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通过构建破坏性创新企业与在位企业进行市场竞争的双寡头博弈模型,分析在具有不同收入分布特征市场中破坏性创新企业的市场绩效及社会福利。研究发现,在收入差距较大的市场中,破坏性创新企业获得更大的市场份额和利润,社会福利相对较小;相反,在收入水平较高且分布趋向同质的市场中,在位企业获得更大的市场份额和利润,并且,破坏性创新厂商的利润随着收入水平的提高而降低。同时,随着收入水平的提高,两企业的产品质量不断提高,但质量差距不断扩大,社会总福利也随之增加。最后,进一步阐释了破坏性创新更多地发生于贫富差距较大的新兴市场的微观机制,为企业根据不同市场的收入分布特征选择竞争战略提供理论依据,为相关国家基于收入分布特点制定限制或支持破坏性创新创业政策提供理论参考。  相似文献   

新技术带来了新机遇,在位企业能否成功把握成为生存关键。采用单案例研究方法,以软件企业为案例研究对象,探索在位企业如何通过商业运营实现新技术市场开拓。研究发现:(1)商业模式与组织身份共演过程中,涌现了惯性思路-身份转移、整合思路-身份延伸、修补思路-身份增补3种演化形式;(2)战略导向变化是商业模式与组织身份演化的动因,出现了由内向外、混合导向和由外向内3种变化;(3)演化中组织身份匹配于商业模式,表现为嫁接匹配、重塑匹配和扩充匹配3种机制。扩展了在位企业应对技术变化的研究视角,丰富了组织身份的动态变化研究,深化了商业模式与技术发展间关系的研究,可为在位企业商业实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper explores the introduction of electric vehicles in response to Californian regulatory pressures as an example of a disruptive technology. The central thesis is that this disruption may open the automobile market to new entrants but only if they collaborate with incumbent automobile manufacturers. This appears to support Schumpeter's argument that large incumbent firms possess innovation advantages over the small entrepreneurial entrant. However, these innovatory advantages lie in the downstream complementary assets required for success in the automobile market.  相似文献   

This paper explores the introduction of electric vehicles in response to Californian regulatory pressures as an example of a disruptive technology. The central thesis is that this disruption may open the automobile market to new entrants but only if they collaborate with incumbent automobile manufacturers. This appears to support Schumpeter's argument that large incumbent firms possess innovation advantages over the small entrepreneurial entrant. However, these innovatory advantages lie in the downstream complementary assets required for success in the automobile market.  相似文献   

在梳理前人研究成果的基础上,得到颠覆性技术演进的14个特征范畴,从低端颠覆和高端颠覆视角选取电动自行车等4项不同类型颠覆性技术演进特征进行跨案例分析,遵循复制法对特征范畴进行反复修正、补充与融合,分别得到12个低端颠覆性技术演进特征和13个高端颠覆性技术演进特征,并据此构建全过程视角下颠覆性技术特征模型。通过对两种颠覆性技术演进特征进行对比分析,总结出在创造性、异轨性和迭代性上的特征共性,以及在价值主张、价值路线和价值检验上的特征差异。  相似文献   

颠覆性创新是数字产业突破在位企业封锁,掌握技术主导权的核心动力。多维度的颠覆性创新政策能否真正促进数字产业技术融合度的提升,行业中其他企业又扮演何种角色?本文围绕技术与市场两个维度,基于数字产业中具有代表性智能制造业的研究数据,运用双元创新理论,探讨探索与利用两种颠覆性技术创新政策影响数字产业技术融合的异同,以及技术距离在其中的作用机制;并比较颠覆性技术双元和颠覆性市场双元之间不同的联动效应。采用逐步回归进行实证检验,研究发现:(1)颠覆性技术探索对技术融合度有显著的正向影响,且技术距离正向调节颠覆性技术探索与技术融合度间关系;(2)颠覆性技术利用与技术融合度呈倒U型关系,且技术距离正向调节颠覆性技术利用与技术融合度间关系;(3)不同的颠覆性技术创新和颠覆性市场创新联动关系对企业技术融合有着截然不同的影响,具体来说,在企业选定颠覆性技术探索战略的情境下,颠覆性市场双元对数字产业技术融合度不会产生明显的促进或抑制作用;在企业选定颠覆性技术利用战略的情境下,颠覆性市场探索对数字产业技术融合度表现出更为明显的促进作用。  相似文献   

平台型企业跨界进入新领域并进行颠覆式创新成为互联网时代的一种新趋势。平台企业具有大规模用户资源、跨市场网络效应、先进创新模式等优势,因此其跨界创新行为与传统后发企业创新行为相比有特殊之处。通过建立数理模型进行实证分析,得到如下结论:与传统后发企业类似,在位企业拥有的用户安装基础和产品网络外部性仍是平台企业跨界经营与跨界创新的阻碍;与传统后发企业不同的是,除市场突破战略外,技术创新突破战略也对平台跨界经营和跨界创新具有推动作用;平台企业拥有的大规模用户资源、跨市场网络效应以及先进创新模式均有利于提高其跨界产品创新程度。  相似文献   

This study examines how firms interpret new, potentially disruptive technologies in their own strategic context. The study uses a propositional framework for evaluating the amount of radical change in the companies' business models with two middle variables, the disruptiveness potential of a new technology, and the strategic importance of a new technology to a firm. The framework is used in a cross-case analysis of four potentially disruptive technologies or technical operating models: Bluetooth, WLAN, Grid computing and Mobile Peer-to-peer paradigm. The technologies were investigated from the perspective of three mobile operators, a device manufacturer and a software company in the ICT industry.The data was gathered in group-discussion sessions in each company. The results of each case analysis were brought together to evaluate, how firms interpret the potential disruptiveness in terms of changes in product characteristics and added value, technology and market uncertainty, changes in product-market positions, possible competence disruption and changes in value network positions. The results indicate that the perceived disruptiveness in terms of product characteristics does not necessarily translate into strategic importance. In addition, firms did not see the new technologies as a threat in terms of potential competence disruption.  相似文献   

In December 2010, France approved the law “Nouvelle Organisation du Marché de l’Electricité” (or NOME law) to promote competition in the retail electricity market. In practice, the law allows retailers to buy nuclear production from the incumbent, at a regulated access price. This mechanism works up to a ceiling of 100 terawatt hours, which represents one quarter of the incumbent’s production from nuclear plants. Each retailer is assigned a share of that amount proportionally to its portfolio of clients. We contribute to the debate raised by the NOME law regarding the evolution of retail market prices. We show that a price decrease results if the ceiling is sufficiently high compared to the market share of the retailers competing with the incumbent. This pro-competitive effect is stronger when the incumbent’s rivals take into account the impact of their market strategy on the redistribution rule. Finally, we find that, if the regulated price of the NOME electricity is set above the nuclear cost, the incumbent realizes a gain that may result in strategic withholding, weakening the pro-competitive effects of the law.  相似文献   

市场环境对颠覆式创新具有重要影响,探讨市场环境影响下颠覆式创新实现路径能够丰富颠覆式创新理论研究。在文献讨论的基础上,选取小米公司作为研究对象,运用扎根理论研究方法对案例进行剖析。结果发现:市场环境对颠覆式创新的影响主要表现在技术、需求和产业3个方面,后发企业在市场环境的影响下可以通过技术创新和价值网络重构两条路径实现颠覆式创新。在理论上,为探讨市场环境与颠覆式创新关系提供分析框架,并提出后发企业在市场环境影响下实现颠覆式创新的思路。在实践上,为后发企业正确认知市场环境并有针对性地构建颠覆式创新实现路径提供对策建议。  相似文献   

尽管学术界对网络嵌入已有大量研究,但鲜有学者探讨其对颠覆式绿色技术创新的影响。以制造企业为研究对象,运用社会网络理论和资源协奏理论,将网络嵌入划分为结构嵌入和关系嵌入两个维度,探讨两者对制造企业颠覆式绿色技术创新的影响,并分析资源协奏的中介作用和环境洞察能力的调节作用。结果发现:①结构嵌入和关系嵌入不仅对颠覆式绿色技术创新具有显著正向影响,而且对资源协奏也具有显著正向影响;②资源协奏对颠覆式绿色技术创新具有显著正向影响,并且分别在结构嵌入、关系嵌入与颠覆式绿色技术创新之间起部分中介作用;③环境洞察能力正向调节关系嵌入与颠覆式绿色技术创新之间的关系。研究结论有助于厘清网络嵌入对制造企业颠覆式绿色技术创新的作用机理,并拓展资源协奏和颠覆式绿色技术创新相关研究。  相似文献   

路径依赖是在位企业实现数字创业面临的必然挑战,而对企业如何有效利用内外部资源克服路径依赖,现有研究并未形成明确的观点。基于组织免疫理论,遵循抑制—免疫分析思路,从战略联盟和资源拼凑内外视角探究公司数字创业中克服路径依赖的免疫机制。实证结果表明,路径依赖对公司数字创业具有显著抑制作用;战略联盟与资源拼凑均能够对路径依赖的抑制作用产生免疫效应,但针对路径依赖的3个表现维度,战略联盟与资源拼凑发挥的免疫效应存在显著差异。  相似文献   

后发企业在全球模块化生产网络中长期被锁定在价值创造低端环节,颠覆性创新成为打破升级困境、实现跨越式发展的利器。围绕中国情境下吉利汽车20年迅速成长为在位企业的历程,从模块化和价值网络视角,探索吉利成功实现颠覆性创新的内在机理。研究发现,在中国情境下在位者实现颠覆性创新的关键在于价值网络升级,汽车产业模块化成熟环境促进了吉利颠覆性创新的实现。依据吉利产品、成本模式、产品属性排序和技术范式升级变迁轨迹,识别出吉利颠覆性创新跃迁路径的4个阶段,明确了每个阶段升级模式以及各阶段发展的内在逻辑关系,进而构建起完整的吉利颠覆性创新跃迁路径。  相似文献   

Is the decision of firms to pursue social interest and promote social progress philanthropic or motivated by strategic reasons? Using a simple Spence–Dixit entry model game with homogeneous goods, this paper studies the possible anticompetitive effect of the adoption of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the form of “consumer friendliness” (i.e., firms’ attention to the welfare of consumers). It is shown that, when the market becomes contestable, the incumbent can select to adopt CSR to hamper to a greater extent the potential entrant, regardless of its choice to engage in CSR activities. In other words, CSR can become a strategic barrier to entry.  相似文献   

论文对颠覆性创新、后发企业和跨越式发展概念进行了界定,对颠覆性创新因子及后发企业跨越式发展模式进行了研究。通过对亚马逊公司利用颠覆性市场营销策略实现自身跨越式发展的案例分析,以期为我国后发企业实现自身跨越提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The widespread adoption of joint ventures in the 1980s and strategic alliances in the 1990s by a spectrum of businesses across industries has resulted in cooperative strategy emerging as the corporate and business strategy of the global economy. Of further significance, however, is the relaxation by antitrust authorities in the USA and the EU of policies forbidding or restricting horizontal or competitor collaborations. Beginning in the 1980s, legislation, regulations and guidelines have established a business environment conducive to competitor collaborations. This evolution in competition policy is justified by the need for accelerating technology-based innovations at the firm level, thus improving competitiveness at the national level. The US government and the European Commission have provided firms with "safe harbors' to develop strategic technology alliances with competitors, albeit with notable differences in specific market share thresholds and emphases on qualitative versus quantitative perspectives in their respective competition policy frameworks.  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2014,68(3):239-247
Significant amount of vertical technology transfer occurs between developed and developing-country firms, and many trading companies from developing countries create competition in the developed countries, yet the literature on intellectual property rights did not pay considerable attention to these aspects. In a Cournot oligopoly with vertical technology transfer, we show that patent protection in the developing country raises developed-country welfare if the following three conditions hold together: (i) patent protection in the developing country deters entry in the final goods market, (ii) the marginal cost difference between the incumbent and the entrant final goods sellers is sufficiently small, and (iii) the marginal cost difference between the incumbent and the entrant developing-country producers is sufficiently high. We also show that patent protection in the developing country always creates higher developing-country welfare if no developing-country firm enters the final goods market. We also discuss the implications of Bertrand competition on our results.  相似文献   

This paper analyses how US, Japanese, and European HDD firms responded to technological shifts in the hard disk industry from 1973 through 1996. Leading incumbent US HDD firms were frequently forced out of the market. Leading Japanese incumbent firms in the same industry, however, were not displaced by these changes. US startup firms thrived under these technological shifts, displacing US incumbent firms. Japanese startups did poorly. European firms encountered the worst of both worlds: its incumbent firms were frequently displaced by technological changes, as were US firms; while startup firms (with one exception) performed as poorly as those in Japan.  相似文献   

The widespread adoption of joint ventures in the 1980s and strategic alliances in the 1990s by a spectrum of businesses across industries has resulted in cooperative strategy emerging as the corporate and business strategy of the global economy. Of further significance, however, is the relaxation by antitrust authorities in the USA and the EU of policies forbidding or restricting horizontal or competitor collaborations. Beginning in the 1980s, legislation, regulations and guidelines have established a business environment conducive to competitor collaborations. This evolution in competition policy is justified by the need for accelerating technology-based innovations at the firm level, thus improving competitiveness at the national level. The US government and the European Commission have provided firms with "safe harbors' to develop strategic technology alliances with competitors, albeit with notable differences in specific market share thresholds and emphases on qualitative versus quantitative perspectives in their respective competition policy frameworks.  相似文献   

This pape reports on a survey of 64 biotechnology firms in the USA about their R&D strategy, marketing focud and sources of technology. The survey explored the interrelationships among the strategic issues and how they were related with the means of appropriating R&D results. Three stralegic clusters for technology acquisitin emerged from the data: (i) internal developer, (ii) joint developer, and (iii) cooperative financed. Three marketing clusters were: (i) market penetartor, (ii) innovative marketer, and (iii) market developer. The R&D clusters were: (i) defensive strategy, (ii) aggressive strategy, and (iii) research-intensive strategy. External sources of technology appeared to be predominant among thje various firms and apparently marketing strategy and source of technology had no significant relationship. Most of the firms were involved with commercial innovation in their R&D strategy and few were research specialists. Innovative firms were inclined to depend on external sources sources of technology. Issues related to appropriability of R&D results for the different groups have been examined for their implications for public policy.  相似文献   

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