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基于广义资源观的区域生态-城市经济和谐发展研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
范如国  唐红 《技术经济》2009,28(1):72-75
阐述了区域生态-城市经济系统的概念及其内涵;从经济学角度对生产力和资源的现有概念的局限性进行了深刻分析,拓展并丰富了其内涵;构建了广义资源理论下区域生态-城市经济增长的Logistic模型,较好地揭示了生产力标准、资源观与区域生态-城市经济和谐发展的协同关系。  相似文献   

王建功 《生产力研究》2008,(24):111-113
文章从经济学角度对工业生态经济的实现进行了全方位的分析,从其产生的经济背景到运行的基本力量,给出工业生态化的经济逻辑。进而分析工业生态经济实现的各种影响因素,由此我们得出合理的价格体系是在制度环境、技术等多因素共同支持下工业生态经济实现的核心因素。  相似文献   

一、生态经济资源循环和利用法则生态经济资源是指:在现有技术条件下,能够开发出来为生态经济建设所利用的一切潜在资源。它的内涵已经扩大,不仅包括经济资源、自然资源和社会资源,而且包括了在普通意义上被称之为“废物”的垃圾。生态经济资源循环制利用法则就是:在现有条件下,在经济可行的范围内,最大限度地、多级、重复利用  相似文献   

韩丹 《当代经济》2018,(2):124-125
资源开发与环境保护的共生性问题,是推进生态文明的基础.但当前为追求经济效益,过度开采自然资源,生态保护意识薄弱,针对生态补偿的政策也缺乏完善.致使我国经济发展面临突出矛盾,资源和环境的约束,制约经济高效发展.为此,要全民树立自然环境保护意识,加强资源保护理念,形成完善的立法体系,建立合理资源税费制度及资源市场价格体系,实现我国社会经济的协调可持续发展.  相似文献   

从学科的基本性质看,生态经济学是门实用性很强的技术基础理论学科,它提供了过去许多单一学科(包括生态学和经济学)无法解决的生态经济问题的一种新思想的新方祛,从而为人类调整资源利用的行为,实现生态——经济——资源——环境关系协调发展提供了广泛的可能. 生态经济学是在人类为寻求缓解经济发展与资源环境保护之间尖锐矛盾的客观需要中产生的,也只有  相似文献   

当今在主流经济学指导下,人类盲目地发展经济,不顾及自然环境的承载能力,经济学派提出了经济发展的生态观,主要有生态经济学和佛教经济学。生态经济是把生态保护与经济发展相结合,二者相互促进、协调发展的经济形式,首要目标是持续性。佛教经济学把道德引入经济领域,为生态危机提供精神资源,生态问题也为佛教与现代社会的融合开辟了崭新的通道。佛教经济中的生态观是以佛教的缘起论为哲学基础的,整体论和无我论是其基本特征。  相似文献   

生态经济学是一门新兴学科,由于人们在工作中违背了自然规律和经济规律而招致自然报复的深刻教训,迫使人们认识到应用生态学、生态经济学的原理来指导我国经济建设的重要性和迫切性。我是一个农村干部,从参加革命到1992年离休,没有离开过楚雄彝族自治州,而且大部分时间是在农林部门度过的,我对生态经济学的认识是经历了盲目困惑、科学启示、带头实践、生态和经济必须结合、生态经济建设是振兴经济、治贫治灾的必由之路等五个阶段。现在我虽然退休了,但我仍将做  相似文献   

一、前言工业化的发展给人类社会带来经济高速增长的同时,也伴着生态环境的日益恶化.以研究用经济手段对环境污染和资源浪费实行有效控制为中心内容的“环境经济学”、“资源经济学”等新学科应运而生.80年代初始,我国开展“生态经济学”的研究,则从宏观生态角度探索经济系统与生态系统协调发展的规律. 一般认为,生态经济学的研究对象是生态系统与经济系统的复合系统——生态经济系统,是研究该复合系统内部矛盾运动发展规律及其机理的科学.这一复合系统通常用下图表示.  相似文献   

生态资源的价值一直是生态经济的中心问题。过去,传统经济学认为,生态资源的交易不能进入市场,因而它没有价值;现代经济的发展,表明生态资源不仅具有使用价值,也具有价值,是一种以劳动价值为基础的复合价值;未来,生态资源的价值将转化为生态资本。  相似文献   

资源环境经济学和生态经济学有不同的理论基础和研究方法,资源环境经济学运用新古典经济学的理论和方法来分析问题,生态经济学则通过多学科相关理论以及多元化方法取得研究进展。二者对于可持续发展也有不同的视角和追求,资源环境经济学强调经济增长,注重规模和效率,追求弱可持续性;而生态经济学强调发展,更重视分配和公平,追求强可持续性。深刻理解这些差异,对于经济学本身的完善以及经济发展模式选择都有重要的意义。  相似文献   

生态价值的源泉是生态系统的服务功能。从生态服务功能的产生或供给来看,是纯自然的,从生态服务功能的利用或需求来看,是纯人类的。根据价值的哲学概念和经济学中的传统理论,对生态价值的自然范畴和人类范畴进行分析.可得出生态价值的实质就是人类社会系统对自然生态系统服务功能客观需要的主观价值反映。它反映着人类社会系统和自然经济系统两个整体之间的关系.是在一定技术条件下人与物的关系。  相似文献   

国家主体功能区划对生态经济学科的要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家对不同的主体功能区域实施差别化的区域政策,同时利用评价指标引导它们的建设。主体功能区划是塑造我国区域发展格局的新举措。生态经济理论作为主体功能区提出的理论基础之一,是一种全新的理论发展视角,也是未来可持续发展领域的重要研究趋势。在新时期背景下国家主体功能区划对生态经济学科发展建设提出了新要求,生态经济学科研究要有新思路,要有明确的区域指向性,并提供科学合理的评价依据。  相似文献   

精神层面的文化对一国经济社会的发展特别重要。本文从经济学角度论述了精神层面的文化对于经济社会发展的重要意义,文化的特征,与市场经济相适应的文化、我国传统文化的特点等问题。论文认为对传统文化必须通过改造使之与社会主义市场经济相适应,而不是囫囵吞枣地接受。  相似文献   

Recent advances in evolutionary theory have important implications for environmental economics. A short overview is offered of evolutionarythinking in economics. Subsequently, major concepts and approaches inevolutionary biology and evolutionary economics are presented andcompared. Attention is devoted, among others, to Darwinian selection,punctuated equilibrium, sorting mechanisms, Lamarckian evolution,coevolution and self-organization. Basic features of evolution, such assustained change, irreversible change, unpredictability, qualitativechange and disequilibrium, are examined. It is argued that there are anumber of fundamental differences as well as similarities betweenbiological and economic evolution. Next, some general implications ofevolutionary thinking for environmental economics are outlined. This isfollowed by a more detailed examination of potential uses ofevolutionary theories in specific areas of environmental economics,including sustainability and long run development theories, technologyand environment, ecosystem management and resilience, spatial evolutionand environmental processes, and design of environmental policy.  相似文献   

本文就目前的研究热点—生态系统服务功能的价值评估的经济学基础进行初步研究和探讨,分析了如何从经济学角度来选择生态系统服务功能的价值评估对象,才能保证结果的可信性。同时,从经济学角度分析了生态系统价值评估存在的难题和困境,为今后的进一步研究提出了建设性方向。  相似文献   

An integrated economic/ecological model is built to address tradeoffs between biodiversity conservation and two marketable rangeland ecosystem services: cattle grazing and elk hunting. The ecology is represented by an eleven species food web in which individual optimizing plants and animals engage in competitive and predator/prey relationships. The ecological model defines a steady-state set of sustainable grazing and hunting options, and for each option, biodiversity is measured using an index defined over the eleven species. In linking the ecology to the economics, social welfare depends on grazing profits and hunter net benefits. The problem can be stated as maximizing economic welfare over two ecosystem services, subject to their sustainable use and subject to a target level of biodiversity. A numerical application with economic and biological data from the Western United States is used to determine sustainable grazing and hunting options for alternative biodiversity levels, and to select the option that maximizes welfare.  相似文献   

The relevance to economics of naturalised epistemology (alsoknown as the naturalistic turn) from philosophy of science hasrecently been argued by economic methodologists, especiallyby D. Wade Hands (Reflection Without Rules: Economic Methodologyand Contemporary Science Theory, Cambridge, Cambridge UniversityPress, 2001). This concept is held by Hands to constitute partof the ‘new economic methodology’ that consistsof the ‘interpenetration of economics and science theory’.Contrary to Hands's case, naturalised epistemology is shownhere not to represent a qualitatively new concept, to possesslittle coherent meaning, and to be incapable of charting aninnovative way forward for economics. Although there are moreissues concerning naturalism bearing on economics than are notedby Hands, three specific limitations of naturalised epistemologyare discussed. These and other limitations are related to theeconomics examples Hands proposes suggesting the usefulnessof naturalised epistemology for economics.  相似文献   

浅述生态系统服务功能价值的估算方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态系统服务功能价值估算已成为生态学、生态经济学、环境经济学领域的研究热点和前沿,在生态系统服务功能含义、价值构成研究的基础上,系统地总结了目前关于生态系统服务功能价值进行定量评估的方法———实际市场评估技术、替代市场法、假想市场法等。  相似文献   

In this, the eightieth year of the formalisation of the Australianeconomics profession, a survey of it seems appropriate. Whilethe profession's beginnings were marked by an idiosyncratic,heterodox tradition, the paper finds that those attributes haveby now been largely dissolved by internationalisation. To demonstratethis, two periods in Australian economic history, and the roleof economic opinion within each, are examined. One concernsthe mobilisation of native economics expertise in developingpolicies to deal with the Great Depression, while the latterepisode covers the rise of neo-liberal policy or economic rationalismin Australia. Unlike the interwar period and the post-war era,contemporary Australian economics, despite its policy successin reforming the economy has problems in attracting young mindsto its fold.  相似文献   

There are a lot of functions of marine resources. The various and competing conflicts between different users and different sectors in the use of marine resources will cause the disorderly development of marine resources, and even destroy the marine ecosystem. Marine functional zoning is an effective tool to solve the conflicts. However, there are some shortcomings in the current understanding on marine functional zoning and its practice. In this paper, a case study on the resource-oriented marine functional zoning of Xiangshan Port is introduced. By the principles of resource-oriented and public participation, Xiangshan Port is divided into seven zones, and the main function of the whole port and seven zones are determined by the environmental economics analysis. A case study of Xiamen is also introduced for how to integrate marine functional zoning into a coastal city conceptual planning. Under the conservation principle, resources-oriented principle and so on, the advantages and disadvantages of natural ecosystem, social ecosystem and economic ecosystem are holistically analyzed, the urban orientation of Xiamen is determined as a regional international tourism city, and the whole city is divided into five function zones according to its leading industry -tourism. Resource-oriented marine functional zoning has a long-term guidance for sustainable use of marine resources and development strategy of a coastal city. And environmental economics analysis is an effective tool for resource-orientation.  相似文献   

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