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习近平总书记强调:“以史为鉴、开创未来,必须加快国防和军队现代化建设”。为加快国防和军队现代化,建立和完善国防科技工业体系,规范国防科研生产管理活动已成为新时代国防科技工业建设发展的重点内容。党的十八大以来,我国已基本形成以《国防法》为核心,由法律、规章等多层级构成的国防科研生产法规制度体系,为国防科研生产提供了根本遵循,但是法规制度体系与市场经济体制仍然存在不相适应的地方、部分下位法与上位法衔接性不强、国防科研生产和军事采购活动存在不公平竞争等。  相似文献   

<正>党的十九大就国防和军队现代化建设作出战略部署,我国将逐步构建起中国特色的现代军事力量体系。预计在2020年基本实现军队现代化,持续推进信息化建设,建设一支现代化的陆军、海军、空军、火箭军、战略支援部队、联勤保障部队和武装警察部队,将在2035年基本实现国防和军队现代化,到2050年把人民军队全面建成世界一流军队。  相似文献   

胡锦涛主席强调指出:“以推动国防和军队建设科学发展为主题,以加快转变战斗力生成模式为主线,不断增强全面履行新世纪新阶段我军历史使命能力。”主题主线战略思想为我国国防和军队建设发展提供了科学指南和根本遵循,  相似文献   

正军民融合,就是将国防建设与经济建设紧密结合起来,相互促进、相互借鉴、协同发展、共同建立国防科技工业新体系的过程。军民融合旨在打破军工产业与民用产业之间相互割裂的局面,实现技术共享、市场互通、资源共用,以满足国防和民用两种需要。目前,推动军民融合深度发展已成为深化国防和军队改革的重要任务之一,中央更是把军民融合发展上升为国家战略,从战略高度显现未来军民融合发展的重要性。  相似文献   

易芳 《中国纺织》2023,(Z6):60-61
<正>军民融合是国家发展战略,发展军民两用技术是一项富国强军的重大举措。多年来一大批纺织新材料、新产品应用到国防军工领域,既促进了国防现代化建设,也催生了纺织行业一批颠覆性、引领性的技术、工艺和产品,成为纺织现代产业体系建设的重要工作。发展纺织军民两用技术也得到了政府、军队、纺织行业的高度重视。2023中国纺织军民两用技术发展大会日前在北京召开。  相似文献   

正新一轮国防与军队改革赋予了军民融合新的内涵,也为航天企业提供了新的机遇,提出了新的挑战。如何更深刻地认识军民融合深度发展面临的新形势,促进军民融合深度、持续、良性、快速发展,是航天企业需要深入思考的重大问题。一、新的军民融合战略内涵2016年1月1日,《中央军委关于深化国防和军队改革的意  相似文献   

"民技军用"是指把民用高技术,特别是信息技术、民用产品与服务转化为军用,用于国防和军队现代化建设,尤其是信息化建设.  相似文献   

党的十八届三中全会提出全面深化改革以来,党中央、国务院全面部署深化改革的顶层设计和重大措施,陆续出台“1+N”改革政策,国防和军队改革启动实施,国防科技工业面临新的形势和挑战。中国航天科技集团有限公司党组贯彻落实习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和十九大精神,在提出2045年奋斗目标和战略安排的基础上,将深化改革作为推动航天强国建设、支撑世界一流军队建设的根本动力,明确改革要以“高质量保证成功、高效率完成任务、高效益推动航天强国和国防建设”为目标,以公司治理体系和治理能力现代化为方向,吹响了将改革推向深入的“冲锋号”。  相似文献   

<正>现代战争是作战体系的对抗,而武器装备竞争则是国防产业体系的较量。要实现武器装备的"赶超",就必须实现国防产业体系的持续升级。美国国防产业体系是深深植根于国民经济乃至全球经济体系的网络结构,从各类武器系统的总承包商到各层级的分包商和供应商,均通过市场契约关系形成一套有机的国防产业系统。而各级厂商借助市场机制形成较好的分工协作和成本管控,进而使武器装备科研生产效率相对较高。相比之下,我国军工产业尤  相似文献   

<正>创新是引领企业发展的第一生产力,党的十九届五中全会把科技创新提升到前所未有的高度,并提出要大力提升企业技术创新能力,建立高效协同的创新体系。加强多种形式的协同创新,有机衔接创新链条,已经成为我国新时期提升科技创新能力、占领世界科技制高点、把科技力量转化为国防和经济竞争优势的必经途径。进入新时代,面对国家安全环境的深刻变化和强国强军的时代要求,大型军工集团企业作为推动我国国防实力和经济实力同步提升、支撑世界一流军队建设的中坚力量,必须围绕国家重大需求,  相似文献   

This paper discusses how a curriculum should be revised to nurture all-round engineering and product designers to meet new social and industrial needs. It first reviews the limitations of the current engineering and product design education, and argues that it is biased either towards the acquisition of engineering and technological knowledge and skills but not critical thinking skills; or towards the nurturing of so-called creative thinking, while ignoring the conducting of in-depth investigations. This paper uses Hong Kong as a case study to further identify new social and industrial needs. To meet these needs, it proposes the consideration of `Eight Cs' for the engineering and product design curriculum, that is: Competent, Comprehensive, Compulsory, Critical, Creative, Curious, Collaborative, and Continuous. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

服装设计师是品牌文化创建的主体,任何品牌都需要设计师的诠释,特别是在那些生产成衣的大型企业中更是占有重要地位,能否使设计文化渗入品牌之中,其运营模式尤为重要。通过分析服装设计师、企业、消费者在服装产业中各自不同的立场和定位,得出三者间的普遍关系,在此基础上,讨论不同运营模式下设计师在企业中的作用。  相似文献   

任何新生事物的出现与发展,都是随着消费者的生活习惯和需求产生的,独立服装设计师品牌的不断涌现和茁壮成长成为了服装行业发展趋势。本文从自主经营与合作经营两种渠道剖析了处于起步阶段的中国独立服装设计师品牌推广现状,从实际出发为其找寻一个健康、快速成长的推广模式。  相似文献   

Suppliers of telecommunications and computer equipment, as well as other firms operating in rapidly changing environments, rely increasingly on their product designers for the formulation of opportunities for innovative new products—those that are more than simple refinements or extensions of established designs. This contrasts with the traditional use of designers to translate opportunities into products with specific properties and features only after they have been formulated by marketing and product managers. In this article, Antonio Bailetti and Paul Guild report on preliminary findings of a study undertaken by a leading world-wide supplier of telecommunications equipment to improve search methods leading to the formulation of opportunities for innovative new products. The implementation of a search method that relied upon direct contact between multidisciplinary teams with carefully selected sources of outside knowledge provided the setting for the study. Reported are 40 designers' impressions of the benefits derived from face-to-face exposure to external champions of innovation; the relationship between the characteristics of the sites that had been visited and the designers' perceptions of usefulness of the information acquired from the visits; and the differences in visiting and non-visiting designers' perceptions of the visits. The study is exploratory in nature and draws attention to the fact that more effort should be spent on examining how designers can best participate in the opportunity formulation process.  相似文献   

The nature of the design process and how to develop this skill in novice designers has been of considerable interest to technology educators. The relationship between workplace and school-based design is one area in which a need for further research has been identified by Hill and Anning (2001, International Journal of Technology and Design Education 11, 111–136). The research project described in this article had two aims. The first was to compare the workplace practice of six experienced designers with their practice when working on a technological assessment task as part of a pre-service teacher education programme. The second aim was to investigate their experience on teaching practicum in developing design skills with secondary school students. Findings from the research are described and the paper concludes with a discussion of the implications for teaching technology education.  相似文献   

Shanghai, China. August 29, 2008-Cutting edge fashion and design, advanced textile technology and innovative industry partnerships were brought together in Shanghai at the launch of XLA? Denim Fashion Show to introduce the next-generation XLATM stretch fiber for denim application.  相似文献   

Creativity was showcased at Texworld, the international event for fashion fabrics and clothing with nearly 900 exhibitors, from 15th to 17th September 2014. Texworld hosted an exhibition of collections by the winners of the latest Dinard International Festival of Young Fashion Designers. It also featured two shows by the couturier Eymeric Francois, and by winners of the Dinard Festival and third-year students majoring in knits at the ESMOD fashion design and business school.  相似文献   

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