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本文基于数据包络分析法构建全要素能源效率分析框架,利用中国工业部门35个行业1994-2007年的统计数据,对经济转型期间工业部门全要素能源效率进行分析.研究表明中国工业部门增长以能源低效为特征,工业部门全要素能源效率和技术效率都偏低,工业增长模式依旧粗放,重化工业化发展水平较低.为此,应建设节能降耗的技术创新激励机制,将能耗与环境污染指标纳入国民经济核算体系,改变政府垄断的能源定价方式,改革能源管理体制等.  相似文献   

改革开放以来工业增长质量的变动分析郭克莎根据反映工业增长质量的基本内容,本文分别从工业增长效率和效益的变动、工业增长结构的变动、工业品出口和竞争力变化等三个方面,来考察改革开放以来我国工业增长质量的变动态势和特点。一、工业增长效率和效益的变动工业增长...  相似文献   

简泽 《经济经纬》2007,(1):23-26
改革以来,中国工业化的一个重要特征是工业部门产出迅速扩张的同时,它吸收的就业增长明显滞后.笔者发展了一个理论模型和相应的统计分析框架,从理论和实证两个方面考察了工业化的两个基本推动力量--技术创新和资本积累对我国工业化进程中产出和就业增长的影响.我们发现,资本积累没有对工业部门产出和就业增长的趋势产生统计上显著的影响,然而,它是推动1990年之前工业部门产出增长以及1978年~2004年间工业部门就业增长的主要力量;技术创新的劳动节约偏向决定了工业部门就业增长明显下降的趋势,并成为1990年以后工业部门产出增长的主导力量.  相似文献   

湖南经济增长的动力机制与潜在问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用因子分析法等多种手段,对湖南改革开放20年以来的开放程度、使用外资额、企业固定资产投资额、工业效率、产业结构、人口规模等影响经济增长的动力机制进行全面分析,了解湖南省经济增长的主要推动因素,揭示湖南省增长方式的特点和存在的问题,并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国经济增长取得了举世瞩目的成就,但在经济增长中仍然存在一些缺憾,即社会经济资源并未达到最充分的利用状态,突出地表现为经济周期波动下的资源配置效率损失和不均衡发展下的经济结构效率损失。为了进一步提升我国经济增长的效率,应以科学发展观为指导,确定适宜的经济增长目标区间,熨平经济周期波动,提升宏观资源配置效率,改善投资和消费关系,降低储蓄率,提高投资效率.优化产业结构与就业结构,提升经济结构效率等。  相似文献   

北京经济增长中人力资本真实作用估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王鸿雁  邢磊  赵泉 《经济师》2007,(5):204-206
改革开放以来,北京经济持续高速增长,通过实证分析发现增长背后的问题:人力资本作用明显,但增速较低;资本投入过量,使用效率低下。建议政府加大科教投入,提高人力资本存量与资本使用效率。  相似文献   

我国机电工业发展的比较研究姜桂艳,张少杰,孙巍一、我国机电工业同国内其他行业的比较研究(一)我国各工业部门结构现状从总体上看,自改革开放以来,我国各工业部门都发展迅速。同建国以来任何一个时期相比,成果都是极为可观的。在此期间,各工业部门经济结构变化不...  相似文献   

本文基于两部门经济增长模型构建工农业内生增长模型,考虑了工业与农业生产率差异和工农业溢出效应,分析在有限的资源条件下工业部门资源配置优势以及全社会经济增长影响因素。研究发现:工业部门因其生产率优势、溢出效应而具有资源配置优势,但农业发展滞后也会限制工业资源配置优势扩大;同时,全社会经济增长受工业增长、工业对农业溢出效应及农业增长共同影响。因此,工农业既存在资源竞争,又存在协调发展需要。  相似文献   

基于2005~2013年工业水污染物治理投入与除去数据,利用污染当量法和DEA模型,首次计算了中国38个工业部门水污染的治理效率。结果表明:总体治理效率较低,不同部门的水污染物治理的投入和去除状况、水污染治理效率差异明显;18个工业部门具有DEA相对有效,但其中一些重要工业部门的水污染物排放量大,加重了排放区域的环境污染;20个工业部门水污染治理存在DEA无效,其对环境的污染亦在加剧;15个工业部门的水污染治理效率在不断下降。主要产业部门的水污染治理效率主要依靠技术效率改善来支持,而技术创新的支持较弱。最后,针对各部门特点提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

剧锦文 《经济经纬》2008,(2):114-118
改革开放以来,中国的民营企业实现了超常规的跨越式发展。民营企业已经成为推动我国经济增长、技术进步和经济国际化的重要力量。然而,民营企业中的人力资本状况并不令人乐观,多数民营企业在人力资本的生成和配置上存在多方面问题,这些问题直接影响了民营企业人力资本的配置效率及其长期竞争力。  相似文献   

柳欣  曹静 《财经研究》2006,32(12):87-95
瓦尔拉斯把资本形成方程引入一般均衡体系后出现了内在的不一致性,从而在异质资本品的假设下,一般均衡体系只存在“差别利润率”。在斯拉法体系中,不同的资本品部门却拥有“统一利润率”。两种类型的利润率体现了两种均衡体系的对立。与“差别利润率”相联系的一般均衡体系只研究一般生产过程中的资源配置,体现技术关系;而与“统一利润率”相对应的斯拉法体系则涉及特定市场经济关系下的总量分配,体现社会关系。而后者才可以更好地解释市场经济中的现实问题。  相似文献   

In the literature investigating the impact of uncertainty on short-run and long-run investment, most authors have used a log linear profit function. This functional form has been generally considered a reasonable approximation for a more general one and has the advantage of providing closed form solutions for both short-run investment rule and long-run rate of capital accumulation. In this paper, we consider the profit function for the case of a monopolistic firm facing a linear demand function with additive shocks. Under this assumption, analytical solutions, for both short-run investment rule and long-run rate of capital accumulation, are not available. We then 1) propose an analytical approximation of the short-run investment rule and 2) show how such approximation can be used in order to derive the corresponding i) steady-state distribution of the optimal stock of capital and ii) the long-run average rate of capital accumulation. Finally, we compare the long-run rates of capital accumulation calculated under both profit function specifications. We find that, within a plausible range of parameter values, the two rates are significantly different. Hence, we conclude that the choice of a log linear functional form has a non-trivial impact on the magnitude of the long run rate of capital accumulation.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to evaluate empirically the profit rate persistence in the case of the Greek manufacturing industry (1963–88). More specifically, we address ourselves to two questions: first, do industrial profit rates eventually converge on a common rate? and secondly, what are the factors that affect the speed of adjustment of industrial profit rates? Our results suggest: a high persistence of profit rates for most industrial sectors; a generally high permanent component of the profit rates with substantial variations among sectors; and a similarity with other studies of industrialized countries with regards to the factors (concentration ratio, advertising intensity, export intensity, capital intensity etc.) affecting the speed of adjustment.  相似文献   

随着知识成为企业越来越重要的资源,知识资本是否造成行业利润差异就成为学术界和实业界共同关心的焦点。将行业利润差异分为行业内利润差异和行业间利润差异两个维度,以2010年10月测得的工程建筑等28个行业上市公司的知识资本和利润水平数据为分析对象,采用线性回归模型检验知识资本分别对行业内利润差异和行业间利润差异的影响程度,验证了知识资本对行业利润差异具有影响的命题,但回归模型显著性水平都较低,由此得出结论:知识资本会带来行业利润差异,但并不是行业利润差异的唯一来源。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to estimate and investigate the behaviour of Marx's rate of profit for the period 1919 to 1981. The components of this rate, viz. constant and variable capital which are consistently defined as stock variables, surplus value, organic composition of capital and rate of exploitation, are estimaed for two sub periods for the manufacturing and the corporate enterprises sectors respectively. The rate of profit does not exhibit a discernible trend movement over the period of observation. However, it is subject to pronounced pro-cyclical variations. A similar picture emerges for the organic composition of capital and the rate of exploitation. The results are critically evalualed.  相似文献   

Kurt Bayer 《Empirica》1980,7(1):27-74
Summary Profit data which are derived from historical cost accounting (which is the dominant accounting method in most countries) are biassed upward when inflation occurs. The reasons for this bias are based on the concept of capital maintenance (in whichever variation) which pervades accounting standards and hold that the surplus of revenue over (historical) cost has to be split into two parts: One has to be set aside by the firms in order to assure reproduction at the previous period's level (going concern assumption) (=fictitious profit) and only the rest is actual profit which can be used for distribution, debt retirement, net investment, tax payments, etc.In this study various capital maintenance concepts are related to the corresponding profit concepts and thus to the corresponding inflation accounting methods. Which profit concept is use depends on what the concept is supposed to measure. A large part of the (very heated) discussion on inflation accounting methods is shown to be due to a confusion about which profit concept is supposed to result from the calculations.This study uses Austrian industry corporation accounts to present various accounting methods and profit concepts with and without inflation accounting. The dominant profit concept in this study attempts to measure thesocial return to total investment. Thus accounting data are adjusted to eliminate inflationary effects in fixed capital, inventories and net monetary capital. The resulting real profit rates show a significant downward trend over the last twenty years, but remain positive even during the recession of 1974/75. When contrasted with a real capital market interest rate, industry profit rates exhibit a significantly better performance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to derive some interesting results on long-run equilibrium by considering entrepreneurs' capital accumulation behavior explicitly. Our framework is a two class, two production sector model in order to analyze the dynamic stability properties in the cases of Kaldor's saving assumption and Pasinetti's saving assumption. We shall introduce a further adjustment mechanism: the speeding up (slowing down) of capital accumulation in that sector in which the rate of profit is higher (lower).  相似文献   

This paper seeks to determine whether, under bilateral monopoly, profit rate regulation induces an input price bias in addition to the well known Averch-Johnson capital intensity bias. Using a Nash-type employer-union, fixed bargaining power model, it is found that regulation may induce lower as well as higher wage rates. Similarly, when the two parties are respectively capital equipment supplier and user, regulation of the user's profit rate has an ambiguous effect on the equipment rental rate. In both cases the input price effect is shown to depend on the elasticity of factor substitution and on how demand elasticity varies with output.  相似文献   

The paper sets out a one sector growth model with a neoclassical production function in land and a capital–labour aggregate. If the elasticity of substitution between land and the capital–labour aggregate is less than one and if the rate of capital augmenting technical progress is strictly positive, then the rate of profit will fall to zero. This result holds regardless of the rate of land augmenting technical progress: no amount of technical advance in agriculture can stop the fall in the rate of profit. The paper also discusses the relation of this result to the classical and Marxist literature.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is twofold: to show how to measure profit efficiency in banking using a newly developed technique, and to use that technique to determine the effect of risk-based capital requirements on the profit performance of US banks. The measure of profit efficiency used captures deviations from profit maximization arising from technical inefficiency, caused by a lack of managerial oversight and allocative inefficiency, which is caused by managers choosing a nonoptimal mix of inputs and outputs. A leverage ratio constraint and a risk-weighted capital ratio constraint are explicitly included in the model, which allows identification of the effect on profits of those constraints. The techniques are applied to random samples of US banks for 1990, 1992, and 1994. The results indicate that allocative inefficiency is a larger source of profit loss than technical inefficiency and that the risk-based capital standards have a significant effect on bank allocative efficiency.  相似文献   

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