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高管薪酬的效率与公平问题一直广受关注。高管薪酬的经典理论是建立在董事会与高管公平交易的基础上,有其现实局限性,后续的理论分析与实证研究从不同角度或是支持该理论范式、或是提出新的解释。文章从企业激励与政府规制的视角,对高管薪酬相关研究进行了梳理。研究发现,就企业激励而言,需要通过薪酬机制设计以激励高管努力工作(表现为高管高薪),而影响高管薪酬的市场因素包括公司业绩、管理层权力、股东干预和企业规模等。对高管薪酬进行政府规制的呼声主要受社会公平和信息公开等因素的影响,包括税收规制和直接的数量限制。来自新兴市场的相关研究进一步丰富和拓展了该研究的领域,深化了对我国高管薪酬问题的认识,为未来进一步的薪酬制度改革提供了有意义的参考。  相似文献   

刘铭 《时代经贸》2009,(8):53-53,55
高管是企业重要的人力资源,其薪酬问题是企业治理的核心问题。垄断企业高管的高薪已经越来越引起社会公民甚至是其投资人——政府的不满,针对目前国企高管薪酬过高的现状,提出了完善高管薪酬机制的建议,即政府通过提高分红比例和垄断企业的税收比率来约束高管的高薪。  相似文献   

目前,有关国有企业高管薪酬制度的讨论引起了社会各界的广泛关注,本文针对国有企业高管薪酬制度的问题,从薪酬水平、薪酬构成、外部监督等方面进行了分析,并提出相关的解决方案,旨在完善我国国有企业的高管薪酬制度,最大限度地实现企业价值与管理层利益的一致。  相似文献   

随着金融危机从美国蔓延到全球,金融危机暴露出来的高管薪酬问题也成为各国政府和社会公众关注的一个焦点,中国也不例外。中国高管薪酬问题的原因主要是:对市场经济下企业收入分配的思想认识有偏差,对高薪作用的认识有偏差,高管薪酬制度有缺陷,高管薪酬不透明。限制高管薪酬的根本理由在于:现代企业已经不是纯私有企业,而是“社会企业”;限制高管薪酬,应当包括所有规模企业,所有的事业单位和挂靠单位。  相似文献   

国有企业高管人员薪酬管理创新研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国有企业高管人员的高薪现象已引起了社会广泛关注,要高度重视国企高管薪酬管理中出现的各种问题,妥善解决这些问题带来的种种危害和负面影响。要根据国有企业高管人员的具体情况,认真研究国有企业高管人员薪酬管理体系,创新性地在薪酬规划设计、薪酬制度参照体系、薪酬激励机制等方面建立起合理的符合我国国情的国有企业高管人员薪酬管理制度。  相似文献   

中国上市公司高管薪酬与公司业绩相关性实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文收集了597家上市公司的相关业绩数据、高管持股比例以及是否国有控股等虚拟变量值,利用SPSS软件进行了回归分析.通过对薪酬决定模型的分析,我们得出了高管薪酬与公司业绩正相关,高管薪酬与公司规模正相关,高管薪酬与地区变量以及行业变量相关性很强,高管薪酬与高管持股比例正相关等相关结论.通过对薪酬效应模型的分析,我们发现高管薪酬对公司业绩有显著的影响.这为上市公司制定和完善高管薪酬制度提供了经验依据.  相似文献   

各国对上市公司高管薪酬强制性信息披露管制有公平与效率双重目标,但这样的双重目标难以完全实现。我国上市公司高管薪酬的管制目标应在公平与效率之间有所侧重,管制方式应由直接的行政约束转变为市场约束,通过提高信息透明度并结合其他监管机制,完善对高管薪酬的监管。  相似文献   

从上市公司高管的高薪入手,简要分析道德风险的产生原因,并重点从进一步完善相关的公司法律制度、利用财务管理相关理论,建立上市公司道德风险评价体系、进一步完善上市公司与应付职工薪酬相关的信息披露制度、进一步完善上市公司高管股权激励制度、为上市公司的高管年薪设立刚性上限,特别是国有上市公司及垄断行业的上市公司等几方面来阐述道德风险的防范,  相似文献   

文章选取2007—2020年中国38家上市银行的非平衡面板数据,使用固定面板回归模型,研究了高管薪酬与银行风险承担之间的关系,并进一步分析了货币环境对高管薪酬与银行风险承担关系的影响。结果表明,高管薪酬与银行风险承担正相关,同时也可能存在正“U”型关系,货币环境会削弱高管薪酬的风险承担激励。异质性检验表明,高管薪酬的风险承担激励以及货币环境对高管薪酬银行风险承担激励的削弱作用主要集中于非国有大银行。因此,从控制风险的角度出发,文章认为对银行高管薪酬进行适当的监管和限制是必要的。另外,在宽松货币环境下,制定合适的薪酬限制措施,有利于更好地控制银行风险。  相似文献   

政府管制、管理层权力与国企高管薪酬刚性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘星  徐光伟 《经济科学》2012,(1):86-102
基于我国国有企业高管薪酬激励的制度背景,公司内外部治理结构的不完善可能导致高管薪酬具有能升不能降的刚性特征。本文以2005-2010年国有上市公司为样本,实证检验了政府管制、管理层权力对国企高管薪酬刚性的影响。研究发现:(1)政府对国有企业的管制降低了高管薪酬业绩敏感性,导致高管薪酬不仅具有向下的刚性,也具有向上的刚性;(2)高管利用手中权力影响了自身薪酬契约,导致薪酬具有向下的刚性和向上的弹性。薪酬业绩敏感性存在的不对称现象,说明高管利用手中权力具有获取私利的动机;(3)在市场化程度较高的地区,政府对经济的干预程度较低、公司治理结构也较为完善,国企高管薪酬业绩敏感性显著增强,市场化改革减少了薪酬刚性现象。本文为国企高管薪酬刚性现象提供了解释,为未来进一步的薪酬制度改革提供了有意义的参考。  相似文献   

以2006—2009年我国上市公司为研究样本,以操纵性应计利润作为衡量盈余管理程度的代理变量,以高管年薪、持股水平分别作为衡量其短期、长期薪酬水平的代理变量,实证检验了上市公司高管的长、短期薪酬水平及两者的交叉变量与上市公司盈余管理的因果关系。结果显示:高管的短期薪酬是我国上市公司盈余管理的基本诱因之一;高管年薪与持股水平的相互作用也会加强上市公司的盈余管理行为。  相似文献   

This paper examines the sensitivity of executive compensation to luck based on Chinese listed companies. To identify the causal effect, we rely on companies’ market performances driven by exogenous oil prices. We document a positive relationship between executive compensation and market performance driven by oil prices, which support the story of pay for luck. Moreover, by introducing a natural experiment China in 2015, i.e., the policy of “CEO compensation limit” in state-owned firms, we show that the shock of CEO compensation limit significantly weakens the effect of pay-for-luck. We further show that there is asymmetry in pay for luck. Specifically, when oil prices rise, executive compensation is more sensitive to good luck. In addition, the sensitivity of executives to pay-for-luck is more pronounced in firms with state-owned, higher equity concentration, and related party transaction.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between earnings differentials and the pay of CEOs of 190 British companies between 1970 and 1990. We find that (i) changes in the differential between the 90th and 50th weekly earnings percentiles for non‐manual adult male workers [90:50] explain changes in the level of real CEO salary and bonus in our sample of companies; (ii) changes in this differential also account for changes in the elasticity of CEO pay to firm size; (iii) a broader measure of earnings inequality does far worse than 90:50 at explaining changes in both the level and the firm size elasticity of CEO pay; (iv) fitting the model on data for 1970–1983 and predicting pay levels for the period starting with the widespread adoption of executive share option schemes in 1984, we find a structural break in the relationship between lower management pay differentials and the pay of the CEO. We conclude first that top executive pay prior to 1984 was a stable function of both firm size and earnings differentials lower on the administrative ladder, consistent with a hypothesis advanced by Herbert Simon in 1957; and second that the use of share options from 1984 onward represents not simply a change in the mode of top executive compensation, but a de‐linking of the pay of top executives and that of their subordinates.  相似文献   

In this article we continue the examination of top executive pay by comparing performance, total pay and the influence of CEO gender. We analyse compensation differences between male and female CEOs using nonparametric analysis. We calculate the potential compensation for each executive using two benchmarks. First, each executive's performance and compensation are evaluated relative to members of the same gender to produce a same-gender measure of under-compensation. Each executive's compensation is also benchmarked against the other gender's potential compensation, producing an other-gender measure of under-compensation. Together, both measures allow an analysis of the gender-specific potential salaries of each executive while controlling for performance. The approach is applied to a sample of male and female executives. The results indicate that women are under-compensated.  相似文献   

Top executive compensation can be affected significantly by peer group pay. This paper investigates the impact of peer effects on the change in top executive compensation based on evidence from China. Empirical results show that if the top three executives' compensation was lower than the peer group median level in year t ? 1, the percentage change in the top three executives compensation in year t would be higher by 0.225%, and that the absolute level of pay would increase by 51 000 yuan. Furthermore, better performance, faster growth and state ownership increase the likelihood of peer effects, while corporate governance variables do not.  相似文献   

公司并购是资本市场的永恒焦点.本文以2007-2010年沪深两市A股国有上市公司为样本,考察国有上市公司并购中的高管代理问题.实证结果发现并购频率与并购规模对高管薪酬的不同部分其影响具有差异化:并购频率对高管显性薪酬总额有显著正影响,分别与货币薪酬正相关、与持股薪酬负相关;并购频率对高管隐性薪酬没有显著影响.说明虽然资本市场对公司频繁并购给予负面回应,高管持股薪酬下降,但高管货币薪酬的上升会抵消这部分下降的幅度,高管依然可通过实施更多的并购来提升显性薪酬总额;并购规模对高管显性薪酬、显性薪酬的两个组成部分(货币薪酬和持股薪酬)、隐性薪酬皆有正影响.国有上市公司高管通过操控并购频率与并购规模进行权利寻租.  相似文献   

高管人力资本、高管报酬和公司绩效三者之间体现何种关系特征,是企业配置高管人员有效实施高管报酬激励的重要依据,是提升公司绩效的有效保证。本文的研究结果表明,高管的任期与公司绩效存在正相关关系,与高管报酬存在负相关关系;高管年龄与公司绩效存在负相关关系,与高管报酬存在正相关关系;高管的教育背景与公司绩效存在负相关关系,与高管报酬存在正相关关系。公司治理因素尤其是股权因素对高管人力资本特征与公司绩效、高管报酬的相关性有很大的影响。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the characteristics of executive pay, equity ownership incentives and pay–performance relationship in government-controlled firms. Data were hand-collected from the annual reports of 179 companies listed on Bursa Malaysia. The results show that executive pay is lower in government-linked companies. Positive pay–performance relationship is also not evident for this category of firms, which indicates that their executives were largely guaranteed with certain level of pay irrespective of performance. The level of equity ownership incentives provides the executives in government-controlled firms with very little incentive to produce effort that can improve firm performance. Overall, our findings are consistent with the inefficient pay hypothesis developed in this study.  相似文献   

国有企业高管薪酬结构对费用粘性的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以2007~2010年国有控股上市公司为样本,研究国有企业高管薪酬结构中短期货币性报酬水平对费用粘性的影响。研究结果显示,当国有企业高管薪酬结构中短期货币性报酬的比例较高时,高管会在业务量下降时迅速调整企业资源,从而导致较低水平的费用粘性;而当高管薪酬结构中短期货币性报酬的比例较低时,面临企业业务量的下降,高管将会延迟企业资源的调整,以待业务量回升。该研究结论表明,国有企业可以通过调整高管薪酬结构来影响费用粘性水平,从而为国有企业费用管理提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

We examine the impact of executive and leadership shareholding and cash compensation on analyst forecast error and dispersion as proxies for information asymmetry. We find that firms pay higher compensation (or excess compensation) to executives and directors are associated with higher information asymmetry. The positive association is stronger where executives’ and directors’ shareholdings are higher. Shareholding appears to facilitate managerial entrenchment and gives highly paid executives/leadership stronger structural power which adversely affects information disclosure leading to larger forecast error and dispersion. These results are robust to different measures of compensation and alternative models controlling for the predictability of firm-level earnings. Our findings indicate that executive/director shareholding and compensation do not provide sufficient incentives for information disclosure by Chinese firms.  相似文献   

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