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游梁式抽油机在一定的生产条件下调整好平衡达到标准后,随着油井本身地层供液和含水、含气等工况的变化使悬点负荷不断的变化,使抽油机平衡偏离行业标准.在游梁式抽油机上加装可自动调整平衡系统,实时自动检测抽油机平衡状况,自动调整平衡,使抽油机始终达到行业平衡标准.加装可自动调整平衡系统,使抽油机运行状态得到改善,节电增产效果显...  相似文献   

三圆幅值法找动平衡原理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于不平衡转子,通过将其三等分,取三个试重加载位,先讨论一般情况下平衡质量的大小和平衡位置,后讨论两种特殊情况即原始不平衡矢量位于试重加载位时和原始不平衡量位于两个试重加载中间时平衡质量的大小和平衡位置,从而论证三圆幅值法寻找动平衡的合理性。  相似文献   

平衡记分卡是一种绩效评价体系,它从财务指标、客户指标、内部管理流程指标和学习与发展指标四个维度对企业各职能部门和各个岗位任职人进行考核;平衡记分卡是企业实施战略的一种有效的工具,它能帮助企业实现以下三个方面的有机协调与平衡:战略管理与战术管理平衡、财务指标与非财务指标平衡、结果性指标和动因性指标平衡。  相似文献   

平衡是指物体或系统的一种状态。在不同领域,平衡有不同的涵义。在一定意义上讲,平衡和平等、和谐、统一相一致,而后者正是人类追求的一般价值目标。立体裁剪是高品质服装塑造的重要手段,而立体裁剪过程中最重要的是对于平衡感的把握,只有掌握了衣身平衡,才能设计出优美服装的造型和舒适服装的板型。本文从服装部件的外观造型平衡、服装部位的结构平衡和服装形态的几何平衡三方面加以分析,并最终得出相关结论。  相似文献   

在油田开发过程中,游梁式抽油机调平衡是一项重要的、长期的节能降耗工作。为了解决抽油机调平衡时存在的实际问题,我们利用抽油机曲柄和平衡块的特点,研制出一种便于操作,省工省力低成本、调整效果好、易于现场使用的调整抽油机平衡的齿形锁块式液压平衡专用装置。  相似文献   

欠平衡钻水平井技术对策及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析欠平衡钻井与水平井钻井结合难点,提出了利用常规技术钻欠平衡水平井的工艺方法。并对欠平衡钻水平井技术工艺的关键技术进行了阐述。例举了新疆油田利用欠平衡钻水平井工艺技术完成的2口井的钻井实践,对开展欠平衡水平井钻井在油田的应用提出了几个方面的建议。  相似文献   

何迺彦在“也谈多级泵平衡系统的改进”一文中,对拙作“低级别多级泵平衡系统改进”中的平衡系统改造两个思路提出置疑,现作说明如下。 1.增加平衡室面积。这里有个与水力机械有关的概念问题,平衡室是用于装配平衡  相似文献   

针对现行抽油机平衡标准不合理、不准确、不统一的问题,通过对抽油机平衡过程的分析,提出了功率不平衡度的概念,并以消除发电工况为平衡准则。按此原则验算了19口井的平衡指标,证明了新平衡标准的准确性。从技术和经济两方面综合考虑,确定了"功率不平衡度小于-1、大于1时,没有发电工况,且不平衡度较小,是合格的、合理的平衡区间"。  相似文献   

平衡剃齿刀是近十几年来发展起来的加工齿轮的高生产率的先进刀具。平衡剃齿刀根据加工具体情况设计和制造。我们采用了计算机辅助设计平衡剃齿刀,它不仅可以提高工作效率,而且可使平衡剃齿刀的参数得到优化。  相似文献   

全球石油市场按地缘格局划分,存在着三大区域平衡:第一个平衡是东西平衡,即苏伊士以东市场和苏伊士以西市场各自基本平衡;第二个平衡是跨大西洋两岸平衡,即美洲地区和欧洲地区也是各自基本平衡;第三个平衡是中东—亚太平衡.地缘供需格局与国际基准原油价格波动密切关联.基本面的平衡关系为,供应量-需求量=库存量. “供需存”模型对应的主要有三种价差,即跨期价差(Time spread)、跨区价差(Arbitrage)和裂解价差(Crack).各类价差是基本面的反映,价差交易也对基本面的改变提供反作用,使得基本面和价差实现回归和重构.通过对近期三类价差变化态势的分析,认为当前国际原油的基本面整体上处于“再平衡”的修复之中,而全球炼油毛利的持续下降,短期内将对炼厂原油需求构成节奏性的压制.此外,还要高度关注下半年国际原油市场供给侧存在的不确定性.  相似文献   

当前,推进人力资源开发,对于经济社会发展具有重要意义。从系统观点看,从我国经济社会发展的实际出发。需要着眼于人力资源开发的全过程,关注人力资源开发的全方面,增强人力资源开发的系统性。为此,需要在提升主体性过程中推进人力资源开发,在改进管理模型中推进人力资源开发,在教育培训中推进人力资源开发,在文化建设中推进人力资源开发,在人才使用中推进人力资源开发,在市场化的进程中推进人力资源开发,在提升社会资本的过程中推进人力资源开发,在完善机制过程中推进人力资源开发。  相似文献   

As a fundamental infrastructure in the Era of Information, a broadband network has a significant impact on democracy, economy, and society, indicating the importance of policy to increase broadband penetration. Considering the characteristics of broadband as a network, many governments introduced service-based competition, which is assumed to lower entry barriers by allowing entrants to lease incumbents' facilities, as a stepping stone to facilities-based competition.Questioning this unidirectional approach, the present study examines how the direction of policy implementation, that is service- to facilities-based versus facilities- to service-based, affects broadband diffusion. Through the case study of the U.S. and South Korea which experienced both modes of competition in opposing temporal sequences, this research concludes that facilities- to service-based competition might contribute to higher and faster broadband diffusion than service- to facilities-based competition. Rather than impose unbundling obligations against incumbents, facilities-based competition with financial support of the government to entrants seems to induce an earlier peak in broadband penetration. Additionally, consistent commitment of the government enforcement appears to be critical in implementing service-based competition.Though limited to the cases of the U.S. and Korea, this study suggests that service-based competition may be neither a necessity to facilitate broadband diffusion nor a precondition to introduce facilities-based competition. Moreover, service-based competition policy can function to deter overbuild of facilities and lessen the financial burden of broadband service providers if adopted after an initial period of facilities-based competition policy, which includes government investment in broadband facilities, that seems to help promote competition and give incentives to construct networks.Contrary to the literature, the present study raises a new perspective of the role of service-based competition as an enhancer for service quality and that of facilities-based competition with government investment as a booster of early and rapid broadband diffusion.  相似文献   

Is it better to move first, or second—to innovate, or to imitate? We show that if one player's information about the profitability of new markets is only modestly superior, the possibility of foreclosing the market can lead to a first‐mover advantage. On the other hand, more extreme information superiority can reverse this, leading to a second‐mover advantage. Knowing more surely what is the best choice, the better‐informed player wants to delay to keep his information private and the less‐informed player wants to delay to learn. Because of this, more accurate information can actually lead to inefficiency by increasing the incentive to delay, and exogenous costs of delay can aid efficiency by neutralizing that strategic incentive. In fact, in some circumstances a player may purposely coarsen his information to deter imitation.  相似文献   

One of the major factors hindering the introduction of alternative mortgage instruments is the possibility of adverse consequences to certain groups of households seeking to obtain credit for homeownership. This study examines this issue through an analysis of cross-sectional household data obtained from the 1970 Survey of Consumer Finances. Using multiple regression analysis, a series of structural demand models are derived and estimated. These models relate the probability of homeownership, levels of housing consumption, mortgage credit usage, and downpayment to income, assets, and other socioeconomic variables, to variables representing the relative price of housing and homeownership, and to certain variables representing the present value and cash flow costs of mortgage credit. Several mortgage-related variables are found to be influential in housing demand decisions. These models are then used to simulate alternative instrument introduction. The graduated-payment and price-level adjusted mortgages are predicted to be superior to the current instrument of mortgage finance in encouraging homeownership, housing consumption, and the use of mortgage credit among all household classes. The standard variable-rate mortgage, especially one tied to a short-term interest rate, is predicted to be inferior to the standard instrument, with the most adverse impacts upon lower-income, young, elderly, and black households.  相似文献   

过程是应当增值的,而过场是不增值的。为了保证过程增值,需要按规定的程序来开展过程,需要对过程进行必要的测量,更需要对测量的结果进行监视和处置。同时,还要防止程序走过场,并淘汰不能增值的过程。  相似文献   

金融危机导致国内大批中小企业资金链断裂,不少企业为了维持生存,解决一时资金周转困难,而不得不借高利贷以解燃眉之急。但是,高利贷犹如套在中小企业脖子上的“绞刑绳”,原本许多经营正常的企业因为借高利贷而被迫关闭破产。因此,在金融危机的背景下,我们必须加强监管,严厉打击高利贷行为,鼓励企业抱团自救。向国家商业银行贷款,以度过困难阶段。  相似文献   

Hamid Noori 《R&D Management》1995,25(3):309-322
Responding to the challenges of the marketplace compels firms to employ new production methods to improve product quality and delivery reliability, to reduce costs, and above all, to achieve greater flexibility. This paper outlines the system design of a group decision support system, developed to guide management through the process of new technology evaluation and adoption. The advantages of the proposed architecture include the opportunity to integrate a variety of independently developed components, the localisation of components (which leads to simplified maintenance) and the flexibility in the future for expanding and modifying the system.  相似文献   

井间示踪剂技术在油田开发中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了油田开发中几种常用的井间示踪剂技术原理、特点及在油田的应用效果和发展趋势,阐述了井间示踪剂技术的多种用途。通过示踪剂技术可以分析油田的水驱规律,了解断层的封闭状况,验证油水井的连通情况,计算注水井在平面上各个方向的渗流速度以及油井的水淹方向,确定区块的剩余油分布等,对于进一步认识油藏的非均质性、注入水沿裂缝窜流的规律、注水方案调整以及调剖堵剂用量的确定起到了积极的指导作用,为油田的油水井调整、工艺技术措施和综合治理提供了可靠的科学依据。  相似文献   

The key task in the next stage of spectrum management is to adapt regulation to the prospect of widespread sharing, on a much more sophisticated basis than sharing is used today. There is a role for the regulator to take steps to expand the area of choice within which public and private sector users can operate. This is best done in general by enhancing the flexibility of usage rights, which itself is best achieved by enhancing the freedom to trade them in the dimensions of time, space, level of interference and priority of access, by subdividing, re-aggregating, etc. However, there are considerable transactions cost impediments to trading where unlicensed users are involved. This creates a role for the regulator pro-actively to investigate different allocations, to make provisions for the most promising to occur and to incorporate both in refarming exercises and in primary assignments based on auctions configurations of usage rights, which might favour promising avenues of shared spectrum use.  相似文献   

通过不同油田机组的可靠性指标横向对比,综合评价油田机组工作性态的优劣;通过对各机组进行母体均值检验及方差检验,判别各机组间寿命的差异性;利用趋势检验的方法,检验每台机组的磨损趋势,为现场改进操作规程,合理安排检修周期,降低发电机组的检修率,达到延长机组使用寿命的目的.  相似文献   

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