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项目团队利益取向与行为博弈分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文本着“以人为本”的精神,从团队成员个体利益行 为取向入手,将行为分析工具—博弈分析理论引入项目活 动研究,力图建立个体利益行为与团队工作绩效间的函数 关系模型,为制定项目团队行为规范提供理论依据。宗旨在 于为项目活动及其管理的研究提供一条新的思路和方法. 1.个体工作效率及个体间的协作 我们假定个体获得的效用取决于两种资源的消费:一种是货币收入,以y表示。一种是闲暇,以X表示.同时假定此个体获得收入的方式只有劳动。那么他获得的货币收入就同其付出的劳动直接相关。我们用y=w(e)表示这种函数关系,其…  相似文献   

西方经济学对于消费者行为的研究,历来都在其理论体系中占据着重要的地位,尤其是在生命周期理论和持久收入理论等前瞻消费理论产生之后,对消费者行为的研究越来越受到人们的重视。前瞻消费理论认为,消费者所追求的是一生的效用最大化,因而理性的消费者往往根据自己一生的收入水平来安排消费  相似文献   

企业供应链管理中的成本构成与控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
供应链包括满足消费者直接或间接需求的所有环节。一条供应链各环节所创造的整体价值就是最终产品对于顾客的价值与供应链为满足顾客的需求所付出的成本之间的差额。对于任何一条供应链来说,唯一的收入来源是顾客,只有顾客能带来正的现金流;而供应链为满足顾客的需求所付出的所有费用/成本可以定义为供应链的总成本。在供应链管理中通过控制成本、消除浪费使成本减少,增加供应链成本的有效性既可促成更好的消费者价值实现,又可提升供应链竞争优势,使链中成员获得更大利润。为此,我们有必要对企业供应链中的成本构成进行分析并在管理过程中进…  相似文献   

西方消费函数理论的新发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自从凯恩斯开创消费函数理论的先河以来,这一领域始终是经济学家孜孜不倦的研究热点.近30年来,随着现代各种经济理论和计量分析工具的发展与应用,西方消费函数的理论研究和实证检验又取得了新的进展.本文通过对随机游走假说、预防性储蓄假说、流动性约束假说、缓冲存货储蓄假说和λ假说等的初步研究,来进一步梳理消费函数理论的发展脉络,并提出了消费函数理论及其在我国应用的若干评价与启示.  相似文献   

论感性消费时代下商品包装中心理学知识的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人们常常在购买商品时凭自己对物品的印象决定,此时的心理活动是难以琢磨,极其微妙的。通过心理测试对消费者,结果表明:漂亮与丑陋,高雅与低俗,关注与排斥,这些与心理有关的情感,不仅男性、女性,老人、儿童各不相同,也因不同地区、不同国家及不同消费者的爱好差异很大。所以,应用消费心理学的理论不断地分析目标顾客的心理需要,渗透到了一个看似简单的商品包装问题上,建立不同消费者购买行为模式,准确地摸索到商品包装与消费者心理的关系,提高包装设计的效果,激起消费者的购买欲望。  相似文献   

厂商市场份额的品牌经济模型及其现实解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
厂商的市场份额决定了其利润率,从而决定了厂商能否在残酷的竞争中生存、增长与发展。而在经济过剩的条件下,消费者的选择决定了厂商的市场份额,货币价格与品牌及品牌信用度决定的选择成本作为消费者选择和购买过程中的局限条件制约和影响着消费者的选择与购买。本文建立起引入品类需求强度系数、价格、选择成本的需求函数,并以此模型解释了厂商市场份额的决定是通过价格机制与品牌机制共同作用而实现的。在理论分析的基础上,对大量的现实进行了解释,在验证该模型的同时,对未来市场竞争及厂商市场份额做出了预测。同时,本文提出了提高厂商市场份额与定价权的"品类需求强度—品牌信用度"二维模型,并分别从开发具有较高品类需求强度的品类市场和提高品牌信用度的品牌建设方面给现实中的厂商提供了相应策略。  相似文献   

消费模式对碳排放具有重要影响,加强消费行为的引导和管制,构建低碳消费模式已经成为一个亟待突破的重大课题。为了将消费因素纳入减排框架,本文基于总量管制和交易机制(Cap-and-Trade Rules)构建了消费排放权交易理论模型,在此基础上运用规范的实验经济学方法分析了消费排放权交易的市场均衡问题,以及均衡状态下的消费者选择行为。通过实验研究发现,消费排放权的交易价格会收敛于理论竞争均衡价格,即临界碳价;消费排放权交易能够激励消费者选择低碳产品,有利于创造低碳需求,构建低碳消费模式。基于这些研究结论,文章给出启示性政策建议。  相似文献   

三、发展我国汽车信贷消费的紧迫性从上述分析我们可以得出结论,目前国人的汽车消费能力并非完全不存在,但考虑到多方面的不确定因素从而抑制了汽车消费水平的提升,进而也抑制了汽车产业的迅速发展。因此,当务之急是要尽快使断裂的供给与需求相互衔接起来,其重要举措之一是发展汽车信贷消费。1.汽车信贷消费可以促使居民现实消费的迅速提升众所周知,收入对消费需求有决定作用,而信贷消费可以变未来消费为现实消费。因为消费信贷和储蓄对于货币流通的作用是完全相反的,前者是将未来的收入现在使用,而后者是将现在的收入未来支出。…  相似文献   

为扩大消费者权益保护的宣传,使之在世界范围内得到重视,促进各国家、地区消费者组织之间的合作与交往,更好地开展消费者权益保护工作,1983年国际消费者联盟组织确定每年3月15日为“国际消费者权益日”。确定3·15为“国际消费者权益日”,是基于美国前总统约翰·肯尼迪于lo站年3月15日在美国国会发表了(关于保护消费者利益的总统特别咨文)中首次提出了著名的消费者的“四项权利”即:有权获得安全保障,有权获得正确资料,有权自由决定选择,有权提出消费意见。肯尼迪提出的四项权利,以后逐渐为世界各国消费者组织所公认,并被作为…  相似文献   

卓越的生产运营意味着钢铁企业可以有效利用运营杠杆实现收入提升和成本降低,在经济繁荣期,助力钢铁企业提升客户满意度,提高盈利能力,获得扩张机遇;在经济下滑期,帮助钢铁企业实现成本优化,持续保持优势地位。基于运营提升服务方的视角,从运营系统、管理系统和理念行为3个维度为钢铁企业提供生产运营服务的思路与模式,构建了覆盖设备级、车间级和全厂级3个层级和投产开炉、产能提升、质量改善、采购成本降低、功能承包、能效管理、供应链优化和整体成本改善8个维度的生产运营服务模式,并将其在国内外钢铁企业中应用实践,获得了良好的经济效果和社会影响。  相似文献   

工薪所得个人所得税费用扣除标准应以某年城镇居民最高收入家庭每一就业者负担的月消费性支出作为衡量指标,并充分考虑家庭人口和物价变动因素。通过计算1996年~2007年城镇居民家庭全国及分组每一就业者负担的月消费性支出,并对照2005年以来的两次工薪所得个人所得税费用扣除标准调整情况,发现两次调整均存在一定滞后性和扣除不足性,影响了居民的消费支出。在充分考虑家庭人口和物价变动因素条件下,通过构建我国工薪所得个人所得税费用扣除标准动态测算模型,测算结果是,我国2009年、2010年和2011年工薪所得个人所得税费用扣除标准比较的合理数值分别应为2,500元、2,650元和2,850元。  相似文献   

Food consumption patterns in Pakistan are analysed for different income classes. Some empirical results confirm the well-known relationship between income and food expenditure. Examination of food expenditure indicates that as income rises, people spend a portion of the increase on larger quantities, but much of the increase goes on higher priced varieties. This has implications for future income generation and redistribution of income.  相似文献   

本文构建一个理论模型探讨了垂直专业化对工资增长的影响,并选取中国高技术产业1995—2008年三位数行业面板数据,运用面板单位根及协整检验、面板FMOLS与DOLS估计方法进行了经验分析。研究表明,垂直专业化有利于行业工资收入水平的提高,但对工资收入的贡献具有显著的行业差异性;行业总收入对工资收入水平的提高有着促进作用,且具有行业差异性。在此基础上,运用动态面板数据GMM方法考察影响垂直专业化的关键因素,分析结果表明外向度、资本密集度、劳动效率、交易费用为我国高技术产业垂直专业化的影响因素,而行业竞争不是影响垂直专业化的决定性因素。  相似文献   

In this article I present a general equilibrium adverse selection model of the labor market in which workers differ in their ability to learn and implement new technologies. Exogenous firm-specific process innovations require firms to teach workers the new firm-specific skills introduced by the new technology. As firms' training costs negatively depend on the expected ability of their labor force and positively on their technological level, firms seek to hire workers able to learn at least cost. I show how firm-specific human capital can explain employer- and plant-specific wage differentials caused by skilled-labor-biased technological shocks.  相似文献   

This article seeks to quantify the importance of price information in reducing consumer search costs and equilibrium price dispersion in a competitive setting. It exploits a natural experiment in the retail gasoline industry in which stations post the prices of only certain grades of gasoline on large street-side signboards, and not others, except where required by law. Differential-by-grade signboard information predicts a specific curvature in price dispersion across grades, and differentiates itself from other noninformational factors such as income and cost. The impact of readily-available price information on search and price dispersion is found to be exceptionally large.  相似文献   

在梳理效率工资理论相关理论文献基础上,本文研究效率工资理论中的监督成本问题.与现有效率工资理论不同的是,本文认为,失业并不是由雇主支付高于市场均衡工资所致,而是雇员的过度劳动引发的,在竞争劳动市场条件下,雇员劳动边际产出价值支付雇主的监督成本和雇员自身的劳动薪酬,作为回报,雇主给予雇员持续的、认可的工作条件和环境.在这交换中,雇员将出现超过一般强度的过度劳动.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of health information in different media outlets on bottled water consumption through consumer learning. We develop a random coefficient discrete choice model with Bayesian learning process to capture consumers’ learning of health information and changes in their beverage choices over time. Consumers are assumed to have initial prior beliefs about the health effect of different beverages and to update their beliefs using health information received from different media types. Empirical results show that consumers’ perceived quality of bottled water kept increasing during our sample period, and this learning process accounted for 24.44% of the industry’s revenue, which is about 4.8 billion dollars per year. Comparing the effectiveness of different media outlets, we find that the sales impact of traditional media (TV and radio) is greater than online sources. Our findings highlight the contribution of health information to the bottled water industry and provide policy makers with a new direction to reduce high-calorie food consumption and improve public health.  相似文献   

Prior surveys of empirical research on the minimum wage have been organized around the question “What does the minimum wage affect?” This survey is organized around the question “Who is affected by the minimum wage?” We review the consequences of the minimum wage for teens and young workers, men and women, African Americans and Hispanics, the less educated, workers in low‐wage industries, and low‐wage/low‐income populations. Although there is almost universal agreement that the minimum wage boosts earnings, evidence for a negative employment effect varies between mixed and nonexistent. An important gap in the literature is the paucity of research on low‐wage/low‐income groups.  相似文献   

DAVID LEVINE 《劳资关系》1989,28(3):321-334
Weitzman proposes widespread profit or revenue sharing as a way of guaranteeing both very low levels of equilibrium unemployment and increased stability in the face of aggregate shocks. The benefits of a share economy come from the subsidy that current workers pay to marginal workers. In an efficiency-wage model, the wage subsidy paid by current workers costs the firm as much in lower productivity as it gains from lower labor costs. There is, therefore, neither a reduction of the equilibrium unemployment rate nor a necessary increase in macroeconomic stability when the share economy is introduced.  相似文献   

The telecommunication sector in Mexico was highly concentrated until 2013. The sector was mostly composed by a dominant player, a rationed market (low density of services), a poor institutional design, high tariffs, and weak regulation agents. The Herfindahl-Hirschman (HHI) index was 5333 for mobile telephone and 7,029 for fixed telephone services—among the highest scores in the world. In order to promote competition in the sector, Congress approved a reform in 2013 to establish a new regulator empowered to impose asymmetrical rules in the case of the predominance of a single firm. A declaration of preponderance of the dominant player was issued, promoting free interconnection rates and the mandatory sharing of its passive and active infrastructure with the rest of the firms in the industry. The new institutional design led to increased competition in the sector, decreasing the mobile and fixed telephone prices while increasing the coverage and penetration of these services. In this article, an applied general equilibrium model for the Mexican economy is employed to assess the impact of the Telecommunication Reform in Mexico in the telephone sector, consumer welfare, and income distribution. The model is static, encompassing 10 types of consumers (rural and urban and the five income quintiles) and 40 sectors (of which four are disaggregate telecommunications industries). It assumes fixed wages and capital rental prices as well as idle resources. The main results indicate that the effects of the reform are not minor; the drop in telephone prices would reduce the general consumer price index by almost 2%, and the value added would increase by more than 3%, benefiting mainly households in the highest income quantiles.  相似文献   

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