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This study examines whether taxpayers intentionally avoid Internal Revenue Service (IRS) third-party reports. In 2017 an IRS amendment created a quasi-exogenous shock that reduced third-party tax reporting of pari-mutuel gambling winnings from certain types of wagers. I consider the effect that this rule change had on taxpayer behavior. Using a difference-in-differences research design comparing thoroughbred racing in the United States to Canada, I find a 27% increase in gambler's investment into wager-types that became less likely to trigger third-party reports. Further, I provide evidence that this effect was because of third-party reporting, not withholding, and was stronger in more informed gambling populations. These findings suggest that taxpayers knowingly avoid third-party reports, enabling underreporting of income to the IRS. This has important policy implications because underreported individual income is the largest driver of the $496 billion annual gap between legal tax liability and actual tax collections in the United States.  相似文献   

纳税评估对纳税人来说具有一定的强制性,我国相关法律规定了纳税人必须承担的单方面义务,却并未规定对纳税人权利的保护。本文介绍了国外纳税约谈制度中的纳税人权利,总结了我国在纳税评估中对纳税人权利保护的不足,并就如何对纳税评估中的纳税人权利进行有效保护提出了建议。  相似文献   

新个人所得税法在实践中的运行效果取决于征纳双方在税收征管过程中的耦合作用.一方面,作为联系税务机关与纳税人的中介与桥梁,扣缴人在个税预扣预缴及汇算清缴方面发挥着重要作用;另一方面,税制结构变化与缴税申报模式转变对纳税人影响深远.在新个人所得税下,扣缴人的扣缴清缴合规、沟通保密及判定审查等义务均有不同程度的增加、拓展或提...  相似文献   

税收遵从决策是纳税人行为选择的一个复杂过程,其中起作用的因素很多,除了经济因素,还包括非经济因素。按照经典的逃税模型——A-S模型①所揭示的主要因素是稽查概率和罚款率,除此之外影响纳税人遵从决策的因素还包括:税收遵从成本、税制、纳税人个体特征、对政府的满意程度以及税收文化等。  相似文献   

我国个人所得税2018年改革中,借鉴国际经验,在计算应纳税所得额的扣除项目时首次引入了六项专项附加扣除。由于个人所得税涉及到每个自然人纳税人的切身利益,因此广受社会关注,其中由于复杂家庭关系引起了对于子女教育和赡养老人这两项扣除的热议,本文就与这两项扣除相关的法律问题进行探讨,以期运用法律思维分析纳税人关注的重点难点问题。  相似文献   

2000~2008年OECD成员国个人所得税变化及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对2000~2008年OECD成员国个人所得税变化的分析,得出OECD成员国低收入纳税人税负下降、高收入纳税人税负上升,个人所得税最高边际税率普遍下降、税率档次进一步减少、税收累进性提高等结论。借鉴OECD成员国经验并结合我国国情,认为我国个人所得税的功能应定位于调节收入分配,并就如何提高我国个人所得税累进性提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

创建基于行为博弈的税收遵从均衡模型,将处于相同税收境况的纳税人视为一个群体,则个体纳税人选择税收遵从策略从纳税人群体角度来看就是以一定的概率选择该种策略。面对正常税务检查与严格税务检查并存的环境,纳税人税收遵从博弈稳定均衡策略形成不但取决于税制的特性,而且依赖于其他纳税人的税收遵从决策。依据税收遵从博弈均衡的形成机理,提出建立我国税收遵从激励监督机制的对策。  相似文献   

新修订的个人所得税法规定年所得12万元以上的纳税义务人,应在年度终了后3个月内到主管税务机关办理纳税申报。在此背景下,个人所得税稽查中如何选择税收稽查的重点人群是税收稽查部门面临的一个新课题。本文以公众价值观调查的数据为基础对纳税人的税款支付意愿进行了研究。结果表明性别、年龄及婚姻状况对税收道德有显著影响,而收入水平和接受教育的程度对公民的税收道德没有显著影响。  相似文献   

Given the importance of fairness in the public acceptance of tax systems (Mirrlees et al., 2011), understanding the role of political elites in the tax design process and how this impacts fairness is important. In this paper, we use an interpretative approach to examine the design and ultimate rejection of the Kansas tax policy experiment that ran from May 2012 to June 2017. The central design element of this experiment was the fundamental disruption of the long-standing principle of horizontal equity (fairness), in which non-wage business income was relieved of income tax, while wage income was taxed. By interpreting this experiment through a Bourdieusian lens, we identify five key themes that are helpful in understanding income tax design, tax fairness, and the role played by political elites. Overall, we contribute to the literature by highlighting the way in which cultural capital may be used by political elites to reformulate groups of taxpayers in order to justify unequal treatment of equal taxpayers, which represents a violation of the notion of horizontal equity (fairness). We also highlight that although such violations of fairness in income tax system design may be sustainable in the short run, over the longer term, notions of fairness are so deeply embedded in the habitus of individual taxpayers that a return to the status quo is likely.  相似文献   

公平原则和效率原则是税法的基本原则。我国企业所得税法的统一在诸多层面体现了税法的公平和效率原则。本文通过对公平和效率原则的分析,探讨了我国企业所得税制度的历史变迁,分析了其在实现公平和效率方面的得失以及价值选择,着重研究了企业所得税法在纳税人、效率、税收优惠以及反避税等方面对公平和效率原则的回应及时代意义。  相似文献   

在分析我国税源管理中存在的主要问题--税源掌握控制和纳税服务缺位的基础上,本文认为在税收征管专业化日益发展的条件下,应当尽快构建新型税收管理员制度,以实现"管户"与"管事"的有机结合,加强对纳税人的静态和动态监控,掌握税收征管的主动权,提高征管质量和效率,并且提出构建新型税收管理员制度的一些措施.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了美国州公司所得税制的概况,进而梳理了纳税人、立法机构、政府部门以及研究者对美国州公司所得税税制设计以及是否废除该税种的广泛争议,得出美国州公司所得税正在被逐渐边缘化的结论。  相似文献   

Historically, labor supply elasticities have been used to evaluate tax policy and predict tax revenue effects. They are likely to underestimate taxpayers' response to tax rate changes, and hence to underestimate changes in potential tax revenues, however, because they measure only how taxpayers alter hours worked. Taxpayers can also respond to tax rate changes by altering, for instance, their work effort and form of compensation. An alternative measure that accounts for these responses as well as hours worked is the elasticity of taxable income. This paper estimates the elasticity of earned taxable income for Swedish taxpayers using two different approaches and a number of control variables and the 1990/1991 tax reform as a “natural experiment”. The preferred elasticity estimates fall in the range of 0.4–0.5, comparable with recent estimates for the U.S. and larger than most of the labor supply elasticity estimates used to evaluate tax policy in Scandinavia previously, which suggests that deadweight losses are two to three times higher than previously thought. JEL Classification H21 · H24 · H31 · J22  相似文献   

论奥巴马的新税政策对我国个人所得税制改革的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奥巴马新税政策的主要目的是通过拓宽税基,让富人成为主要的纳税主体,从而缩小社会收入差距,维护中、低收入家庭利益,减少贫困。它带给我国个人所得税制改革的启示,是在理念上一定要树立起让富人更多纳税的观念,通过调整税制结构,增加个人所得税比重,发挥个税在调整社会收入差距中的作用;通过拓宽税基,抬高个人所得税起征点,让富人成为主要纳税主体,从而实现税负公平,减少社会贫困,最终实现社会公平和正义。  相似文献   

产品定价策略是企业市场营销组合策略中一个极其重要的组成部分,其影响因素是多方面的。税收起征点、税率临界点和增值税纳税人身份等税收因素对企业产品定价策略的选择也具有重要影响。对此进行深入研究并加以巧妙利用,将有助于企业更加全面的考虑各方面的影响,以作出适当的市场营销定价决策。  相似文献   

新旧企业所得税制度的差异比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从2008年1月1日起,我国的企业所得税制度合二为一。新的企业所得税制度与原制度相比,在纳税人、纳税义务、税率、收入、扣除、资产的税务处理、应纳税所得额的计算、境外所得税收抵免、税收优惠和反避税管理等方面均有突出的变化,标志着新制度更具有科学性、规范性和国际性,对推进我国社会主义市场经济建设,促进改革开放和社会主义和谐社会的建立都具有深远的意义。  相似文献   

聂海峰  刘怡 《财政研究》2020,(5):90-102
综合与分类相结合的个人所得税制改变了个人所得税按来源地缴纳和分享的模式。个人综合所得的所得税征收时实行预扣预缴和次年汇算清缴制度。当个人综合所得来源于多个地区时,需要在不同预扣预缴地区间进行汇算清缴。如何在不同收入来源地分配税收成为地区间汇算清缴制度设计的重要关键。本文首次从税收创造和税后收益分配角度,建立了两个税收分配的合作博弈模型。比较分析发现,使用解决"破产问题"的方法都是把地区的所得和总税收作为给定的参数,没有考虑地区所得和税收之间的生成关系和累进税率。我们的研究证明夏普利值作为合作博弈的解,具有公平性、效率性和单调性,是个人所得税地区间分配方式的合适选择。  相似文献   

Tax reform is again at the center stage as Congress grapples with ideas to reduce the US budget deficit and the country readies itself for another election year. Given this unusually charged tax reform season, populist and party rhetoric appears to the general population to have largely replaced reasoned debate as politicians, economists and pundits “cherry pick” facts to justify their claims. Our contribution to the current debate on tax equity is that this is one of the very few studies that jointly consider the impact of payroll and income taxes. Most tax equity studies focus only on the federal income tax and as such issue misleading implications. It is important to jointly consider payroll and income taxes because (a) for taxpayers in lower income ranges, the payroll tax burden outweighs the income tax burden, while (b) for higher income taxpayers income from wages above $106,800 ($110,000 in 2012) are payroll-tax free, and (c) other sources of income, namely dividends and capital gains, are not subject to payroll taxes at all. Thus, we provide a more comprehensive picture of the overall progressivity (or lack thereof) exhibited by the current tax laws. In addition, we also consider how some often-raised tax proposals would prospectively affect income inequality and tax progressivity.  相似文献   

新企业所得税法:八大制度创新   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
《中华人民共和国企业所得税法》(以下简称"新企业所得税法")不仅在形式上实现了法律的统一和税收法定原则,更在实质上实现了制度创新和完善。本文对新企业所得税法在纳税人、税率、应税所得、税收抵免、税收优惠、反避税、税收征管和信赖利益保护等八个方面的制度创新进行了理论分析和制度介绍,并对其可能产生的影响进行了具体分析。  相似文献   

There are a number of differences in the tax system structures of the U.S. and Hong Kong. In addition, the literature suggests there are significant differences between U.S. and Hong Kong (Chinese) cultures. This study explores whether taxpayer compliance is influenced by these differences.Fischer et al.’s (1992) expanded model of taxpayer compliance is used as the underlying theoretical framework. The model is empirically tested using a structural equations approach with a convenience sample of Hong Kong and U.S. taxpayers. Results indicate education has a direct, negative effect on compliance in both groups. This effect is moderated by an indirect, positive link between education, moral development, and compliance. The significant differences noted are that U.S. (Hong Kong) taxpayers used higher (lower) stages of moral reasoning, had more (less) favorable attitudes toward the tax system, and were more (less) compliant. These results suggest that efforts to increase taxpayer compliance need to be tailored to the structure of the tax system and the predominant culture of the taxpayers.  相似文献   

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