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本文从理论上厘清国内价值链与全球价值链的内涵及边界,进而拓展区域间投入产出模型,建立双重价值链嵌入下的综合理论分析框架,在对中国区域间投入产出表及世界投入产出表匹配基础上,就中国省级区域双重价值链嵌入行为进行实证分析。结果表明:①相对于国内价值链,中国大部分省级区域嵌入全球价值链的程度更深,且2007年以来呈现出明显的价值链攀升势头;②沿海地区在双重价值链中更多扮演“加工制造者”角色,内陆地区则是更多扮演“原材料、初级产品供给者”角色;③“入世”以来,中国制造部门全球价值链位置呈现“先抑后扬”的发展态势,国内价值链分工和资源整合是推动中国制造部门全球价值链升级的重要因素;④市场整合效应、技术进步效应、企业成长效应是国内专业化分工推动全球价值链升级的重要途径。加快中国产业部门全球价值链升级,应更加重视国内资源整合,协调区域专业化分工;更加重视高级要素培育,推动要素禀赋结构升级;更加重视本土关联,提升国内配套能力。  相似文献   

在连贯而通畅的产业链条中,如何形成一个有序而高效的价值链条,将最终决定企业的核心竞争力。只有成为价值链中的领导者,才能掌握未来竞争的主动,进而成为产业前行的推动者。全球经济走向一体化的进程中,消费者们从各种渠道寻找价格最低、质量最高的产品和服务,这致使现代企业的竞争方式已从单体竞争转向企业间的网络竞争和供应链竞争,而供应链包含了由客户需求开始,贯通从产品设计到原材料采购、生产、  相似文献   

本文在对接国内与国际区域间投入产出表的基础上,构建了双循环生产网络框架,提出供给侧与需求侧双循环指标,识别部门冲击在双循环生产网络中的传播与衰减特征,并测度了中美经贸摩擦冲击的网络效应。研究发现,双循环生产网络在供给侧和需求侧均呈现内循环占主导且动态提升态势;双循环生产网络呈现明显的区域异质性与产业异质性,且暴露出不同的风险点。区域风险表现为北京、上海、广东等地中间品和最终品供需的多重风险。产业风险表现为通信设备、计算机及其他电子设备制造业中间品对外供给依存度、中间品对外需求依存度和最终品对外需求依存度都相对较高;纺织服装业、非金属矿物业、电气机械及器材制造业、造纸印刷及文教用品制造业等中间品对外供给依存度较高;石油加工等能源型产业则表现为中间品对外供给依存度偏高。内外循环生产网络的不对称性有所提升,少数部门逐步成为双循环生产网络中的关键部门,部门冲击对于总体波动愈发重要。基于上述分析,本文采用全局抽取法模拟了中美全产业断链、特定产业断链、供给侧和需求侧断链三种情景所造成的GDP损失。本文的研究结论对于构建区域—产业维度的生产网络风险精准防控体系、通过区域协调发展提高国内大循环网络的对...  相似文献   

我国煤炭产业竞争力的影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在现实经济中,一国的产业竞争力会受到很多因素的影响,从经济学理论上看,所有这些影响因素都可以归纳为两类:比较优势(Comparative advantage)和竞争优势(Competitive advantage)。比较优势是指同一国家不同产业(或产品)之间的比较关系;而竞争优势指的是各国间的同一产业之间的比较关系,或者说是各国的同类产品或可替代产品间的比较关系。  相似文献   

胡彬 《工业经济》2007,(3):36-41
在全球价值链分王环境中,区域竞争优势将不再单纯由区域产出规模或创新能力等宏观因素来决定,而是来源于价值链全球范围内分离与整合的空间价值再发现过程。此时,区域竞争优势赖以增强的资源条件、目标与路径都发生了重大的转变。应发挥区域竞争优势,优化竞争策略,加快地方产业集群的升级,增强区域经济整合能力和区域聚集能力。  相似文献   

价值链是企业竞争优势分析的重要工具。引入价值链分析方法,有助于深入分析保险公司的竞争优势。从保险公司的经营活动特征出发,设计保险公司的价值链,有助于更加系统地分析保险公司的经营因素。以价值链为基础,保险公司包括16项基本经营要素:8项“资源与结构”类要素和8项“运营能力”类要素。这些经营要素通过不同的机制影响和决定着保险公司的竞争力,但是各项要素的作用机制并非均衡的。  相似文献   

我国纺织服装产业集群绝大部分都处在全球价值链的制造环节,由于与治理者的关系属于半层级,所以所有活动的开展都必须严格按照治理者制定的标准和规定进行。从全球价值链治理理论角度分析,我国纺织服装产业集群在全球竞争中已经无法以低成本优势参加了,必须从营销环节入手,通过区域特色产业品牌的打造,权利促进我国服装产业集群的成功升级。本文笔者就全球价值链下的中国纺织服装产业集群发展问题进行分析,旨在合理发展与治理者之间的关系,并在全球价值链嵌入多元化的市场发展战略。  相似文献   

以集群为发展模式的地方经济已逐渐纳入全球产业网络,它的竞争力提升,不仅需要挖掘集群的内部联系,更需要在全球价值链中与区域外的经济行为主体积极互动、不断调整自身嵌入全球产业价值链的方式,创造、保持和捕捉价值。文章以建筑陶瓷产业的实例分析为依托,阐述意大利、西班牙建筑陶瓷产业集群如何通过嵌入全球价值链实现集群的升级和发展,并控制全球产业的动态变化;探讨中国本土建筑陶瓷集群与国际建筑陶瓷集群间基于全球价值链的互动,对中国建筑陶瓷地方产业集群产生、发展、升级和区域经济带来的巨大影响;分析目前国内集群在全球价值链中面临的挑战,提出在全球产业视角下促进集群升级的可能途径。  相似文献   

2019年受石化行业周期性调整、全球经济增长放缓、新增产能集中释放等因素影响,全球化工装置开工率和行业利润下滑。2020年世界经济面临的风险和不确定性继续增加,全球化工产能增速快于需求增速的态势仍将延续,形势依然严峻,竞争也更加激烈,各国化工生产企业都在寻求转型升级和新的增长点,行业间、领域间的知识与技术融合不断增强,兼并收购仍将继续,但活跃度下降。  相似文献   

数字经济的蓬勃发展掀起了传统产业数字化转型的浪潮,驱动着全球价值链的重构,为处于“低端锁定”困局的国家提供了向价值链中高端跃升的绝佳机遇。本文基于2007~2019年49个国家的面板数据,实证检验了数字化投入对制造业在全球价值链地位提升的影响效应。研究表明:(1)数字化投入对制造业全球价值链分工地位具有显著正向影响,且这一结论在多重稳健性检验和内生性分析后仍然显著;(2)通过异质性检验发现,数字化投入对高、中高收入国家以及复杂全球价值链活动的分工地位具有更强烈的影响;(3)全要素生产率对数字化投入影响制造业全球价值链地位具有正向调节作用,具体表现为一国全要素生产率越高,数字化投入对其制造业全球价值链分工地位的推动作用就越强。为此,提出政策建议,以期为更好发挥数字经济效应、促进制造业转型升级以及推动全球价值链地位提升提供有益思路。  相似文献   

全球经济一体化背景下,发达国家利用环境贸易政策来实现竞争优势已经出现趋势。本文介绍了欧盟的环境贸易政策,基于环境贸易政策的背景,预设国内外上、下游企业之间已经构成一个产业链,应用Stephen F.Hamilton的垂直型结构模型,将数量竞争分为四种不同情况,给出了最大均衡供给量。分析表明,如果采用垂直合约,则数量竞争和价格竞争的最佳非合作环境政策均是庇古(Pigouvian)税。在国内下游出口商与上游进口品供应商能够达成合约的条件下,政府之间存在着非合作环境政策。因此,我国的产业环境贸易政策应当是努力实现环境成本的内部化。  相似文献   

Review of Industrial Organization - Both backward (upstream) and forward (downstream) vertical integration strategies shape the organization of global value chains (GVCs). Yet, many studies make...  相似文献   

地方产业集群的发展不仅需要全球价值链嵌入和耦合的推动,同时集群的供应链式整合(即地方产业集群在同一地域形成完整或近乎完整的价值链)也是地方产业集群升级的关键,这样才能保证地方产业集群在与全球价值链耦合时获取价值链中高附加值、核心战略环节的竞争优势。文章阐述了全球价值链与地方产业集群的供应链整合的三种模式,并以中国纺织服装产业为实例,通过苏(横扇镇)、浙(织里镇)、粤(沙溪镇)三地的纺织服装产业集群,来分析在面对纺织服装产业“后配额时代”的到来,如何将全球价值链与进行集群供应链式整合并实现产业升级;在此基础上说明中国纺织服装产业集群在供应链式整合和嵌入全球价值链过程中所面临的障碍;最后提出地方产业集群的升级思路和途径。  相似文献   

Although marketing scholars have emphasized both the importance of internal learning mechanisms and of external learning through supply chain partners research findings on how these factors influence each other are merely lacking. Analyzing survey data of 182 industrial firms, we examine how information provision by upstream and downstream supply chain parties moderates the effect of internal deliberate learning mechanisms on value innovation ability. Results of the PLS analysis suggest that internal learning mechanisms and external information exchange do not always work symbiotically. Our findings provide interesting results for (the management of) innovation processes and supply chain relations.  相似文献   

价值网络重构、分工演进与产业结构优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国的产业结构优化在全球化背景下面临如何冲破"瀑布效应"的难题。本文建立了一个价值网络分工深化模型,认为发展中国家和发达国家的不同分工水平是产生瀑布效应的根本原因。发展中国家要突破瀑布效应实现产业结构优化,必须通过产业链、供应链和价值链重组建立自主发展型的价值网络,推进分工深化,才能摆脱价值链被俘获的处境,掌握产业结构优化的主导权。本土的产业链系统集成商在产业结构优化过程中起到关键作用,它需要根据企业的内外部环境选择具有一定分工迂回程度的产品,发挥分工带来的新比较优势,才能逐步实现资源和能力的积累,最终获得竞争优势。在产业结构优化过程中,政府政策与企业战略的协同非常重要。  相似文献   

The Indian IT services sector has grown from small beginnings at the bottom of value creation to a major player in the global information and communications technology (ICT) industry. It commands a 55% share in the global market for IT services. India's IT sector value proposition in terms of low cost with large supply of high quality talent is compelling. As a result, India has become the premier choice not only for outsourcing IT services by the developed-world's multinational corporations (MNCs) but also for locating their own Global In-house Centers (GICs), which simultaneously compete and partner with local firms. This gave rise to six additional clusters beyond the earliest, largest and robust cluster, Bangalore. The paper provides a review of relevant literature; develops a conceptual framework for evaluation of clusters; and presents data and analysis with respect to relative size, growth, specialization, MNC presence and connectivity to local firms through expatriates and returning Indians, ,innovation; and discusses adequacy of ICT infrastructure for future growth. Although there are clear signs that the Indian IT sector has been moving towards a regime of providing high-end value added services, the sector's value proposition – lower cost combined with a large supply of high quality talent – remains the single most compelling reason for the rise and growth of multiple export clusters. Thus the sector's growth appears to be a case of growth by replication rather than innovation. The paper concludes that the Indian IT sector's value proposition in terms of lower cost combined with large supply of high quality talent remains the single most compelling reason for the rise and growth of multiple IT services export clusters. While the old adage, “people follow jobs” still holds for large part of the labor force, there is little doubt that the sprawling IT services clusters in India - with more to come from Tier II and Tier III cities – indicate, in fact, that “jobs follow talent." Both local firms and the MNCs, through their GICs, are pushing the boundaries of location farther and farther to continue to leverage cost advantage and available pools of talent.  相似文献   

“Green” supply chain management (GSCM) has often been associated with highly visible companies (Bowen, 2000) and firms within consumer-focused industries (Buysse & Verbeke, 2003; Hall, 2000; Roht-Arriaza, 1996). As such, GSCM has partly been led by development of consumer awareness of environmental issues (Beamon, 1999; Zhu et al., 2005). This suggest that firms operating in business-to-consumer (B2C) markets have strong incentives to implement GSCM, due to both institutional and stakeholder pressure. However, this leaves the role of GSCM in business-to-business (B2B) sectors relatively unexplored and to-date little is known about: 1) the relative engagement with GSCM among firms in business-to-consumer and business-to-business sectors; 2) the conditions that are necessary for successful implementation of “green” practices in B2B supply chains. This study addresses these issues within the context of 340 buyer–supplier relationships in the United Kingdom, using an innovative research methodology that captures firms' engagement with GSCM practices and minimizes social desirability and common source biases. Our results show that GSCM is relatively limited among firms in B2B markets compared to firms in B2C markets. At the same time, we show that developing trust with supply chain partners, while also having top management support, is a crucial driver of engagement with GSCM among firms in B2B sector but less important among firms in B2C sector. These findings provide considerable insights to managers and marketers of B2B supply chains that seek to respond to a growing interest of environmental performance of supply chain.  相似文献   

This study draws on literature at the intersection of servitization, digital business models and supply chain management. Work empirically explores how digital disruption has affected Business-to-Business (B2B) interdependencies. Dematerialization of physical products is transforming the way firms are positioned in the supply chain due to a reduction in production and transport costs and the different ways business engage with customers. Specifically, we propose that these new market conditions can empower downstream firms. We further propose that upstream firms can still capture additional value through digital service if their servitized offer includes difficult to imitate elements. The context of the analysis is the publishing industry. The Payment Card method employed is used to test UK and US consumer's perceptions of digital formats (eBooks) and assess their willingness to pay in relation to printed formats. The method undertaken enables us to elicit aggregated consumer demand for eBooks which in turn identifies optimal pricing strategies for the digital services. Analysis demonstrates that during digital servitization upstream firms should seek to deploy unique resources to ensure their strategic position in the supply chain is not diminished.  相似文献   

Growing globalization and environmental uncertainty have increased the challenges managers face in delivering services or products to the customer. Integration of information systems across partnering organizations has become the backbone of supply chain management, as amalgamation facilitates the sharing of information required to enhance organizational flexibility and responsiveness while minimizing risk and inventory costs. Using data from the Australian retailing sectors, this study investigates the mediating role of inter-organizational information system (IOIS) integration on the relationships between inter-organizational compatibility and supply chain capabilities. The results indicate that inter-organizational compatibility of technical, strategic, and cultural inter-organizational dimensions facilitate IOIS integration and supply chain capabilities. To maximize benefits for all chain members, IOIS integration needs to be embedded in the strategies and goals of partnering organizations. Business-to-business and industrial marketing managers need to be aware that IOIS integration processes require support of top managers of the partnering organizations and should be embedded in the organizations' strategic goals.  相似文献   

中国经济历经复苏和快速增长阶段后,部分产业出现产能过剩现象,产业结构的不均衡变化导致了GDP增速放缓。2016年初中国政府提出供给侧结构性改革,旨在通过“三去一降一补”政策调整产业结构,刺激经济发展。本文构建了一个包含资源与能源产业的一般均衡模型,量化分析中国供给侧结构性改革的政策效果。研究表明,在去产能政策削减上游资源产业的产出后,政策冲击会传导至下游能源产业,导致化石能源相对于绿色能源产量下降14.04%,能源结构实现优化。随后的政策对比实验引入了新能源补贴、碳排放税征收及资源税收缴等财政手段,与去产能政策进行效果对比。实验结果显示,3种政策在不同程度上实现了能源结构调整,其中征收碳税的政策使化石能源占比降幅最大,但同时会使资本利率上升,加重企业融资成本;新能源补贴与资源税的政策也可以实现调控目标,但与去产能政策相比效果更弱。  相似文献   

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