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This paper interrogates the changing role of local government in tourism development. It does so through the examination of the Hurunui District, a rural district in New Zealand which has experienced significant transformation in the tourism sector and a concomitant increase in public sector input over the past 25 years. By situating this interrogation within an evolving neoliberal public policy context, this paper explores the tensions at play between tourism stakeholders and decision-makers, and it critiques the way in which local government involvement in the sector is manifested as regulation, promotion, and ownership of key tourism resources in the District. The significance of this paper is that it extends our understanding of the role of the state in tourism and of the influence of public policy on tourism development, potentially including sustainable tourism development. Specifically, it draws our attention to the rationality, roles and activities of public sector engagement in the tourism sector, particularly at local government level. We conclude that the nature and extent of debate evident in the case study, and verified in the literature, indicates that the boundary of government activity and intervention in the tourism market is, and will continue to be, socially contested and mediated.  相似文献   

中国出境旅游产业发展特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国出境旅游产业有其自身特殊规律。中国出境游组团社的规模持续扩大,区域分布呈现不均衡状态,境外服务空间不断扩展;出境游组团社占旅行社总量比重很小,但贡献度极高。出境旅游市场已基本形成区域性寡头垄断格局,组团社批零一体化体系开始呈现内部化趋势,组团社在产业链条上的控制力逐步增强,并开始以管理和信息技术来推动出境旅游商业模式创新。组团社产品开发模式多元化,产品创新呈现常态化,且注重对出境旅游产品品牌的塑造。  相似文献   

This paper presents the outcome of empirical research into the influences of government intervention on tourism investment using a sample of Chinese listed companies that have diversified into the tourism sector. Government intervention is measured on the basis of the CEO’s political connections, the relationship between the government and the market, and the degree of financial market development. The results show that state-owned enterprises (SOEs) with strong political connections are likely to diversify into the tourism industry, especially in the area in which the government intervenes in the market excessively and the financial market is well-developed, although the tourism businesses of these firms tend to operate poorly after diversification. Amongst non-SOEs, in contrast, government intervention factors are not found to facilitate diversification into the tourism sector to any significant degree. Less government intervention is found to be beneficial for these firms, allowing them to improve their performance in the tourism sector. It is thus concluded that greater local government awareness of policy implementation is necessary to avoid unfair competition between SOEs and non-SOEs and to target the long-term positive development of the Chinese tourism sector.  相似文献   

旅游公共服务的理论认知与实践判断——兼与李爽商榷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国旅游市场呈现出大众化、散客化、常态化的新趋势下,旅游公共服务体系成为影响游客满意度和目的地竞争力的关键因素。由于旅游业在中国长期被作为高度市场化的经济产业看待,人们对旅游公共服务体系建设的依据和重要性缺乏认识,因而在理论研究和实践探索中均出现不少问题。文章检视了已有研究对于旅游公共服务理论认知的相关论点,着力分析了李爽等的旅游公共服务论所存在的核心概念认知矛盾、理论理解和实践判断偏差问题。在此基础上提出了笔者对于旅游公共服务的理论认知,从5个W和1个H的角度阐述了旅游公共服务的内涵、外延、属性、服务的对象与供给主体、供给机制与时空条件。文章认为,旅游公共服务的主体内容体现为旅游基础设施、目的地推广、旅游权益保障三大方面;其本质是公益性服务,服务供给机制和方式的多元化并不等同于责任提供主体的多元化;旅游者的共同需求和目的地公共利益的性质及其客观存在,决定了旅游并非纯粹市场化领域,政府提供旅游公共服务是正当的,也是应该的。当下中国旅游公共服务的主要问题不是过多,而是欠缺与低效并存。旅游行政部门虽然承担着最大、最多的公共服务职能,但对这一职能的性质、内容和功效的认识并不到位,与旅游者的期望和需求还有较大距离。  相似文献   

刘力 《旅游学刊》2008,23(2):90-96
探亲访友旅游是旅游业一个非常重要但常常被忽视的细分市场,但是近年来成为西方学术界一个新的研究焦点.文章在对国外有关探亲访友旅游的研究文献进行评述的基础上,重点分析了探亲访友旅游市场的规模、旅行特征、异质性、对目的地的经济影响以及营销策略,探讨了未来进一步研究的方向,指出了对中国研究的启示.  相似文献   

张言庆  寇敏  马波 《旅游学刊》2012,27(2):94-100
邮轮旅游在我国属于一种新兴的旅游方式,近年来受到产业界和理论界的普遍关注.但目前国内对邮轮旅游市场的研究比较匮乏,所能提供的有关邮轮旅游市场需求特征的信息很少.文章全面检索了国外邮轮旅游市场研究的相关文献,并进行了文献统计分析、主题内容分析.研究发现:国外该领域研究文献的大量出现是在2000年之后,全部为实证研究,研究内容包括邮轮游客基本特征和市场细分、邮轮旅游动机、邮轮旅游决策及影响因素、邮轮旅游体验质量和满意度等方面.在此基础上,文章还就未来国内邮轮旅游市场研究和业界实践提出了若干建议.  相似文献   

张文敏  沙振权 《旅游学刊》2011,26(11):52-57
网络化使旅行社的转型成为一个迫切的问题,商务旅游市场是旅行社转型的重要阵地,而定制化是商务旅游市场区别于传统大众观光旅游市场的重要特征,如何满足顾客的定制化需求是旅行社面向商务旅游市场转型的重要问题。文章以奖励旅游为例,指出与顾客组成项目小组共同创造价值是解决定制化实现旅行社面向商务旅游市场转型的有效方式,然后对旅行社与顾客如何共同生产、共同创造价值进行了分析,最后从参与驱动因素的角度将顾客参与共同创造分为外在性参与与内源性参与。  相似文献   

Developing a market orientation is one of the key issues in market‐orientation research. In this study, based on a survey of top managers from 143 Chinese hotels and 72 travel services—two tourism sectors with distinctly different business environments—we explore the effects of environmental conditions on the development of market orientation. In particular we examine whether environmental conditions have a direct impact on the level of market orientation or whether they moderate the relationship between market orientation and its antecedents. We find that the effectiveness of top management emphasis varies under different environmental conditions but that the impact of other antecedents is not influenced by environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Recently, medical tourism has been considered as a profitable economic sector in developing countries. In this study, we have reviewed articles from 2000 to 2017 on medical tourism marketing in Asian countries. We have found that perceived service quality and satisfaction are the most important factors to attract medical tourists. Moreover, a lack of factors like coordination among medical market stakeholders, medical services quality, insurance coverage, and effective laws are the major barriers to medical travel cited in studies. The results suggest that more specific models should be presented for Asian medical marketing, especially in niche markets of this industry.  相似文献   

This paper aims to build a structured literature review of the field of market orientation and its impact on tourism small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) performance in developing countries. This literature review will present a comprehensive survey of market orientation (MO) published articles to facilitate good understanding of MO. It serves as an archive and aims to help the scholars and practitioners to explore, analyse, and develop a clear understanding about the different research points and methodologies implemented in previous studies related to MO and its impact on tourism SMEs’ performance. The paper systematically reviews and categorizes the published literature implementing a three-stage methodology, and thereafter analyzes and reviews this literature methodologically. The review covered many areas and identified some factors that drive/hinder market-oriented activities within tourism SMEs. Furthermore, suggestions have been made to understand more thoroughly how market orientation influences tourism SMEs performance in developing economies. A research gap in the area of market orientation and tourism SMEs performance in developing countries was identified. The study provides great benefits for owner-managers, government policy makers, scholars, and educators by clarifying the concept of market orientation and its relationship with performance in the context of tourism SMEs.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to determine the factors influencing the development of medical tourism in Hong Kong. A qualitative research method was adopted to collect data from representatives of private and public hospitals, government bodies, and medical institutions. The results reveal that policies and regulations, government support, costs, capacity problems, and the healthcare needs of the local community are the main barriers to the development of such tourism. Several strategies for lifting these barriers are suggested, such as new promotional activity policies, government action to encourage investment in the medical tourism market, and cooperative efforts by the hospitality sector and medical institutions to develop medical tourism products.  相似文献   

非正式部门(informal sector):旅游研究中不可忽视的领域   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
"非正式部门"是一个地区旅游经济的重要组成部分,已经成为国外旅游研究的热点之一,在我国尚没有引起学者们的广泛关注.本文首先介绍了国外在非正式部门概念方面的研究,描述了非正式部门概念的演化过程,总结了国外学者关于非正式部门特征的研究成果,建立了旅游非正式部门的研究框架.最后指出笔者对非正式部门的认识,以期引起学者们对这一领域的关注.  相似文献   

出游市场是旅游市场的细分市场之一,从家庭结构角度探讨居民出游决策行为的论文在我国目前为数不多。本文以宁夏居民的5000份抽样调查问卷结果为例,分析了居民出游行为与家庭结构的关系。这里的家庭结构包括三代同堂家庭、两代同堂家庭、夫妻二人家庭及单身家庭4种情形。本文从不同家庭的出游时间、出游计划、出游方式、出游心理、对旅游资源的偏好等方面整体性地分析了不同家庭的出游特征,进而通过对宁夏居民区外、区内出游行为空间的分析,得出不同家庭结构出游的行为规律。最后指出这一分析在旅游产品开发、旅游市场营销、旅游市场开发等方面的重要意义。  相似文献   


The MICE sector (meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions), has generated high foreign exchange revenue for the economy worldwide. In Thailand, MICE tourists are recognized as 'quality' visitors, mainly because of their high-spending potential. Nonetheless, Thailand's MICE sector has been influenced by a number of crises in the past since September 11, 2001. While a number of researchers have discussed the tourism market segmentation strategies during a crisis situation, less effort has focused on the MICE sector. Using Thailand as a case study, this research has adopted Seaton and Bennett's (1996, p. 31) concept of tourism market segmentation in order to understand the market segmentation strategy implemented by organizations in the MICE sector in time of crisis.  相似文献   

基于旅游发展价值取向转移的旅游规制创新刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从国家的视角探究旅游发展价值转移的历程与趋势发现,全球基本形成了双轨化的旅游价值取向:对于遗产类资源的旅游开发实行严格的政府管制,以资源保护和旅游可持续发展为根本目标;对于普通、非垄断性的旅游资源推行充分竞争的市场机制,以经济收益为根本取向.而且旅游业中政府作为的聚焦点逐渐从大众旅游目的地和一般景区的营利目标向遗产类景区的公益性服务转移.受国情影响,我国较长时间更多地关注旅游业的经济问题,选择性地忽视了西方国家更加关注的社会与生态问题,市场化的经营方式延伸到遗产类景区.黑龙江汤旺河国家公园试点计划的推出,标志着我国旅游业发展价值取向转移的开始和对世界国家公园运动的响应.值此之际,需要通过严格的政府规制来保证旅游开发与资源保护间的共促协调,以实现国家公园及相关保护区对全民共享国家遗产、维持遗产资源的永续性和培育国家精神的深远价值.  相似文献   

在将旅游业发展成为国民经济的战略性支柱产业和人民群众更加满意的现代服务业的过程中,旅游公共服务发挥着重要作用。对于政府管理部门内部有哪些因素会促进旅游公共服务质量的提升,学术界鲜有实证研究。本文从旅游行政管理部门的角度出发,构建了游客导向、创新导向、跨部门协调对旅游公共服务质量的影响模型。对广东省32个主要客源市场的旅游行政管理部门的309位工作人员进行了问卷调查,探讨旅游公共服务质量提升的驱动因素。结构方程模型结果显示,游客导向、创新导向和跨部门协调都有助于旅游公共服务质量的提升,跨部门协调中介游客导向对旅游公共服务质量的影响。本文在理论上弥补了旅游公共服务质量前因研究的空白,对旅游行政管理部门如何更好地提升旅游公共服务质量具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情给全球旅游业带来了巨大的冲击和挑战,深入探讨疫情对旅游业的影响及应对成为各界关注的重点。本文从居民出游意愿、场所空间容量、市场经营主体、旅游政策等供需关系方面分析了新冠肺炎疫情对中国旅游业的影响。研究表明:(1)疫情对居民出游消费信心、意愿和能力造成较大影响,但潜在出游需求仍然存在。(2)疫情对旅游地空间环境造成较大物理和心理压缩,与旅游关联紧密的文化产业、娱乐业的生产空间容量也受到了间接影响。(3)疫情对旅游产业链、旅游市场主体经营等方面造成了全面且深远的影响。(4)疫情防控常态化下旅游政策供给以“流动管制”和“行业纾困”并重为主。面对疫情的持续影响,建议着重从组织响应、空间响应和企业韧性3个方面进一步强化旅游业应对能力,即:完善业外支撑、业内驱动、业界保障的三位一体组织响应体系;构建旅游目的地(点)-连结(线)-网络结构(网络)的三级协同空间响应机制;从企业组织、产品服务、管理和营销、市场品牌、员工心理等5个方面加强旅游企业韧性建设,以增强中国旅游业恢复发展能力。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to develop a research model demonstrating tourists’ value-seeking processes through the tourism services and travel experiences of a destination. The model suggests that tourist happiness is assessed by tourists’ perceived experiences, which are formed by two motivational values: smart tourism technology (STT) and destination value. Despite a large quantity of research attention on destination tourism, the relation between tourists’ destination experience and STT has been less enthusiastically studied. Therefore, this study proposes to test an integrated model with attributes of STTs and destination values that contribute to tourists’ life happiness. The results of this study, from a survey of 191 foreign tourists in Seoul, South Korea, indicate that tourists are likely to put more value on what they perceived from their destination travel experiences than what they perceived from their experiences with STT services when they evaluate their overall happiness. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

智慧旅游的丰富实践使研究者不断思考“什么是智慧旅游”的问题,而对这个基本问题虽有很多解答但仍然需要进行探索。文章试图通过对国内外有关智慧旅游的概念进行了梳理,建立起以旅游信息服务为基础的智慧旅游的基本概念,即把智慧旅游定义为旅游者个体在旅游活动过程中所接受的泛在化的旅游信息服务。该定义旨在强调智慧旅游以旅游者个体为核心、以信息服务为载体的支撑体系,以泛在化作为核心内涵,以旅游者行为方式、旅游业营销方式、管理方式和服务方式的根本性变化为主要外延,并据此对国内外智慧旅游概念进行了全面评价。文章的价值在于将智慧旅游的概念与旅游信息化(特别是旅游信息服务)有机结合,既承上启下又能开启智慧旅游发展的新思路。  相似文献   

The motorcycle leisure sector has evolved from a rebellious culture of the 1950s to a large mainstream market sector today. Motorcycle touring has grown significantly in recent years, with a shift to larger capacity motorcycles and an increase in the average age of motorcyclists. The demographics of this group has meant that, increasingly, motorcycles are used for leisure purposes rather than commuting. Peripheral locations, with a high proportion of the mountain and scenic roads favoured by motorcyclists, have seen a dramatic influx of these recreationists. Despite this significance there has been little academic work on the subject, or concerted efforts to embrace this market sector by destination marketing organisations. This paper discusses the findings of an investigation into the motorcycling leisure and tourism sector in Wales, UK, examining travel patterns of motorcycle tourists, motivations and preferences of this group and the potential economic impact.  相似文献   

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