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旅游动机、目的地形象与旅游者期望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章构建了旅游动机、目的地形象和旅游者期望关系的概念模型,以大陆居民赴香港旅游者为研究对象,采用结构方程模型(SEM)验证旅游动机、目的地形象与旅游者期望之间的关系。研究结果表明:(1)目的地的认知形象显著影响情感形象;(2)旅游动机直接正向影响目的地的认知形象和旅游者期望,并通过目的地的认知形象对旅游者期望产生间接影响;(3)目的地的认知形象直接正向影响目的地的情感形象和旅游者期望,并通过目的地的情感形象对旅游者期望产生间接影响。  相似文献   

通过历史访谈、田野调查,结合遥感影像、环境监测和相关统计数据,从交互过程和交互效应两个维度,以定性和定量的方式探讨了旅游在保护区CHANS系统中的交互作用。结果表明:(1)根据管理者、居民、游客的态度和行为,近30年来,九寨沟旅游的交互过程可分为起步、发展、提速、提升4个阶段,各阶段旅游交互作用的内容、程度有所差异;(2)旅游显著提高了当地的环保意识和保护成效,植被覆盖度持续提高并趋于稳定;(3)旅游给九寨沟带来约10dB环境噪声,但旅游人数与湖泊面积和环境噪声的变化无显著的相关关系;(4)旅游显著提高了保护区居民的经济收入,但其文化、生活方式已有较大改变;(5)旅游管理的方法和手段能有效调控交互过程和交互效应。  相似文献   

生活方式型旅游企业主移民社会交往研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生活方式型旅游企业主移民是为了追求某种特定的生活方式,在目的地长时间居住,与周围群体发生交往.文章以大理古城生活方式型旅游企业主移民为研究对象,综合运用深度访谈、非参与式观察等方法,分析生活方式型旅游企业主移民的日常生活与社会交往.研究发现:生活方式型旅游企业主移民的日常活动主要分为三类:购物消费、朋友交往、休闲活动.生活方式型旅游企业主移民的社会交往"圈子"具有三大特征:(1)自发性和同质性;(2)随意性和非功利性;(3)交往空间的开放性与私密性.社会交往"圈子"对生活方式型旅游企业主移民的作用主要体现为":圈子"是生活方式型旅游企业主移民的信息来源和资源支持,圈子交往为生活方式移民提供了情感支撑和归属感.该研究丰富了旅游移民的研究内容,并为旅游目的地移民政策的制定、社区管理与目的地可持续发展提供参考.  相似文献   

郭文  王丽  黄震方 《旅游学刊》2012,27(4):28-38
文章通过问卷调查,从资本维、生产维、权力维、阶层维、生活维和社会维6个维度切入,对周庄古镇旅游开发使其原有空间所根植的社会环境发生的变化进行了研究。结果表明:(1)旅游空间生产效率取决于开发模式,实践主导更应关注社会效能;(2)旅游空间生产问题存在生存论思考,空间的调适需凸显人文关怀;(3)旅游空间优化关键是提高空间质量,包容性发展应成为未来诉求。文章提出以提升空间质量为核心的包容性发展方向:(1)强化旅游空间生产中居民社会经济保障措施;(2)增进旅游空间生产的社会凝聚能力;(3)提升旅游空间生产的社会包容容量;(4)优化旅游空间生产的居民权能获取层次。当旅游者的凝视和空间生产者的实践使空间原有物质属性更加倾向社会属性时,空间叙事便应该成为旅游空间研究的新方式,把空间生产理论应用于旅游研究中将使旅游研究范式发生改变,丰富现有研究理论,拓展传统研究视角,为社会转型背景下周庄古镇可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

李飞 《旅游学刊》2007,22(12):45-50
目前,游客旅游前准备行为的相关研究还是空白。笔者从一些案例中得到启示,认为旅游前准备、游客成熟度与旅游期望明确度、超过期望程度之间可能存在一些联系。数据通过问卷调查获得,并由因子分析将游客旅游前准备的18个观测变量萃取为4个因子,分别是:深入性准备、态度性准备、保健性准备和基础性准备。通过回归分析得到了4个因子与其他变量之间的路径关系图,结果显示:深入性准备和态度性准备可能是判断游客成熟度的标志,并对旅游期望明确度产生正面影响;游客旅游前明确此行的旅游期望对实地旅游超过期望的程度有重要影响。  相似文献   

顶岗实习环节是高职旅游管理专业教学的重要环节。这是毕业生进入社会工作前的一门"重要课程"。这是前一阶段教学环节的深化、补充和检验,是全面提高学生专业能力的必要阶段。实习期间,学生管理是学校的一项重要工作。如何建立一个高效便捷的实习生管理体系,是各高校需要解决的问题。本文以笔者所在高校为例,探讨了高职院校顶岗实习管理体系的构建,以期为高职院校实习管理体系的构建提供参考。  相似文献   

梁文慧  李玺 《旅游学刊》2011,26(2):89-94
以人为本的理念和学以致用的理念是教育中的重要思想。对于旅游管理专业的同学而言,了解其需求,并对不同类型学生的英语学习期望、学习特点以及学习方式等进行分析,有助于采用较具有针对性的方法提升学生英语学习的积极性以及成效。文章以澳门科技大学国际旅游管理专业的学生为对象,综合运用了问卷抽样调查以及深度访谈等方法,分别从学生在英语学习方面的行为特征与规律、影响英语学习效果的因素以及教师和业界人士对英语学习的认知等方面进行了分析。最终提出,旅游管理专业的英语教学应该注重业界与高校学生交流,增强其英语学习的主动性;积极创新课堂教学形式,提升课堂英语教学的吸引力;尊重学生英语水平的差异,实施个性化教学与培养;完善校园英语学习环境,渲染浓厚的英语学习氛围。  相似文献   

旅游可持续发展的视角:旅游生态效率的一个综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘军  马勇 《旅游学刊》2017,(9):47-56
旅游业对环境的影响使得旅游可持续发展受到全世界的关注,并积累了丰富的研究成果,但从旅游生态效率视角探讨旅游可持续发展的文献还不多见.文章通过梳理生态效率概念的提出及其与可持续发展的关系,认为生态效率是对可持续发展的有效测度.在回顾旅游生态效率研究现状的基础上,发现既有研究成果主要集中在两个方面:第一,旅游生态效率的测度与评价;第二,旅游生态效率在目的地管理当中的应用.基于以上研究现状,文章从旅游生态效率的概念、研究领域、研究方法与研究时间段4个角度对既有成果进行了总结,并认为目前旅游生态效率研究的特征与趋势表现为4个方面:(1)旅游业碳排放估算对旅游生态效率的测度至关重要;(2)旅游生态效率测度方法较为单一;(3)旅游生态效率影响因素是目前研究的空白点;(4)数据包络法、随机前沿法等的应用将使旅游生态效率的研究更为深入.  相似文献   

以往文献往往忽视旅游产业发展的阶段性而单独探讨旅游发展对经济增长的影响.该文将“资源诅咒”和“资源福祉”纳入统一的研究框架,利用2003-2013年188个优秀旅游城市的面板数据动态地考察了旅游发展对我国经济增长的影响及其影响机制,最后将这些城市分为旅游起飞城市、旅游福祉城市、旅游诅咒城市3类.结果发现:(1)旅游发展与经济增长呈“倒N”形关系;(2)旅游发展通过抑制技术进步、市场化水平对经济增长带来负向中介效应,而通过提高物质资本、人力资本以及对外开放水平来对经济增长产生正向中介效应;(3)科技投入、政府干预负向调节着旅游发展与经济增长的关系;(4)“旅游地荷兰病”现象在中国并不存在;(5)旅游资源福祉效应占据主导地位,但也有少数城市存在旅游资源诅咒现象.  相似文献   

随着高校教育理念的不断升级发展,高校也愈发重视学生教育培养中的社会实践。因为很多的知识是没有办法从书本上学习到的,社会实践的方式能够更好帮助高校培养复合型人才,能够快速的适应瞬息万变的社会。而对于旅游管理专业的学生来说,酒店实习就是高校与酒店签订的一种实习协议,旨在为高校学生提供社会实践。酒店实习是旅游管理专业学生的基础教学环节,因为酒店实习能够帮助旅游管理专业的学生更好的将自己在课堂上所学习到的知识与实际酒店管理相结合,知行合一。本文主要是对旅游管理专业学生酒店实习的模式进行分析,提出一些具体的具有创新意义的举措。  相似文献   

This study investigates the in-house internship of the hotel training center in Thailand, with two specific objectives: (1) to investigate the expectation of students prior to taking internship and compare it with their perception after taking the internship and (2) to explore experiences and skills gained by student interns and the influence of in-house internship on students’ choice of job after graduation. This study employs a qualitative methodology through content analysis to extract meaning from the students’ opinions derived from the focus group interview and the narrative writing of the short open-ended questions. The results from the study demonstrate the crucial role of compulsory in-house internship within the Tourism and Hospitality Management curriculum. The study also confirms that in-house internship can equip and prepare students for the real internship experience within the hotel industry and it also sheds light on the pedagogical role of the in-house internship in the tourism and hospitality curriculum.  相似文献   

This study aims to determine the internship satisfaction of tourism students and the impact of their internships on their professional development and industrial perception. In line with this purpose, an implementation was conducted on the students of Akdeniz University Faculty of Tourism. This implementation involved a questionnaire form which was filled by 305 faculty students. The findings included demographic information; then three scaled questionnaire form which intended to determine the internship satisfaction, vocational tourism education, and professional development and industrial perception of the students was analyzed by taking mean scores of the scales of the form; using stepwise regression of the multiple regression analysis, the relations between the scales were shown, and the results were interpreted. The results showed that internship satisfaction of the students had a positive impact and impact by itself on professional development and industrial perspective, and together with vocational tourism education the students receive, this impact increased.  相似文献   

Psychological engagement has been identified as a critical factor in the potential benefits of emerging adults. leisure activity participation. Emerging adults. motivations for participation might be particularly important in predicting psychological engagement. In the present work, we report findings from a study of motivations for leisure participation and its associations with psychological engagement. In a sample of 183 undergraduate university students, we found that three of the five hypothesized motivators positively and significantly predicted greater psychological engagement. Specifically, greater psychological engagement was related to leisure participation motivated by a desire to learn and exercise skills and abilities, protect the self (for example, to alleviate guilt by helping others), and because of opportunities presented by others. favorable attitudes towards involvement.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the difference between expectations and perceptions of hospitality students towards their internship program, and to assess the relationship between the difference and overall satisfaction. Altogether, a total of 307 usable questionnaires were returned. The results show that three internship factors of supervisor, team spirit and involvement, autonomy and help from supervisor led to student overall satisfaction. Based on the findings, recommendations for hospitality schools, industry practitioners, and students were provided in order to enhance the quality of internship programs.  相似文献   

Educational travel: The Overseas Internship   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An important objective of educational travel programs is to teach students how to bridge cultural distance. Research remains inconclusive to what extent and under what circumstances students actually learn from educational travel experiences. This paper examines the influence of cultural distance on the perceived learning effects of the overseas internship, specifically cross-cultural competencies and management skills. It is shown that asymmetric cultural distance and psychic distance have a negative relationship with the perceived learning of management skills and interaction with locals. Students traveling to low-income countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia in particular tend to face difficulties.  相似文献   


Internships have been widely used as an educational component for hotel management students. Despite the importance of internships, there has been limited empirical research in the academic literature on the quality of internships for hotel management students. The three stakeholders, academic institutions (educators), students, and organizations (employers) are important elements in the success of internships. From the viewpoint of students, this study examined the ranking of the level of expectation before placement and satisfaction after placement of selected internship issues, the differences between satisfaction and expectations, and the relation between these differences and demographic characteristics. Upon completion of the internships, it was found that the ranking of student issues was relatively higher than of academic institutions or organization issues. In addition, it was found that the differences on all issues before and after placement were significant. Finally, there were also differences concerning a few issues among the demographic groups. This study concludes that programs need to be improved to make internships successful. Although the study is based on research in Korea, it is argued that suggestions and discussions of the selected internship issues may be potentially applicable to hotel management internships in other countries.  相似文献   


The use of experiential learning in tourism and hospitality education is well-documented in literature. Experiential learning studies in this field may include, for example, internship experiences, field trip perceptions, conferences, and social events. However, there is still insufficient literature to understand students’ learning and their real-world experience in MICE education, especially in the exhibition sector. This study, therefore, addresses this gap by reporting the experiential learning of graduate students in an event course with the objectives to investigate student perceptions on academic learning experiences and the development of work-related skills by carrying out the exhibition project. Students are challenged to perform a complicated task as a real exhibition organizer, and to deal with other stakeholders of the exhibition industry (e.g., exhibition venue, exhibitors, contractors, and visitors). The experiential learning method is discussed through the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) process. The results indicate that students not only gained in-depth learning about the exhibition industry, but also developed important work skills (e.g., teamwork, planning, and coordinating skills). Moreover, classroom learning, industry visits, and real-world experience are found to be the important factors contributing to exhibition learning. The current study contributes to the limited exhibition learning literature and provides event educators new insights into the teaching and learning of exhibition-based projects in regard to how students plan, learn and carry out the exhibition event through the case of Thailand. Other similar courses may apply the learning processes and results of this study to develop effective experiential learning in MICE education.  相似文献   

文章以旅游管理专业大学本科实习生为例,实证分析实习生人格特质与其在本行业留职意愿之间的关系,并探讨组织社会化的中介作用.结果显示,外倾性、勤勉正直性人格特质对留职意愿具有显著的正向预测作用,情绪敏感性人格特质对留职意愿具有显著的负向预测作用;工作胜任社会化、组织文化社会化在外倾性人格特质和留职意愿的关系中起完全中介作用;工作胜任社会化、人际关系社会化在勤勉正直性人格特质对留职意愿的影响中起部分中介作用.据此,文章最后提出了相关建议.  相似文献   


Most New Zealand restaurants are small family-owned businesses, which could be expected to communicate their purpose, business strategy, and goals to their employees. However, this expectation may be at odds with the informal mode of a family operation. This exploratory study therefore examines the communication of strategies in family-owned restaurants to determine the likely impact of family ownership on strategy communication. Interview data from family business owners and employees indicate that communication was largely ad hoc, relating to tactics more than strategies, and that many owners lacked the skills needed to operate a profitable and successful business. The weak understanding of strategic business skills identified may explain the high rate of failures identified in the New Zealand restaurant industry.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in how festivals can help to build strong and cohesive communities, particularly whether they can reach a broad swathe of the population or operate as enclaves. This article explores ways in which festival organizers may contribute to social inclusion goals through a qualitative phenomenological study of music festivals. Findings suggest that these festival organizers may contribute to social inclusion across four areas of society—consumption, production, political engagement, and social interaction or communitas—through factors such as providing opportunities for local participation, learning new skills, and access to education about social justice. However, it appears that these festival organizers tended to direct their social inclusion efforts toward portable communities, focusing on attendees but failing to reach out to local residents. This limits their ability to embrace the local community in its broadest sense, and calls into question their likelihood of achieving inclusivity outcomes.  相似文献   

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