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陈钊 《经济研究》2006,41(6):101-111
本文将高校的终身教职制度视为在非对称信息条件下鼓励重大创新的一种合同安排。我们证明,当科研人员的能力与努力同时不可观察时,“非升即走”的终身教职合同能够替委托人节约信息租金,因而在一定条件下是一种更具有效率优势的制度安排。我们发现,终身教职制度的产生与知识价值的提高、科研活动复杂程度的增加、科研成果反映个人能力的客观性等因素密切相关。特别地,本文还比较了终身教职制度的不同实施,发现当重大科研创新的价值与难度同时提高的话,只提供终身教职的合同而不是双轨并行将会变得更优。本文的研究提示,在中国的高校中是不是实行终身教职制度且如何实施取决于高校中知识创新的价值、科研工作的复杂程度和科研评价体系等因素,因此不应草率推行。本文不仅在理论上发展了现有的对于终身教职制度的经济学解释,而且也通过分析现实中该制度的不同实施为中国的高等院校实行终身教职制度的条件与时机提供了解答。  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus upon the recent work of one of health policy's leading academics. We then explore policy developments and show that where 'mainstream' health policy analysis implicitly supports the managerialization of health services, our critical perspectives reveal the existence of four male power blocs: management, medicine as science, medicine as practice, and the academic discipline of political science. Finally we suggest how the use of our perspectives enhances the possibility for bringing about meaningful change in health policy.  相似文献   

泰勒的科学管理法虽已历经百年,但其对当今的现实仍然具有很强的指导意义这一点不容质疑。由于既存研究多关注于对科学管理的手法及其实际应用性,所以尽管泰勒自己将科学管理的本质归结于真的科学和劳使之间发生的精神革命,也即劳使的协作。但这并没有引起学者更多的关注,取而代之,高工资的刺激以及任务管理成了科学管理的核心内容。事实上,被忽略了的作为科学管理的保障手段的劳使协作,不仅仅在100年前的美国有着极其现实的意义,在21世纪经济全球化的今天仍然是经营管理的重要课题。特别是对于发展中的中国。  相似文献   

科技资源是重要的战略性资源,区域科技资源匮乏与协同度较低严重制约区域科技和经济快速发展。因此,促进区域科技资源协同与共享,如何推动各创新主体共同治理、共同发展是政府与学界共同关注的重要问题。运用2008—2017年黑龙江省与吉林省科技统计数据及复合系统协同度模型,对哈长城市群科技资源协同现状与未来协同趋势进行测算,结合生态学理论与生态化治理方式,设计区域科技资源生态化治理机制。结果发现:2009—2017年科技资源复合系统协同度整体呈现上升趋势,但增长态势平缓,其中2009-2011年和2013年复合系统协同度处于低水平协调状态,其它均处于一般协调状态。通过预测发现,2008—2022年科技资源复合系统协同度整体呈现上升趋势,但仍处于一般协同状态。基于此,围绕科技发展生态环境、区域空间协同、科技资源共享服务平台,以及产学研合作等方面设计治理机制,促进区域科技快速发展。  相似文献   


In this paper, we focus upon the recent work of one of health policy's leading academics. We then explore policy developments and show that where 'mainstream' health policy analysis implicitly supports the managerialization of health services, our critical perspectives reveal the existence of four male power blocs: management, medicine as science, medicine as practice, and the academic discipline of political science. Finally we suggest how the use of our perspectives enhances the possibility for bringing about meaningful change in health policy.  相似文献   

Within higher education, there has been a persistent concern that student-athlete commitments to their athletic activities are detrimental to their academic studies. We collect data on student-athletes from a selective liberal arts university with Division I athletics where the expectations and levels of commitment to academics and athletics can be substantial. We fail to find any relationship between athletic experiences and time allocations to athletics or academics, but we do observe that individuals who exhibit greater levels of commitment in general, and to academics in particular, devote more time per week to academics and perform better as measured by grade point average. The only evidence of a trade-off between athletics and academics arises for individuals who report difficulty in managing and fulfilling their obligations who devote fewer hours to academics and perform worse academically. We also find that satisfaction with athletic experiences is correlated with interpersonal relationships and the athlete’s role on his/her team whereas satisfaction with academics depends upon the influence that he/she has over training. However, this flexibility does not translate into improved academic performance. The results suggest that universities concerned with adverse impacts of athletics upon academic performance should focus on policies that promote time and task management skills.  相似文献   

The brain drain issue used to revolve primarily around migration from developing to developed countries. In recent years, there is an accumulation of evidence that this is an issue that should interest developed countries as well. Recently published numbers by the European Commission and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development indicate a nonnegligible flow of European academics to American universities. This article provides the first case study conducted on the most massive out-migration of academics on record. At a time when Europe and other developed countries have begun to express concern about the phenomenon, the rate of academic emigration from Israel to the United States is already four to six times the European emigration rate. The particular focus here is on the area of economics, in which the exodus of younger academics from Israel coupled with a heightened retirement rate among the older academics has brought Israel's top economics departments—among the best in the world, until now—to the brink. Countries wanting to create conditions for fostering and nurturing the necessary productivity advances underlying economic growth must become aware of how far and how quickly an academic implosion can occur, if left unchecked. The findings brought forth here should help increase the level of this awareness. ( JEL A11, F22, H52, H83, I23, J31, J61, O15)  相似文献   

2009年颁布的《珠三角发展纲要》把推进粤港澳区域深度经济整合上升为国家战略.其中提高区域科技创新能力成为推动粤港澳经济合作战略重点转移的核心举措之一.本文以近几年颇为学术界认同的解释区域创新能力的重要变量“社会资本”为研究工具,在对粤港澳区域科技创新现状与问题分析的基础上,给出相应的对策建议.研究认为,培育区域创新网络为核心的区域社会资本是促进粤港澳科技创新发展的首要任务.理论建议是,将区域创新机构离散化;多节点发展区域创新网络:加强区域间企业的纵横关联.实践对策是:促进三地高校等研发机构的科技合作;完善粤港澳科技园与研发机构的合作机制;建立利于创新网络的信任型区域文化;建立推动粤港澳科技创新的组织保障.  相似文献   

In recent years, academic staff unions and associations have argued for higher salaries for academics on the grounds that existing salaries have not kept pace with inflation, are well below commercial salaries and, most glaringly, are much lower than the salaries of their overseas counterparts. However, most international comparisons are made based on exchange rate conversions, which is inappropriate since purchasing power differentials are only reflected in exchange rates in the long term. Furthermore, the volatility of exchange rates make such conversions highly inaccurate. A comparison is provided of real academic salaries by converting the nominal salaries in each country to their purchasing power equivalents, using the Big Mac Index. Our results show that real academic salaries are highest in Hong Kong and Singapore, relative to the developed countries, while Hong Kong tax and social security deductions are lowest. Furthermore, real salary levels, combined with intrinsic considerations such as the quality-of-life, indicate that Canada and New Zealand are unattractive places for visiting/migrating academics, while Australia and the USA are relatively attractive. It is suggested that these findings could be of use to policy-makers and academic unions in salary negotiations, as well as academics making relocation decisions.  相似文献   

《经济研究》1978年复刊以来,作为国内外知名的经济学理论园地,成为研究中国经济体制改革和社会主义现代化建设问题的一个重要的思想库,其中,也成为中国经济周期波动问题研究的旗帜和重要园地。本文回顾了20多年来在《经济研究》上所开展的中国经济周期波动问题的研究历程,这一历程可以划分为“说明性”、“应对性”和“能动性”三个阶段。由此,不仅开拓了中国经济周期波动研究的新领域,推动了马克思主义现代经济周期理论的发展,也培养和锻炼了一批学术骨干和队伍。  相似文献   

中国是人口大国,长期以来对环境教育重视不够,人口的环境意识相当薄弱,近年来,随着中国经济建设的发展环境问题也日趋严重,要从根本上改变中国的环境状况,实现可持续发展,应在地理教学中要充分发挥地理学科优势,挖掘教材内容,结合环保事例和乡土地理增长学生的环境科学知识;结合实际,开展丰富多彩的活动,增强学生的环境保护意识,这也是中国新一轮课程改革所希望能够实现的愿望。  相似文献   

李培哲 《技术经济》2020,39(6):34-43,53
战略性新兴产业是近几年新出现的研究热点,对其科研合作网络的研究,有助于探究该领域的科研合作现状与发展趋势。基于社会网络分析方法,以中国知网(CNKI)作为数据来源,构建了战略性新兴产业领域作者合作网络、关键词共现网络、作者-关键词耦合网络及机构合作网络,对合作网络的结构及特性等进行了分析。结果表明:战略性新兴产业领域论文合著率基本呈上升趋势,但该领域整体合作仍较为松散,存在较多的小团体;合作网络具有小世界和无标度特性,具有较大影响力的节点作为合作网络的中心,影响着网络内的学术交流和科研工作的开展。  相似文献   

The link between participation in school-sponsored sports and academic performance has been studied extensively in the literature. Whilst previous studies tend to show positive academic spillovers, it remains unclear whether these positive associations are primarily driven by selection into sports. We investigate this issue using data on middle school children drawn from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998–1999. Due to the lack of credible instrumental variables for sports participation, we establish bounds for the relationship between school sports and academics using a combination of the propensity score matching method and an approach that uses selection on observed factors as a guide to selection on unobserved factors. We find that the association between participation in school-sponsored sports and academic performance as measured by standardised test scores in reading, math and science ranges from null to negative. Overall, our results suggest that failure to account for selection may result in a misleading positive correlation between sports participation and academic performance.  相似文献   

企业成长的经济理论概述及展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据企业成长经济理论的发展演化过程和主要观点,文章从古典经济学、新古典经济学、新制度经济学、后凯恩斯主义、企业制度变迁理论、彭罗斯的企业成长论、演化经济学、管理者理论八个方面对企业成长理论进行了梳理和评价,以期为我国企业成长管理实践提供理论借鉴,并认为利用自然科学新的研究成果——复杂性科学来重新审视企业的成长过程将是一种必然的趋势。  相似文献   

从中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)中下载了1979-2008年与科技合作相关的文献题录数据,利用科学计量学的词频分析方法,得到了科技合作领域的若干研究热点;运用知识可视化软件Pajek,对这些关键词进行共现分析,勾勒出改革开放30年来我国科技合作研究的热点和特点,并对今后的研究趋势进行了初步预测。  相似文献   

倪健 《技术经济》2006,25(6):8-10
随着大科学时代的到来,科学研究国际化趋势日益加强,本文分析了科技革命的新趋势、新特点赋予国际科技合作的新内涵、新方式,以及当前我国在国际科技合作中存在的问题,探讨在新的形势下如何更好的利用国内外两个市场、两种资源,提升我国的国际竞争力和影响力。  相似文献   

美国司法部的“中国行动计划”实施三年以来,给中美两国正常的科技合作和学术交流带来了严重的影响和打击。近期美国一系列涉华诉讼引发了各界讨论,迫切敦促美国政府机构在保护知识安全的同时必须兼顾学术开放。美国最高科技政策决策机构决意出台实施指南,解决科技学术界的紧迫关切。中美两国领导人的线上会晤也就全球关切的议题进行交流合作,释放了积极信号,我国亦应鼓励科研人员继续进行跨国界的科学探索,努力促成和恢复中美在科技、人文等领域的正常交流合作。  相似文献   

能源是国民经济和社会发展的重要战略物资,是经济发展的命脉。近年来中国经济快速发展对能源的引致需求日益增加,国内的能源供给已经不能满足其需求,依赖能源进口且逐年增加的态势尤为明显。而与我国有着地缘优势的哈萨克斯坦油气资源较丰富,随着里海大陆架油气资源的发现,其油气资源储量更是逐年增加。这对能源消耗大国中国来说尤为重要。因此,中哈两国企业进行能源合作开发利用,不但可行且需要加快推进。本文以我国能源需求现状、哈萨克斯坦能源物质条件为基础,分析了中哈两国企业合作开发利用现状、优劣势,分别从中方和哈方寻找制约两国企业能源合作开发的限制性因素,并据此提出了相关的对策建议。该研究主要为为两国合作应对策略的制定提供参考依据。  相似文献   

泛珠三角是横跨东中西部,包含沿海发达地区和内地欠发达地区的经济合作区。探析泛珠区域内经济发展差异的时空演变格局,并利用空间计量方法对影响泛珠地区经济发展的因素进行实证研究。结果表明:泛珠三角地区以沿海城市群和内陆各省会城市为中心的中心-边缘结构分布显著;区域内空间自相关趋势在加强,空间集聚现象显著;从时间和空间维度上都表明内部经济差异在缩小,区域合作取得一定效果;人均GDP总体空间格局稳定,局域内发生演变,人均GDP增长速度的冷热点区域变化较为明显。空间计量表明,工业化对区域经济发展影响显著,城镇化是促进经济增长的重要途径,城镇劳动人口没能充分发挥作用,表现出城镇就业人口的规模不经济。  相似文献   

This paper presents an illustration of the importance of computable general equilibrium modelling micro-simulation for simulating the impact of economic policies on living levels of households. The CGEM, as built, was used to simulate the effects of some economic policies on the economy and living levels of all households including the classes of modest, middle and wealthy households. In this context, pro-active economic policies are simulated in order to understand their effects on the macroeconomic plan and on the living level of some household categories defined according to statistical criteria. The first on the analysis of two arbitrarily selected tax policy cases, and the other on three investment policy simulations. Different illustrated simulations show improvements in economic growth and upward social mobility, particularly in the case of increasing the overall investment and improving productive capacity. In all simulations, that inequality would have remained rigid downward and would sometimes even accentuate. Overall, it appears that the increase in investment would boost economic growth through demand effect. However, this increase in demand would be met by more imports, which would damage our trade balance. The national productive system, however, could reverse this trend by making profitable investments by strengthening its productive capacity.  相似文献   

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