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We assess long-run patterns of global agricultural productivity growth between 1970 and 2005 and examine the relationship between investments in technology capital and productivity. To measure agricultural total factor productivity (TFP) we employ a Solow-type growth accounting method to decompose output growth into input and TFP growth. For technology capital we construct two indexes reflecting national capacities in agricultural research and education-extension for 87 developing countries. We then correlate technology capital levels with long-term growth rates in agricultural TFP. Our findings show that global agricultural TFP growth as a whole accelerated since 1980, although performance was very uneven across developing countries. TFP growth rates were significantly influenced by technology capital. Marginal improvements to research capacity, given a minimal level of extension and schooling existed, were associated with faster TFP growth. However, marginal increases in extension-schooling without commensurate improvements in research capacity did not improve productivity performance.  相似文献   

Optimal decisions by economic agents regarding the utilization of capital lead to empirically plausible speeds of convergence in one-sector models of economic growth. The relationship between depreciation and capital utilization plays a crucial role in slowing down convergence to the steady state. Cross-country differences in the extent to which the capital utilization decision is internalized along the transition path may lead to differences in convergence rates, even for countries with similar initial and terminal conditions. Finally, by assuming a constant depreciation rate and full capital utilization, standard growth models may be overstating the magnitude of the steady-state equilibrium.  相似文献   

This paper examines the empirical evidence on the impact of performed R&D and of R&D embodied in intermediate and capital goods on productivity performance in 10 major OECD countries over the last two decades. To quantify intersectoral and international technology flows, industry-level embodied R&D variables were constructed from an input–output (IO) R&D embodiment model. The productivity variables used are discrete Divisia growth indexes of total factor productivity (TFP), which were estimated from an IO growth accounting model. The results from pooled regressions indicate that the rates of return of the R&D variables were positively significant and increasing in the 1980s. In particular, embodied R&D is an important source for TFP growth in services, indicating very high social returns of the flows of capital-embodied technology into this sector. Moreover, the information and communi-cation technology (ICT) cluster of industries played a major role in the generation and cquisition of new technologies at the international level.  相似文献   

固定资产折旧制度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
固定资产折旧制度与会计信息质量、与企业乃至社会经济的运行密切相关。我国现行固定资产折旧制度对不同折旧计算方法的适用对象规定不明确、折旧计算方法与配比原则和一贯性原则相悖、对固定资产价值耗费计量不足。  相似文献   

This paper develops and estimates a stochastic general equilibrium model with capital maintenance, which affects endogenously the depreciation rate of capital. The estimate of maintenance series is found to track survey-based measures for Canada quite closely and to generate the procyclical pattern of maintenance observed in the data. We use our model estimates to infer the time profile of equipment capital depreciation in Canadian and US manufacturing. The depreciation rate is estimated to be volatile and highly procyclical in both countries.  相似文献   

固定资产减值与折旧会计处理探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在阐述固定资产减值与折旧性质的基础上,绘制流程图展示固定资产减值与折旧的核算程序,并运用图表反映固定资产减值的计提、转回与折旧的计算过程,形象直观,便于理解与操作,以期对会计人员进行固定资产减值和折旧核算提供帮助。  相似文献   

笔者由于政治、经济、法律等因素的影响,各国的会计模式呈现出巨大差异。各国的融资体系差异对会计模式选择具有重要影响。以资本市场为导向的融资体系更倾向于会计信息的公允性,而以银行等机构为导向的融资体系则更关注会计利润的平滑性。通过比较两种融资体系的差异,说明这些差异对各国会计模式产生的影响,以探寻融资模式在国别会计及国际会计协调中的重要作用。  相似文献   

杨宏祥  王淑庆 《价值工程》2012,31(5):124-125
文章从固定资产减值准备和折旧的概念入手,阐述了它们的联系和区别,并分析了固定资产计提减值准备后的折旧核算方法。在实务中我们往往对定资产减值与折旧两者之间的差别认识不清,主要是由于两者之间存在许多共同之处。它们都不同程度地体现了"谨慎"的原则,包括正确计算损益、减少风险损失、合理确定成本补偿尺度等,正是这些相似之处,让我们日常难以区别。  相似文献   

This paper presents a structural estimation of a life cycle model with unemployment risk. The model allows for human capital depreciation during unemployment. It is estimated using German and US household‐level data. The data suggest that the adverse impact of unemployment on individual productivity is important in both countries, but quantitatively more relevant in Germany. Moreover, simulations show that the combination of skill depreciation with the generous unemployment insurance system that was in place in Germany until recently is a key factor in explaining the differences in labour market performance between these countries. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We use data from the NFL over 1920–2004 to examine the relationship between age and managerial performance controlling for other relevant influences. Our results indicate that age enhances performance up to a point at which increasing age predicts diminished performance—a managerial life cycle. Moreover, rates of change in the life cycle are relatively gradual, which is consistent with gradual changes in the marginal product of human capital and depreciation rates for human capital rather than levels that are fixed for long periods. With a lag of about 7–10 years, the effects are very similar to those found between age and athletic performance in previous studies by Fair. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Kui-Wai Li   《Economic Systems》2009,33(3):213-230
This paper constructs China national and provincial physical capital and human capital for the period 1984–2006. The estimation of physical capital is extended to the use of sources of fund and ownership of fund. The growth accounting framework is used to calculate the output, input and total factor productivity growth rates. The relative variance method is used to compare the relative importance to output growth by input growth and productivity growth. The empirical findings show that although output growth in post-reform China has been contributed much by growth in total factor productivity, output volatility has relied more on input growth, and TFP growth has not been supported by complementary changes. There are regional differences when looking at the performance of individual growth rates.  相似文献   

目前,事业单位会计制度中关于固定资产核算的规定尚不够完善,越来越不适应新的形势发展需要,影响了事业单位固定资产的准确核算。为了适应管理体制的改革,文章试从取消“固定基金”科目和“专用基金——修购基金”科目,增设“累计折旧”科目以及计提折旧基金取代修购基金,以完善事业单位固定资产的会计处理等方面对事业单位固定资产处理进行探讨。  相似文献   

瞿明山 《价值工程》2014,(29):149-150
财政部于2013年12月修订发布了《高等学校会计制度》,要求各高等学校自2014年1月1日起施行。与修订前制度相比,新高校会计制度内容变化较大,本文仅对固定资产核算进行比较,从核算基础和方法谈起,简单对比了改革前后高校固定资产从取得、折旧计提、后续支出、出售、转让、报废等方面核算的形式和方法的不同。  相似文献   

通过借鉴中国资本存量已有研究文献的成果,以细分行业差别化的折旧率估算为基础,通过分析投资结构和折旧率的关系,估算出第二、第三产业和总量的时变折旧率,系统地估算出1990~2014年总量、三次产业和细分行业的资本存量。估算结果及分析表明:由于投资结构的变化,总量、第三产业折旧率呈下降趋势,第二产业折旧率呈先上升再下降趋势;目前在我国,“过度投资”和“投资不足”并存,且“过度投资”的是资本效率比较低的行业,“投资不足”的是资本效率比较高的行业。解决“投资不足”问题的关键是打破行业垄断,尤其是行政垄断,引入市场竞争机制。  相似文献   

孟红霞  李潇竹 《价值工程》2010,29(16):47-48
论文以企业安全生产事故频发为研究背景,以历次会计核算制度为研究对象,以规范分析为研究方法,对安全生产费用核算制度进行了揭示、比较和评价,特别针对用于安全生产的固定资产折旧费用,创造性地提出应摈弃一次性折旧法,代之分年计提和加速折旧,以进一步体现企业会计准则的要求和国家税收优惠政策。  相似文献   

服务贸易进口是否带来国外R&D溢出效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文运用90个国家1998~2007年的面板数据研究不同要素密集型服务贸易进口的国外R&D溢出效应,研究发现,只有高强度的国内R&D投入才能显著促进全要素生产率、技术效率提升以及技术进步,不断完善的知识产权保护制度有助于强化这种作用;劳动密集型、资本密集型服务贸易进口无助于进口国全要素生产率、技术效率提升和技术进步,不断完善的知识产权保护制度也难以改变这种状况;技术与知识密集型服务贸易进口通过国外R&D溢出效应显著促进了全要素生产率、技术效率提升以及技术进步。  相似文献   

The European Union (EU) has been debating for several years whether to change from the legal capital regime as regulated under the Second Company Law Directive to a solvency test regime as applied in the USA, for example. Based on an analysis of direct compliance costs and capital maintenance systems in non-EU countries, the EU decided not to change the regulatory regime in the short term. This paper focuses on the indirect costs of these two regimes. The paper develops a model in which payouts are restricted by one of the two regimes and the equity holders have the choice between extending and liquidating the existing investments. I find that both regimes will create first-best incentives if their respective design parameters are properly balanced. Under a legal capital regime, however, first-best will be a random event, because accounting standards typically do not allow for the necessary interdepencies between the accounting for liabilities and investments. The advantage of a solvency test with respect to the implementation of first-best incentives diminishes if equity holders can misreport future prospects. Under the legal capital regime, misreporting incentives can be excluded by sufficiently conservative depreciation. A solvency test designed to achieve efficient decisions will always create incentives to overstate future cash flows.  相似文献   

基于DEA的绿色经济增长核算:以中国地区工业为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文构建基于DEA的绿色经济增长核算模型,将考虑非期望产出的劳动生产率变化分解为技术效率变化、技术进步和资本深化。中国地区工业的经验分析表明,与发展水平无关且省际差异大的技术无效率普遍存在;各省工业增长的首要源泉是资本深化,其次是技术进步主导的全要素生产率进步;各省工业劳动生产率增长差异主要源于资本深化差异,其次是技术效率变化差异主导的全要素生产率进步差异;如不考虑非期望产出,会低估资本深化对经济增长的贡献,高估技术进步的贡献,而技术效率变化的贡献可能被高估、低估或无影响。  相似文献   

通过使用DEA-Malmquist方法与Kumbhakar-Sun方法(KSM),测算了中国2543个市区县(含港澳台)在2007~2010年的TFP变动情况,认为中国各市区县的TFP在考察期内以年均6.20%(DEA-Malmquist)和8.20%(KSM)的速度下降。从空间分布上看,东部地区呈现TFP增长态势的大多数都是城市市区,零散的分布在各地;西部地区虽然存在TFP连片增长地带,但大多是地广人稀地区。从方法上讲,DEA-Malmquist和KSM在TFP变动测算结论上接近,但对TFP变动的分解结论有很大出入。最后,尽管市区县级数据存在一定程度的夸大问题,TFP变动与固定资本存量变动之间的负相关性仍然被非常明显的观测到,中国的经济增长模式可能正在面临严峻挑战。  相似文献   

This study uses several alternative panel data estimation techniques (pooled ordinary least squares, fixed effects, and random effects) to examine the effect of domestic savings, foreign aid, the evolution of capital mobility over time, and openness on investment rates for a sample of 29 sub-Saharan African countries over the time period 1980 to 2001. The empirical evidence suggests the presence of capital mobility in line with previous studies of developing economies and that capital mobility has gradually increased over time. Moreover, foreign aid and openness both have positive and significant impacts on investment rates.  相似文献   

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