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次贷危机爆发以来,国际金融市场持续震荡,我国正值资本市场逐步开放,跨境短期资本流动成为国家金融安全的重要课题,QFII作为外来证券组合投资的主要形式,承受到世界性金融风暴的各种不利影响势,并势必反映到它在中国的投资行为中。文章用事件研究法,对次贷危机发生后,QFII的短期投资行为对我国股票市场带来的冲击进行了实证分析,结果发现其投资行为确实加剧了市场的震荡,从数据上证实了世界金融市场的风险已通过QFII溢出到我国的证券市场,并在此基础上对市场监管者和投资者提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

国债的收益率、收益率的波动性及储备货币地位是影响境外投资者持债动机的重要原因。美国国债相对较高的收益率、低波动风险和美元国际储备货币的强势地位增强了美国国债的吸引力;日本国债的低波动性使其境外投资者往往在危机时期将日本国债视为避风港。我国国债较高的收益率会加强境外投资者的持债动机,但高波动性不利于债市开放。可从完善境外投资者跨境投资途径、加强外汇市场建设、稳步推进人民币国际化等方面入手提高我国债市开放度。  相似文献   

本文采用分层条件Copula理论来研究次贷危机和欧债危机下的危机传染路径问题。在研究中采用t-GARCH (1,1)模型拟合各个金融市场的股指日收益率,以条件Copula分析两次危机下中国大陆股市与美国股市、英国股市、日本股市、台湾股市、香港股市2005年1月至2012年7月间的风险传染关系。实证研究表明:次贷危机期间美国股票市场将危机传染到香港股票市场,再由香港股票市场传染其他亚洲股票市场。而在欧债危机期间英国股票市场分别直接传染美国股票市场和香港股票市场,再通过香港股票市场对其他亚洲股票市场传染。两次危机下香港股票市场均是亚洲股票市场受到危机传染的媒介,因此我国在制定防范金融危机传染政策时应考虑对香港股票市场的控制,在传播层面上控制金融危机对我国的传染,减少对我国金融系统的冲击。  相似文献   

<正>利率市场化对固定收益类资产价格而言短期负面影响居多,利率债收益率中枢缓慢上移;导致债券利率的波动性也在加大;信用债方面企业融资成本短期难以有效下行,资质较差的低评级债券将会面临更大的违约风险。从长期来看,则有利于信用债配置需求的上升。  相似文献   

资本账户开放与资本自由流动紧密相联。回顾历次金融危机与风险事件,其均伴随跨境资本大量流入流出。资本账户开放下的金融风险可归结于货币危机风险与银行风险。实证结果显示:资本流向对上述风险均有显著影响,具体来看,直接投资流出、证券投资流入均加剧了货币危机风险与银行风险。因此,除保持较高速经济增长水平、提高本国贸易开放程度之外,需要关注美国利率走势及其对本国货币危机风险的影响,同时应加大对资本流向的跟踪与分析力度。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,伴随着我国资本账户开放的进一步深入,我国资本市场与国际资本市场的联系更加紧密,受到国际资本市场的影响更加深重.最近几年,资本账户开放对我国股票市场价格和收益的传导作用得到了充分的体现,在资本账户开放的进程中,股票收益率受到国际市场利率的影响作用不断加强.资本账户开放是一把利弊兼有的"双刃剑",在推动股票价格和收益率提高的同时,也给股票市场带来了巨大的风险.这首先是大量国际短期资本的涌入所导致的股票市场价格波动的风险;其次是我国金融监管水平相对落后或金融监管无效性所引致的监管风险;再次是国内券商所面临的竞争性风险.资本账户开放作为我国改革开放的一项重要内容,我们一定要正视资本账户开放给股票市场带来的风险,通过制度建设、加强监管、正确设计资本账户开放次序以及提高国内金融机构竞争力等措施来规避风险,从而促进我国金融开放的顺利进行.  相似文献   

本文关于短期国际资本对股票市场间波动的传递效应进行研究,首先运用GARCH模型,研究了美国的股票市场与中国股票市场的波动规律,并量化生成了中美股票市场的波动序列;其次运用Granger因果检验考察短期国际资本能否作为一种渠道,将美国股票市场的波动性影响传递到中国股票市场;最后选取短期国际资本流动性指标、资本和金融账户差额与外汇储备占比指标、中美股市收益率差指标等来构建中国股票市场价格指数的TARCH模型,发现中国股票市场存在明显的非对称效应,且短期国际资本流动对我国股市具有明显的传递效应。  相似文献   

国际短期资本流入:影响因素及政策建议   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
影响我国国际短期资本流入的因素有利率差异、汇率预期、证券资产价格和宏观经济预期等.为了防范国际短期资本过度流入可能带来的冲击,必须建立一个有效的协调与控制机制,包括完善金融市场体系,谨慎配合人民币汇率与资本项目的开放程度,建立和完善预警指标体系.  相似文献   

由于2008年美国金融危机而导致的全球经济危机一直在延续,系统性金融风险的防范已经成为全球各国政府和金融监管机构共同的课题。而随着人民币国际化的开展和我国跨境资本流动受关注程度的提高,短期跨境资本流动对系统性风险的潜在影响越来越成为一个不容忽视的议题。本文使用SRISK指标测度了我国的系统性风险,并通过构建传统VAR模型和VAR MGARCH DCC模型,对我国“8·11”汇改前后的短期跨境资本流动、系统性风险、股票价格收益率、人民币在离岸利差、离岸人民币与美元利差五变量及其波动性之间的联动关系进行了检验。实证研究证明,我国短期跨境资本流动与系统性风险及两者波动性之间均存在明显的关联关系。  相似文献   

在梳理利率平价文献的基础上,本文从影响中资企业离岸在岸债券收益率的影响因素入手,探讨了利率平价理论在中国的适用性。通过对2010年以来投资级中资企业美元债与境内高等级信用债的计量分析发现,由于资本管制,长期以来抵补利率平价并不适用于中国。伴随着“债券通”之后中国债券市场开放程度的逐步扩大,以及人民币汇率灵活度的提升,自2017年年中以来,抵补利率平价理论开始适用于中国,即使是2020年的疫情冲击也未改变上述关系。汇率成本是影响离岸债券收益率的重要因素,套息交易的作用相对有限。进一步地,本文针对投资级城投债、房地产债的计量分析表明,产业和融资政策限制影响了企业境内外相关债券收益率的相关性,市场不完全是导致利率平价理论在中国不成立的重要原因。本文的研究为我国系统性推动包括债券市场在内的高水平金融开放提供了实证基础。  相似文献   

This study examines evidence of cross-asset contagion among REIT, money, stock, bond, and currency markets in the US from 2006 to 2012, which covers the subprime and European sovereign debt crisis. We apply the Granger causality test and a vector auto-regression to examine the change of causality structure. Our results show that contagion exists from medium-term bond markets to equity markets; REIT, money markets and short-term bond markets show little evidence of cross-asset contagion with other markets; and the currency market shows high co-movement and contagion with equity markets. Our findings provide more rewarding asset reallocating strategies for the investors who invest in both bond and equity markets before a crisis to consider reallocating their portfolio into REIT and money markets to benefit from diversification during a crisis period.  相似文献   

In this paper, we contribute to the literature on the international stock market co-movements and contagion, especially during the recent subprime crisis, by researching the interconnections between international stock markets in time-frequency domain.Our innovative approach consists on carrying out a wavelet decomposition of return time series before investigating the correlation dynamics across stock markets during the recent financial crisis. It thus enables us to show how the contagion dynamics between international stock market returns are changing across time scales corresponding to investors with heterogeneous time horizons. Moreover, our results reveal that the contagion dynamics depends on the bull or bear periods of stock markets, on stock markets maturity, and on regional aspects. Therefore, all these finding should be considered from an international portfolio diversification perspective.  相似文献   

《Applied economics letters》2012,19(13):1309-1312
Our researching period contains the American subprime mortgage crisis, an insignificant financial crisis and the Asian financial crisis periods. We analyse and compare the interrelations between the stock and Foreign Exchange (FX) markets in Taiwan by the daily data of stock prices and NTD/US exchange rates. The empirical results found that there is no effect on the long-term equilibrium between the stock and FX markets during the American subprime mortgage crisis. It also shows that, whether financial crisis occurs or not, there is no cointegration between the stock and FX markets. Furthermore, the results find that there exists bidirectional causality between the stock and FX markets among the American subprime mortgage crisis and the Asian financial crisis period. However, there is only unidirectional relationship from stock prices to exchange rates during insignificant financial crisis period. Such results imply that two financial crises do significantly affect the short-term interrelationships between the stock and FX markets and lead to more importance for the connection between two markets.  相似文献   

This article empirically examines the causality in mean and variance between stock returns and real economic growth in China before and after the outbreak of US subprime crisis. Using a nonuniform weighting cross-correlation approach and the multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model, we found no causality in mean or variance between China’s stock returns and real economic growth for the period before the subprime crisis. Interestingly, however, in the period after the crisis, we detected unidirectional causality in mean from real economic growth to stock returns and unidirectional causality in variance from stock returns to real economic growth. These new findings imply that the linkage between China’s stock market and its real economy has become stronger in the post-crisis period. The implication of our results is that Chinese policymakers should continue the deregulation and improve the efficiency of the stock market to sustain high economic growth rate in the future.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of firm investment on stock returns by using data on the Chinese stock market. We find that stocks with higher investment experience lower future returns and there is an obvious investment effect in the Chinese stock market. The investment effect is stronger for firms that have higher cash flows, lower debt or for state-owned firms. We further explore the relation between investment and returns over the 3 years around portfolio formation. The results show that the high investment firms earn higher returns than low investment firms before portfolio formation; however the high investment firms earn lower returns than low investment firms after portfolio formation, such evidence is supportive of investor's overreaction explanation. Additionally, the stock returns don't necessarily decrease after investment, and the stock returns don't significantly positively correlate with firm profitability or book-to-market, so the result don't support risk-based explanation. Overall, both our portfolio sort and two-stage cross-sectional regression analysis show that behavioral finance theories are better than risk-based theories in explaining the investment anomaly. Evidence from the Chinese stock market provides a useful perspective to understand the debate on the investment anomaly.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new empirical testing method for detecting herding in stock markets. The traditional regression approach is extended to a vector autoregressive framework, in which the predictive power of squared index returns for the cross-sectional dispersion of equity returns is tested using a Granger causality test. Macroeconomic news announcements and the aggregate number of firm-level news items are treated as conditioning variables, while the average sentiment of firm-level news is treated as jointly determined. The testing algorithm allows the change points in the causal relationships between the cross-sectional dispersion of returns and squared index returns to be determined endogenously rather than being chosen arbitrarily a priori. Evidence of herding is detected in the constituent stocks of the Dow Jones Industrial Average at the onset of the subprime mortgage crisis, during the European debt and the U.S. debt-ceiling crises and the Chinese stock market crash of 2015. These results contrast with those obtained from the traditional methods where little evidence of herding is found in the US stock market.  相似文献   

This paper examines the interplay between stock market returns and their volatility, focusing on the Asian and global financial crises of 1997–98 and 2008–09 for Australia, Singapore, the UK, and the US. We use a multivariate generalised autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (MGARCH) model and weekly data (January 1992–June 2009). Based on the results obtained from the mean return equations, we could not find any significant impact on returns arising from the Asian crisis and more recent global financial crises across these four markets. However, both crises significantly increased the stock return volatilities across all of the four markets. Not surprisingly, it is also found that the US stock market is the most crucial market impacting on the volatilities of smaller economies such as Australia. Our results provide evidence of own and cross ARCH and GARCH effects among all four markets, suggesting the existence of significant volatility and cross volatility spillovers across all four markets. A high degree of time‐varying co‐volatility among these markets indicates that investors will be highly unlikely to benefit from diversifying their financial portfolio by acquiring stocks within these four countries only.  相似文献   

To detect abnormal states in stock market returns, this study considers seven indices, over a 21-year period, the Dow Jones, S&P500, Nasdaq, Nikkei225, FTSE100, DAX, and CAC40. Three states are possible, namely a state of high rate of return, a state of low rate of return, both with high volatility and an intermediate state with low volatility. To determine the state of the market at each date, we study the returns using Markov chain Monte Carlo method (Metropolis–Hastings algorithm). Then at a second time, using a Cramer's coefficient, we deduce association coefficients or “correlations” among the different states of the major stock exchange markets around the world. First, the associations were globally stronger during the subprime crisis than during the dot-com bubble period. Second, among European markets Cramer's V is higher regardless of the period. Third, the associations between the Nikkei and the other market indices are systematically lower, indicating the relative disconnection of the Japanese market.  相似文献   

This paper examines the transmission of the 2008 US financial crisis to four Latin American stock markets using daily stock returns from 2006 to 2010, analyzing before, during and after the 2008 financial crisis. The empirical evidence presents a financial contagion by showing persistently higher and more volatile pair-wise conditional correlations during the crisis period. This indicates there are structural changes in mean and volatility of the correlation coefficients due to the 2008 financial crisis in Latin American markets. The results here could be useful in international portfolio diversification decision-making in Latin American region. In addition, the predicting the volatility in different markets could be a useful input for reducing financial instability in crisis episodes to policy makers.  相似文献   

The study has two main objectives: (i) to investigate whether there is pure contagion or fundamental-based contagion/interdependence among the Eurozone equity markets (Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Netherlands), attributable to the shocks stemming from nine major crises around the world (ii) to investigate the evolution of market integration, whether mainly short-run or long-run. Wavelet decompositions, in both its discrete and continuous forms, are employed to unveil the multi-horizon nature of co-movements, volatility and lead–lag relationships. This is to unveil the path of linkages and the behavior underlying the transmission mechanism of financial shocks across major Eurozone stock markets. Evidence also supports the presence of common shocks whereby equity markets in Eurozone are significantly affected by episodic crisis events globally. Prior to the recent subprime crisis, contagion effects have generated short-term shocks that may potentially involve, among other factors, excessive channels. In stark contrast, the most recent US subprime crisis and EMU sovereign debt crisis reveal the evidence of fundamental-based contagion. We also find the increasing short-run and long-run stock market integration, driven by several stages of the establishment of EMU. Policy implications for regulators and investors are discussed in the context of continued monetary integration.  相似文献   

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