着各法律参与者间的人际关系以及各方为实现自己的目的所运用的语言手段。通过分析,笔者认为介入资源在庭审话语中有着广泛的应用,并可以较好地分析庭审话语。  相似文献   

This article examines the role of a physician’s prior experience in medical malpractice litigation in the resolution of current malpractice claims. We first use probability theory to show that if physicians are heterogeneous in the quality of care they practice, then a record of malpractice liability makes it more likely that the physician provides care of relatively low quality, and that if a malpractice claim is filed, it is more likely that the physician was in fact negligent in this case, and that the claim will be paid. We then show that this last result, which is testable, holds up when we analyze the resolution of medical malpractice claims filed in Michigan over the period 1982 to 1989. We find that malpractice liability, whether from an out-of-court settlement or through verdict of a court or arbitration panel, is significantly more likely when the defendant has a poor prior litigation record. The defendant’s litigation record is also positively and significantly related to the amount of a settlement payment, but not to an award made through trial or arbitration.  相似文献   

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