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银监会设立信息科技监管部近日,经中央编办批准,银监会设立信息科技监管部。银监会党委书记、主席尚福林强调,要加强银行业信息科技监管督导和专项排查,维护银行业稳健运行。尚福林指出,银行业信息科技系统的安全、稳健运行,关系银行业自身可持续发展,关系金融安全。在当前银行业务快速发展与信息科技高度融合的背景下,在银监会设立专门部门对银行业信息科技风险加强监管,充分表明了党中央、  相似文献   

尚福林:加强银行信息科技监管和专项排查 银监会党委书记、主席尚福林近日就银监会设立信息科技监管部这一内容指出,银行业信息科技系统的安全、稳健运行,关系银行业自身可持续发展,关系金融安全。在当前银行业务快速发展与信息科技高度融合的背景下,在银监会设立专门部门对银行业信息科技风险加强监管,充分表明了党中央、国务院对银行业信息科技监管工作的高度重视,也体现了新形势下不断加强银行业专业化监管能力建设的决心。  相似文献   

2012年是"十二五"规划向纵深推进的关键一年,也是经济金融形势更加复杂严峻、不稳定性明显上升的一年。全省银行业监管工作要以科学发展观为统领,深入贯彻落实中央经济工作会议、全国金融工作会议和银监会2012年监管工作会议精神,把好"稳中求进"主基调,抓住防范风险这个根本,切实增强风险监管的前瞻性、主动性和科学性,着力提升银行业可持续发展能力,提高银行业服务经济发展水平。  相似文献   

十八届三中全会通过了《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》,体现了党中央全面深化改革的大思路、大战略、大举措、大突破,提出了完善金融市场体系的总体要求,并在落实金融监管改革措施和稳健标准等方面提出了具体目标。银监会尚福林主席在2014年全国银行业监管工作会议中指出,要把谨防信息科技风险作为当前七个重点风险防控工作之一。作为银行业科技风险监管部门,银监会信息科技监管部要守住底线、把握全局,加强前瞻谋划,及时调整监管思路、采取有效监管措施,为银行业信息科技健康平稳发展保驾护航。  相似文献   

2013年是贯彻落实党的“十八大”精神的开局之年,银行业信息科技工作任重道远。银监会信息科技监管部将以更加宽广的视野,更加前瞻的思维,贯彻落实“自主可控、持续发展、科技创新”三大战略,坚持监管与指导并重,加强“统筹规划、协调指导、专心创新”能力建设,推动银行业信息科技监管工作再上新台阶?  相似文献   

吴跃 《金融电子化》2009,(12):41-42
当今世界信息科技日新月异,深刻影响着银行业的变革和发展。在我国银行业改革和发展过程中,科技与银行的经营战略和业务运营紧密结合在一起,科技进步推动了银行业务增长和竞争力增强。与此同时,银行发展对信息科技的高度依赖也使得科技风险成为银行业的主要风险之一。银监会大力推动银行业金融机构加强信息科技风险管理并取得了积极的进展,但是与国际先进标准和有效监管的目标还有很大差距,需要我们不断深化和细化并切实加强信息科技监管有效性的建设。  相似文献   

正银行业信息系统安全持续稳定运行,关系银行业自身可持续发展,关系金融业网络安全,也是银监会银行业信息科技监管的首要工作。面对机遇与挑战,银行业信息科技工作要加强前瞻谋划,找准问题症结和根源,研究应对之策,有效化解系统性风险,维护金融运行秩序。当前银行业系统运行保障情况银监会不断探索完善监管治理体系与机制,构建机构监管与功能监管相结合的矩阵式监管架构,推动监管向集约化和专业化发展,将信息科技风险纳入整体监管框  相似文献   

银监会在全面风险监管体系框架下,持续强化银行业信息科技风险监管,构建科技风险监管体系,稳步推进监管政策、规范和标准的建设,探索研究有中国特色的银行业科技风险管理快速成长之路,充分运用非现场监管、现场检查和准入等多种手段,不断强化风险责任意识和监管要求,全面推进银行业信息科技风险管理能力的提升。  相似文献   

李丹 《金融电子化》2014,(12):19-21
正近年来,针对金融外包发展形势和风险上升态势银监会健全监管制度,规范银行业金融机构信息科技外包行为,持续强化对重点机构、信息科技外包重点风险领域的纵深监管,特别针对非驻场集中式外包存在的风险加强安全监管,防范银行业信息安全和服务中断等系统性风险。在实施常规监管措施的同时,银监会集成行业资源创新监管机制,构建银行业科技外包风险综合管理机制  相似文献   

时至岁末,如果要盘点过去一年银行监管工作,我们或许可以从银监会主席尚福林在传达中央经济工作会议精神所说的话中觅到一些线索。"加强形势分析和研判,提高监管有效性,严守风险底线,努力促进银行业提高金融服务水平,更好服务实体经济发展。"纵观银监会在2011年的作为,有效防范风险与引导银行业服务实体经济是这一年银行监管的两大着力点。  相似文献   

肖钢 《金融电子化》2012,(5):8-10,6
银行信息化是国民经济信息化的重要组成部分,特别是跨入21世纪以来,随着信息技术的突飞猛进及其在银行业的广泛深入应用,信息科技已经从传统的"支持保障"角色转变为银行"价值创造"的重要  相似文献   

<正> 今年年初,我应施瓦布主席的邀请,出席了在瑞士达沃斯举行的世界经济论坛第30届年会及企业顾问集团专门会议。我们讨论了经济全球化日益加快和信息技术快速发展给各国所带来的影响,议论了南北差距和发展中国家的呼声,建议有关国际组织、国际金融机构和工业发达国家加强对发展中国家的援助,使他们能获得更多的发展机会,增强参与国际竞争的能力。同时,希望发展中国家的企业界加强合作,促进相互发展。达沃斯世界经济论坛第30届年会的声音已经传遍几大洲,受到各国的广泛关注。这次移师北京,是论坛第30届年会的继续和扩展。本次高峰会的主题是:“中国日益显著的全球角色:影响力、机遇与挑战”。  相似文献   

商鞅变法是中国古代较为成功的一次社会改革,其成功原因各说纷纭,文章从国家权力角度进行了探讨,并得出了是最高统治者的支持给了商鞅运用各种形式权力的权限,对权威力的运用使秦民不得不服,对影响力的运用使秦民心服口服,对强制力的运用使秦民因恐惧而服,才是商鞅变法能够成功的真正原因.  相似文献   

We compare Chinese single with dual-class firms cross-listed on US exchanges. We find that dual-class firms are larger in terms of assets and sales, possess ownership concentration, and have higher institutional ownership. Chinese firms in IT industry are especially likely to use dual-class structure. We find that, contrary to the literature, dual-class firms underprice 30.42% more and firm underprices less when governance practices are adequate. Insiders need to bear underpricing cost for retaining control. Interestingly, we find that dual-class firms hire more independent directors to show commitment toward shareholder’s rights but control them through CEO Chairman Duality and superior voting rights.  相似文献   

In this brief and informal speech to senior executives representing a group of the bank's largest corporate clients, Bank of America's CEO and Chairman describes the bank's mission and the "necessary conditions" for achieving it. Besides mentioning a number of recent initiatives aimed at improving quality of service—including an extensive employee stock option plan—he also comments on the role of the bank's stock repurchase program in its overall attempt to maximize "economic profit" and shareholder value.  相似文献   

王硕琦 《中国外资》2012,(18):287-288
Shang Yang made preparations for the reform focusing on two aspects. On one hand, he communicated and negotiated with Duke Xiao(the governor of State Qin) three times and gained Duke Xiao's support and trust. On the other hand, Shang Yang and Duke Xiao collaborated to negotiate with the conservatives and cleared off obstructions. This essay concentrates on the strategies and tactics of which took advantage by Shang Yang. In the end, there is some consideration about the reform performed by Wang Anshi and the ongoing reform from 1978.  相似文献   

Abstract:   Most UK companies separate the roles of CEO and Chairman. The former runs the company and the latter runs the board. Using turnover data on 2,180 separate Chairmanships of the top 460 UK firms over the 1990–1998 period, I find that the Chairman is more likely to be replaced when the CEO is dismissed. Detailed data on the dismissal events suggests that Chairman replacement is associated with board restructuring. This may be necessary to bring in different skills and experience which, in turn, might facilitate changes in future corporate decisions. Moreover, I find that the Chairman's previous position, or the type of Chairmanship, does not affect the association between Chairman removal and CEO dismissal. But, the increase in the dismissal likelihood of the Chairman at the time of forced CEO departure is higher when she is involved in the appointment of the failing CEO. This, in turn, can be interpreted as an indication of effective governance.  相似文献   

H. P. Gassmann 《Futures》1991,23(10):1019-1031
A review is made of the global status of information technology (IT) development and new opportunities identified for government IT policies. Despite operational problems, IT innovations continue apace. Poor human-computer interaction, user friendliness and lack of standardization are all key issues which must be addressed. Globalization trends, east-west politicomilitary changes and third world development, all have implications for government IT policies over the coming decade—and the right directions must be pursued now to derive real benefits from IT and move towards a true information economy.  相似文献   

①What are the most difficult ships to conquer?②What is the smallest bridge in the world?③What question can never be answered by“yes”?④What room can no one enter?⑤What kind of boat is like a knife?⑥Why are the letter G and letter S in“gloves”clos  相似文献   

The notable lack of success in UK public sector IT development projects has been recently recognised in policy making circles and considerable efforts are now being made to improve the situation. However, the lessons officially being drawn from the UK public sector's IT development failures, while eminently sensible, do appear simplistic and even superficial. This paper applies permanent failure theory to the stream of IT development failures in an attempt to offer some alternatives to the official lessons.  相似文献   

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