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杨海军 《广告大观》2006,(1S):38-39
广告人跳槽的现状原因 目前,中国广告业处于初创期,没有任何行业像广告业这样具有包容性,无论何种怪才、偏才都能被它所吸纳;也没有任何行业的从业人员像广告人一样跳槽神速,“一年入门,两年成‘专家’,三年便跳槽”成为广告人流动的真实写照。  相似文献   

王怡 《中国广告》2009,(2):102-102
关注全球金融危机的广告人一定不可否认,近期公布的一系列经济运行数据表明:金融经济“冷潮”已严重影响我国大片地区,尤其是实体经济。经济发展的前景令人担忧。2009年将可能进入严峻的经济“冰冻期”……  相似文献   

王春泉 《广告大观》2006,(1S):40-41
近来,广告人频频跳槽,成为了公共议题中的“显问题”;“淮动了谁的奶酪”结合着愈来愈碎片化的广告生态,逼人省思。社会性的知识释放中,大量的考量与焦虑由此出发。从社会角度而言,可列举的包括社会环境的飞速变化、机会的增多、广告公司管理上的局限、  相似文献   

“趋势是一种暴政,趋势是一种陷阱!” 美国广告人George Lois在谈到“趋势”对于广告业的不良影响的时候,曾经发出这样振聋发聩的呼声。因为在他看来,广告是门艺术,所以针对每次新问题或挑战,广告人就该以全新的角度与开放的心胸为出发点,而不是紧张地借用别人泛泛的点子。所谓的“趋势”下,依靠趋势可以寻找到某种“安全”,而依靠趋势却只能成就劣等作品。  相似文献   

某日圈内朋友凑在一起,有人打听跳槽新方向,结果说来说去,却没有一致顺眼的公司,大有“天下乌鸦一般黑”之势。席间有位A君,大家表示愿闻其详,A君慢慢道来,归纳了广告人跳槽的若干定律,大意如下:  相似文献   

《天下无贼》里黎叔说得好:“21世纪最缺的是什么?人才!”而人才需要在流动中方能称之为“人才”,是现代市场经济一个不是“悖论”的悖论,也似乎成为大家自嘲式的共识。广告行业尤甚。广告行业存在一个普遍现象:选择一个平台踏踏实实干的比较少,选择跳槽找捷径的比较多。究其原因可能有以下几点:主观上,在市场经济高速发展的中国,机会“无限”增多使得大多数人心态难免虚浮躁动;客观上,大部分广告公司的发展速度跟不上个人发展的步伐;再次,广告公司对人力资源管理虽有足够重视,但机制仍有待在现实对接基础上突破创新。广告创意人作为广告人才中的“精品”,天性不受束缚.自我中心感强.一直受到猎头公司、广告公司老板.外资广告企业的关注,年复一年的“恶意挖人”现象,使得广告人的跳槽现象也随之越发不可收。活跃群体被卷入了恶性循环的怪圈,使得广告创意人群心态日益浮躁。  相似文献   

沸沸扬扬的方正集团助理总裁周险峰率众加盟海信数码事件终于尘埃落定:周险峰出任海信数码CEO,除了周险峰以外,方正科技产品中心总经理吴京伟,销售平台副总经理吴松林,产品总监以及PC部门的一些基层管理人员和技术人员一起投奔海信……曾经无数次引起人们关注的“集体跳槽”事件又以这样的方式再次曝光在媒体的风暴眼中。只不过这次事件给了我们重新观察的视角:以前的集体跳槽大多体现了跳槽首领和老东家的恩怨,而如今愈演愈烈的集体跳槽更多地渗透进跳槽者新东家的力量和影响。同时,一些猎头公司也介入其中分一杯羹。在四方潜行博弈的过程中,动荡的产生和均势的达成不断循环往复,使得“集体跳槽”演进成“团队移植”。喧嚣渐息之后,我们不禁要问:“集体跳槽”究竟伤害了谁?摧毁了谁?成就了谁?  相似文献   

方棱 《广告导报》2004,(4):45-47
作为广告人,我们每天都在和“卖点”打交道,很多时候,面对的是同质化严重的产品。有经验的广告人是善于在同质化里找出差异的,但面对铺天盖地的“概念”战,人们也开始扪心自问,广告人是否只是在广告传播这一环节发挥作用,在某种意义上做着亡羊补牢的工作?我们是否可以在企业产品研发的时候就开始介入,并最终帮助企业生产  相似文献   

岁末已至,新年来临,在已经过去的一年里,成功失败也罢,伤心喜悦也罢。2004年只是人生的一个驿站;2004年发生的一切只是生命里的一个轮回。也许会因为身处广告圈这个特殊的光环之下,广告人的2004更具广告“特色”。无论是我的2004,还是你的2004,或是她(他)的2004,只要是广告人的2004,忙碌、加班、比稿、跳槽……都将成为他们2004年里共同的关键词。点击属于广告人共同的关键词,铺展开的又将是他们各自不同的“2004广告故事”。  相似文献   

李慎波 《广告大观》2006,(1S):30-32
跳槽面面观 王先生:跳槽专业户。近10年的广告生涯里,先后就职于十几家广告公司,从山东到广州,又从广州到山东,时间最长的约为两年。这位先生对跳槽的看法是:在同一个地方呆久了没意思,广告人要是不跳槽就不正常。  相似文献   

Scorecards used by consumer credit providers to assess the probability that an applicant will default are usually built for the population of potential applicants as a whole. This paper investigates whether it is permissible and worth-while to build a separate scorecard for each subpopulation of applicants. We review the legal requirements to find that it is permissible to use separate scorecards for many, but not all, personal characteristics. Second, using data supplied by a credit card organization separate scorecards were built for several subpopulations for each of twelve personal characteristics. The predicted performance of each was compared with that gained form estimating a scorecard for the full population using three methods for setting the cut-off scores in an `independent' way. These methods differ in the degree to which the cut-off scores are independent of information about other subpopulation, in the level of discrimination achieved between likely good payers and defaulters and in the degree to which each method is robust to new data. We conclude, first, that creating scorecards using subpopulations does not necessarily give better discrimination between likely good payers and defaulters. Second, none of the three methods examined to set the cut-off scores dominates the others using the three desirable properties described; trade-offs are required. Finally, subpopulation scorecards lead to the rejection of fewer applicants than scorecards built on full populations.  相似文献   


If a school is able to establish a distinctive position relative to its competitors, it enhances its ability to maintain or increase enrollments. This paper focuses on the steps necessary for a school to create an effective positioning strategy. Success at positioning, however, does not occur easily or rapidly. Through the use of a variety of survey methods, it can be determined whether the strategy employed has resulted in the desired positioning for the school. Schools that have properly positioned themselves to meet the needs of their student market will flourish while those that have failed to do so will languish.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

This paper presents an outline forteaching about bribery. The outline is based onthe presumption that a payment, once defined asa ``bribe' is by definition unethical. Inaddition, the paper develops a simple yetworkable definition of bribery based on theprincipal-agent framework. The idea is that anypayment made to a principal, for any purpose,is not by definition a bribe; however, anypayment made to an agent is a bribe if theagent retains the payment.  相似文献   

记者:继东风汽车有限公司7月1日正式挂牌运营之后,中共东风汽车有限公司党委也正式成立了,这对公司来讲是件可喜可贺的事情.东风汽车有限公司党委的成立有何重大意义? 叶书记:东风汽车有限公司的创立,在我国中外合资企业中无论是其合作规模还是合作层次,无论是资产额度还是员工人数,都开了合资企业的先河.在合资企业中,党组织公开挂牌、公开活动、党群人员纳入编制、活动资金纳入预算的"一公开、两纳入"模式,更是全国第一家,仅此,意义不言自明了.这是机会,更是挑战;是压力,更是动力.  相似文献   

2004年7月云南省昆明市一律师以自己的固定电话号码在他人电话上显示侵犯了隐私为由,状告服务提供商中国电信昆明分公司,但最终因“号码资源所有权属于家,使用权属于电信运营商.原告只在合同期内对谈号码对应的通信线路享有主叫功能和专用权.  相似文献   

孙伟 《市场研究》2007,(5):48-50
善因营销(Cause-Related Marketing,CRM)就是将企业与非赢利机构,特别是慈善组织相结合,将产品销售与公益事业相结合,在为相关事业进行捐赠、资助其发展的同时,达到提高产品销售额、实现企业利润、改善企业社  相似文献   

If consumption takes time, then a time constraint may reduce the consumer's freedom when buying goods. Some implications of Steedman's approach are examined in this paper; some variations on the theme are considered and compared. Finally, the notion of time as a context may lead to developments in the concept of a process of consumption, and of its relations with consumption goods.  相似文献   

Few cities in the UK lack an 'authentic' Irish bar, be it O'Neill's, Scruffy Murphy's or Shifty O'Shea's. Theme pubs, like theme parks, theme hotels and theme restaurants, are very big business. Yet the marketing academy seems somewhat reluctant to investigate such establishments, professionally at least. This essay examines the theme pub phenomenon and offers some reflexive reflections on the recent, rapid rise of themed environments. It concludes with some lessons for marketing scholars, contending that excess is the essence of our field. As William Blake observed, the road of excess may lead to the palace of wisdom.  相似文献   

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