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This article looks cat the historical dynamics of service provision from a rather unusual perspective - the change in patterns of time use. It discusses a mechanism whereby activity potterns in ‘the economy ‘may be accountedfor in terms of time rather than money, and shows how this form of economic activity is associated with other rextra-economic 3 sorts of productive and leisure activities. It presents time-budget d0ta from a number of different developed economies, showing historical changes in time allocation patterns, and relates these to more conventional indicators of economic structure.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2017,93(2):241-251
While the factors related to the survival of established retail firms are well researched, current understanding of drivers of new retail venture survival is limited. We assess the influence of retail operations characteristics on the survival of new retail ventures. Based on data from 15,901 Portuguese retail ventures that were founded between 2006 and 2010 and followed until 2014, the new retail ventures with faster inventory turnover or higher staff expenses per employee had a higher likelihood of survival while higher investment in intangible assets had a negative but negligible effect on survival. The implications of these findings for entrepreneurs of new retailing ventures are discussed.  相似文献   

企业管理中非正式制度的有效利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文华 《商业研究》2005,(22):86-87
企业规章制度多少并不能表示企业管理水平的高低。规章制度的有效发挥才能使企业具有良好的发展前景。制度是否有效不仅仅在于正式制度本身是否规范、合理,而且在制度的制定和执行过程中,非正式制度的作用同样不可忽视。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

服务业转换成本的形成机理与管理策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着服务业的竞争加剧和顾客争夺成本的提高 ,转换成本对企业保持顾客的功能已经引起理论界和实践界的广泛关注。基于国外最新的理论研究成果 ,本文对转换成本的形成机理、维度及其特征进行了分析和概括 ,指出转换成本在顾客满意与顾客忠诚关系中所具有的调节功能 ,最后探讨了转换成本管理策略。  相似文献   

This article exemplifies the principal-agent problem by reference to executive search consultancy The client company (principal) hires an executive search consultancy (agent) to recruit on its behalf Inherent in the relationship is the possibility of opportunistic behaviour: The effort expended by the agent on behalf of the principal cannot be monitored and the principal cannot judge whether sufficient effort has been expended. To overcome this, incentive systems based on outputs rather than behaviour would have been advocated. In the service sector; however, there is the added problem that often output itself’ is difficult to define and monitor: By taking a non-standard view this article considers the incentive systems that have evolved in executive search.  相似文献   

微波技术是时代发展和现代化技术不断进步的产物,具有高效、节能的特点。近年来,该技术在食品加工和检测中得到有效运用,发挥出巨大的使用价值,推进食品行业的持续、健康发展。  相似文献   

Despite certain common trends found in various countries there exist major differences as to the way enterprises develop their human resource strategies. Three principal and different strategies can be distinguished - human resource investment strategy, polarisation strategy and mobility strategy.  相似文献   

Business Economics - While other practices or professions trace their roots back several centuries, management consulting is less than 150 years old. However, this sector has made giant strides in...  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   


This study examines the role of perceived intent in the context of penalty evaluation. Based on prior attribution research, the study proposes that customers' responses to penalties are different depending on their perceptions of the organization's intent of using penalties. Using the data collected across the service industry, the study shows that when customers perceive the organization's intent as defensive rather than offensive, their evaluations of the penalty and the organization (e.g., perceived justice, satisfaction, behavioral intentions) are more positive than when they do not. Managerial implications are offered.  相似文献   

金融服务业的发展体现出强化核心业务,发展外包业务的明显特征。分析国内外金融机构BPO模式现状,实施BPO面临的主要风险为宏观风险、行业风险和金融机构风险。其中金融机构风险是非系统性风险,也是金融BPO业务中的主要风险。包括:战略风险、决策风险、声誉风险、合规风险、操作风险、退包风险、信用风险、履约风险、人力风险、财务风险、合同风险。运用风险规避、风险度量、内部控制、外部监管等方法进行管理。  相似文献   

After so many years, the Malaysian mobile service market is getting saturated, whereby service operators are having difficulties differentiating themselves because they offer similar services. As the service options are wide, customers become less committed to a particular provider and might easily shift from one operator to another. This situation forces the service providers to create a strategy that focuses more on gaining and retaining long-term relationships with their customers. Therefore, the objective of this study is to determine the underlying dimensions of relationship marketing in the Malaysian mobile service sector. A sample of 300 customers in Klang Valley was drawn using scientific procedures of mall intercept, and structural equation modeling was utilized in testing the proposed model. The results show that the relationships between the exogenous latent factors and the overall endogenous factor are significant, ranging from.77 to.94. This illustrates that a relatively high proportion of the variance in relationship marketing is well explained by each of the factors.  相似文献   

金融服务部门开放提供了更多的优质金融服务,便利了企业融资,为企业技术创新提供支持。为系统研究金融服务部门开放与制造业企业技术创新之间的关系,本文在理论分析的基础上,基于世界银行微观企业调研数据库和服务贸易限制数据库,实证分析了金融服务部门开放对企业技术创新活动的影响。研究发现,金融服务部门开放促进了制造业企业技术创新;进一步引入行业特征的分析表明,高外部融资依赖企业的技术创新活动受金融服务部门开放的影响更大,金融服务部门的开放将更有效地促进这类企业技术创新活动的蓬勃发展。本文研究证实融资纾解效应是金融服务部门开放影响企业技术创新活动的主要渠道。  相似文献   

我国服务业的发展态势与策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邓于君 《财贸经济》2005,(11):80-83
"十五"时期与21世纪初期,顺应国民经济发展形势,我国四类服务业呈现不同的发展态势:传统流通服务业将放缓增长速度,占服务业的比重会下降;生产服务业、消费资料型服务业以及政府公共服务部门将加速发展,占服务业的比重会上升.因此,政策层面上采取相应的策略:重点扶持生产服务业、消费资料型服务业、提供社会急需公共服务的政府部门发展;变革传统流通服务业;消除阻碍新兴服务业发展的制度掣肘,积极推动其市场化进程.  相似文献   

Recent years have witnessed a growth in the number of studies relating to service orgrrnisations. This steady stream of literature could be attributed to the continuous expansion of the service sector and its increasing contribution to the advancement of many economies. In this context, issues associated with marketing and performance outcomes which managers can influence directly have received a great deal of attention. This research focuses on an empirical investigation of the relationship between marketing effectiveness and customer retention performance in an attempt to contribute to the growing body of conceptual and empiricul knowledge on the links between marketing and performance among service firms. Drawing on our results which indicate a significant and positive association between marketing effectiveness and customer retention, implications of the findings for service firm managers as well as future research directions are subsequently discussed.  相似文献   


Implementation of Theory of Constraints (TOC) and Business Process Reengineering (BPR) are two quality philosophies or approaches that are being used by several manufacturing organizations worldwide for improving throughput, on-time shipments, and quality, among others. However, the application of these approaches in the service sector are very minimal. In this paper, we illustrate how service organizations, specifically banks and healthcare institutions, can utilize these approaches for gaining a competitive advantage.  相似文献   

The implementation of information systems is increasingly resulting in significant changes to the host organisation's culture. In particular, the workflow management system (WFMS) is one new technology that, because of its tendency to have a direct impact on the organisation and execution of work, has the potential to significantly modify an organisation's culture. This qualitative research investigates the nature of the relationship between WFMS and organisational culture, in the UK financial services sector. The research concludes that WFMS have the potential to modify culture in a positive way by improving the organisations' customer orientation, flexibility and quality focus.  相似文献   

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