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公共政策过程是一个集中的行动过程,根据戴维·伊斯顿的系统模型,分为输入,政治系统,输出,环境和反馈五个部分。从社会利益分配的角度来看,这也是一个由利益选择到利益综合,由利益分配到利益落实的过程。自2000年以来,我国频繁发生了诸如“瓮安事件”似的群体性事件。该文试图运用政策系统模型来解释这个现象,并相应提出了几点措施。  相似文献   

群体性事件的发生发展在转型期的中国有不可低估的影响。从群体性事件的特点,民众心理及其发展阶段和群体性事件的民众心理特征方面进行分析,提出群体性事件下民众心理干预的思路与对策,应做到:事件发生前做好心理干预的准备工作;事件发生时做好政府、媒体、社会组织心理干预的沟通策略;事件发生后心理干预的善后措施。  相似文献   

群体性事件是我国各界普遍关心的一个问题,近些年群体性事件频繁发生对社会造成了不良影响,成为影响我国社会稳定和健康发展的一个突出问题。话语权缺失是导致群体性事件发生的原因之一,而话语权缺失是弱势群体存在的关键,弱势群体话语权的表达机会几乎被剥夺,不仅有碍我国社会阶层的健康发展,而且影响我国和谐社会和中国梦的实现。因此,一定要保障弱势群体话语权得到积极有效表达,努力为弱势群体话语的表达创造机会和提供平台,完善弱势群体话语表达的制度保障,解决弱势群体话语权的困境。  相似文献   

娄明悦 《商》2014,(12):186-187
涉诉信访群体性事件的根本属性是在弱势群体维权,是中国社会转型期救济制度失灵所引发的相对剥夺感、嵌入型司法导致的维权心理异化以及当前司法信访化所发酵而成的深层次矛盾产物,对于法律权威、政府管理和社会秩序都会造成一定的冲击,为了较好的从根本上预防涉诉信访群体性事件的发生,将“亡羊补牢”式的处置机制引向“防患未然”的控制模式,研究涉诉信访群体性事件的预防机制是很有必要的。  相似文献   

常静 《北方经贸》2014,(12):45-46
目前我国处于社会的急剧转型期,农村利益的冲突加剧及农民利益意识的增强导致了大量群体性事件的发生.随着新时期农民利益意识和权力觉悟的苏醒,这些群体性事件在诉求目标方面具有一定的维权性和政治性.鉴于我国处于发展的关键阶段,属于非对抗性人民内部矛盾的农村群体性事件事关农村社会的稳定,及至整个中国政治社会的稳定.这就要求我们在处理这类群体性事件时,应从维护农村社会稳定的政治高度,以积极开放的心态合理应对,通过法律等方式维护农民的合法权益.  相似文献   

环境群体性事件的频发已引起了来自社会各界人们的关注,它是一种新的社会矛盾。文章主要是对目前广西地区的环境群体性事件的现状及特点、发生成因和政府应对机制进行研究,以便在根源上降低和消除广西环境群体性事件发生的几率,促进社会和谐发展。  相似文献   

中国社会,无疑已经进人高危时期。说起来,中国经济发展如此之“好”,属于“盛世”,说“高危”似乎危言耸听。但略有认知能力、对中国现状有基本了解的人都不能否认,中国现在确实危机多多,愈来愈多的群体性事件就是最明显的反映。  相似文献   

近几年来,我国各地相继发生了诸多影响社会和谐的群体性事件,其中,非直接利益冲突群体性事件已经悄然呈现。基于治理理论视角,对非直接利益冲突群体性事件的酝酿过程和发生机理进行分析,探讨政府多中心基层治理体制的构建和事前协商治理对预防、化解非直接利益冲突群体性事件的重要作用,从而为维护社会和谐、化解非直接利益冲突群体性事件提供必要参考。  相似文献   

通过对近年来频繁发生的环境群体性事件进行分析,基于环境群体性事件的预警监测系统原理,利用德尔菲法、层次分析法等统计分析方法,对环境群体性事件的预警进行定量化研究。根据预警指标的构建原则,建立了环境群体性事件预警指标体系层次图,并对环境预警等级进行划分,得出环境群体事件的预警模型,以期为决策者作出合理的方案选择提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

李治钧 《现代商业》2011,(3):288+287
近年来,我国群体性事件频发,与大学生有关的群体性事件也时有发生,原因错综复杂。妥善处置群体性事件,积极维护社会稳定,主动从群体性事件的反思中促进自身成长发展,把自己培养成为中国特色社会主义的合格建设者和可靠接班人,是当代大学生义不容辞的责任。  相似文献   

2010年上半年,我国多个省市连续发生校园安全事件。基于六起校园安全事件的分析,提出个体行为与公共安全事件的对应关系,并就其发生的深层社会原因进行论述,认为从根本上解决这类事件的措施有:缩小贫富差距,尽量消除社会不公平;建立健全社会保障机制;重建社会道德体系,促使社会主流价值观的回归和寻找新的路径来加强公共危机管理。  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the role of avatars in mediating users with the metaverse environment. This study applies the construal level theory and source attractiveness model to understand the impact of avatar realism on the interaction between users and their avatars. Computer-simulated experiences were tested in realistic and abstract avatar conditions using serial mediation analysis. It was found that the user-avatar relationship and the intention to use the avatar were both increased by avatar realism. Specifically, psychological distance and social presence serially mediated these effects. Furthermore, the mediation of psychological distance and social presence was moderated by user familiarity with avatars. This study identifies the role of psychological distance to the user-and-avatar dyad in the metaverse by examining the multi-layered psychological mechanism behind the virtual interaction and relationship. It also provides implications for developing metaverse platforms by considering avatar characteristics and user familiarity.  相似文献   

叶姗 《财贸研究》2011,22(4):149-156
及时救治受害人是突发事件处置中最重要的措施,因此,充足的救治费用保障至为关键。突发事件可能没有侵权行为人、其他法定责任人或相关主体缺乏即时赔付的责任能力,而受害人也可能欠缺自行给付救治费用的能力,由公立医院垫付救治费用则于理不合,这些都是财政垫付救治费用的客观理由。垫付责任已被《侵权责任法》确立为一种侵权责任,而财政垫付则有别于传统的财政支出行为,财政垫付责任可以视为财政支出行为与侵权责任发生的竞合。财政垫付将有力促进突发事件造成损害的填平,理论上属于社会救助体系中专项救助的范畴。  相似文献   

群体性突发事件是社会风险动态演化成为公共危机的触发事件,它是一定时期内社会复杂系统中多元利益主体互动、博弈的产物。本文以建构论危机观为指导,从群体性突发事件中的利益相关者分析入手,试图在厘清多元利益主体间变动不居的关系基础上,植入群体性事件情境下的复杂适应系统理论(即CAS)分析。  相似文献   

At a time when social and ethical responsibilities of companies and CEOs are being increasingly emphasised, this paper examines conduct of social business in a different age and culture to discern features of enduring relevance for ethical business practices today.The personal correspondence of three fourth-century saints gives insights into their relationships and decision-making.Community expectations were those of sharing rather than of outright giving, with ‘fusion of interest’ prevailing over concerns for ‘con?ict of interest’. Selected incidents show two entrepreneurial bishops, Basil and Gregory of Nyssa, struggling to balance tensions between ’liberality’ and ‘fairness’.They compromised, competed robustly for revenues and were vexed over limited budgets and resources for projects while their disapproving cousin, the academic Gregory of Nazianzus, criticised their worldliness. Their historical experiences suggest four pragmatic and possibly normative ways of blending altruism and self-interest for the overall advancement of bene?cial change.  相似文献   

近年来,我国社会群体性事件的发生呈直线上升趋势,严重影响了社会和谐和政治稳定。而群体性事件的发生是有多方面原因的。从政治心理学的角度来看,利益意识觉醒与被剥夺心理和不满情绪的并存、基层干部的不作为心态和群众"讲理"不"讲法"心态的二元化以及集体行动的"易感性"和"去责任性"是导致当前群体性事件频发的主要原因。因此,应尽快建立和完善公平、公正的利益分配机制和畅通利益表达机制;改革干部升迁考核制度,使基层政权合法化;提高公民的法律意识和权利意识,使民众的行为更加理性。  相似文献   

在环境群体性事件频发的今天,正确引导民众舆论的发展方向十分重要。文章构建了一个环境群体性事件的舆论传播动态演化博弈模型,对其传播机制进行了定量分析,找到了影响舆论传播的关键性因素,并为政府正确引导舆论方向提供了理论参考和决策建议。  相似文献   

Research on firm performance and corporate social performance (CSP) has recently broadened to concurrently evaluate corporate social irresponsibility (CSI) with corporate social responsibility (CSR). However, little is known about the underlying mechanisms that impact the performance relationship, particularly the duration of the influence of CSR initiatives and CSI incidents and the impact of the interaction of CSR and CSI on firm performance. This research expands understanding by examining the combined impact of “doing good” and “doing bad” to allow a more robust examination of a firm's regime in pursuing a better strategic position through social performance. We examine the effects of CSR and CSI and their combined effects using a moderating high-low matrix. The empirical findings provide two uniquely interesting findings: CSI incidents have a longer enduring effect than CSR initiatives and those firms doing little CSR and little CSI perform better than firms engaging in high levels of both.  相似文献   

The service encounter is an important topic in service management. Although researchers have argued that customer-to-customer interactions may affect customers' evaluation of the service experience in service encounter contexts, the impact of customer-to-customer interaction on customer reaction has not been sufficiently studied. Consequently, the objective of this research is to investigate the relationship between customer-to-customer interactions, role typology and customer reaction. This research adopted questionnaires to investigate tourists traveling to foreign areas and concluded that the perception of customer-to-customer interaction incidents could be extracted into six factors. ‘Protocol and sociability incidents’ have a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction; ‘malcontent incidents’ have a negative impact; ‘crude incidents’ and ‘malcontent incidents’ have significant negative impact on customer loyalty; and finally, the customer's role typology moderates the relationship between ‘protocol and sociability incidents’ and customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

Vicarious embarrassment is a negative emotion, which is experienced by an individual when others misbehave. People can feel vicariously embarrassed when observing other people's pratfalls or awkward appearance. For instance, vicarious embarrassment is elicited when watching reality TV or in service encounters where many other customers are present. However, the relevance of vicarious embarrassment in physical service environments has not yet been thoroughly analyzed in the context of service encounters. The objective of the present study is to close this research gap and to introduce the phenomenon of vicarious embarrassment to service research. The findings of 25 in‐depth interviews indicate that vicariously embarrassing incidents mostly occur in service encounters and that these incidents are triggered by the violation of social norms in both customer‐to‐customer and customer‐to‐employee interactions. The authors of the present paper identified closeness of relationship, the service context, and parties involved as important situational variables influencing vicarious embarrassment and further emotional, cognitive, and behavioral consequences for the observing person. From a managerial point of view, the relevance of vicarious embarrassment in physical service environments is caused by negative spillover effects of the service experience, which lead to decreasing customer satisfaction, negative word‐of‐mouth and purchase intentions, and a negative impact on the overall image of the service provider.  相似文献   

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