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利用实证分析法研究影响武汉市武昌区消费者生鲜农产品终端渠道选择的因素,结果表明,农贸市场和超市的购买群体是有区别的,农贸市场和超市各自的经营特点也是不同的。因此,在生鲜农产品市场上,超市和农贸市场应该被看作两个不同的细分市场而不是两个相互取代的市场。个人消费习惯很重要的消费者和对价格更敏感的消费者更倾向于选择在农贸市场购买生鲜产品;而越关注新鲜度的消费者并不会越倾向于选择农贸市场购买生鲜农产品;消费者对商家的信誉关注越高,也并不会导致他越倾向于选择超市购买生鲜农产品。这些结论可以为经营主体在制定渠道政策时提供参考依据。  相似文献   

当前我国生鲜零售渠道包括传统渠道农贸市场和路边摊、生鲜超市、生鲜电商、社区便利店等。生鲜产品具有每日消费必需品、易腐烂的特点,消费者的购买以追求产品新鲜、便利性、价格适宜为主,购买行为表现为频率高、单次购买金额不高的特点,这些特点赋予了生鲜传统渠道抵抗电商渠道的能力。零售业态发展理论研究驱使业态变化的动力及原因,通过借鉴史锦梅2003年提出的"需求满足论"和杨兴夏等2019年提出的零售业创新两阶段模型,构建零售业态收入-成本两阶段创新模型。结合王先庆等学者提出的新零售理论,创设重构不同的"人-货-场",基于不同场景改善产品设计、定价、分销方式和促销策略,以增强营销组合的市场竞争力。  相似文献   

为了解消费者为什么选择农贸市场或超市购买农产品,不少研究者分析了影响消费者购买地决策的多种可能因素。其中,消费者选择到集贸市场买菜,主要是因为其价格便宜、地点便利、新鲜品种多、便利快  相似文献   

马增俊 全国城市农贸中心联合会会长 “目前超市蔬菜有90%来源于批发市场,只有不到10%由基地直接供应;而蔬菜零售中,早市、农贸市场和社区便利店占了总量的70%,连锁超市仅占30%。北京平时的蔬菜自给率只有40%左右,必须依靠全国各地的配送,超市每天适时进货和补货的方式需要从批发市场进货,如果每天从全国各地补货进京速度很慢,路费也不够。”  相似文献   

农村居民选择超市或集市购买的决定因素对"农改超"和"农超对接"具有重要意义。本文对全国28个县(市)的1308位农村居民进行随机调查,研究结果表明,农村居民既选择农村集市又选择超市购买产品,但农村居民选择两者购买的意愿及其影响因素、感知程度等存在显著差异。农村居民选择集市或超市购买的共同决定因素包括产品质量可靠性和购买便利性;不同的决定因素体现为,农村居民选择在集市购买主要取决于购买文化与习惯,而选择在超市购买则取决于超市销售服务水平,这种决定因素的差异导致农村超市与传统集市互补共存。  相似文献   

农产品销售主要有农贸市场和农产品超市两种渠道。通过对消费者对农贸市场和农产品超市的满意程度、消费者的选购偏好、消费者特征对采购地点的影响等因素的调查和分析,可以看出:在农贸市场中,存在着购物环境、农产品质量、市场管理等问题,而在农产品超市当中,存在着价格、管理方式、管理经验等方面的问题。  相似文献   

不同地区、不同群体农产品渠道终端的选择行为具有多样性和动态性,尤其是近些年受到生鲜型超市的影响,居民的购买行为特征已经发生了很大的变化。本文利用Spss应用统计软件对武汉市居民生鲜农产品(蔬菜、水果、淡水产品和畜禽产品)消费的调查数据进行了实证研究,对生鲜农产品渠道终端选择的影响因素以及各自选择群体的属性和特征重新作了评估和分析,并结合项目组以往调查数据对其变化和发展趋势作了概述。  相似文献   

超市作为消费者购买蔬菜等生鲜食品的重要渠道,对传统的农贸市场渠道构成了巨大挑战.本文调查表明,超市的优势在于质量安全与品牌信誉,劣势在于价格和新鲜度,作为新兴渠道的超市虽不可能完全替代传统农贸市场,却是未来的发展趋势.文章认为,超市应加倍重视生鲜食品的销售,打好质量、信誉、营养牌;细分市场,确定合理的市场营销策略;加强政府在政策上的支持和引导.  相似文献   

"技术边界线"是零售业态变迁的限制性因素.这蕴含着两个假设前提,又可引申出二个假设:价格、品种多样化和新鲜是生鲜食品消费者收入约束下效用最大化的购买选择依据;质量安全拐角解决定消费者购买行为,不存在拐角解时,消费者才采用综合评判标准来选择购买场所.因此,超市潜在的质量安全优势并未发挥出来;超市的便利和舒适的购物环境定位只是占权重较小的消费者评判指标.我们利用问卷调查资料证实了文中假设.  相似文献   

本文基于不同分销渠道猪肉零售商视角,从上游渠道猪肉批发价格变化、短时间猪肉供需情况变化、物流费用和检测检疫费用、零售环节经营成本变化、各环节中间交易费用等方面分析我国猪肉零售价格波动的原因,并建立猪肉零售价格波动影响因素评价体系,运用专家评议层次分析法确定评价模型各指标权重,进而在单因素比较分析的基础上,得出上游渠道猪肉批发价格变化和零售环节经营成本变化是影响猪肉零售价格的最重要因素。同时,对猪肉不同分销渠道进行模糊综合比较,最终得出社区便民市场是最容易受到波动因素影响的猪肉零售渠道,其次是早市猪肉零售渠道、农贸市场零售渠道、街边食杂店零售渠道,最后是超市零售渠道的结论。  相似文献   

Fresh meat product retailing at traditional markets in Taiwan causes concerns over meat safety issues.The agricultural administration has established programmes to raise consumer awareness of potential risks of fresh meat that have remained at room temperature for several hours. Although supermarkets sell chilled and frozen meat products, the majority of grocery shoppers in Taiwan still prefer purchasing fresh meat products at traditional markets where meat is displayed on counters or hung on hooks. This study utilizes survey data to segment meat shoppers in Taiwan. Results indicate the shoppers who purchase meat products at supermarkets tend to continue shopping at that location. Potential shoppers of supermarkets, who may switch from traditional markets to supermarkets for meat products, are identified and the major concerns of this group are the meat safety issues. Factors that influence the possibilities of selecting supermarkets for meat products are examined.  相似文献   

This paper examines several hypotheses about access to different types and sizes of retail establishments by residents of poor and non-poor urban neighborhoods, using Chicago as a case study. As expected, poor zip code areas in Chicago have fewer and smaller retail outlets overall than nonpoor areas, including fewer supermarkets, banks, and large drug stores. After controlling for purchasing power, poor areas still lack large drug stores but, surprisingly, not banks and supermarkets. Residents of poor neighborhoods must travel more than two miies to have access to the same numbers of supermarkets, large drug stores, banks, and other types of stores as residents of nonpoor areas.  相似文献   

对中国四省份507户农户的农产品流通渠道契约选择意愿的研究发现,农户对合作社和合同销售模式的认知程度低,其契约选择意愿与实际契约选择之间差异显著。传统市场流通模式在现实中仍占主导地位,但农户的契约选择意愿倾向于合同模式和合作社模式。因子分析和多元 Logistic 回归分析的结果显示,农户对市场信息和销售渠道的认知、农户谈判能力以及农户的文化水平和党员身份都显著影响其契约模式选择意愿。政策启示是,要继续加大对现代农产品流通体系的宣传力度,提高农户认知水平; 加强农村信息化服务建设,降低农户信息搜寻成本; 加强政府对超市和农业龙头企业与农户开展合同产销模式的支持和监管,稳定农户和各类农产品流通主体的利益联结机制。  相似文献   

<正>据《北京晚报》6月7日报道,习惯遛早后去早市买菜的市民,现在开始排队到超市买更便宜、新鲜的蔬菜了。目前各超市争相通过向农民直接采购农产品以降低产品价格、保持货品新鲜,不仅同行之间竞争,也与菜市场争客流。  相似文献   

Small- and medium-size growers use direct marketing and farmers’ markets to access customers and avoid supply chain intermediaries that increase costs of getting products to consumers. This study examined consumers’ use of agricultural product information sources and their shopping outlet patronage preferences for one type of locally grown produce: avocados.

Two farmers’ market segments were identified: 1) shops only farmers’ markets and 2) cross-shops grocery stores. Product information came from a variety of sources: media, retailers, and organizations. “Buy Local” or “product origin” were considered in produce shopping decisions. One dimension, “Buy Local,” was significant in differentiating farmers’ market segments.  相似文献   

Produce marketers who participate as farmers market vendors or otherwise directly market their goods should understand not only the location-related characteristics that affect consumer selection of local, fresh produce but also the product attributes that consumers prefer to find in local products. Understanding attribute-price relationships will allow marketers to better plan for value-added marketing opportunities. Using a hedonic pricing model, this study analyzed the influence that product attribute levels have on prices for seven types of produce: sweet corn, tomatoes, cantaloupe, cucumbers, green beans, bell peppers, and zucchini. Based on data collected from Missouri farmers markets, multiple attributes affect produce price variation. In the dataset, one of the strongest effects was exerted by sale location. The importance of this finding is that prices can be collected in a single location and extrapolated to other farmers market locations, which implies reduced search and reporting costs in collecting representative farmers market produce prices. Additionally, a higher weight may increase prices for some types of produce but decrease prices of others after a certain point. Farmers market vendors, as well as other direct marketers, can use attribute pricing information to identify the quality attributes that consumers prefer.  相似文献   

农产品批发市场作为我国农产品流通的主渠道,在联结产销、平衡供求、形成价格等诸多方面发挥着主导作用。由我国地域辽阔,区域经济发展不平衡,产业发展集聚程度差异较大,导致农产品批发市场在快速发展的同时,面临着区域分布不均衡、规模大小不协调等问题,难以满足不同地区居民的需求。为更好地发挥批发市场的作用,文章通过分析现有农产品批发市场区域分布特征,对东、中、西和东北部地区现有农产品批发市场覆盖城市人口数进行测算,并结合不同地区批发市场的规模差异、分布情况,借鉴国际经验,对我国未来建设农产品批发市场的区域布局和规模等级进行讨论,并提出对策建议,以期对科学规划布局各地区农产品批发市场提供参考。  相似文献   

Differences in retail store choice behaviour are examined for the purchase of fresh meat and fresh fruit and vegetables in Malaysia. In purchasing fresh meat, cluster analysis identified two groups of respondents who purchased the majority of the fresh meat they consumed from either modern retail stores or the traditional market. However, with regard to the purchase of fresh fruit and vegetables, cluster analysis identified three groups of respondents (modern retail shoppers, transient shoppers and traditional market shoppers). Although the clusters were labelled using similar terms, several similarities and differences were identified in the respective clusters for each food item. The findings indicate that store choice preference was based on the food product that the consumer intended to purchase.  相似文献   

This study explored differences in the effects of perceived utilitarian and hedonic shopping values on customer satisfaction for the two separate groups of the agricultural product marketing channel: farmers' markets and specialty food stores. Empirical data were collected from customers of agricultural product retailers located in Taiwan (N = 412). The results show that different agricultural product marketing channels provide different values to their customers. Farmers' market customers experience a greater hedonic value, and specialty food store customers experience a greater utilitarian value. In addition, the perceived utilitarian and hedonic shopping values of farmers' market customers are more highly positively associated with customer satisfaction than are those of specialty food store customers.  相似文献   

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