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近代大学者王国雏治戏曲,深受焦循多方面积极影响。从指导思想看,焦循“夫一代有一代之所胜”进步的文艺发展史观,给予王国维深刻影响与启迪,成为其珍视元曲而撰写《宋元戏曲考》这一权威性不朽之作的理论指导和推动力;从戏曲流派观点看,王国维主张戏剧摹绘真情实景,“字字本色”,反对雕琢、虚伪,崇尚“自然”、“意境”,是在焦氏为代表的清中期以来“本色”论派理论基础上的继承和发展;从审美价值取向看,王国维推重立足世界文学之林极富悲剧意义的元曲杰作,鄙薄大团圆格套,与焦氏审美观一脉相承;从戏曲研究方法看,王国维娴熟掌握了朴学大师焦循以考据学治戏曲之术,并与西学逻辑推演相互影响、制约,完美结合。王国维戏剧研究的巨大成功,多得力于焦循,又有明显的拓展和超越。  相似文献   

梁琨 《品牌》2014,(10)
李渔是我国明末清初著名的戏曲剧作家和戏曲理论家,《风筝误》是其戏曲创作的代表之作,而结构论是其戏曲理论的最突出成就,本文便是以《风筝误》为例,从“戒讽刺”、“立主脑”、“脱窠臼”、“审虚实”、“密针线”这五个方面来分析李渔戏曲创作结构论的具体创作实践,以及其理论与作品之间相互促进,共同发展的关系。  相似文献   

吴敬琏先生在鞭挞网络股现象时,引用了这样一句“古训”;与其临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网。其意在应该先为高科技产业的发展创造条件(制度),不要暴炒“高科技”、“网络股”,“股价飚升,就不能不怀疑醉翁另有他意了”。  相似文献   

董晓 《商》2014,(25):109-109
“一桌二椅”是中国戏曲在抽象的舞台这一特定的困难条件下创造出来的,适应了传统戏曲舞台的格局,这凝结了中国戏曲家的智慧和创造力。戏曲做为一种舞台艺术形式,舞台设计如果仍局限在传统的“一桌二椅”,那么,渐渐的会被市场所忽视,从客观上就必须要注重舞台美术。灯光、布景在戏曲舞台上使用,既可以帮助观众理解情,又可以美化舞台给观众以美的艺术享受。但是,运用现代舞美的同时,一定要注意遵循戏曲艺术的自身规律。  相似文献   

都灵冬奥会联想开展广告攻略;新年新航程 大贺集团2006年新春年会;攉响中国——第二届雅芙食品杯“梨园春”全国戏谜擂台赛总决赛暨2006年河南电视台春节戏曲晚会圈满结束;“玩转你的版图”——奥迪与奥美顾客关系行销联合打造奥迪Q7上市前预热活动;灵智精实北京新办公室开幕  相似文献   

郑兴 《广告大观》2005,(8):59-60
“泰山不让土壤,故能成其大;河海不择细流,故能就其深:”这句古代李老先生的话因其用语简洁却道理深刻,而在今天关于细节方面的各类文章中均有引用,也正成为现代追求细节管理的代名词。  相似文献   

王水福 《浙商》2005,(8):29-31
今年一季度浙江企业亏损面达22.4%,9大行业利润下降;省会城市杭州情况更甚:在37个行业大类中,利润下滑的有15个行业。在此背景下,西子联合控股有限公司逆流而上,今年上半年完成工业销售25亿元,与去年同比增长了37%。“西子”的成绩缘于“西子”人的忧患意识和“求变”、“应变”的能力。公司的当家人王水福经常引用这么一句古话,“生于忧患,死于安乐”。他说,越是形势好,越是要战战兢兢,如履薄冰,企业才能生存下去。下面,是他在公司2005年半年度会议上的发言。  相似文献   

水源门 2009年6月,《中国新闻周刊》一篇文章引用大量资料,佐证了农夫山泉策划并主导了去年“康师傅水源门”事件。同时,在文章的最后引用中国环境监测总站公布的最新一期《中国地表水水质月报》中“千岛湖的水质在今年1月份已被列入Ⅳ类”,将农夫山泉也引入到了“水源门”漩涡当中。  相似文献   

“戏曲”、“武术”,“文物”,依托中原文化资源,河南卫视打造了三大王牌栏目,以独特文化资源打造栏目的同时,也杜绝了被复制模仿。[编者按]  相似文献   

刘琅主编,鹭江出版社2007年8月第1版《精读康有为》一书中《春秋微言大义第六下》一章中“教”里引用汉代董仲舒的《春秋繁露》中的《卷十一·为政者天·第四十一》中的“《传》曰:政有三端,--”和“《传》曰;天生之,地载之,圣人教之。”两节。我觉得,很有启发意义。于是我又学习了董仲舒的全文的论述。  相似文献   

关于我国股指期货合约设计的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔百胜  白淑云 《商业研究》2005,(15):174-177
股指期货具有价格发现和套期保值两大功能。选择合适的标的指数是股指期货合约成功与否的关键。合约价值、合约单位、合约报价限制、合约最小报价单位以及保证金水平,均需根据我国证券市场发展的现状,从市场流动性和交易成本两个方面来衡量和确定。  相似文献   

The ability of individuals to assimilate and process consumer information appears to have finite limits. If consumers are given information which exceeds their processing capacity, information overload is said to exist and results in less effective decision making. The relationship between information overload and linguistic ability was investigated in this study. Americans and Hispanics were presented with varying amounts of consumer information in their native and non-native language. As predicted, information can act as a stressor, affecting decision making in a non-native language prior to affecting decision making in a dominant language. Information overload occurred sooner in Hispanics and Americans when consumer information was presented in their non-dominant language.  相似文献   

安阳地方戏曲小剧种资源丰富,地方戏曲发展渠道广阔,但剧团数量持续减少,剧团专业层级低,演出剧目数量减少且缺乏创新。其原因是安阳地方戏曲生存的大环境并未改变,财政支持不足,戏曲从业人员数量锐减、演员专业素质较低。保护安阳地方戏曲小剧种并加以推广保护,应实行市场化运作,以市场需求为导向,面向市场进行戏曲创作,加大政府及相关部门对戏曲的投资和扶植力度,借助媒体发扬戏曲文化,培养观众群,形成稳定的消费市场。  相似文献   

传统戏曲元素在动漫广告中的开发应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马振龙 《中国广告》2014,(6):124-128
随着现代社会科学技术的飞速发展,戏曲这一古老而传统的艺术形式受到了巨大的冲击。如何利用现代化的信息资源改良和拓展戏曲的发展空间,并在传承与弘扬传统戏曲的基础上同时让我国的动漫广告得到更好的发展是本文撰写的根本宗旨。文章通过对传统戏曲元素与动漫广告同构的可行性创新思考及其在同构中对传统戏曲的可开发潜在元素分析,重点对传统戏曲的视觉表现元素在动漫广告设计中开发应用的方式方法结合实例进行了较为深入的论述与探究。  相似文献   

In Coal and Culture William Condee examines Appalachian small-towntheaters built between the 1860s and 1930s that appropriatedthe high-culture term ‘opera house’ for spaces presentingdiverse activities from high school graduations to travelingtheatrical troupes. The title ‘opera house,’ ratherthan ‘theater,’ conveyed an aura of culture, refinement,and acceptability in an era when theater was sometimes regardedas having questionable morals. ‘Opera house’ soundedgrand, but many structures were modest buildings whose facadesdiffered little from  相似文献   

JefVerschueren的语用学综观下的顺应性理论认为,使用语言即是在不同意识程度下为适应交际需要而不断做出选择的过程,并以此为语用学提供了全面而科学的研究视角.本文通过"给力"的现象描述出发分析了零翻译现象,并从语言结构顺应,心理世界顺应和意识程度顺应的视角探讨了顺应论和零翻译现象的关系.  相似文献   

针对权重信息已知且属性值为混合型的多属性决策,对用模糊语言和实数表示的属性进行了区间化处理,从而把多混合属性决策转化为属性值为区间数的多属性决策。然后基于新定义的可能度计算公式,给出多混合属性决策的可能度法,通过民航实例说明方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper, an analysis of the attitudes of university students towards opera and ballet is made under the framework of audience development strategies for the performing arts. By studying the main motivations, interests, attendance, barriers and expectation, a basis for the development of an appropriate marketing strategy is provided. The most important motives of opera and ballet goers were identified as a desire to experience a live performance, particular interest in seeing a particular piece and general interest in a determined genre. Ex ante expectations related to performances are emotions, the atmosphere of the event and broadening personal scope in culture.  相似文献   

Neoliberal globalization has not yielded the results it promised; global inequality has risen, poverty and hunger are still prevailing in large parts of this world. If this devastating situation shall be improved, economists must talk less about economic growth and more about people’s rights. The use of the language of rights will be key for making the economy work more in favor of the least advantaged in this world. Not only will it provide us with the vocabulary necessary to reframe such pressing global problems and to find adequate economic solutions; it will also deliver the basis for deriving according duties and duty-bearers – the language of rights is congruent with the language of justice and as such it is inevitably and at the same time the language of obligations. The language of obligations exposes the multinational corporation as one of the main agents of justice in the global economy. Taking distributive justice as a starting point for reflection, a consistent derivation of the multinational’s moral obligations must focus on capabilities rather than on causality. This will lead to a shift from merely passive to active duties and accordingly to a stronger emphasis on the corporation’s contribution to the realization of positive rights. Biography: Florian Wettstein is an assistant professor in the Department of Ethics and Business Law at University of St.␣Thomas. Before that, he taught in the Business and Society Program at York University (Toronto). Also, he was a research associate at the Institute for Business Ethics at the University St. of Gallen (Switzerland), a visiting scholar at Carroll School of Management at Boston College, and a research fellow in the Program on Human Rights and Justice at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).  相似文献   

明清时代,演剧是生日庆祝的重要内容,生日演剧作为一种习俗逐渐流传开来。生日演剧可以细分为婴儿出生演剧、成人生日演剧、老人寿诞演剧及祖先阴寿演剧。这一风俗促进了一种特殊的剧目——神仙庆寿剧的繁荣,此外,生日上也会演出元杂剧及当时流行的剧作,但内容须以喜庆为主,不宜点悲伤凄惨或带有杀伐内容的剧目。生日演剧使得戏曲形式体制更为多元,扩大了戏曲在观众中的影响,也促进了戏曲审美趣味的转移。  相似文献   

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