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尽管已是寒假,还是一个周末的晚上,北京大学光华管理学院的MBA俱乐部里依然灯火通明。6点刚过,张海涛第一个来到了这里。半个小时后,其他的同学陆续到达。7点半,光华管理学院2005级P2班的6位同学开始了他们寒假里的第一次小组讨论  相似文献   

赵琼  赵永红 《中国审计》2005,(13):32-35
"我来唱一首歌,古老的那首歌,我轻轻地唱,你慢慢地和.是否你还记得过去的梦想,那充满希望灿烂的岁月.你我为了理想历尽了艰苦,我们曾经哭泣也曾共同欢笑.但愿你会记得,永远地记着……"这是一首她们最爱唱的歌.有时唱响在嘴上,但更多的是吟唱在心底.她们说,这首歌,是唱给亲人朋友的.  相似文献   

While fund-raising and beneficiary organizations may remain legally separate, two recently developed accounting principles will make it almost impossible to maintain a separation between contributed and operating receipts and will blur the distinctions that have been achieved by legal separation.  相似文献   

产品有需求就有市场吗?未必! 我有个朋友研发成功了飞机飞行记录仪,俗称黑匣子。项目的研发团队都是一帮高学历的专业人才,同时这个产品同内还没有人能够生产,技术肯定也是先进的。当时深圳市科技部门也看好这个产品,还注资了一笔研发费用。在人才、技术、资金郁具备的情况下,产品历时一年多做出来了,结果却出人意料。  相似文献   

This paper develops an Asymmetric Nash Equilibrium model of welfare provision by states when the benefit payment is a local public good and a fixed population of welfare recipients distributes itself between states with logistic “migration” function. The model shows that state size is an important demand shifter across states because it alters the supply elasticity of recipients. The model provides estimates of how the degree of benefit under provision varies with this migration elasticity. Other demand instruments (such as taxpayer resources and “generosity”) likewise generate positive correlation between benefits and recipients, while supply shifters generate negative correlation between benefits and recipients. The model's predictions are closely matched empirically, when examining the reduced form impact of these instruments on the pattern of welfare benefits and recipients across states. Using these impacts to assign the instruments to either supply or demand sides of the model, it is possible to estimate the model's structural elasticities. These turn out to be high enough so that simulated solutions to the model generate considerable welfare underprovision and thus raise concern about a race to the bottom with decentralized control over AFDC.  相似文献   

Between 1995 and 2004, Kate Bronfenbrenner wrote several studies arguing that union organizing would be more successful if certain tactics were used. Bronfenbrenner’s methodology seemed unassailable and her opinions were influential among union leaders, but organizing outcomes did not improve. To understand why, this study asked highly successful union organizers for their views. Their responses point to an entirely different conceptualization of the organizing process. Rather than follow a certain recipe, respondents saw their first priority as building relationships of trust with workers. Then, organizers and workers together could develop tactics tailored to the particular situation. If organizing success most requires relation-building skills and creativity, then it is more important for unions to hire the right organizers than to employ a given tactical formula.  相似文献   

"未来相当长一段时间里,房地产投资仍然是一种下降趋势。这也将继续影响经济的增长。"国务院发展研究中心宏观经济研究部部长余斌称,房地产投资下滑,未来两年房价可能暴涨。目前国内经济低迷,余斌认为还与房地产投资的大幅度下滑有关。出口、投资、消费是经济增长的三家马车,而房地产投资又占了整个投资的近四分之一。但是去年下半年以来,由于受商品房销售额和销售价格大幅度下降趋势的影响,开放商持悲观态度,房地产开发投资增长持续回落,  相似文献   

曹钥敏 《经营者》2005,(6):58-61
世界有一句话,“得发动机者得天下”。合资是跨国汽车巨头进入中国的捷径,在政策限制汽车行业的投资比例的情况下,跨国汽车巨头以核心技术投入来增加竞争砝码的战略正在逐渐明朗。  相似文献   

4月14日,山西省和太原市质监局执法人员对省城“三友”、“国美”、“燕兴”等大型电器商场进行了认证执法检查,检查内容是商场所售电冰箱和空调是否加贴了能源效率标识。从检查情况看,这些大型电器商场出售的2005年3月1日以后生产的电冰箱和空调大部分加贴了能源效率标识,执法  相似文献   

全球价值链中产业“微笑曲线”存在吗?   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文在全球投入产出模型框架中首次提出测度产业部门位置的“广义增加值平均传递步长”新方法,并从强度和长度两个维度,全方位分析境外增加值贡献率-位置的关系,进而考察产业部门层面的“微笑曲线”是否存在。研究表明:本文的新方法提供了测度全球价值链位置的统一逻辑框架,几乎囊括了所有的其他位置测度方法。产业部门层面的“微笑曲线”不具有普遍意义,比如中国电子和光学仪器制造业略呈“微笑曲线”形状且逐步加深化,而中国纺织业却不存在。  相似文献   

本文在已有研究的基础上,认为在FDI技术外溢过程中存在着一定的"门槛条件",并基于"技术势能"假说,利用我国高技术产业数据进行实证检验。实证结果表明,外商投资规模、技术势能与潜在市场规模对FDI技术外溢的影响都具有一定的"门槛条件",只有三者在适度值范围内技术外溢积极而显著,并且与技术外溢存在着倒"U"形曲线关系。随着时间的变化,技术外溢的"门槛条件"有所提高,外溢效应有所降低。  相似文献   

我如何到那里去?--战略 前面阐述了计划活动所要回答的前三个问题非常重要,强调了明确使命、价值观和愿景是管理任何一个机构的出发点.但是,这并不意味着第四个问题不重要.如果不能对于"我如何到那里去"这一问题做出回答,再好的愿景也会沦为空想、空谈.  相似文献   

The National Basketball Association contracting rules provide plausibly exogenous variation in career concerns near contract end. We use this setting to study how individual career concerns affect risk‐taking behavior and can sabotage team performance. Using the frequency and duration of player injuries from 1991 to 2013 we measure individual risk‐taking behavior. We find that the average player's likelihood of missing a game due to injury falls by 0.06 percentage points (or over 100% relative to the mean injury rate) in the final 3 months of his contract, and when missing games due to injury is unavoidable, his recovery time drops by 22 days. However, “elite” players with virtually no career concerns actually miss more games due to injury. Finally, we find that elite players missing too many games and “average” players playing before healthy, combine to hurt team performance. For each additional player in the last 3 months on contract, the win probability for that team falls by over 2.6%.  相似文献   

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