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A bstract . In order to compare the quality of life (QOL) in U.S. metropolitan areas economic, sociological, political and cultural data are often gathered and equally weighted without regard for the way QOL is perceived by those who live there. Basing our comparisons of U.S. metropolitan areas solely on objective data or official statistics biases the results so that there is little relationship between one set of measures and another. These results contradict conclusions reached by survey researchers who siwdy the perceptual aspects of the quality of life. Therefore, we must rethink the methods used in future of life studies, Psychographic and demographic data must be integrated.  相似文献   

为发挥供电企业的行业优势、组织优势以及人才优势,带动周边乡镇基层团组织发展,增强团组织凝聚力,以组织的力量带动城乡统筹发展,遂昌电力局开展了"电力握手城乡区域共建"的"传帮带"活动。通过该活动的开展增强了各共建单位团组织的活力;增进了各单位团员青年的交流;形成一股比、学、赶、超的积极上进的工作、学习氛围;提升了团组织对团员青年的吸引力和凝聚力。遂昌电力局的"传帮带"活动拓宽了城乡统筹发展的思路,为加快城乡合作、缩小城乡差距提供了另一种可供借鉴的新途径。  相似文献   

Abstract . The basic objective of this paper is to develop a systematic model by which a series of social indicators can be constructed to reflect variations in the social quality of life (QOL) among the medium metropolitan areas. Statistical data which are logically representative of the indicators were collected for the 83 medium metropolitan areas with populations between 200,000 and 500,000 in 1970. More than 50 variables were evaluated under these critical social components: individual concerns, individual equality and community living conditions. The standardized “Z” score method was employed to compute, based on 1970 data, the index for each of the social QOL indicators. The 83 SMSAs were then rated by the indexes. These indexes will help decision makers to identify their regional weaknesses and strengths in comparison to others so that appropriate action can be taken toward the improvement of social QOL in those areas.  相似文献   

文章针对加强社会主义新农村建设消防工作中存在的消防安全隐患,分析火灾隐患存在的原因,并结合我国农村的实际,提出开启新农村消防工作"安全门"的"五把钥匙",并进一步指出解决问题的对策,为当前社会主义新农村消防工作提供理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

随着时代发展,独居、年轻化已成为租房人群的关键词。观念的升级和住房租赁政策的完善,使得90后的置业观悄然改变。经过市场调查,市面上还没有针对大学毕业生这一群体的长租公寓,多数是针对有一定经济能力的上班族。因此,大学毕业生的住房需求仅仅通过政府采取措施远远无法满足。论文从国家的宏观政策及市场微观细分因素中的人口因素、地理因素、行为因素等方面对“不期而寓”——青年城市配套综合体进行了分析,为项目的推进提供可靠的数据和科学性支持。  相似文献   

任守文 《价值工程》2013,(29):293-294
农村社区建设是缩小城乡差别的重要举措,但是其中存在诸多问题。要解决这些问题,需要在农村社区建设有政策支持,提升农村经济活力,加强社区人才队伍建设,形成完善的法律和规章制度。最后还要因地制宜,合理建设。  相似文献   

西方城市社区的发展具有"官民二元动力机制".由于缺乏公民参与,中国的城市社区建设遭遇了体制困境.决策者应从西方国家社区发展历程中汲取经验教训,认识到扩大参与对于中国城市社区建设的战略意义,使得社区建设成为打造中国城市公民社会的先导.  相似文献   

审计质量“规模误区”及异质路径研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
通过对不同规模的会计师事务所审计质量差异、优势途径及2008—2009年沪深A股相关数据进行分析发现:我国存在审计质量"规模误区",且审计"规模误区"限制和干扰了审计核心竞争能力的培育与发展;审计规模差异尚未足以形成良好的异质竞争力,异质路径选择缺乏系统性的引导和监督。因此,在审计实务中应当加强审计核心能力的衡量标准建设、增强质量信号传递、完善市场协同机制、推进审计法制化和特色化建设。  相似文献   

A model of urban population density functions is proposed that uses all available data on densities in urban areas. "This model postulates that population density at each census tract in each city is determined by city size, transportation costs, land supply, income and age of city." The model is applied to data on cities in Israel.  相似文献   

A bstract . A composite Quality of Life (QOL) indicator model of five major components — Social, Economic, Energy and Environmental, Health and Education , and National Vitality and Security —was developed. Based on cross-national data of 1975, 32 developed countries and China (Taiwan) were ranked according to their component and overall QOL measures. The influence of income and other variables on QOL was analyzed; it was found that the income variable is not as significantly related to the composite QOL indexes as are other variables and China (Taiwan's) QOL rankings far exceed its per capita income ranking in the international comparison. The U.S. surpassed all the countries studied in providing its citizens with basic human needs and the highest material standard of living. The national vitality and security component indicated, however, that the U.S. may have lost, militarily and strategically, some of its influence and perceived power to the U.S.S.R.  相似文献   

刘锡凤 《价值工程》2013,32(1):291-292
因为受社会环境、家庭氛围、智力差异、学习方法、个性品质以及教师的教学方式等诸多因素的影响,必然会有一部分学生成为所谓的数学"潜能生",面向这样的学生,最大限度地满足他们的数学需要,让他们学习有价值的数学。我们数学教师就要剖析原因,采取积极地措施,对他们进行教育和转化,在数学上也能有成功的体验,这就是我们必须研究的课题。  相似文献   

魏少平 《价值工程》2011,30(9):205-206
统筹城乡发展,必须建立相应的农村支持体系,统筹城乡发展的农村支持体系涉及到多个领域,而加快城乡信息化建设步伐,搭建统筹城乡发展的平台,增加对农村资金、信息、技术等要素供给,形成对落实统筹城乡战略任务的有力支持,是加快农村结构调整、市场体系、经济组织以及基础设施等方面建设,推进城乡统筹发展进程的有力措施。  相似文献   

行政区划是我国城市布局和建设的重要手段.建国以来,在关于市制建设的行政区划调整模式上,我国先后经历了"切块设市"、"整县改市"、"地市合并"以及"撤县(镇)设区"等,不同模式的行政区划调整.这直接导致了我国城市面积的不断扩大和城市人口的逐年增加.从行政区划调整的角度出发.基于对相关城市统计数据的分析.研究了1990年以来,行政区划调整对我国地级市和直辖市的数量、面积和人口的影响,试图发现行政区划调整在我国城市发展和城市化进程中所起的作用.  相似文献   

A bstract . The effects on crime rates of the intrusion of large numbers of strangers into an area are investigated. The sensitivity of six different crime types ( murder, rape, assault, robbery, burglary , and larceny ) to density of strangers is estimated using a standard model of criminal behavior. The variables which reflect this density are measures of tourists, college students, shoppers from other areas, opportunities to consume alcohol , and the presence of interstate highway exits. The results suggest that an increase in the number of strangers into an area has a positive effect on the crimes of burglary, larceny, and robbery, but very little effect on assault, murder and rape. A significant finding is that "wet" counties have a higher incidence of each crime type than do "dry" counties. From a policy standpoint, officials who support economic growth in urban areas should keep in mind that an increase in the opportunity for illegal activity accompanies such growth and plan accordingly.  相似文献   

党的十九大以来,打赢脱贫攻坚战成为党中央及全国人民的重要任务。在党的指导下,各地政府对实现乡村振兴战略作出一系列重大举措,出台了一系列政策,坚决打赢脱贫攻坚战。在此背景下,农村电商和物流行业得到迅速发展,发展潜力大、前景广阔。但受到农村自身地理位置、交通状况等限制,存在物流设施不完善、行业人才缺乏等问题,导致物流配送效率低及“最后一公里”上门配送等难题。论文基于大数据和实地调查,分析农村物流存在的问题,并提出可行性建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This study compares the educational performance of both highly rural and highly urban area students to students from areas of moderate population density. The results suggest (1) that students from both highly rural and highly urban areas perform similarly, but less well, in terms of educational achievement than students from moderate areas, and (2) that empirical studies of student educational performance should include measures of both cognitive skills and educational market competition as explanatory variables. The policy implications of this research include our recommendation that policymakers consider students from highly urban areas to be subjects of concern similar to students from highly rural areas in attempts to affect expected student achievement. Implications also include our recommendation that policymakers recognize that competitive educational market systems that allow educational consumers greater choice in the acquisition of educational services are those systems within which student academic achievement is higher.  相似文献   

城乡"两栖占地"形成受土地保障功能牵制、土地收益功能吸引、乡情乡愁牵绊、城乡文化差异阻滞等因素影响。城乡"两栖占地"农户宅基地退出存在宅基地所有权主体虚位、使用权权能残缺、宅基地产权与房屋产权分离、使用权登记制度不完善等制度障碍。"百村调查"结论如下:农村"两栖占地"情况严重;农村"两栖占地"者多为经济实力较强的"能人";影响"两栖占地"农户退地的主要因素是"留恋乡情"。促进"两栖占地"农户退地的政策建议为:民主施政,让宅基地制度改革代表最广大农民的利益;科学施政,让宅基地退出政策更加符合农户愿望;精准施政,让政府宅基地退出行为更加人性化;重建信誉,让农户在宅基地退出中更加拥有获得感。  相似文献   

坚持城市更新,走科学城市化道路。本文从城市更新的科学内涵出发,通过剖析我国城市更新存在的问题,进而提出了基于泛福利实现的城市更新思考。泛福利实现的城市更新,强调在科学发展观的指引下,坚持以人为本,坚持以城市最广大人民群众的幸福感知和利益实现为核心目标。  相似文献   

云南省乡村农产品资源丰富,物流基础设施相对欠缺,现代化建设进程中,农业农村短板日益体现。为响应云南省乡村振兴战略规划,健全城乡之间要素合理流动机制,考虑多方原因分析影响云南城乡物流的主要因素,通过构建“双向物流+众包物流”网络平台,设计城乡三级配送模式,整合城乡物流信息,提高运力资源利用率,创造规模化效益,改善城乡物流现状,加快推进乡村振兴,书写中国梦云南篇章。  相似文献   

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