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刘莉  田国双 《林业经济》2012,(4):47-50,96
以保护森林种质资源天然基因库为目的,结合中国市场经济发展的要求,首先进行种质资源的界定,侧重在微观层次上从定量角度,运用会计学的方法对森林种质资源问题进行分析,为制定环境政策和加强种质资源管理提供决策依据。  相似文献   

我国是人口大国也是粮食消费大国,但是我国的可耕地面积却不断下降。因此在保障我国粮食安全之中提高粮食单产就显得尤为重要。本文从我国农业生产中不同年份不同小麦品种推广种植面积入手,合理划分小麦生产阶段;在此基础上构建我国农业生产中种质资源价值评估模型;计算出种质资源的价值,进而探索我国种质资源利用的规律,分析其中存在的问题;并针对存在的问题提出相应对策建议。  相似文献   

The 11 genebanks of the Consultative Group on International Agriculture (CGIAR) have grown considerably in size over the past few decades, currently holding about 666,000 accessions of germplasm. Conserving germplasm is a very long run, if not in perpetuity, proposition. The mismatch between the mainly annual funding support for this conservation effort and its very long‐term nature and intent is a serious concern. Using the results of five CGIAR genebank case studies (accounting for 87% of the total CGIAR genebank holdings), we estimate the size of an endowment or trust fund that would be required to assure a funding stream to conserve this genetic material for future generations. The annual cost (in year 2000 US$) of conserving and distributing the genetic material presently held in all 11 CGIAR genebanks is estimated to be 5.7 million US$ (mUS$), which could be maintained for all future generations by setting aside a fund of 149 mUS$ (invested at a real rate of interest of 4% per annum). This would be sufficient to underwrite the costs for the CGIAR's current conservation activities in perpetuity (estimated to be 61 mUS$), as well as the cost of maintaining the distribution activities (88 mUS$) that provide germplasm to breeders, scientists, farmers and others world wide.  相似文献   

In this paper, estimates of value for recreational fishing are reported for three major freshwater impoundments in Queensland, Australia, using both travel cost and contingent valuation methods. Policy analysts often require estimates of value when analysing the importance of recreation against other uses of impoundments, or when considering the potential for further investments, such as with fish stocking programs. Different forms of the travel cost method are used to estimate separate consumer surpluses associated with two key subgroups of recreational anglers: frequent and occasional anglers. A contingent valuation study is used to estimate the marginal values associated with a potential improvement in fishing experience. The results of the travel cost analysis provide strong evidence that recreational values vary between different groups of anglers and across sites, while the contingent valuation estimates provide values for additional marginal benefits of recreational angling.  相似文献   

This study evaluates how landscape changes made in order to improve the visual quality of olive groves may trigger first and second-order effects (FOEs and SOEs) on the rural economy. The choice experiment method is combined with the probability of visiting to estimate the marginal increase in recreational demand derived from the combination of three landscape elements: green cover, stone walls and woodland islets. The results suggest that the improvement of the aesthetic value of landscape (mainly through green covers and stone walls) creates a real, positive asset (due to its FOEs and SOEs) for the local economies in rural areas. The promotion of the recreational value of these areas to attract more visitors and so bring in more income could be a profitable policy, which could be implemented by hybridizing the current Agri-environmental scheme with a Payment for Ecosystem Services approach.  相似文献   

黄土高原地区实施退耕还林工程以后,工程区生态效益显著。本研究采用非市场评估方法对黄土高原地区退耕还林工程的生态效益进行评估。对北京、西安、安塞三地606户城镇居民的生态支付意愿问卷调查结果显示:城镇居民的生态意识较强,十分关注退耕还林等生态治理工程建设,半数以上的受访者愿意为退耕农民进行义务支付。  相似文献   

A new non‐parametric method to estimate a decision maker's coefficient of absolute risk aversion from observed economic behaviour is explained. The method uses the expected value‐variance (E‐V) framework and quadratic programming. An empirical illustration is given using Norwegian farm‐level data.  相似文献   

甘草和麻黄资源的生物多样性价值和保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文介绍了中国甘草和麻黄资源的分布和品种资源情况,系统分析了其资源的多元利用价值、生产和市场,并结合目前资源保护和利用中存在的主要问题,提出了保护麻黄和甘草的生物多样性,促进其可持续利用的具体建议。  相似文献   

We combine contingent behaviour with travel cost data to estimate the change in the recreational use value of a National Forest due to quality and price changes. Instead of the usual improvement scenario, a hypothetical deterioration in the conditions of the forest due to a fire is considered. A dataset containing five observations for each respondent enabled the estimation of three models for which the number of scenarios differed. The results show that visitors are sensitive to price and quality changes and that in the forest fire scenario the intended number of trips would be reduced and that respondents would experience a welfare loss. Signs of inconsistency between preferences expressed by revealed and intended behaviour were found. This research also provides some indications that strategic bias affects answers to price changes.  相似文献   

基于森的功能和能力福利理论的失地农民福利水平评价   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
研究目的:测算农民失地前后的福利水平。研究方法:模糊综合评价法。研究结果:失去土地后,农民的福利水平略有提高,模糊评价值从0.342上升到0.373,居住条件和发展空间的改善是失地农民福利水平提高的主要原因,而失地农民的经济状况、心理状况和居住环境则呈现出恶化趋势。研究结论:应该通过提升失地农民的人力资本、完善失地农民的社会保障制度、建立失地农民的心理调适机制,从而提高失地农民的福利水平。  相似文献   

目的 为了充分发挥云南的资源和气候优势,服务国家战略,服务地方社会经济发展,服务东南亚,乃至全球渔业发展,提出将云南建设成为我国淡水渔业种业南繁基地的战略构想。方法 文章通过实地考察和历史文献资料研究,综合分析论述云南建设成为我国淡水渔业种业南繁基地的可行性、必要性和和重要意义,在气候条件、种质资源、淡水资源等必备条件方面论证云南建设成为我国淡水渔业种业南繁基地不可替代的优势。结果 (1)云南具有优越的气候条件、丰富的特有渔业种质资源、充足的淡水资源,为建设我国淡水渔业种业南繁基地奠定了重要的物质基础。(2)滇南地区日照充足,积温高,鱼类可周年生长,提早性成熟,缩短繁育周期,提高良种选育效率,为快出良种、出优质良种提供了极佳的气候条件。(3)云南是我国淡水渔业种质资源的宝库,分布鱼类达629种,占全国淡水鱼类种类总数的39.93%,居全国各省市之首,其中有大量性状优良的特有物种,开发利用潜力巨大。(4)云南淡水资源蕴藏量丰富,人均水资源占有量是全国人均的2.3倍,澜沧江下游的西双版纳州人均水资源占有量是全国的4.6倍,但水资源开发利用率仅5.7%,发展渔业是符合大食物观,提高水资源利用率的有效途径。因此,云南完全具备建设成为我国淡水渔业种业南繁基地的必备条件。结论 云南建设成为我国省淡水渔业种业南繁基地是可行和必要的,将服务于云南经济和社会发展,改善优化云南农业产业结构,培育出的优良品种将支撑我国淡水养殖业升级换代,满足消费者对优质水产品的需求,还可以澜沧江—湄公河下游的中南半岛国家为依托,向全世界提供中国新品种和中国技术方案。  相似文献   

运用意愿调查评估法(CVM),以随机抽样方式对辽宁老秃顶子自然保护区周边区域320名居民进行问卷调查,得到辽宁老秃顶子自然保护区的生物多样性非使用价值平均支付意愿(WTP)为44.45元·人-1,非使用价值总额为4.30×108元·a-1,其中存在价值、遗产价值和选择价值分别为2.33×108元·a-1、1.27×108元·a-1和0.70×108元·a-1。被调查居民的收入水平和对保护区的偏爱程度与支付意愿具有显著相关性,而性别、职业和文化程度则与支付意愿不相关。  相似文献   

We applied state‐contingent theory to climate uncertainty at a farm level to assess the value of seasonal climate forecasts in the Central West region of NSW. We find that modelling uncertainty in a state‐contingent manner results in a lower estimate of forecast value than the typical expected value approach. We attribute this finding to a more conservative long‐term farm plan in the discrete stochastic programming (DSP) model, which is better balanced for climate uncertainty. Hence, a climate forecast, even though it still revises probabilities held by farmers, does not call forth such large changes in farm plans and associated farm incomes. We then use the DSP model to assess how attributes of a hypothetical forecasting system, particularly its skill and timeliness, as well as attributes of the decision environment, influence its value. Lastly, we assess the value of current operational forecast systems and show that the value derived from seasonal climate forecasts is relatively limited in the case study region largely because of low skill embodied in forecasts at the time when major farm decisions are being made.  相似文献   

Recent estimates of the income elasticity of cigarette demand have pointed to a disturbing result: a nearly zero or sometimes negative income elasticity. In order to explore the nonlinearity embedded in the cigarette demand structure, we employ a four‐regime panel model (dynamic fixed effect) to estimate the cigarette demand function in the United States. The results indicate that income elasticity is (i) positively significant for the income level less than 8,568 US$, (ii) positive but statistically insignificant for the income greater than 18,196 US$, and (iii) negatively significant for the income range between 8,568 and 18,196 US$. In addition, we find that the price elasticity assumes the greatest absolute value for the income level in excess of 18,196 US$, but becomes most inelastic for the income level between 11,129 and 18,196 US$.  相似文献   

仙客来种质资源分类及应用的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了仙客来的原始种、变种、品种等种质资源的分类、利用和拓宽的研究概况,提出了仙客来种质资源研究方向和利用前景。  相似文献   

科技档案对推动科技进步发挥着重要的作用。本文介绍了在科技档案管理中 ,应用计算机技术、网络技术和数据库技术实现科技档案借阅查询自动化管理的方法 ,对于提高科技档案管理水平有着重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

近年来,随着经济社会加速发展与新农村建设的不断深入,在北京这样的大都市中农业的生产功能逐渐被弱化,农业的生态功能越来越凸显重要作用,估算农业的生态服务价值逐渐成为学术界研究的热点。目前国内主要是参照谢高地提出的中国陆地生态系统单位面积服务功能价值表,即用全国生态系统的平均服务价值来估算不同区域的农业生态服务价值,这与北京的社会发展水平、城市定位及都市型现代农业的功能定位是不符合的,因此是不太恰当的。文章以北京农业生态服务价值评估为研究目标,在全国生态系统服务价值评估体系的基础上,对北京市300多位具有相关专业背景的学者进行问卷调查,对中国生态系统单位面积生态服务价值当量表进行有依据的修改,制定出更适合北京区域的不同土地利用类型生态系统服务评估单价体系,并以此表为依据测算了2013年北京农业生态服务价值的理论值与现实值。研究发现北京的农业生态服务价值十分巨大,文章提供了一种更符合北京生态系统状况与经济发展水平的农业生态服务价值评估方法,可以用于已知土地利用面积的农业生态服务价值估算,能够在较短时间内获得较为精确的结果。  相似文献   

Coarse woody debris (CWD) is crucial for maintaining biodiversity in forests but conservation measures to increase CWD must be performed cost efficiently. We estimate least-cost combinations of CWD-increasing measures in a spruce-dominated Swedish forest estate. Specifically, we investigate how using combinations of the measures tree retention, creating high stumps, manual scarification, prolonged rotations, and retention of dying trees impacts the amount of CWD and net present value at the estate level. We found that by combining CWD-increasing measures in an optimal way the amount of CWD on the estate could be increased 322% with a decrease in present value of only 10%. The optimal combination of conservation measures depends on the desired increase in CWD. The analysis thus shows that huge improvements in cost-efficiency of biodiversity-oriented forestry are possible.  相似文献   

美国植物种质资源共享管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
在参考、分析美国植物种质资源系统网站资料和有关美国植物的法律资料的基础上,介绍了美国植物种质资源系统基本概况,包括组成机构、职能划分和人员经费。在了解基本概况的基础上,进而介绍了美国植物种质资源的共享情况,包括对外共享名录、共享分发指南和申请共享办法。最后分析了植物种质资源共享管理的法律保障情况。  相似文献   

We estimate the probability of deforestation at the plot level for Chiapas and Oaxaca, two poor Mexican states with high levels of biodiversity. Results highlight the importance of physio–geographic endowments as well as policy variables and allow to test explicitly for aggregation bias. They also suggest that, if combined with information on the biodiversity value of specific plots, such models could be of great relevance for policy by allowing to identify the ex ante risk of deforestation.  相似文献   

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