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如今再去美国国会山旅游很难买到复制的独立宣言和国会山的模型了,仅仅是因为上面印着“MADE IN CHINA”。从前段时间俄罗斯驱逐中国商人事件到现在奥巴马政府出台一系列的惩罚性关税,各国纷纷对中国树立贸易壁垒。100多年前,也正是因为大批来自中国的瓷器、丝绸和茶叶等产品占领欧洲的市场造成了贸易逆差而导致了鸦片战争。在那些民族主义者的眼里,“MADEINCHINA”就是“黄祸”。  相似文献   

Empirical analyses attributing the 1980s’ debt crisis to inconsistent stabilization policies rest on an inappropriate long‐run approach. Revising this long‐run approach yields opposite results: terms of trade shocks and foreign indebtedness explain this crisis, regardless of domestic stabilization policies. This prompts us to consider a new hypothesis, of delays in trade‐policy reforms, with a model in which terms‐of‐trade variation (under shocks) is endogenous to export structure and efficiency of resource allocation. Evidence from the structural equations model shows that allocation distortions negatively affect changes in terms of trade, which then explain this crisis. A political economy extension demonstrates that income inequality and regional trade policy determine the distortions, which in turn leads to this crisis.  相似文献   

火车的提速以及整个铁路行业的重振雄风,对于喜集体出行且经常遭遇出行难的中国公众来说,是一个真正的福音  相似文献   

如果你是个追求品位泡汤一族,那你绝对不会选择人满为患、满眼赘肉、健康无保障的公共温泉浴场泡汤,二人世界的私密温泉是个绝佳选择一百忙之余,邀三五好友、与知心爱人、携家人来此,置身于浪漫温泉,独享优雅之境。  相似文献   

喜欢一句广告词,“看到这个时代左右的人,也在左右这个时代“。翻看世博会沉厚的历史,惊讶的发现158年前,在第一届世博会——万国工业产品博览会上,就有这么一位看到了时代左右的中国人。他叫徐荣村。  相似文献   

吴雪莹 《中国MBA》2004,(3):20-21
在崇尚个人英雄主义和冒险创新精神无以复加的美国,TOP排名早已不再意味新奇或者噱头。但是在2004年1月22日,一份“25年来最具影响力的商业巨擘”的评选结果仍旧引起全世界的瞩目。  相似文献   

中国加入WTO在即,反倾销再次引起社会广泛关注,成为热点问题。其实,早在改革开放之初的1979年,欧盟就对我国出口的糖精、食盐和闹钟产品提起了第一起反倾销诉讼,从而拉开了对华反倾销的序幕。此后的20年间,对华反倾销大战愈演愈烈,标有“MADE IN CHINA”的产品在国际市场上屡次遭遇反倾销。截至29001年3月底,已有29个国家对我国出口企业捍反倾销,案件总数达422起之多,其中19790-1989年发生的案件只占总数的1/4左右,而1989年以后反倾销案件急剧增加。提出对华反倾销的国家,既有以美国、欧盟、澳大利亚、加拿大、日本为代表的西方发达国家,也有墨西哥、巴西、智利、韩国、南非等发展中国家。被诉倾销商品的范围也越来越大,涉及鞋类、电工刀、打火机、油漆刷、自行车、铅笔、箱包、树脂餐具、不锈钢餐具、刹车盘、刹车鼓、电缆绳、彩电以及化工原料和农产品等4000多种商品。  相似文献   

葳葳 《上海经济》2010,(9):20-23
无心插柳柳成荫。在不经意间,中国企业共同打造出了一个名震遐迩的世界大名牌——"中国制造"。"中国制造"不必为"蝇头小利"而耿耿于怀。要知道,地球上最大的动物鲸鱼,就是靠吃小鱼小虾而成为海中巨无霸的。  相似文献   

去年,荷兰飞利浦公司参与起诉中国节能灯企业在欧盟市场倾销一案在中国引起轩然大波,尽管该公司最终撤诉,但也无法改变中国企业败诉的命运。继1999年欧盟对华钢铁反倾销后,2000年12月28日美国国际贸易委员会又作出裁决,认定中国钢铁企业对美国倾销钢铁事实成立。尽管美国商务部尚未作出终裁,中国的钢铁企业也在积极地应诉  相似文献   

Studies on Western democracies have shown that deep‐seated social cleavages stabilize the electoral behavior and thus reduce electoral volatility. But how do social cleavages affect a party system that is undergoing democratic consolidation, such as in Turkey? In this study, investigations were carried out on long‐ and short‐term relationships between social cleavages (religiosity, ethnicity, and sectarism) electoral volatility in Turkey during the 1961–2002 period. Cross‐sectional multiple regressions were applied to electoral and demographic data at the provincial level. The results showed that in the longterm, social cleavages on the whole have increased volatility rather than reduced it. The cleavage‐volatility relationship, however, has changed over time. Repeated elections have mitigated the volatile effect of social cleavages on the voting behavior, as political parties have become more representative of the existent social cleavages.  相似文献   

The ASEAN–China Free Trade Agreement has been the most consequential trade agreement for ASEAN in the past decade. In this article, I use partial equilibrium modelling to estimate the direct impacts of the agreement on Indonesia and China, and from these estimates draw political economy implications for Indonesia. Although the agreement has contributed to a modest trade surplus for Indonesia overall, it has led to a larger bilateral deficit with China. In addition, the shifts to surplus for Indonesia have mostly been in resource-based sectors, while the shifts to deficit have occurred in many manufacturing sectors that the government would like to see grow. I argue that pushback against the agreement has contributed to a resurgence of non-tariff trade barriers in the country, although other political economy forces also have been at work. The agreement ultimately provides a cautionary tale: cutting regional import tariffs can lead to pressures for more complex and less transparent trade policies.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes patent data of medicines and vaccines for diseases spreading in low‐income countries. The data were retrieved from a database of the Japan Patent Office. Who invents medicines for the poor of the world? This is the main question that the paper addresses. Results indicate that not only public institutions but also private firms have played an important role in developing innovations for fighting both global diseases such as HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, and so‐called neglected diseases including malaria, which seem to spread almost exclusively in low‐income countries. Moreover, the basic mechanism of innovation is similar between the development of medicines for HIV/AIDS and those for neglected diseases. Finally, among firms, infectious disease fighting innovations are quite diverse. R&D stock and economies of scope are used to explain frequent patent applications by a high‐performing pharmaceutical firm.  相似文献   

This paper empirically analyzes the determinants of child labor and school enrollment in rural Andhra Pradesh, India. A village fixed‐effect logit model for each child is estimated with the incidence of child labor or school enrollment as the dependent variable, in order to investigate individual and household characteristics associated with the incidence. Among the determinants, this paper focuses on whose education matters most in deciding the status of each child, an issue not previously investigated in the context of the joint family system. The regression results show that the education of the child's mother is more important in reducing child labor and in increasing school enrollment than that of the child's father, the household head, or the spouse of the head. The effect of the child's mother is similar on boys and girls while that of the child's father is more favorable on boys.  相似文献   

This study analyses the effect of formal guarantees of the British government on the performance of Turkish bonds issued in the second half of the nineteenth century. We compare the yields and prices of 11 bonds issued by the Ottoman government with different guarantees attached to each bond. Our findings indicate that the formal guarantee of the British government was significant in determining the prices and yields of Ottoman bonds. Even though the British guarantee had no effect on Ottoman institutions, practices, and fiscal fundamentals, the yields on the guaranteed loan did not move together with other Ottoman loans.  相似文献   

三十年空前的发展改变了中国的建筑环境,中国也因此享有"当代建筑设计师的乐土"的美誉。如此多的关注以及批评,大多集中在已经完成的作品上,比如雷姆·库哈斯的CCTV大楼,赫尔佐格和德穆隆的"鸟巢",诺曼·福斯特的首都机场3号航站楼……  相似文献   

Were tariff rates in the Australian colony of Victoria directed towards growth‐enhancing industries or rent seekers? Recent research suggests tariffs may be welfare enhancing if they are directed at industries with positive externalities; something more likely when institutions are strong. Using disaggregated tariff data for the years 1872, 1880, and 1890, we analyse the relationship between industry characteristics and tariffs, finding little evidence that Victorian industries with positive externalities received tariff protection. Our results throw doubt on good institutions necessarily producing good tariff outcomes and suggest the relationship between tariffs and growth is more complex than current studies assume.  相似文献   

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