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吴开珍 《商》2014,(41):167-167
随着我国经济的不断发展,中小企业在扩大就业、活跃市场、增加收入和保障社会稳定等方面都起着难以替代的作用。中小企业融资困难是阻碍其发展最大的障碍,因此我们必须重视这一问题。本文共包括以下四个部分:中小企业融资的要求与意义、中小企业融资现状、中小企业融资困境成因和解决目前中小企业融资困境的方法。本文的创新之处在于对中小企业融资困境成因的分析和走出中小企业融资困境对策的研究。  相似文献   

刘英男  高黎黎 《中国市场》2014,(48):117-119
中小企业在国民经济发展中占据重要地位,然而多年来却始终没有摆脱融资难融资贵的困境。本文揭示了我国中小企业所面临的融资困境,全面剖析了中小企业融资困境的成因,进而有针对性地提出了解决中小企业融资困境的对策。  相似文献   

面对激烈的市场竞争,中国的中小企业生存和发展的阻碍较多,其中融资难度大、成本高、时效差等困境始终困扰着中小企业。本文首先对中国中小企业三种融资困境的表现进行分析后,就融资困境提出了解决对策,可为中小企业摆脱融资困扰提供参考。  相似文献   

陈玮 《商场现代化》2008,(7):237-238
本文首先讨论了我国中小企业融资的特点,在此基础上分析了我国中小企业融资困境原因,提出应从政府、金融体系、中小企业自身三方面考虑,解决目前中小企业融资困境问题。  相似文献   

我国的中小企业及融资还处于起步阶段,中小企业融资的困境成为了制约中小企业持续发展的"瓶颈"。为此,简要说明了我国中小企业融资困境的基本现状,分析了我国中小企业融资困境存在的原因,并结合我国实际提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

当前,中小企业已经成为我国国民经济的重要支柱,在增加就业、促进科技进步、扩大出口等方面,发挥着不可忽视的作用。然而,资金短缺、融资困难直接制约着我国中小企业健康地发展。本文首先介绍了我国中小企业融资的困境,分析产生融资困境的原因,最后就解决我国中小企业融资困境提出一些对策。  相似文献   

中小企业融资困境众说纷纭,笔者认为中小企业融资困境主要集中和表现在直接融资方面,其他融资渠道不适宜用困境表达。中小企业直接融资困境的产生主要在于中小企业自身和其他微观经济主体的诚信缺失、道德风险大,以及银行等金融机构在能够稳定性地获得高利润的背景下,缺乏考虑银行自身可持续发展的改革动力和向中小企业等贷款改革魄力,为此从国家和中小企业角度看要重视诚信、逐步建立和完善企业征信体系,加大银行的竞争化改革。  相似文献   

江苏省中小企业融资困境分析与方式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱晴  王蓉 《消费导刊》2011,(8):88-89
本文把江苏省中小企业作为研究对象,分析了众多中小企业的融资困境之现状,从企业自身、金融机构、政府层面三方面分别探讨了融资困境之成因,并尝试提出了解决融资困境之方式,以期促进我省中小企业健康发展。  相似文献   

中小企业融资难的问题一直是制约它们发展的主要瓶颈。针对我国的中小企业在融资困境中出现的问题像如何进一步完善中小企业自身、股权融资、债券融资、信用担保等多个层面提出改进中小企业融资困境的建议和措施。  相似文献   

生命周期、预期利润与中小企业融资困境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冯昕 《财贸研究》2003,(2):45-48,74
本文旨在探讨我国中小企业融资困境。文章首先对现有解释中小企业融资困境的理论加以总结;其次针对已有理论的不足,本文提出以企业生命周期为框架,通过引入预期利润变量而从新的角度诠释中小企业融资困境;最后通过中美中小企业融资结构比较,进一步论证文章的基本观点。  相似文献   

试论企业战略理论的演变与新发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
主要论述了自从本世纪60年代初开始研究企业战略近40年来,企业战略理论的演变与新发展。分析和介绍了以钱德勒、安德鲁斯、安索夫为代表的以环境、市场分析为基础的企业经典战略理论和以迈克尔·波特为主要代表的以产业结构、竞争优势分析为基础的现代企业战略理论。介绍了本世纪90年代才出现的两个新的企业战略理论,即核心竞争力理论和竞争力国家竞争力理论,并对企业战略理论的发展趋势作了分析和预测。  相似文献   

In a previous review article [Brown, James R. and Dant, Rajiv P. (2008a), “Scientific Method and Retailing Research: A Retrospective,” Journal of Retailing, 84 (April), 1-13], we had discussed the substantive domains, the methodological approaches, and the inferential tools that researchers used to test their conceptual frameworks in 164 articles published in the Journal of Retailing during 2002-2007. In this article, we continue this introspective process, by reviewing the theories used in 173 articles published in the Journal of Retailing in the 2004-2009 (to Issue 2) time period, and classifying those theories according to their application to various substantive issues. A total of 119 different theories were used across these 173 articles, which we sub-grouped into twelve broad-based theoretical categories: (1) marketing theories, (2) microeconomic theory, (3) consumer choice theory, (4) social exchange theory, (5) information processing theory, (6) satisfaction theory, (7) reference price theory, (8) competitive theory, (9) attribution theory, (10) other psychological theories for individuals, (11) other social psychological/sociological theories, and (12) other theories. We also examine the methodological approaches and tools used to test those theories. A number of research gaps are identified for future retailing scholarship.  相似文献   

Corporate Social Responsibility Theories: Mapping the Territory   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) field presents not only a landscape of theories but also a proliferation of approaches, which are controversial, complex and unclear. This article tries to clarify the situation, “mapping the territory” by classifying the main CSR theories and related approaches in four groups: (1) instrumental theories, in which the corporation is seen as only an instrument for wealth creation, and its social activities are only a means to achieve economic results; (2) political theories, which concern themselves with the power of corporations in society and a responsible use of this power in the political arena; (3) integrative theories, in which the corporation is focused on the satisfaction of social demands; and (4) ethical theories, based on ethical responsibilities of corporations to society. In practice, each CSR theory presents four dimensions related to profits, political performance, social demands and ethical values. The findings suggest the necessity to develop a new theory on the business and society relationship, which should integrate these four dimensions.  相似文献   

Along with the ‘servicisation’ of society, innovation in services has become a topical issue. However, analytical and detailed discussion about the nature of service innovations and their emergence is only beginning. This article aims to contribute to this discussion through a theoretical analysis supplemented with findings from two empirical case studies. The theories examined are multi-disciplinary including general service theories, general innovation theories and theories linked to new service development and innovation management. The empirical studies have been carried out in Finland in the fields of real estate and construction services and of knowledge-intensive business services.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to build a coherent framework of the four main theories relating to the internationalization of firms, in order to facilitate better business teaching and research. Yet, theories of the internationalization of firms are broad and rest on different underlying assumptions. With the purpose of clarifying the potential for integration of partial theories and fragments in a more logically connected theoretical area, this article offers a meta‐theoretical overview of four perspectives within international business economics: Research and its related background, basic assumptions, study area, and implications of the theories in the internationalization of the firm.  相似文献   

Scholars have assumed that trust is fragile: difficult to build and easily broken. We demonstrate, however, that in some cases trust is surprisingly robust—even when harmful deception is revealed, some individuals maintain high levels of trust in the deceiver. In this paper, we describe how implicit theories moderate the harmful effects of revealed deception on a key component of trust: perceptions of integrity. In a negotiation context, we show that people who hold incremental theories (beliefs that negotiating abilities are malleable) reduce perceptions of their counterpart’s integrity after they learn that they were deceived, whereas people who hold entity theories (beliefs that negotiators’ characteristics and abilities are fixed) maintain their first impressions after learning that they were deceived. Implicit theories influenced how targets interpreted evidence of deception. Individuals with incremental theories encoded revealed deception as an ethical violation; individuals with entity theories did not. These findings highlight the importance of implicit beliefs in understanding how trust changes over time.  相似文献   

多年来社会科学的许多理论和方法被用于研究消费者行为,其中阐述实证主义导向的社会科学理论和方法从外部思考消费者行为,阐释主义导向的社会科学理论和方法更多的是论述了对消费者行为"是什么"的问题,二者应该能够相辅相成。无论以哪种理论和方法进行研究,重要的是将消费者行为研究与中国消费者行为特色结合起来,在中国背景下检验西方理论和模型的适用性,提出符合中国国情的理论模型,开展针对中国情境的特定理论或知识研究。  相似文献   

Existing literature provides little guidance on whether various debt maturity theories are useful in understanding the debt maturity choices of firms that are privately-held, small, and/or outside the manufacturing industry in developing economies. This paper conducts a comparative test of the major debt maturity theories using a firm-level dataset that covers a wide variety of firm types in a major developing economy, Turkey. Our findings provide considerable support for the liquidity risk, agency, and maturity-matching theories. The macroeconomic environment also has an important impact on debt maturity. The evidence for the signaling and tax theories, however, is weak at best.  相似文献   

亏损上市公司的价值评估:理论综述与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜勇  干胜道  杜军 《财贸研究》2008,19(3):131-135
国外对亏损上市公司的价值进行评估涉及多种理论,其中放弃期权理论、调整期权理论、违约期权理论更加注重考虑上市公司发生亏损后投资者可能采取的各种行为;而销售定价理论和会计谨慎理论则主要考虑的是上市公司发生亏损的原因。这里提出应该从各种预期因素的角度去探讨亏损上市公司的完整价值。  相似文献   

毛瑞 《北方经贸》2010,(11):38-40
目前对"公司章程的性质"有多种学说,其中以"契约说"、"自治法说"、"宪章说"三者最为典型。文章对这三个学说进行探讨,分析这三个学说的特点及利弊,并提出公司章程的发展趋势。  相似文献   

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