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公益营销是企业借助公益活动与消费者沟通,以树立良好的企业形象,并以良好的企业形象影响消费者,使其对该企业的产品产生偏好,从而在作购买决策时优先选择该企业的产品的一种营销行为.国内开展公益活动的企业虽然很多,但是公益营销做得成功的企业却不多.文章探讨了企业运用公益营销策略时应遵循的原则,以为我国企业开展公益营销提供借鉴.  相似文献   

浅议消除公益营销误区的途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王丽丽 《商场现代化》2007,(26):120-121
公益营销已经成为国内企业营销创新的一种重要举措,但开展效果好的企业却并不多。原因在于一些认识上的误区,诸如公益活动和公益营销概念的混淆,缺乏企业文化的塑造,缺乏市场定位的配合。本文提出协调好公益与利益的关系,构建公益营销的系统,制定企业公益营销战略,多种营销形式的相互配合等帮助企业走出公益营销误区的途径。  相似文献   

近年来,“公益”一词日渐流行,从公益广告到公益活动再到公益节目,2007年底的一场雪灾更成为各媒体进行公益营销的催化剂。电视媒体的纯公益或带公益色彩的栏目活动越发踊跃,越来越多的品牌企业借助电视媒体的平台将公益活动推到我们面前。  相似文献   

公益旅游源于美国,目前在国外的发展十分迅速,但在国内还未受到广泛关注,旅游者缺乏对公益旅游的认识和参与热情。公益旅游是一种能为旅游者提供奉献社会、履行公民责任义务机会的旅游形式,极具发展潜力。根据国外的发展经验,大学生是参与公益活动的重要力量,公益旅游将公益活动与旅游产品相结合,随着其影响力的不断扩大,也必将成为大学生群体旅游的主导方式。本文通过问卷调查大学生公益旅游参与意愿,对国内发展公益旅游的策略提出建议。  相似文献   

中小企业自身的特点与其品牌运营之间存在悖论,中小企业应克服其自身特点的限制,走出其品牌运营的悖论,根据企业实力与规模因企制宜选择品牌策略,根据企业发展的不同阶段相机选择品牌策略。  相似文献   

关于多品牌策略的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨菁  葛松林 《商业研究》2003,(12):14-15
多品牌策略是品牌策略中的一种重要策略。多品牌策略的主要优势在于:有利于创造深度品牌、减少品牌间相互不利影响、能占领不同细分市场并有利于促进企业内部开展竞争提高效益。根据当前我国市场宏现、微观环境的改变,多品牌策略是企业在市场竞争中最佳选择。但在采用多品牌策略时,必须要慎重考虑企业的财力、品牌的市场容量和产品的消费需求个性化等因素。  相似文献   

品牌是企业的无形资产,在市场竞争中起到重要作用。品牌策略就是运用一系列市场营销方法,使消费者记住并认同自己的产品,为产品积攒人气,获得竞争优势。品牌策略包括统一品牌策略、个别品牌策略、多品牌策略、复合品牌策略等。每一种品牌策略都有他自身的优缺点,如果不站在企业的立场上,我们很难准确评价出哪一种品牌策略最好,哪一种品牌策略最坏。企业选择品牌策略要充分考虑企业本身的特点和产品或服务的功能、特性、以及受众等等因素,并要进行长期仔细地市场环境调查和市场数据分析,在建立分析模型的基础上选择企业的品牌策略。  相似文献   

后危机时代,我国经济快速发展,品牌竞争加剧,更多企业借助重大事件开展公益营销,进行公益宣传,增加品牌资产。在营销传播视角多元化和企业社会责任兴起的背景下,研究企业的公益营销具有现实意义。以“欧莱雅世博礼仪讲堂”为例,这一活动有力地把握了市场环境,找到了利益相关者的共同点,使公益活动与品牌主体得到了完美融合,并对公益营销策略做出了有益的启示:注重传播的互动性、适配性和完整性。  相似文献   

媒体公益活动是指媒体主导的不以营利为目的的公益活动。媒体公益传播和品牌塑造,不仅可以传播社会正能量、扩大媒体影响力,更重要的是可以吸引更多爱心企业和爱心人士参与,汇聚爱的力量。本文以安徽省2018年唯一入选全国青年社会组织"伙伴计划"五星项目的安徽向日葵公益助学服务中心为例,对媒体公益品牌塑造与活动策划进行分析,以期总结经验做法,促进媒体与公益的良性互动。  相似文献   

采用多案例研究方法,对10家企业进行分析发现,企业在相关多元化战略下可以选择品牌延伸策略、多品牌策略、主副品牌策略;品牌资产、产品相关性、市场特点、企业实力、产品特点等因素对企业选择不同品牌策略的影响程度不尽相同。  相似文献   

This paper critiques the emergence of Dangote Cement as the dominant player in cement manufacturing in Nigeria. It argues that the changed economic environment General Obasanjo met when he became president of Nigeria for a second time in 1999 made it difficult for him to continue the nationalisation policies and the expansion of government involvement in several spheres of economic activity that he helped to promote in the 1970s. The realisation that this strategy, which created numerous crony capitalists, was unsustainable resulted in Obasanjo allying with Dangote and promulgating the Backward Integration Programme (BIP) for the local cement industry. This made it possible for Dangote to risk aggressive investment in the capital-intensive cement production business. This strategy achieved public good by rapidly making Nigeria, an oil rent- and import-dependent economy with enormous limestone reserves, self-sufficient in cement production.  相似文献   

As the public interest in health information has increased globally, the use of health benefits in food advertisements is becoming more essential for food marketing strategy. Consumers view a food product as healthy if it carries a health claim, whereas there has been an ongoing debate about the value of health claims as a strategy to help consumers’ healthier food consumption. The present study attempted to examine the food commercials broadcast on Korean network television in terms of claim types and executional elements. Results indicate that television food advertising has made a wide number of implied “soft” health claims (e.g., “good for health”) without substantial information and call into question whether consumers are misled or deceived by the executional elements used for presenting health messages. The findings of the study raise regulatory concerns about the provision of potentially confusing or misleading health messages in food advertising nationally as well as internationally and suggest further research in this area.  相似文献   

近年来危机传播之研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从公共关系学和修辞学两种取向,针对国内外近年来的危机传播(crisis communication)研究进行了综述。从公共关系学取向而言,危机公关研究仍关注实践层面的传播策略,危机时的媒介策略与议题建构、网络危机公关成为两个较受重视的研究领域。从修辞学取向而言,危机情境与危机反应策略之间的关联成为近年来此取向研究的重点,并开始探索情感在危机时对利益相关者行为意图的影响。最后,本文针对已有的研究存在的不足,建议未来的危机传播研究加强取向的整合、拓宽学科视角、重视新媒体和文化差异研究。  相似文献   

电子政务建设策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子政务是借助电子信息技术进行的政务活动,政府机构运用现代计算机和通信网络技术,将政府内部和外部的管理和服务职能通过整合、重组、优化,打破时间、空间以及部门分隔的制约,为社会公众以及政府自身提供一体化的、高效的、优质的管理和服务。电子政务正成为我国信息化建设的新热点,在热潮中,我们更应认真思考电子政务的建设策略,防止决策失误。  相似文献   

Strategic capital has emerged as a key source of competitive heterogeneity in the private sector. Despite this, little is known about the performance implications of strategic capital in public organisations. Adopting a resource-advantage perspective, we examine the performance implications of strategic capital for public leisure providers. Analysing data generated from public leisure providers, we find that effective strategy implementation enables leisure providers to exploit comparative advantages, which is itself a source of sustained advantage. Furthermore, high performers are endowed with significantly greater levels of strategic capital – which include ‘strategy commitment’, ‘implementation support’, ‘implementation effectiveness’, and ‘learning’ – in contrast with low performers. Important differences between internal and external approaches to provision are also identified and discussed, along with the implications of this study for researchers and public policy.  相似文献   

A key obstacle to fundamental tariff reform in many countries is the revenue loss that it ultimately implies. This paper establishes and explores a simple and practicable strategy for realizing the efficiency gains from tariff reform without reducing public revenue, showing that for a small economy a cut in import duties (respectively, export taxes) combined with a point-for-point increase in domestic consumption taxes (production taxes) increases both welfare and public revenue. Increasingly stringent conditions are required, however, to ensure unambiguously beneficial outcomes from this reform strategy when allowance is made for such important features of reality as non-tradeable final goods and tradeable intermediate inputs.  相似文献   

湖南优势农产品品牌发展战略研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文认为,优越的地理位置和自然条件,丰富的农业科技资源和现有的优质名牌产品等是湖南实施优势农产品品牌发展战略的有利条件;农产品科技含量较低,精、深加工品种少,附加值低,规模化与小生产方式矛盾突出,卫生、安全性有待提高等是不利条件。文章提出,实施优势农产品品牌发展战略,一要明确思路,优化发展环境;二要把握市场导向、资源依托、环境友好、科技支撑和动态发展的原则;三要以质量为品牌基础,以规模求品牌发展,以创新保持品牌活力,以标准化生产稳定品牌形象,并加强农业信息化建设。  相似文献   

The adoption of hyper‐strong encryption for mobile devices, such as the iPhone, has reignited debate about the need for exceptional access and the relative priority of privacy rights. Many software programs and algorithms are not neutral but “value‐laden,” and unbreakable encryption software virtually absolutizes the right to privacy, though it has justified limits in ethics and law. High tech companies have resisted any exceptional access solutions and generally opposed cooperation with law enforcement agencies for the sake of protecting the data of their customers. We argue that this strategy is ethically flawed based on the priority of the right to physical security over the right to privacy along with the need to ensure peace and order in the name of the common good. To support this line of reasoning we amplify the undifferentiated conception of the common good presented in the literature and sketch out the grounds for limiting rights based on the need to conform to the just requirements of the public order in a democratic society. The discussion culminates in a proposal for an exceptional access scheme that has the potential to minimize risk to innocent users.  相似文献   

Discussion of the role of the communications function in the strategic decisionmaking process has been neglected in the strategy literature, which views communications as a primarily tactical function. This contrasts with the communications literature which posits a more overt role for communication (with particular reference to corporate communications and public relations) in the strategy process. This article reviews these two contrasting perspectives on the issue of the strategic potential of the communications function and introduces a conceptual framework which identifies a typology of communications roles under different strategy making process modes is advanced.  相似文献   

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