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本文用不同的计算方法 ,从企业、制造业和国家三个角度进行了劳动生产率的国际比较 ,计算结果表明 :和大家普遍接受的观点相反 ,中国的劳动生产率并非低于发达国家 ,而是高于发达国家。这种结论上的差异并非来源于所采用的数据和计算公式 ,而是来源于计算劳动生产率时投入和产出的计量单位。在比较研究中 ,我们习惯于投入产出均用价值量指标即“元 /元”来计算资本的生产率 ,用“元 /人·年”指标来计算劳动的生产率。由于不同国家同样数量的“人·年”劳动投入折算为价值量投入会存在很大的差异 ,致使使用不同计量单位计算和比较劳动生产率会得出完全相反的结论。本文认为 ,进行国家之间劳动生产率的比较 ,正确的计算方法应当是和计算资本生产率的公式一样 ,投入产出均使用价值量指标。  相似文献   

资本深化、产业结构与中国城市劳动生产率   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
提高城市化质量和劳动产出效率是中国未来经济发展的必然选择。然而目前关于城市劳动生产率的研究大多是基于发达国家城市化平稳期假定做出的,这与中国当前发展情境不符。本文在城市产出总量函数中引入了资本存量和产业结构变量,考察快速城市化时期的资本存量、劳动投入、产业结构和城市规模等关键经济变量对城市劳动生产率的影响。基于中国1995—2010年地级以上城市市辖区数据,本文发现:劳均资本存量、产业结构和城市规模等因素对中国城市劳动生产率的提升有显著作用,并且呈现阶段性和趋势性特征。总体上看,资本深化的作用最大但呈缓慢下降态势,产业结构和城市规模的作用为正且呈"倒U型"变动,而人口集聚呈"规模报酬递增",要素投入呈"规模报酬递减"现象。  相似文献   

在中国服务业发展增速较快的同时,伴随着地区发展不平衡现象的日趋严重。1993年-2010年,全国服务业劳动生产率的省际差距经历了一个逐渐扩大,在高位又略有下降的过程。Theil指数对服务业发展差异来源的分析显示:东、中、西三大地带间的差异对全国服务业发展差异影响很小,中国服务业发展差异主要来源于省际差异。落后地区要提高服务业劳动生产率应在以下方面努力:进一步推动城镇化进程、推进市场化进程、加强人才培训和对高素质人才的吸引、加大地区的对外开放水平。  相似文献   

施工劳动生产率难以精确测定,目前尚无得到行业一致认可的劳动生产率损失值计算方法.文章分析了在劳动生产率损失值计算应用最广泛的量测生产率法的局限性,提出了基于K-means聚类的建筑业劳动生产率损失值计算方法,使计算结果更具有说服力.并通过实例运用SPSS软件证明该方法具有有效性.  相似文献   

构建和谐企业是一项长期稳定的战略任务,我们要把劳动关系的和谐稳定作为衡量企业和谐的重要标准,尽快建立不断完善有关各方协调。工会积极运作,企业和职工参与。加强职工队伍素质建设,切实维护职工权益,积极营造和谐稳定氛围,为发展和谐劳动关系提供强有力的组织保障。  相似文献   

This paper considers the effect of low per capita housing stock on labor productivity. Theoretically, a negative effect may be expected. Low per capita housing leads to greater difficulty in finding housing, which in turn leads to reduced labor mobility and a less productive allocation of labor. A dynamic model is developed which displays this relationship and which takes into account inter-regional migratory flows induced by regional labor productivity differentials. The empirical part of the paper focuses on cross-sectional information, using primarily 1989 Polish data aggregated at the regional level.  相似文献   

施工企业加强现场安全管理浅析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
建筑施工企业加强现场安全管理的途径和方法,一是建立健全企业安全管理的组织体系和标准体系;二是做好项目安全管理的总体策划和过程的策划工作;三是加强施工现场安全管理的过程控制;四是提如安全生产责任人员的职业素质和工作技能。  相似文献   

We present empirical evidence for a cross section of twenty OECD countries (1984–2004) that a relatively regulated and coordinated ("rigid") industrial relations system promotes long-run labor productivity growth. This conclusion is reinforced when we differentiate between (three) categories of OECD industrial relations systems and test for differences in productivity performance.  相似文献   

介绍了“倒树状”安全监管模式和“巡视监督、旁站监督、专项监督、跟踪监督”等有效的监督方法及区域负责责任体系。该方法通过在油气田生产现场全面推广应用,基本实现了“监督实施标准化、监督运行程序化、监督质量责任化”的工作要求,现场安全监督工作质量得到了明显提升,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

This paper examines how unions affect the rate of productivity change. The direction of union impact cannot be predicted from economic theory. Firms may select either more productive technologies to offset higher union wages or less productive technologies to keep union wage demands in line. Evidence from manufacturing indicates that unions have not affected productivity growth; in construction, productivity growth has been much slower where there is a high initial level of unionization or where unionization is growing.  相似文献   

<正>华北油田地处京津冀腹地,人口稠密,大部分井周边是良田,特别是在白洋淀周围的井周边是鱼塘、湿地,防止废弃油井内油流外溢造成环境污染显得特别重要。华北油田投产30多年来钻井几万口,报废的各类井上千口。为了防止这些报废井造成环境污染,油田公司组织力量对这些井进行实地勘察。  相似文献   

多样屋携手台湾客家——开启百年来的第一次和内地的亲密接触2011年3月31日至4月4日.多样屋TAYOHYA携手台湾客家委员会,于多样屋上海旗舰店举办了“台湾客家,百年传承”的展览和记者见面会。  相似文献   

制造业生产效率的国际比较   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文通过对劳动生产率工业增加值率、劳动报酬占增加值比重等指标进行国际比较,分析了我国制造业与世界先进水平的差距,并在这外基础上概括出具有相对优势的行业和有双重劣势的行业,国际比较发现,劳动生产率的差距使我国劳动力成本低的优势得不到有效发挥。  相似文献   

Omar Azfar 《劳资关系》2000,39(2):291-312
I present a model in which I show that labor contracts with wages indexed to prices have longer optimal contract lengths and therefore are more likely to adopt performance-related pay. There is empirical support for these predictions in Canadian collective-bargaining agreements. Contract durations are longer in indexed contracts. Performance-related pay is more than twice as likely to be adopted and present in indexed contracts and more likely to be adopted in contracts with longer durations.  相似文献   

"用工难":产业转型的征兆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在一个拥有13亿人口的发展中国家,近年竟然出现了一种不和谐的产业声音:"用工难".它给企业当前的运作带来巨大的苦恼,成为这段时期鼎沸的盛世危言. 然而,就如一种祸福相依的两面镜,从另一面观之,"用工难",是与时代共振的产业音符.从长远看来,它或许将是我们产业的一个历史转折点,意味着产业转型的某种征兆!  相似文献   

BENT HANSEN 《劳资关系》1983,22(2):238-260
This article does not attempt, nor has it delivered, a complete theory for the labor market in Egypt, let alone for LDC labor markets in general. The macro-model developed here serves mainly to demonstrate the diaculties involved in formulating macro-theories for LDC labor markets that, while necessarily simple, can still claim realism when confronted with certain fundamental “stylized h t s. Our considerations have, moreover, been limited to LDCs with mixed economies, using Egypt as the example. Hence, large-scale modern industry was assumed to belong to the public sector which then emerges as the country dominant, nonagricultural employer. Agriculture is the second large and relatively homogeneous sector, in Egypt dominated by small holdings. In-between we find the private, nonagricultural sector, overwhelmingly dominated by small-scale enterprises with large numbers of the self-employed, and with trade as the most important single activity. Labor is (in Egypt) generally unorganized or enrolled in government-controlled unions, active mainly in the public sector and without much real say in matters of wages and salaries. It is in this specific institutional setting that I have tried to discuss the application of internal labor market theory. This theory has, to the best of my understanding, nothing to offer by way of explaining public sector behavior (which is of crucial importance for wage and employment formation in a mixed economy). However, adapted to the circumstances, internal labor market theory goes a long way toward explaining wages and employment in agriculture and the “informal” small-scale sector. Our considerations, tentative though they are, do not point to any single, dominant labor market mechanism that could form the basis for a simple macro-theory. Wage flexibility differs greatly between sectors, overstaEng may be a more important phenomenon than unemployment in some activities, and unemployment may be of both the voluntary and involuntary variety, with withdrawals from the labor market related to well-defined reserve wages, and open unemployment related to internal labor market behavior. These considerations are based more on loose impressions than on solid facts. Further theorizing may be needed, but the development of labor market theory for LDCs has undoubtedly reached a point where progress depends critically upon painstaking empirical studies of basic labor market institutions such as employment and wage forms and responses, bargaining procedures, and conditions of both labor and output markets for small private enterprises in particular countries. Considerable work has been done in India but even here much remains for investigation. Studies of specific countries may, even for LDCs in rapid, turbulent transformation, disclose ongoing changes in institutions that for a full understanding of the labor market may be more important than the institutions themselves. Existing wage theory has little to offer for the analysis of such institutional change, but something may be learned from the American institutional school in labor economics whose leading exponent we are paying homage to with these papers.  相似文献   

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