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韩飞 《乡镇经济》2009,25(6):67-70,108
浙江发达的乡镇企业为实现农村向城镇转变、增加农民收入、缩小城乡差距提供了最强劲的动力。但是,由于小城镇的规模小,缺乏大城市那样的各种必要发展条件,使得从进入21世纪以后出现了越来越多、愈趋深刻的企业与乡镇之间发展关系上的矛盾。因此,只有坚持不懈地继续推进农村和乡镇的体制改革与制度改革,加快城乡一体化建设的步伐,才能有望逐步改变城乡二元结构的现状及其对乡镇企业发展的束缚,推动城市和农村及乡镇之间的协调发展。  相似文献   

刘思宇 《科技和产业》2020,20(2):151-155
特色小镇是连接城乡之间的空间新节点,是新时代下推进新型城镇化建设的重要途径。浙江省不仅是我国东部较发达地区,而且也是发展特色小镇先导地区,在全国起到引领和示范作用。浙江嘉兴特色小镇建设无论在总体数量还是在推进力度、初步成效方面都位居全国前列。通过以浙江嘉兴特色小镇为例,对其发展现状进行分析,总结出在新时代下我国特色小镇发展面临的一些代表性问题,并提出一些有利于我国特色小镇发展的对策。  相似文献   

刘衍桥 《特区经济》2008,(6):195-197
四川是我国西部经济和人口大省,对国家尤其是对西部地区的经济发展和社会稳定有着重要的促进作用。近年来四川经济增长很快,但其可持续发展却面临着一些瓶颈,这当中一个重要瓶颈就是日益拉开的城乡经济发展差异,即县域经济落后正在并且将越来越阻碍全四川经济良性、持续、快速发展。本文从县域经济入手,以县域产业集群为手段,谋求县域经济快速发展,尽快尽量缩小四川城乡差距,以推动全川经济和社会持续、和谐发展。  相似文献   

吴九兴  何丹 《科技和产业》2023,23(10):80-87
中部地区承东启西、连接南北,推动中部地区高质量均衡发展对构建国家发展新格局具有重大意义。利用2010—2021年中部六省经济社会统计数据,考察中部六省的经济规模、增长速度、人均GDP、常住人口、人口密度、城乡收入、城乡差距等的变化趋势与特征。研究表明:(1)中部六省的经济规模都在不断增加,但数量差距在扩大;中部六省的经济增长率在整体上呈现降速趋势,从高速增长转向中速增长;湖北、安徽、湖南的人均GDP的增长较快,而河南、山西、江西的人均GDP增长较慢。(2)中部六省中除湖南外,其他五省的常住人口规模总体呈现先增加,后减少的趋势。中部六省的人口密度除湖南省比较稳定外,其他都具有波动性特征。(3)中部六省的城镇居民人均可支配收入差别较小,而农村居民人均可支配收入之间差别较大。各省城乡居民收入差距整体上是缩小的,但山西、江西的城乡居民收入差距在个别年份波动较大,存在回弹的现象。最后提出积极寻求基于资源优势和市场导向的发展模式;推动以区域创新为基础的发展战略;把握国家发展战略、用好用活用足国家政策等建议。  相似文献   

季永伟 《特区经济》2008,(12):303-304
协调城乡发展是中国经济社会发展中具有战略性意义的重大课题,加强小城镇建设与管理是协调城乡发展的战略选择,而当前小城镇建设与管理面临诸多迫切需要解决的问题,本文在借鉴西方发达国家经验基础上,提出了加强我国小城镇建设与管理,促进城乡协调发展的对策。  相似文献   

基于1997—2017年我国31省市面板数据,分析城市化对整体入境旅游市场、港澳台市场及外国市场的推动作用及空间分异。研究表明,上海、江苏、浙江、广东等东部省市及广西、云南等西部个别入境旅游热点省市城市化水平对三种类型的入境旅游市场推动作用较强,而西藏、青海及新疆等西部大部分省市城市化水平对三种类型入境旅游市场推动作用有限。在此基础上,将2017年31省市划分为"提质增效"、"积极开拓"、"稳步推进"与"强化基础"四种类型,为各省市促进城市化水平与入境旅游市场协调发展提供针对性策略。  相似文献   

陈桃 《特区经济》2008,228(1):202-203
发展小城镇,是带动农村经济和社会发展的一个大战略,以产业集群为理论发展专业特色镇应是西部地区发展经济、缩小与东部差距的出路;另外,西部地区中小城镇的经济发展不能再走传统的先发展再治理的道路,而应以循环经济为指导,由此,提出西部地区应大力发展以产业集群和循环经济相结合的生态型专业镇。  相似文献   

地方性中心城市的乡村旅游开发策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
颜亚玉  董菁 《改革与战略》2011,27(2):114-116
文章从资源、市场和产品三个方面分析了地方性中心城市乡村旅游的特征。文章认为,应通过打造乡村旅游产品体系、构建环城游憩带、推行乡村旅游标准化和发挥中心城市主导功能统筹城乡发展等开发策略促进地方性中心城市乡村旅游的开发和发展。  相似文献   

Expenditure data were collected from 99 households in two rural areas of KwaZulu-Natal. District and wealth group expenditure analyses suggest a less-than-proportional increase in the demand for tradable farm commodities, and a more-than-proportional increase in the demand for non-tradable farm commodities following a 1 per cent increase in household expenditure. Expenditure on non-farm tradables (imported consumer durables) showed the greatest potential for demand growth, with expenditure elasticities ranging from 1,75 to 2,59. An increase of R1,00 in household income is predicted to add an additional 28 cents (multiplier of 1,28) to the local economy. The study estimates relatively weak growth linkages. However, even relatively weak growth linkages could lead to much needed new income and employment opportunities in the local farm and non-farm sectors if the constraints limiting agriculture, and hence broad-based growth in rural incomes, are alleviated. Agriculture-led growth in South Africa requires public investment in both physical and institutional infrastructure to reduce transaction costs and risks in all markets, thus encouraging greater participation by local entrepreneurs and private sector investors. In addition, the roles, functions and services offered by extension agents should be extended to promote collective marketing, facilitate land rental contracts and provide training, technical and business support for farm and non-farm entrepreneurs.  相似文献   


In this article Swedish urbanization is considered as a long term growth cycle. The urban system expanded both geographically and demographically during the seventeenth century. Many new towns were founded, and urban growth rates were generally high. Swedish urban geography was characterized by peripheral expansion mainly towards northern Sweden. At the same time there was a strong tendency towards the centralization of urban resources. The capital city, Stockholm, evolved from being a medium-sized town to becoming a city worthy of Sweden s great power status. During the eighteenth century several of the seventeenth century trends were reversed: the centralising tendency ended and indeed regressed, while general urban growth slowed down, turning into an ‘urban growth from below’. Stockholm became a stagnation metropolis' and the eastern-central part of Sweden experienced an urban setback relative to western Sweden, where several towns, including Gothenburg, profited from their close connections with the expansive markets of northern and western Europe.  相似文献   

Local specialized markets and industrial clusters have been a driving force in China's transition from a rural to a market economy, as they have constituted a means for small local producers to access markets since the reform and the launching of the “open door” policies. In this article the industrial development of local industrial clusters endowed with specialized markets is outlined on the basis of fieldwork case studies in Zhejiang Province. In this area of China, tight linkages between the development of industrial clusters and specialized markets are based on social and economic foundations that have propelled the growth of market relations since the late 1970s. Together with local traditions and skills in both handcraft production and commerce, specialized markets accompanied the take-off of industrial clusters following the so-called “Zhejiang model” of development. The role of specialized markets is still crucial nowadays as a powerful channel for the distribution of consumer goods as well as a means of coordination of fragmented productions in China and abroad.  相似文献   

农村基础设施建设改革,是当前中国农村经济体制改革的根本问题,也是欠发达地区经济社会发展的重大问题。现阶段,中国欠发达地区农村基础设施建设普遍存在相关规制的缺位,严重制约了欠发迭地区农业现代化的进程。中国欠发达地区的农村基础设施建设普遍具有地域性特征。贵州、四川等欠发达地区的改革实践,已经探索建立了中国欠发达地区农村基础设施建设的多种范式。政府应注重实施产业化扶贫战略,统一规划,建立健全相关法律法规,维护农村村民的合法权益。  相似文献   

丁帆 《特区经济》2009,(8):169-170
经济决定金融,金融反作用于经济。中部六省安徽、湖北、河南、湖南、江西、山西,作为我国重要的农业生产基地,是全国农业人口最集中,"三农"问题比较突出、金融发展比较滞后的地区,完善农村金融体系有利于支持农村经济发展。本文指出了中部地区农村金融发展过程中存在的问题,针对问题提出了对策,并对构建健全的农村金融体系提出了创新措施。  相似文献   

文章指出,四川作为我国西部重要省份,体育旅游资源开发潜力巨大,民俗文化精彩纷呈,但同时也存在体育旅游的劣势与不足。文章认为,四川体育旅游要整合资源发挥优势,把握北京奥运会、广州亚运会和上海世博会带来的体育旅游机会,制定出切实可行的科学发展战略,这将对四川体育旅游业的发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

本文通过湖北与浙苏粤鲁的农村人口、家庭和企业等集聚度的横向比较和动态比较,得出一个基本结论是:省域农村城镇化差距主要来源于乡村中小企业的成长差距;农村城镇化进程主要取决于小城镇的集聚力;而产业积聚政策、户籍政策、公平就业政策、土地市场化政策和公共产品供给政策都影响小城镇的集聚力.其基本政策含义是加速农村城镇化要以提高小城镇集聚力为主线,实施产业集群政策、加快乡镇工业园区建设,给予农民户籍和就业的国民待遇,加大小城镇公共产品的投入,促进农村中小企业集群化与农村城镇化协同发展.  相似文献   

This study reviews research examining agricultural development in industrialising Japan. We focus on the (dys)functioning of markets for land, finance, labour and agricultural commodities. We cover topics including land (mis)allocation, size-productivity relationships, tenancy contract choice and Marshallian inefficiency, property rights, microfinance, shock-coping strategies, rural–urban migration and agricultural market integration. The literature reveals that market failures often observed in developing economies were not prominent, except for possibly labour markets. The literature also highlights the roles and administrative capacities of central and local governments. Tight local communities served to reduce transaction costs.  相似文献   

小城镇规划是衔接城乡规划的重要环节。影响小城镇规划效率的因素主要有规划主体的行为、规划执行过程中的投入以及市场运行机制与政府干预。现有小城镇规划由于公众参与不足、开发与保护失衡、政府干预不当而效率低下。提高小城镇规划效率则需要做到:(1)加强公众参与,平衡区域内各个利益群体的关系,以保证规划的适用性;(2)处理好开发与保护的关系,明确保护对象,确保区域可持续发展;(3)善用政府干预,维护市场公平,保证市场机制的良性运转。  相似文献   

姜爱萍 《乡镇经济》2006,(11):19-21,50
当今中国部分小城镇建设缺乏个性,而临近周庄、角直的昆山市锦溪镇有其独特的地域文化个性而展现着小镇的魅力.因而成为长三角小镇中重要的旅游资源。反映了人们在崇尚自然、返朴归真的今天,小镇着力打造一个生动、立体、丰富而又具有深刻内涵的文化小镇。  相似文献   

The ILO has identified seven characteristics which describe the operation of informal sector enterprises. These operating characteristics are assessed using survey data on rural non-farm enterprises located in market centers in Central Province, Kenya. Two characteristics (family ownership and small scale of operation) appear to be entirely true, but the remaining five are in need of qualification. Not all activities use labour-intensive technologies, indeed some require fairly large capital inputs. Indigenous resources are not important in many rural non-farm activities. Some important business skills are acquired inside the formal school system. There are not insignificant barriers to entering the more profitable non-farm enterprises. And these barriers, in conjunction with other factors, limit competition in some activities in many of the market centres. It appears that the operators of the more profitable and technically more advanced enterprises are forming a rural petty bourgeoisie. Thus contrary to the ILO interpretation, growth of the rural non-farm sector may be associated with greater income inequalities.  相似文献   

本文基于云南红河州农户调查数据,采用多层统计分析方法对西部少数民族地区农村收入不平等进行分析。研究发现,收入不平等不仅存在于乡镇之间,还存在内部家庭之间;地理地势是影响农户在乡镇之间收入差异的重要因素,而土地、种植结构、资本投入、教育、工资比重、负担率、培训、非农产业参与率反映了农户之间的个体差异。研究结果表明,发展区域特色经济、实现农业产业化经营是减少收入不平等的重要途径。  相似文献   

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