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Die Griechenland-Krise gibt Anlass, den grunds?tzlichen Zusammenhang zwischen Staatsschulden, Zinsen und Wachstum zu untersuchen. Anhand dieser Schuldenmechanik wird deutlich, dass ein hohes nominales Wachstum bei niedrigen Zinsen die sogenannten PIGS-L?nder zu Beginn der W?hrungsunion in eine komfortable Situation brachte. Erst mit rückl?ufigem nominalen Wachstum und steigenden Zinsen kam es zu der Schuldenkrise, die besonders stark die L?nder betraf, deren Staatskredite in konsumtive Verwendungen flossen.  相似文献   

Der Umgang mit den Schuldenkrisen in einigen Eurol?ndern steht derzeit ganz oben auf der Tagesordnung der EWU-Gremien. Der Rettungsschirm zur aktuellen Krisenbew?ltigung ist allerdings bis 2013 befristet. Danach sollte ein dauerhafter Krisenpr?ventions- und Krisenmanagementmechanismus eingesetzt werden. Wie ein solcher Mechanismus zu gestalten ist, erl?utern die Autoren in diesem Beitrag.  相似文献   

In the first years of the eurozone debt crisis, European governments were busy struggling to achieve short-term financial stabilisation of banks and entire countries. Now, after the OMT programme and other stabilisation measures have calmed investors, attention has shifted to two issues: Firstly, are there signs of recovery in the real economy? Secondly, what will be the long-term institutional structure of the eurozone? This paper argues that the economic situation in the periphery countries is still fragile, despite significant adjustments that have taken place. Moreover, the most important institutional challenge is to avoid a situation in which national control over fiscal policy is combined with mutualisation of government debt.  相似文献   

Die geldpolitische Strategie der Europäischen Zentralbank beruht auf der wirtschaftlichen und der monetären Analyse von Risiken für die Preisstabilität im Euroraum. Sollte der monetären Analyse eine prominente Rolle zugewiesen werden?Eva-Ulrike Feldkord, 31, Dipl.-Volkswirtin, ist wis senschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der Abteilung Internationale Makroökonomie im Hamburgischen Welt-Wirtschafts-Archiv (HWWA).  相似文献   

The exit of a member state from the eurozone is often depicted as a catastrophic event that would lead to uncontrollable havoc in the financial markets. In this contribution, an alternative scenario is developed based on a consensual understanding. It describes a multi-year transition period during which all member states’ payments were automatically realised on the basis of a basket consisting of the euro and the new currency. In the remaining eurozone countries, the relative weight of the euro would increase over time, while it would decrease in the exit state. The hope is that the possibility of a smooth exit path would increase the bargaining power to change the governance rules of the eurozone.  相似文献   

The Hartz reforms are often regarded as the therapy which turned the so called “sick man of Europe” into a global superstar. But this diagnosis was wrong. The strength of the German economy was overshadowed by the negative effects of reunification. The decline in unemployment can partly be attributed to the end of the transformation in East Germany. It also reflects the negative cyclical situation in 2005. This analysis is in line with the finding that compared e.g. with Italy and Greece, German unemployment assistance is still very generous. Thus, for the member states of the Eurozone Hartz IV is not a promising strategy. This could be different should wage moderation be cosnidered. However, if member states practice it simultaneously, this will lead to deflation. This calls for higher wage increases in Germany and a more symmetric adjustment.  相似文献   

Döhrn  Roland 《Wirtschaftsdienst》2021,101(5):358-361
Wirtschaftsdienst - Im März 2021 legte der Arbeitskreis der Volkswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnungen der Länder die ersten Berechnungen zur Wirtschaftsleistung der Länder für 2020...  相似文献   

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