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酒店企业员工高流失现象源于多种因素的相互作用,其中,员工领导信任及其与员工工作满意度之间的关系则是重要因素之一.以张家界市酒店企业为例,采用文献法、访谈法获得概念模型和量表,对企业员工实施问卷调查,运用SPSS、AMOS等统计软件分析数据和验证模型,探讨员工领导信任的结构、员工领导信任的影响因素及其与员工工作满意度之间的关系.研究结果表明:员工领导情感信任主要受领导公正行为、指导行为、关怀行为、控制权分享行为和信息沟通这5个方面因素的影响,领导正直行为、角色胜任行为、信任倾向和制度规范这4个因素对员工领导情感信任影响不显著.在情感信任的影响因素当中,领导关怀行为的标准化路径系数最大(0.69).员工领导认知信任主要受领导正直行为、角色胜任行为、公正行为、指导行为、控制权分享行为、信任倾向、制度规范和信息沟通这8个方面因素的影响,关怀行为对员工领导认知信任影响不显著.在认知信任的影响因素当中,领导公正行为的标准化路径系数最大(0.50).员工领导情感信任和认知信任均对员工工作满意度产生显著正向影响,且认知信任较情感信任对员工工作满意度的影响更大.  相似文献   

顾客满意度是影响顾客今后消费行为的重要因素,而服务质量又是影响顾客满意度的主要因素之一,前厅服务和餐厅服务是顾客总体满意度的重要影响因素,现有文献缺乏对前厅服务质量本身影响因素的研究。运用扎根理论方法,通过焦点小组和深度访谈收集相关数据,经过3个阶段的编码,发现信息、时间、服务/态度、规章制度和硬件/环境这5个因素是影响酒店前厅服务质量的主要因素,并且这5个因素之间存在着一定的逻辑关系,从而归纳出"服务质量因素"理论模型,并对该模型的理论及实践贡献进行了深入的讨论。  相似文献   

大学生酒店实习社会化及其留职意愿影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实习社会化是大学生社会化过程中的一环,会对其职业生涯和留职意愿产生重要影响。本文通过实地调查,应用分层回归方法探讨了大学生酒店实习社会化及其留职意愿的影响因素。研究结果发现:(1)工作条件和组织信任与大学生实习社会化、留职意愿正相关;(2)大学生性格特征与实习社会化正相关;(3)实习社会化在工作条件、组织信任对大学生留职意愿的影响中起部分中介作用,在大学生性格特征对其留职意愿的影响中起完全中介作用。据此,文章最后提出了管理建议。  相似文献   

目前,中国酒店业员工工作满意度低、离职率高等问题严重制约了酒店业的持续、健康发展.虽然有不少国内外学者从很多维度研究了对酒店员工满意度的影响,但从领导者社会责任取向来研究对员工工作满意度的影响还相对缺乏,不利于解决酒店员工满意率偏低的问题.该研究通过对长沙地区高星级酒店员工进行问卷调查,运用因子分析、多元回归分析等方法研究了酒店领导者社会责任取向与员工工作满意度之间的关系.研究表明,工作满意度受员工对酒店领导者企业社会责任取向感知、工作报酬、工作环境和工作关系的影响,其中,工作报酬影响最大,其次为员工对领导者社会责任取向的感知、工作环境和工作关系;通过控制工作报酬、工作环境和工作关系等要素,员工对领导者法律责任取向的感知对工作满意度的正向影响最大,其次为员工对领导者经济责任取向的感知,而员工对领导者道德责任取向的感知对工作满意度影响不显著,员工对领导者慈善责任取向的感知与工作满意度不相关.这一研究结果对降低员工离职率,培养酒店社会责任氛围具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

随着移动互联网的飞速发展和普及,越来越多的在线平台为了更好的满足消费者需求,为消费者提供了对产品进行自由、匿名的评价模式。基于此,各大线上平台已拥有大量的产品评价信息,对此类信息数据的研究和分析能够为企业的运营和管理服务带来新的价值。文章以tripadvisor.cn第三方平台中杭州高星级酒店的点评信息为研究数据基础,采用贝叶斯网络构建各维度和对应因素之间的相互关系,确定顾客满意度影响因素,并建立相应的杭州高星级酒店顾客满意度评价体系。研究表明,基于在线评论文本构建的顾客满意度评价体系较传统的方式更为精准、科学,更有利于酒店对顾客满意度做出准确的评价。  相似文献   

基于细节服务的酒店形象影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑胜华  何一 《旅游学刊》2008,23(2):29-35
细节服务作为酒店管理多元化发展的一个分支,对挖掘、整合和利用酒店资源,发现、赢得和稳定客户,识别、利用和树立良好的酒店形象有着不可忽视的作用.本文首先从细节服务的视角出发,剖析了细节服务的关键因子及其对酒店形象的影响.在此基础上构建了基于细节服务的酒店形象影响因素模型,并提出了相应假设;然后运用统计方法对其进行了验证,实证结果基本符合本文的研究构思和假设;最后,本文就如何依托细节服务提升酒店形象提出了相应对策.  相似文献   

旅游院校教师工作满意度影响因素研究是人力资源管理中的重要内容.本文建立了影响旅游教师工作满意度的多元回归模型,以北京联合大学旅游学院为例,论证了旅游院校教师工作满意度的影响因素,并提出了对策建议.  相似文献   

黄晗 《西部旅游》2023,(20):20-22
<正>了解游客满意度对景区提升服务质量、增强市场竞争力至关重要。文章通过线上和线下渠道发放调查问卷,以广西河池市巴马瑶族自治县百魔洞景区为研究对象,通过对百魔洞景区旅游业发展现状进行归纳总结,采用spss软件分析数据,分析影响百魔洞景区游客满意度的因素,找出现阶段百魔洞景区旅游发展过程中存在的问题,并根据调查研究和分析结果对景区各方面的管理工作提出改善建议,以期提高百魔洞景区的服务质量和旅游竞争力。  相似文献   

焦明宇 《旅游学刊》2014,29(11):80-86
培育和维护满意的顾客是经济型酒店获得和保持竞争优势的重要条件,而顾客对酒店产品感知利得和利失的比较对顾客满意度的形成具有重要的影响。该研究以现有的顾客满意度理论为基础,结合经济型酒店的顾客需求和产品服务特征,从顾客价值获得的角度构建经济型酒店的顾客满意度测评模型,建立了顾客满意度测评指标体系,并进行了实证分析。研究表明,经济型酒店的卫生状况、支持系统、交通便利程度以及价格等方面的顾客满意度较低。最后,根据实证分析结果提出了经济型酒店提高顾客满意度的建议和对策。  相似文献   


Training has been found to link with improving job satisfaction and employee intention to stay. The purposes of this research were to investigate the expectations and perceptions of training quality between hotel managers and employees, and to suggest implications for improving training quality and increasing training satisfaction, job satisfaction, and intention to stay among employees in the hotel industry. The conceptual model of this study was developed based on SERVQUAL and the ServiceProfit Chain model. T-test showed that employees perceived low training quality, which suggested employees were not satisfied with training quality and that training quality needed improvement. Results of regression analysis showed that training was positively related to training satisfaction and job satisfaction. Job satisfaction led positively to intention to stay. The indirect effect of training quality on intention to stay was mediated by job satisfaction. This study suggests more understanding of the importance of training quality and its consequences, and to pay more attention to employee training.  相似文献   


Studies have demonstrated that internal/external locus of control impacts job satisfaction. Additionally, research indicates that locus of control relates to many other work-related perceptions. However, few studies exist that investigate the relationship between locus of control and job satisfaction for hotel managers. This study investigates hotel managers' job satisfaction (n = 68), internal/external locus tendencies, and the relationship between the two constructs. The results indicate that variables other than the locus personality construct may relate to hotel managers' perception of job satisfaction. Additionally, the results stimulate the ongoing person versus situation debate in job satisfaction research.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between selected demographic characteristics of middle-level hotel managers in Turkey and five selected job satisfaction dimensions (degree of satisfaction with the work, coworkers, supervision, financial compensation, and promotion opportunities). In addition, the relationship between job satisfaction dimensions and the middle-level hotel managers' overall job satisfaction level was analyzed. The study sample consists of 103 middle-level hotel managers (all Turkish nationals) in 17 rated four- and five-star hotels in Kusadasi, Turkey. Study findings indicate significant differences between managers in various demographic categories and their levels of job satisfaction. Overall, the data revealed that financial compensation, promotion opportunities, and supervision most significantly impacted middle-level hotel managers' overall job satisfaction levels.  相似文献   

饭店非正式员工工作满意度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在饭店行业,随着国外著名饭店集团的进驻,民营企业饭店的发展壮大,国有饭店企业改制的推进,饭店之间的竞争日趋白热化.为增强企业的竞争力,获得满意的经营利润,饭店不断通过雇佣大量的非正式员工来确保总成本上的竞争优势.在这样的背景下,本文通过实证研究探寻中国饭店非正式员工工作满意度的影响因子以及各因子的影响程度,在此基础上建立了非正式员工管理的 SPAR 模型,并从工作压力、工作态度和工作单位认可三个角度提出非正式员工管理的具体对策,以期对饭店企业非正式员工的管理提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   


This study investigates the effects of various dimensions on job satisfaction, using a sample of Turkish frontline employees in Northern Cyprus hotels as its setting. Results suggest that pay and supervision have significant positive effects on the job satisfaction of frontline employees, whereas the work itself and physical evidence do not have any significant relationship with job satisfaction. The implications of the results for hotel managers and public policy makers are discussed.  相似文献   


This study aims to examine the effect of self-efficacy on job performance, job satisfaction, and affective organizational commitment using data collected from employees in three-, four-, and five-star hotels in Northern Cyprus as its setting. The research hypotheses were tested using LISREL 8.30 through path analysis. The model test results demonstrated that self-efficacy is a significant determinant of job performance. This study, however, failed to find a significant positive association between self-efficacy and job satisfaction. Although not hypothesized, the results of the present study revealed that job performance mediates the impact of self-efficacy on job satisfaction. In addition, the results of the path analysis showed that self-efficacy is among the significant predictors of affective organizational commitment. The model test results provided empirical support for the rest of the hypothesized relationships. Specifically, the path-analytic findings indicated that job satisfaction exerts a significant positive influence on affective organizational commitment. The model test results also demonstrated that job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment are negatively associated with intention to leave. Discussion of the results, implications for hotel managers, and future research directions are presented in the study.  相似文献   


This study examines timeshare sales representatives' perceptions with respect to demographic and job related factors. Three leading U.S. timeshare companies were solicited to participate in this research. They were asked to distribute surveys to their sales representatives. The data were analyzed through the use of analysis of variance and a post hocmultiple comparison procedure to understand the timeshare sales representative perceptions of job satisfaction and job performance. The results show that there are demographic influences on the perceptions of job satisfaction and job performance.  相似文献   

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