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企业并购的人力资源整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业并购已成为当今世界经济生活中一个重要现象。自19世纪末到现在,西方国家已经历了5次大的并购浪潮。虽然企业并购浪潮此起彼伏,但并购的成功率不高。根据对世界500多家跨国公司近年发生的并购活动进行评估,其中有近50j‘的企业没有实现其并购目标;有近50%的企业在最初的4个月~8个月中生产率都有不同程度的下降;有61%的企业没有实现其财务目标。中国企业并购虽然缺乏较系统的研究数据,但由于中国企业并购市  相似文献   

并购方企业应在并购前规划阶段、并购交易阶段、并购后整合阶段、同化与融合阶段,采取相应的人力资源整合策略,使并购双方在愿景、价值观等方面相互磨合、相互适应、相互促进、共同提升,发挥并购的协同作用,获取企业的竞争优势。  相似文献   

一、人力资源整合在企业并购中的重要性 企业并购,指的是在市场经济的条件下,企业通过产权交易获得其他企业全部或部分产权,并以此控制其他企业,增强自身经济实力为目的的经济行为。成功的并购要求收购方公司和被收购方公司的人员能够密切配合,并且保持积极性和敬业精神,使经营活动能够有机地结合在一起,因此,有效地整合双方的人力资源是企业并购成功的关键。并购将给企业的管理层和员工带来心理上的焦虑、烦躁和不安,最终使得企业生产效率下降,业绩滑坡,尤其是心理上的压力以及并购后的权力与利益的重新分配,会导致大量核心员工的主动离职,这种情况将给企业在人力资本和企业经营业绩上造成双重损失。  相似文献   

人力资源整合与并购企业核心竞争力培育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人力资源整合是企业并购整合的关键,关系到企业并购的成败。因此,在并购中,企业应把战略目标定位于尽快获取对核心竞争力的培育和获取最关键的技术和人才上,而不要被短期的财务利益所诱惑。  相似文献   

王鹏 《时代经贸》2008,6(2):129-131
并购现已成为企业在日趋激烈的竞争环境下谋求生存和发展的重要手段.但是,许多企业在并购过程中,没有进行有效的人力资源整合,导致企业在完成了资本整合之后,出现了大规模的人才流失,对刚刚合并后的新企业造成致命的打击.正确认识企业并购中人力资源整合的重要性并有效的实施人力资源整合,是并购企业急需解决的问题.  相似文献   

企业并购中的人力资源整合问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人力资源整合问题是企业并购成功与否的关键.本文通过分析并购中人力资源整合问题对企业并购的影响,指出了企业并购中人力资源整合的重要性,进而分析了人力资源整合存在的问题,最后提出了企业并购中人力资源整合的对策.  相似文献   

曹澍 《经济师》2008,(7):171-172
文章简述了人力资源整合概念,通过对正反两个案例的分析,论述人力资源整合的重要性,强调并购过程中人力资源整合问题是关系到并购成败的重要因素,在此基础上提出人力资源整合的策略,包括文化兼容、稳定人才等方面。  相似文献   

戴婵 《时代经贸》2010,(14):233-234
企业并购能否真正成功,关键取决于有效地整合双方企业的人力资源。但在并购实践中,多数企业往往只注重收购价格的谈判,而对接管后的整合工作关注过少,这是不对的。在企业并购过程中,如何整合并购双方的人才是并购企业所要解决的首要课题。本文首先介绍了新时期企业并购中的人力资源整合出现的特点,然后分析了企业并购中人力资源整合普遍存在的问题,最后提出了人力资源整合的具体方法和措施,以期真正提高并购的成功率,增加并购的效益和效率。  相似文献   

企业并购能否真正成功,关键取决于有效地整合双方企业的人力资源.但在并购实践中,多数企业往往只注重收购价格的谈判,而对接管后的整合工作关注过少,这是不对的.在企业并购过程中,如何整合并购双方的人才是并购企业所要解决的首要课题.本文首先介绍了新时期企业并购中的人力资源整合出现的特点,然后分析了企业并购中人力资源整合普追存在的问题,最后提出了人力资源整合的具体方法和措施,以期真正提高并购的成功率,增加并购的效益和效率.  相似文献   

企业并购是现代企业成长和扩张的重要途径,人则是企业并购成功的关键因素.实现企业并购的战略目标必须对并购企业间的核心人力资源进行战略整合。  相似文献   

Jing Yu  Bin Xu 《Economic Modelling》2011,28(4):1587-1594
Although several approaches have been developed to evaluate the target enterprise of merger and acquisition (M&A) such as classical net present value (NPV) evaluation model and real options techniques, the logic of pricing processes in all these approaches is still faulty. The classical approach of NPV perspective to price the target enterprise of M&A has been replaced by integration of contemporary perspectives such as NPV perspective, real options perspective, game perspective, and so on. In this paper, the dynamic analyses model to price the target enterprise of M&A is developed from the perspective of real options integrated with game theory under stochastic surroundings. The synergy multiplication coefficient is introduced into the evaluation model to reflect the synergy management process of M&A, and the equilibrium price formula is proposed by applying the famous offer-counteroffer Rubinstein theorem, which is improved to fit for the stochastic surroundings. The price formula is further discussed on condition that the operating cost is more than or less than profit flow, which is assumed to follow geometric Brownian motion process. The numeric simulations show that the proposed formulas in this paper can perfectly well reflect the realistic practice of M&A.  相似文献   

依据人力资源管理的研究现状,介绍人力资源虚拟管理的内涵及优势、动力机制、风险等,阐述目前中国中小企业管理理念滞后,绩效评估和激励体系不科学,人才引进、培育和利用机制不科学,固守家族化管理模式等问题和面临的挑战,提出引入人力资源虚拟化管理以促进中小企业的快速发展。  相似文献   

The rural small industry and enterprise have a close relation with the regional development. Although they generated job and income, the number of them increased quite low in the area. The previous study focused on the financial support on the hypothesis of lack of capital. Many agencies had provided the variety fund, but the number of them increased not so high. In the study, the author focuses in the management background on the basis that capital is the important issue but not the major factor. The management background should have a role. The author studies 370 small industries and enterprises of every type in the region. The study found that the major three issues that are the fostering factors in the occurrence of them are management background, capital, and creative thinking. Management background of entrepreneur that relate directly to their experience is a major factor rather than capital. The regression coefficient show significantly. The study can bring new strategy to develop them in the future.  相似文献   

Original ecotourism resources mainly refer to natural and human original ecotourism resources, and it's of fragility, rarity and irreversibility. As a valuable historic heritage and hnportant tourism resources, it plays a significant role in developing tourism and economy in such areas as the underdeveloped areas, the mountain areas and mimority areas. The tourism resources in the western mountain areas of Guangxi owe ,superiorities and characteristics 'o their original ecology, Yet, western Guangxi is an ethnic region with fragile karst eco-environment, so it is specialto exploit the tourism resources. The paper defines original eeotourism and analyses the specialties and advantages of the original ecotourism resources as well as thefrailty of the ecotourism resources of the region. The ways of thinking are put forward for safe preservation and sustainable development of the original ecotourism resources, i.e. carrying out measures for the multi-grade protection of heritage resources, setting up a ethnic eco-museum/ ethnic culture eco-park and a gene pool of ethnic cultures, etc.  相似文献   

2003年8月至2004年6月,“杭嘉湖地区生态旅游资源调查与评价”课题组成员参加了浙江省旅游资源的实地调查和成果总结工作。这是我国首次依照国家“旅游资源分类、调查与评价”(GB/T18972—2003)标准进行的省域旅游资源全面普查试点工作。在普查工作中,调查组对杭嘉湖地区(杭州、嘉兴、湖州地区)生态旅游资源的分类、分布特征进行了较全面的研究,并从区域旅游可持续发展的角度,提出该地区生态旅游资源的整合开发思路。  相似文献   


Capitalism is market-regulated production for profit. Net profit depends on net investment spending. Net investment spending ultimately requires rising mass incomes. Both the transition to capitalism and its continued existence require social embeddedness and labor having negotiating power. Such a configuration is not an inevitable nor automatic result of history. Rather, this configuration is regularly threatened, because capitalists are not interested in preserving labor’s strength. Labor supports said configuration indirectly by the wage struggle. Where negotiating power of labor does not exist, market relations do not lead to capitalism but instead to the shedding of labor, to marginality, and to relations of rent appropriation. Today’s marginality-ridden economies of the Global South have become competitive in lines of production which are important for the leading industrial countries; however, they are competitive not on the basis of low real wages but on the basis of enhanced opportunities for currency devaluation. The tendency of wage restraint, in both the Global South and West, increases the danger of global underconsumption. There are considerable residual difficulties in bringing labor with different historical and cultural backgrounds in the West and in the South together in order to strengthen labor against international big business  相似文献   

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