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敢和我斗,你行吗! 西班牙的斗牛正处于革命的状态之中,而瑞士瓦莱州的斗牛皇后选拔赛却依然引人注目。从1922年起它们自己就为自己的地位而战。  相似文献   

肯尼亚:与鲸鲨约会 生活是否太闷了?来个刺激的玩法吧,与鲸鲨约会!肯尼亚南海岸的Diani市的Funguo潜水场,气候宜人,环境、水质都堪称上乘。但最过瘾的是,只要你敢,就可以在潜水引导员的带领下,潜到深达  相似文献   

艳遇初级版:似明似暗的灯光下,两片红唇向他轻轻递来暧昧的暗示:其实,我蛮中意你这一型的男人……男人并不敢轻易搭腔,他在徘徊:进还是退?进,能避得开老婆敏锐的神经?退,前方美人斯般诱人谁扛得  相似文献   

宫廷御膳可不是谁随便敢“抄弄”的,它的一招一式都是有讲究的。实际上,皇帝每日用膳是有记录的,用料.刀工.调味.烹饪及味道都是程序化的,甚至连器具也有规定。也许,只有这样,才能显示出皇家的规格.皇家的尊贵.皇家的气派!  相似文献   

你很难在提到著名巧克力的时候不想到它,德芙是一个把爱的营销做到极致的品牌。不管是著名的德芙公式(德芙=D O V E=DO YOULOVE ME=你爱我吗),还是那篇在《读者》上引发了热议的《德芙,为那凄美的爱情》,都让德芙巧克力成为了爱的代名词。过情人节的时候,又有几个男孩儿敢不送女友一份甜蜜的德芙呢?上世纪40年代的一天,希腊裔美国人莱昂看到他的儿子正在大街上,不顾安危地紧追在一  相似文献   

细心品味审视现阶段新型旅游城市的发展道路以及成功的经验,现在已经不是传统的坐山吃山,靠水吃水的单一的旅游模式,而是要更好的用心讲、用心做的旅游经营的“故事”以及“特色”。在目前旅游业的发展来看显得更加的重要。以此为背景,发展当地特色,作为有着”敢为天下鲜“的河豚,应该在旅游业有如何表现?以及应该在旅游产业当中起到怎样的模式?有着怎样的定位?如何蜕变旅游开发呢?是我们目前共同思考的问题,下面就河豚文化旅游与发展中的思考以及日后的对策做出了详细的分析。  相似文献   

在我的人生历程中,虽说坎坎坷坷,不尽如人意,但事业还算相对顺利。从高中毕业步入社会起,我最初的美好憧憬,便是做一名出色的文艺工作者。好在命运的安排,给了我这样难得的机遇。从考入县剧团四年多的艺术熏陶,到县文化馆十八年的文艺创作生涯,风风火火二十余载,虽不敢攀谈“造诣”二字,但我终究还是在理想的氛围中成长着,奋发着。然而,事与愿违,岂知进入不惑之年,却又好生意外而不由选择地迈进了王家大院的门槛,猛不丁地做起了旅游,而且一干就是十年。说来也算偶然中的缘份吧![第一段]  相似文献   

踏上寻找之旅飞机抵达内罗毕的时候,是中午。赤道的阳光明亮而充沛。天那么蓝。阳光从湛蓝湛蓝的空中毫无遮挡地倾泻而下。有凉凉的风迎面吹过。流动的空气中散发着鲜花的芬芳。出发前和朋友们说,我要去东非,去肯尼亚旅行。很多人都惊讶得瞪大了眼睛。你居然敢去那样的地方?那蛮荒之地。那里遍地都是爱滋病。还有疟疾、黄热病。那里没有东西吃。那里的水肯定不卫生。更有朋友煞有介事地告诉我,那地方,苍蝇会钻到人的皮肤底下产卵,然后,那些幼虫就在你的皮肤里蠕动着直到会飞。  相似文献   

在世界最大广告公司工作5年的孟为,虽然每天还是需要面对繁杂的工作,但对他来说,这样的打工已经成为一种习惯。孟为早期曾在日本留学4年,后来又到美国学习 MBA 和工作了7年。在美国时的他就已经成为了“玩家一族”,读书期间,曾经花掉了自己几乎所有的积蓄用来走遍美国和加拿大,并尝试各种户外玩乐项目,潜水、开飞机、划浪风帆都不在话下。用他的话来讲就是,“外国的学生敢玩的,我都能够和他们一起玩。”孟为十分热爱旅行,并将旅行作为生活中不可以缺失的部分坚持至今。近两年来,他专注于环球潜水和水下摄影,每年利用几乎所有的假期去到世界上著名的潜水地旅行度假,然后将在潜水时海底拍摄的照片整理好,如今的他已经有数不清的旅行相簿了。  相似文献   

我是在我的两个朋友自杀之后决定要去爬阿巴拉契亚山的.“Nathan Tanner说.照片中的他手里捧着要带上卡拉罕丁峰顶的一件工艺品.由两个较长的柱子和一个较短的柱子组成.这是一次赌注.”他们两个都很安静.深沉.善于思考.但却因为我不知道的原因.感谢上帝我不知道,他们决定放弃自己生命的权利.我很多年以前就听说  相似文献   


This study seeks to account for differences between the UK and US in including sites of black slavery as part of their heritage tourism and museum agenda. Both countries were heavily involved in the slave trade and both currently have immigrant communities with an appreciation of their origins. However, and unlike the American situation, it is only recently that Britain has opened the contentious issue of slavery to public gaze. In this regard, attention focuses specifically on the mounting of a pioneering Slave Exhibition at Liverpool's Maritime Museum and, by interviewing its chief curator, various insights are gained as to the potential and pitfalls of such a permanent display of an inglorious past. Further interpretation is added by references to the general literature on heritage tourism, the emerging context of “thanatourism” and the framework of a Force Field model that can usefully accommodate the competing interests of rival stakeholders.  相似文献   

社会学框架下的旅游学学科属性定位分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
陈才 《旅游学刊》2004,19(6):15-19
本文在假设旅游学是一门独立学科这一前提下,借用社会学关于学科属性定位的分析框架,对旅游学的学科属性进行定位分析。从学科的认知维度来看,旅游学是一门“应用”性较强的“软”学科;从学科的组织维度来看,旅游学是一门“分野度”较高而“城市化度”较低的学科。旅游学学科的这些属性的确定。为我们解释旅游学发展现状提供了基本依据。能够使我们明确旅游学的发展阶段、发展方向以及应注意的问题,这对于旅游学学科建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This study explores the determinants of restaurant crowdfunding success, inspired by success determinants found in independent restaurant literature. The results indicate that community orientation, images that show elements of the restaurant concept, and frequent communication with funders are key drivers for success. We conclude that restaurant entrepreneurs who show that their project benefits the community where they operate, provide constant updates that maintain project interest, and are responsive to funders’ comments are more likely to succeed in reward-based crowdfunding.  相似文献   

Residents’ recreation behavior is highly influenced by their level of access to recreation opportunities. Distance is an important component of access. The purpose of this study was to measure levels of access to public beaches in the Detroit Metropolitan Area (DMA) using four travel distances (1, 6, 10, and 20 miles) and three access measures (minimum distance, travel cost, and covering), with the intent of demonstrating the sensitivity of findings to both the distance and measure employed. Findings indicate that while public beaches are geographically accessible for a majority of the DMA population within 20 miles according to all access measures, at distances less than 20 miles level of access varies substantially with the access measure used. Future access studies should consider a range of travel distances rather than the single distance typical of most prior analyses and should also be sensitive to the differentials produced by the access measure employed.  相似文献   

可持续旅游发展的价值依据比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文追溯了可持续旅游发展观在不同学科中的理论渊源,分析了"可持续旅游发展"的不同价值诉求,探讨了基于功利价值、正义价值或良心价值等不同价值基础之上的"可持续旅游发展".环境与发展经济学、旅游社会学、旅游人类学的部分流派的理论范式和研究方法可以为旅游发展提供现实的、可操作的指导,体现了对功利价值的追求.旅游社会学和旅游人类学的主要流派理论密切关注旅游的社会、政治及文化影响,体现了对正义价值的追求.而环境伦理和生态伦理学则更多地考虑了整个生态系统的和谐发展,体现了对良心价值的追求.  相似文献   


Sponsorship is a critical component of the convention and exhibition industry. There are diverse forms of sponsorships in this industry and many sponsors expect more benefits derived from their contributions than those from typical marketing activities, such as advertising and public relations. However, there have been few attempts to examine the impact of sponsorships in the convention and exhibition area. This study evaluated the impact of sponsorship by assessing attendees' recognition of sponsors in relation to different types of sponsorships and number of days attending a show. Results indicated that attendees' recognition level of the sponsors varied depending on the type of sponsorships and the number of days attending a show. In addition, sponsoring companies achieved a much higher recognition level than non-sponsoring companies. Based on the findings of this study, business and marketing implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of ambiguous Locus of Control (LOC) on customers’ evaluations after service failures in the tourism distribution channel between intermediaries (travel agents) and suppliers (hotels). A three (Locus: ambiguity, intermediary, and supplier) × two (Severity: severe versus mild) between-subject design was employed. Findings indicate that customers’ evaluations are more negative of an intermediary (travel agent) than of a supplier (hotel) when customers do not know who is at fault. In addition, when service failure is severe, consumers who do not know who is at fault (perceiving an ambiguous LOC) are more dissatisfied with the service failure than those who know who caused the failure (perceiving a clear LOC). Furthermore, customers who served themselves (self-service; high participation) are more likely to attribute service failure to a supplier than customers who were served by an intermediary (intermediary service; low participation).  相似文献   

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