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We examine the effects of greenfield FDI and cross‐border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) on total factor productivity (TFP) in developed and developing host countries of FDI. Using panel data for up to 123 countries over the period from 2003 to 2011, we find that greenfield FDI has no statistically significant effect on TFP, while M&As have a positive effect on TFP in the total sample. Greenfield FDI and M&As both appear to be ineffective in increasing TFP in the subsample of developing countries. In contrast, M&As have a strong and positive effect on TFP in the subsample of developed countries.  相似文献   

This paper examines the macroeconomic determinants of cross‐border mergers and acquisitions (M&As). Using a panel dataset of bilateral M&A deal values for 101 countries for 17 years ranging from 1989 to 2005, we investigate both home and host‐country factors that may play an important role in determining the size and direction of M&A flows. Overall, the empirical results suggest that legal and institutional quality and financial market development increase M&A volume across borders. The significant effect of institutions, however, may disappear for transactions between countries in similar stages of the development.  相似文献   

This article considers the strategic motivation and performance of Chinese cross‐border mergerand‐ acquisition (M&A) activities of 27 deals that took place in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets in 2000–2004. The study finds that cross‐border M&As formation by Chinese firms are primarily motivated by market development (that is, increasing market share) to enable faster entry into new markets, promote diversification, and obtain foreign advanced technology and other resources. In terms of wealth creation, the study finds that cross‐border M&As create value for Chinese acquiring firms. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The theoretical literature has discussed different channels through which foreign direct investments (FDI) promote host country’s economic growth, but empirical analyses have so far been rather inconclusive. In this paper, exploiting the information of a disaggregated data set on a panel of 14 manufacturing sectors for (a sample of) developed and developing countries over the period 1992–2004, we are able to provide robust evidence on the positive and statistically significant growth effect of FDI in recipient countries. Moreover, we find that this effect is stronger in capital‐intensive and technologically advanced sectors. The growth enhancing effect comes primarily from an increase in total factor productivity (TFP) and from factors accumulation. Our results are robust to the inclusion of other determinants of economic growth and to controlling for potential endogeneity.  相似文献   

Emerging‐market multinational enterprises (EMNEs) have become major players in the global economy, with an increasing share of global foreign direct investment (FDI). Indigenous mobile network operators (MNOs) in sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA) are not left out in this pursuit, as they seek growth and competitiveness beyond their domestic markets. We investigate the FDI location choices and competitive interactions of the five indigenous SSA MNOs that had internationalized as of 2014 and find that, contrary to the literature, these EMNEs, operating in a key and rapidly developing industry, did not tend to commence their cross‐border expansion in geographically close markets. In addition, the MNOs are more likely to invest in countries with stronger control over corruption and do not appear to engage in heavy head‐to‐head competition with their rivals. These findings contribute to the internationalization literature in the context of the investment and competitive behaviors of the currently underexplored indigenous SSA multinationals.  相似文献   

How has globalisation affected employment and wages in the United States? Existing studies largely ignore the intersector labour movement between the manufacturing and service sectors by focusing only on the intrasector movement within the manufacturing sector. However, by decomposing the aggregate labour demand in the United States, we find that the intersector movement is more substantial than intrasector movement. Motivated by the decomposition results, this study presents a three‐sector model that includes a manufacturing sector and two service sectors at varying skill intensities. The model shows that offshoring might translate into smaller‐than‐expected wage changes because of the intersector labour movement. In line with the theoretical predictions, two notable empirical results are presented. First, an occupation's exposure to offshoring has non‐significant, albeit negative, effects on wages. Second, the more an occupation is exposed to offshoring, the lower its employment in the manufacturing sector as a share of its total employment. Furthermore, these effects are larger for more routine occupations or those requiring less education.  相似文献   

We study the growth effects of outward‐ori,ented econ,o,mies by using sto,chas,tic fron,tier anal,y,sis to mea,sure the effi,ciency exter,nal,i,ties of three forms of eco,n,omic cross‐bor,der activ,i,ties – inter,na,tional trade, for,eign direct invest,ment (FDI) and migra,tion – for OECD coun,tries. The study also exam,ines whether the effi,ciency of these cross‐bor,der activ,i,ties is affected by the level of human cap,i,tal in the host coun,try. We find that inter,na,tional trade and FDI are impor,tant chan,nels for improv,ing effi,ciency, as is human cap,i,tal accu,mu,la,tion, and that the positive effects of inter,na,tional trade, FDI, and migra,tion depend cru,cially on the level of accu,mu,lated human cap,i,tal. Our results show that the impact of human cap,i,tal is impor,tant for increas,ing effi,ciency via inter,na,tional trade flows and FDI flows, while immi,gra,tion into coun,tries that are richer in human cap,i,tal enhances their effi,ciency rel,a,tively more than immi,gra,tion into coun,tries with lower human cap,i,tal. These results remain robust to alter,nate mea,sures of human cap,i,tal, con,trols on edu,ca,tion lev,els among immi,grants, and to a non‐para,met,ric esti,ma,tion of the model.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to applying the time‐varying symmetrized Joe–Clayton copula to study the dynamic linkage among possible safe haven assets (SHAs) in the major international markets over the past 34 years. We re‐examine four major asset types (long‐term government bonds, equity indices, oil, and gold) and test whether they are qualified individually as a safe haven asset against when paired against each other in a specific market. The empirical analyses indicate that: (1) Government bonds are generally confirmed SHAs. (2) Gold and oil are overwhelming SHAs against government bond across the markets. (3) US and East Asian markets (Japan, Australia and New Zealand) have more SHA options than the other regions against equity index.  相似文献   

This article alerts researchers to the importance of factorial invariance in comparative studies. Cross‐group or cross‐national comparisons, without a clear understanding of factorial structures, can result in misleading conclusions regarding compared groups. The types and process of invariance test are discussed. Then, as an empirical illustration, American consumer ethnocentrism toward Japanese products is examined across gender and age. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

How does globalisation affect inter‐occupational wage inequality within countries? This paper examines this by focusing on two dimensions of globalisation: openness to trade and openness to capital flows, using a relatively new data set on occupational wages. Estimates from a dynamic model for 15 OECD countries spanning the period 1983–2003 suggest that increased openness increases occupational wage inequality in poorer OECD countries as predicted by the Heckscher–Ohlin–Samuelson model, but for the more advanced OECD countries, we find no significant effect. The absence of the expected result for the latter category can be due to a rapid increase in the supply of skilled labour, to outsourcing of skilled jobs or because changes in the trade flows are too small to have any significant effect in those countries.  相似文献   

The extant literature suggests that the political connections enjoyed by Chinese acquiring firms have both positive and negative effects on their performance in cross‐border mergers and acquisitions (CBMA). We employed firm‐level data on Chinese acquirers from 2001 to 2012, demonstrating that the effect of political connections on mergers and acquisitions performance is determined by external government intervention. Holding the level of political connections constant, the greater the degree of government intervention is, the worse the acquirer's performance in cross‐border mergers and acquisitions will be. We also demonstrated that political connections affect acquirer performance in cross‐border mergers and acquisitions through the channel of preferential access to bank financing, and the acquiring firms' high cash holdings, which are encouraged by the ease of bank financing, have a negative effect on acquirer CBMA performance. Using the Blinder‐Oaxaca decomposition, we investigated changes in the Chinese acquirers' performance following changes in the external policy environment in 2008 and the effect of political connections and other factors on this change.  相似文献   

Recent research has focused on the short‐ to medium‐term implications of trade reforms for the labour market outcomes and poverty in poor economies. This article summarises the evidence on the short‐term consequences of the Colombian trade reform initiated in 1985 for industry employment and industry wages. Although the reform reduced manufacturing tariffs on average by 40 percentage points from 1984 to 1994, tariff declines were not significantly associated with labour reallocation across sectors. The reform, however, was associated with bigger declines in relative industry wages in sectors that experienced bigger tariff cuts. This evidence is in line with the predictions of short‐ to medium‐run models of trade in which labour is not mobile across sectors. It is also consistent with the predictions of models where imperfectly competitive industries share rents with workers and trade reduces the firms’ profit margins and thus workers’ rents.  相似文献   

Using hand‐collected news headlines for a large sample of listed firms in China over a period of 2000–2015, we investigate the cross‐sectional relation between media coverage and stock returns. Our results document that no‐media coverage stocks earn 55 basis points a month higher than stocks that are featured in the media. This result is robust after controlling for common risk factors and is not driven by short‐run return reversals. Further analysis provides evidence to support the investor recognition hypothesis, suggesting that mass media may play an incremental role in providing a supplement to traditional channels of information dissemination. Therefore, results in this paper are of interests to both investors and regulators on drivers of stock returns.  相似文献   

The centrality of cross‐functional integration (CFI) to supply chain theory and practice has long been recognized. Yet researchers continue to struggle with consistently defining or measuring the CFI construct, thus limiting the utility of CFI research. This research develops (1) a comprehensive definition of CFI that synthesizes previous supply chain research and (2) a valid set of scale items that measure the conceptual domain outlined by this definition. The goal is to build a common foundation for extending knowledge on CFI's antecedents and consequences, and ultimately to improve scholars’ ability to guide a broader practitioner community still struggling to achieve integration in their organizations.  相似文献   

We investigate characteristics of cross‐market correlations using daily data from U.S. stock, bond, money, and currency futures markets using a new multivariate GARCH model that permits direct hypothesis testing on conditional correlations. We find evidence that arrival of information in a market affects subsequent cross‐market conditional correlations in the sample period following the stock market crash of 1987, but there is little evidence of such a relationship in the precrash period. In the postcrash period, we also find evidence that the prime rate of interest affects daily correlations between futures returns. Furthermore, we find that conditional correlations between currency futures and other markets decline steeply a few months before the crash and revert to normal dynamics after the crash. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 22:1059–1082, 2002  相似文献   

As a major entry mode of global strategy of Chinese MNCs, Chinese cross‐border merger and acquisition (M&A) is still a less understood phenomenon, in particular the post acquisition phase. This study contributes to this rising, important and interesting phenomenon utilizing an explorative research method. By integrating synergy potential, culture influences and the learning perspective, we suggest a multilevel perspective in understanding Chinese cross‐border M&A. A novel post acquisition integration approach, namely light‐touch integration, is investigated, and supported by newly assembled empirical evidence in the context of Chinese M&A in Germany. Light‐touch integration essentially synthesizes the preservation and symbiosis integration approaches due to the contextual characteristics of Chinese cross‐border M&A, such as cultural influences and the learning perspective. Understanding the cultural and learning influences can facilitate and smooth the activities involved in the post acquisition phase. The light‐touch integration approach offers ample opportunities for joint collaborations between and mutual benefits for acquiring firms, acquired targets and third party organizations. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Cross‐docking is a just‐in‐time strategy for distribution logistics. It is aimed at reducing inventory levels and distribution lead times by creating a seamless flow of products from suppliers to customers. Prior supply chain literature has argued that creating such a seamless product flows requires a holistic view on cross‐docking management, aimed at synchronizing cross‐docking operations at the distribution center with its inbound and outbound network logistics. This paper provides an in‐depth case study illustrating how cross‐docking operations can be managed more holistically in a retail distribution context. A discrete event simulation model has been developed to understand and improve the cross‐docking operations of a large grocery retailer in the Netherlands. The model is used to quantitatively evaluate two proposed changes that exploit opportunities in the design and control of the retailer's distribution network. An extensive real‐world data set is used as input to the model. Overall, the case and simulation results show that a holistic cross‐docking management approach can indeed improve system‐wide performance, which further stresses the importance of making cross‐dock operational decisions making and network decisions together.  相似文献   

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