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研究开发活动对于某些企业,特别是高科技企业,有十分重要的意义,甚至被认为是形成企业核心竞争力的重要源泉。目前,研发组织形式的错误选择是造成许多高科技企业研发效率不高的重要原因之一。按照研发涉及的边界可以将目前存在的研发组织形式分为内部化和外部化研发组织形式。从企业战略角度出发,通过研究发现,对于实施低成本战略的企业应该选择外部化研发组织形式,而对于采用差异化战略的企业应该选择内部化研发组织形式。  相似文献   

本文在微观层面探究跨国并购背景下,研究了内部化和外包化策略抉择对内资生产性服务业技术进步的影响,并定性地探讨企业服务内部化与外部化决策互动的三种情形,最后得出内部化与外包化的决策都将对生产性服务业的技术进步带来积极影响的结论。  相似文献   

我国企业国际化成长中的内部化与外部化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文以国际经济学为基础,以我国企业如何谋求国际化成长为目的,从开放市场条件下企业国际化成长的作用问题。认为,内部化与外部化同属企业追求成长的市场行为,两者相辅相成,都是实现企业成长目标的方式;决定因素在于企业适应市场需求的最佳规模经济的技术条件和成长效率。指出,在具有缺陷的现实市场条件下,内部化对于克服我国企业单体规模过小、竞争乏力等问题,,具有很强的现实性;同时,注重在更的空间和领域谋求分工与合  相似文献   

晋萍瑞 《商业科技》2008,(17):96-96
随着科技的不断发展和经济的不断增长,环境问题也日益突出,如何实现经济、社会、自然的协调发展,深入贯彻科学发展观,建设生态文明,已成为社会各界广泛关注的焦点。本文从分析企业环境成本的涵义及特点入手,进行了深层剖析,提出了从环境成本的内部化和外部化两个方面共同出击,来解决企业的环境问题,控制环境成本支出。  相似文献   

近年来,随着科技的进步与经济一体化进程的加快,跨国公司得到迅猛发展,在世界范围内整合资源、组织生产,形成全球生产体系;然而跨国公司的生产管理也面临着内部化与外部化之间的战略选择。本文将基于内部化理论、交易成本理论、全球价值链等理论阐述跨国公司的内部贸易与外包的动因、存在的缺陷,同时分析跨国公司如何有机结合运用二者,并探讨对中国企业的启示意义。  相似文献   

随着科技的不断发展和经济的不断增长,环境问题也日益突出,如何实现经济、社会、自然的协调发展,深入贯彻科学发展观,建设生态文明,已成为社会各界广泛关注的焦点。本文从分析企业环境成本的涵义及特点入手,进行了深层剖析,提出了从环境成本的内部化和外部化两个方面共同出击,来解决企业的环境问题,控制环境成本支出。  相似文献   

Rosie Hawkins 《成功营销》2014,(5):I0032-I0032
正如果我们着眼于品牌的情境资产,我们就能找到提升品牌价值的机会和方法。品牌是企业最重要的资产之一,品牌价值决定了企业能走多远,所以,提升品牌价值一直都是企业追求的目标。但在通常的品牌价值评估中,我们只着眼于一系列品牌活动——用户的品牌体验、品牌宣传等——之后的最终结果,也即品牌价值,但却很少留意到,品牌最终的价值,其实是在不同情境下的情境资产  相似文献   

品牌价值评估体系及其方法选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
品牌价值管理是企业创造品牌、为品牌注入价值、并对品牌价值进行维护和增值等一系列的活动,对于企业的战略成长具有重要意义。在品牌价值管理过程中,品牌价值评估是一个非常重要的环节。本文阐述了品牌价值的内涵,通过品牌价值评估指标的选择,确定了评估的指标,重点阐述了客户导向、财务导向以及客户与财务导向相结合的三种品牌价值评估方法,以期为企业进行品牌价值评估与管理提供参考。  相似文献   

品牌是企业重要的无形资产,也是现代企业有力的财富来源,对品牌价值进行客观和科学的评估有利于企业制定有效的经营策略和合理的配置资源。本文通过分析世界著名品牌价值评估方法,对品牌价值评估中重要影响因素即品牌强度进行了研究,分析了品牌强度的影响因素,并在此基础上建立一套指标体系,采用因子分析法对品牌强度进行度量,目的是为了在品牌价值评估过程中品牌强度的评估具有强的可操作性。  相似文献   

企业的发展短期靠产品、中期靠人才、长期靠文化,而推动发展靠的是品牌。作为企业无形资产与有形资产的综合性评定,品牌价值不仅代表着品牌的知名度与美誉度,更成为衡量企业核心竞争力的重要指标。品牌必须为顾客创造价值,任何品牌如果不能在产品和服务上为顾客增加精神享受的附加价值,那么品牌本身就没有价值,品牌价值体现企业价值,创建运行有效品牌价值体系是提升企业综合竞争力的重要而关键的一步。  相似文献   

This study explores the dimensions and components of corporate brand experience in an Internet setting. Corporate brand experience (CBE), which is a source of a company's added value, could be an effective way to position a corporate brand in relation to the overall corporate marketing strategy. However, the concept of CBE has attracted very little attention from previous research, thereby our understanding of what the concept is and how to operationalize it is limited. Previous brand experience research is mainly focused on the conceptual understanding of brand experience itself, and/or the product brand level (rather than at corporation level). Understanding CBE is important because corporate brand equity (e.g. corporate image, brand loyalty) is dependent not only on how one is satisfied with the product (mostly addressed by functional/performance values of product), but also through the values of the corporation (corporate brand values). This study thus contributes theoretically to the corporate and online branding literature by proposing underlying new dimensions and components of CBE in an online environment. A series of focus group discussions (FGDs) with 32 online banking respondents informs the study. We identify five main themes and 26 sub-themes of corporate brand experience — corporate visual identity, functionality, emotional, lifestyle and corporate/self-identity. Financial service providers can address these dimensionalities during the process of brand positioning and when designing their corporate marketing in an online setting.  相似文献   

论提升强势品牌竞争力的策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黎敏 《商业研究》2006,(5):71-73
当前,品牌是市场经济的通行证,中国企业的品牌竞争力将直接经受国际国内市场激烈竞争的考验。企业提升品牌的竞争力主要通过企业开发和巩固企业核心竞争力、创造品牌忠诚、将企业文化根植于企业的价值观、产品不断创新等一系列措施来实现,重点在于最大限度地创造强势品牌,从而保证企业经营获得长期的竞争优势。  相似文献   

袁燕 《江苏商论》2012,(4):82-84
进入品牌营销时代的江苏经济要走好创新发展之路,需要依赖有自主品牌的本土企业作为支撑,江苏省多数企业急需将品牌提供的超越产品和服务本身利益之外的价值做到最大化,即提升品牌资产价值。江苏企业在自主品牌建设中存在三个方面急待正视的误区:认为做品牌就是做广告、做品牌就是做产品质量、做品牌就是做客观产品;江苏企业应当改进观念认识,把握创建与管理自主品牌资产的根本,在做信号产品和符号产品、明确品牌创建的主要途径、抓好品牌专业化管理等三方面把好关,切实提升企业品牌认同感和品牌形象,真正有效提高品牌资产价值,创建可持续发展的江苏自主品牌。  相似文献   

史慧慧 《江苏商论》2020,(2):31-33,41
在产品或服务日趋同质化,消费者需求越来越多元化的背景下,品牌日益成为企业提升竞争力的主要源泉,而品牌价值的塑造也越来越受到人们的关注。本文分析了品牌价值和品牌竞争力之间的关系,从品牌价值视角出发,为企业品牌竞争力的提升实践提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   


In the era of the Internet and networking, stakeholders increasingly acquire power by influencing brand value and meanings. However, this does not imply that marketing managers have lost their power over brand creation and management. Thus, the aim of this study is to explore brand power relationships taking the co-evolutionary perspective as conceptual lenses. In particular, this article seeks to address the competitive relationship between the corporation and its stakeholders in determining the corporate brand evolution over time, suggesting that corporate brand management is successful when co-evolving power relationships are established. The relational interplay between managers and stakeholders is framed into the Brand Power Relationship Model that suggests four potential evolutionary paths. It offers new brand typologies supported by examples from business practices, which mirror four different ways of managing and adapting brands over time; namely, through the None’s Brand, the Managers’ Brand, the Stakeholders’ Brand, and the Co-Evolutionary Brand. Focusing on the latter, this study depicts managers and stakeholders as having reciprocal influences and co-determining themselves, thus triggering interrelated relational effects that influence corporate brand evolution over time. The bilateral power of managers and stakeholders is framed into a further model, focused on corporate brand co-evolution. It is proposed that corporate brands can successfully co-create their value and meanings over time only if corporations co-evolve with their environment—in this study, multiple external stakeholders.  相似文献   

品牌形象对消费者行为倾向影响的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文认为,品牌形象影响并决定着人们的购买和消费行为,独特的品牌形象可以帮助企业确立品牌定位,阻止品牌竞争,改善品牌的市场表现。品牌形象由品牌表现、品牌个性、公司形象三个维度构成,三者不存在层级关系。其中,品牌表现是影响消费者行为倾向的主要因素;品牌个性影响消费者行为倾向,但影响程度较弱;公司形象通过品牌表现和品牌个性间接影响消费者行为倾向,对消费者行为倾向无显著影响。文章提出,企业可以通过三种品牌形象进行品牌定位,即品牌功能属性定位、品牌个性定位、公司形象定位,品牌形象管理即企业进行品牌定位的过程。对于中国企业来讲,品牌个性和公司形象的定位更值得关注。开发独特的品牌形象,建立吸引人的差异化的品牌形象的品牌战略,加强企业品牌形象的推广,是提高顾客忠诚度的根本途径。  相似文献   

价值链管理与品牌竞争力:一个分析框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析企业品牌竞争力的逻辑起点与内涵,本文认为品牌是一种战略性的资源与无形资产,品牌通过垄断效应使企业处于不完全竞争状态并产生经济租金,品牌竞争力的培育依赖于使用价值的有效嵌入和交换价值的低成本实现;提升企业品牌竞争力的价值链管理策略在于通过品牌质量管理实现品牌自然价值的嵌入,通过品牌形象管理实现品牌符号价值的嵌入,通过品牌关系管理提升品牌的交换价值。  相似文献   

The development of the consumer–brand relationship is crucial for brands as it reflects how well a consumer is emotionally connected with the brand. However, due to unacceptable behaviour, brands have become susceptible to negative consumer–brand relationships. Given the recent importance of the negative consumer–brand relationship and its consequences, little is known about the role of previously experienced brand love. Studies support the link between strongly remembered events and experiences, customer knowledge, brand association, and consumer congruence with brands in creating long-lasting influence and deep emotion towards the brand. The study examines moderation–mediation analysis of past experienced brand love and brand hate. This research, anchored in consumer brand relationship literature, builds on an analysis of data from 207 respondents. We conducted a research survey in a South-Western European country and performed the SPSS Hayes Process macro 58 to analyse the moderating role of past experienced brand love alongside the mediating role of brand hate to test our hypotheses. The moderation results show that past experienced brand love significantly moderated the link between brand hate causes (corporate wrongdoings) and brand hate. However, there is no significant moderation influence of past experienced brand love on the consequences of brand hate causes. The study also demonstrates that brand hate mediates the link between corporate wrongdoings and violations of expectations with negative word of mouth, consumer complaints, and patronage reduction/cessation. The current study is unique in that it highlights new avenues in existing research by extending the domain in consumer–brand relationships. The findings of the study have theoretical and empirical implications for brand managers.  相似文献   

在对现有方法分析的基础上,尝试探讨品牌资产测度新方法,即对英特品牌法加以改进,赋予了品牌作用指数和品牌强度新的涵义,增加了消费者品牌作用指数、消费者的品牌强度的概念,品牌作用指数由消费者的品牌作用指数和企业的品牌作用指数构成,品牌强度由企业的品牌强度和消费者的品牌强度组成。通过运用重要性排序的方法及层次分析法,计算相应的指标权重,同时引入了模糊数学方法,对多影响因素的评价对象进行综合评判,以增强测度的合理性。  相似文献   

This paper considers corporate brand image, focusing on cognitive and affective brand attributes in the context of business schools. While previous research on university or institutional branding has studied these elements separately via cognitive (e.g., service or educational quality attributes) or affective criteria (personality traits of the corporate brand), this study investigates them jointly through behavioral responses (leading to positive recommendations about the corporate brand). This is important because brand equity such as positive word-of-mouth (or mouse) is derived from both attitudinal components, rather than being based on only one component. Drawing on an empirical survey of postgraduate (MBA) students from four business schools, the findings reveal that both cognitive and affective attitudinal components appear equally important in shaping corporate brand image. Further, when the mediating effect is investigated, interestingly, students' positive recommendations to schools depended largely on the affective (prestigious, adventurous, empathy and competence) rather than upon the cognitive brand attributes. This paper contributes theoretically to the corporate brand and consumer behavior literature by investigating both attitudinal components at a corporate brand level and investigates their effects on behavioral/conative response. The practical contribution of the paper and its managerial implications lie in the context of defining strategy in relation to positioning business schools in an increasingly competitive higher education market.  相似文献   

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