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明年是进入新世纪的第一年.也是我国“十五”计划的第一年,铁路将面临大变革、大发展的新形势。全局思想政治工作要以邓小平理论和党的十五届五中全会精神为指导,认真贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想、中央思想政治工作会议和全路政治工作会议精神,紧密围绕改革发展稳定大局,切实抓好理论学习、思想政治教育和精神文明建设,在落实求效上下功夫,充分发挥政治优势,为实现2001年全局的改革发展目标,提供强有力的思想保证。  相似文献   

铁路企业制度改革给思想政治工作带来新的内容,带来活力、动力和压力,改革中,思想政治工作苛服务于经济工作,衡量思想政治工作的标准,要看有利于调动职工的积极性,有利于增强铁路和社会效益,有利于增强企业的生存和发展。  相似文献   

思想政治工作是要解决人的思想问题,因此必须坚持“以人为本”从以人为本出发,开展思想政治工作,并把解决人的思想问题和解决人的实际问题相结合,就能提高思想政治工作的针对性和有效性。  相似文献   

政治建警是铁路公安基层所队建设的一个重要原则。本论述了铁路公安基层所队坚持政治建譬的重要性、必要性和紧迫性,分析了目前政治建警在认识上、实践士和效果土出现的偏差,提出了基层所队政治建警必须在思想建设、组炽建设、纪律作风建设、制度建没、政工队伍自身建设上下功夫.把铁路公安建设成为一支忠诚可靠、纪律严明、作风过硬、训练有素的队伍。  相似文献   

思想政治工作是党在企业管理中的政治优势,对调动职工的工作积极性和促进企业健康发展有着积极的作用,但随着企业经营机制的转变,部分企业管理者认为做好业务工作是“实”,思想政治工作是“虚”,片面追求经济效益,对思想政治工作投入甚少,一味地追求业务工作的达标创优,注重硬指标、硬任务,存在重业务、轻政治的现象。株洲湘运集团在企业改制后,积极探索新形势下企业思想政治工作的新路子。公司启用了一大批德才兼备的政工人员加强思想政治工作,将人的思想政治素质摆在第一位。并进一步明确企业改革改制纪律,狠抓宣传教育,集中组织政策培训,专门编印《企业改制宣传册》,职工人手一份,利用企业内部报刊《株运集团》报和各种会议对职工进行家喻户晓的宣传教育。通过不懈努力,企业虽历经改革与市场的洗礼,但实现经济效益大幅度增长,不仅确保了原在岗职工99%继续上岗就业,而且达到当地政府提出的“改革到位、企业发展、内部稳定”的总要求,做到了改制、生产和稳定“三不误”,企业发展步入了良性轨道。  相似文献   

基层思想政治工作的对象是作为’个体的人,其实质是通过激励、指引、劝导等方式,解决人在精神、思想上的分歧和困难,充分发挥人的主观能动性,达到“心往一起想,力往一处使”的目的。党和国家一直以来就把思想政治工作当作社会发展各项工作的生命线来抓,积累了丰富的经验,取得了丰硕的成果。  相似文献   

随着形势的发展和改革的深入,铁路乘务民警的队伍管理和管理机制的改革日趋重要,本就当前铁路乘警队管理体制存在的问题进行分析,并提出强化管理的对应措施:一、改革管理体制的构想;二、坚持“三级聘任”强化“三级管理”;三、提高干部素质,加强队伍建设力度;四、实行乘警岗位转换;五、发挥政治优势,促进队伍管理一作试图从以上五个方面的改革入手.以期取得强化乘务民警管理的最佳效果。  相似文献   

黄国德 《空运商务》2011,(19):47-48
企业的一切生产实践活动在基层,而从事这些实践活动的是人,这些人的思想状况和精神面貌则是这些实践活动好坏的决定因素。因此,企业基层思想政治工作的好坏是企业做好各种工作的基础和保证。俗话说:“干条江河归大海,件件工作到基层。”基层的思想政治工作是整个企业思想政治工作的基础和重点。民航安检是机场负责一线工作的一个基层单位,十几年在安检政工岗位上从事思想政治工作的经历,  相似文献   

我国铁路民营化过程中的障碍分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铁路民营化已成为世界各国铁路改革的潮流,我国在铁路民营化方面也积累了一些经验,但在铁路民营化改革中仍存在诸多障碍,针对民营企业进入铁路行业的“沉没成本”和“接入价格”的问题,提出了借鉴国外经验、改革铁路管理体制和线路收费机制等建议对策。  相似文献   

随着我国铁路企业改革的深入,一些非运输企业按照现代企业制度的要求进行公司制改组。对此铁路出资者应按照“两权”分离原则,行使出资者的所有权管理职能,并对其出资承担监管和保值增值的责任。通过分析铁路企业出资者所有权监管存在的问题,提出相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

This work describes a methodology for determining the average vehicle kilometres travelled by the private national car fleet in Ireland and estimating the disaggregated CO2 and NOx emissions from private vehicles in the Irish road transport sector for the period 2000–2005 using national car test records. The developed methodology facilitates the calculation of greatly improved estimates for vehicle kilometres under a range of constraint variables and thereby enables the disaggregated analysis of specific vehicle fleet groups and their associated activity patterns to support evidence-based policy development. The results indicate that while older vehicles are contributing significantly to car NOx emissions; newer cars produce a higher share of CO2 emissions than older cars in the vehicle fleet.  相似文献   

This paper utilises revealed-preference parking trend data from parking meters ex ante and ex post of a general 50% price increase in the hourly cost of on-street parking to estimate the on-street parking price elasticity of demand in an area of Dublin, Ireland. Estimates are presented for the aggregate price elasticity of demand level and individual estimates for specific time periods and days of the week. In terms of reduced parking frequency, the average price elasticity of demand reported is −0.29. Daily average estimates are consistent, with one notable exception being Thursday, a ‘late night shopping’ day for which a lower price sensitivity is reported. Morning periods are also shown to be more responsive than other time periods in the test area, indicating some potential for influencing morning inbound peak traffic levels.  相似文献   

Organizations displaying best practices for attaining proactive sustainability targets at local level are of major importance as role models in the transition toward a sustainable transport system. This study summarizes results and conclusions from 20 municipalities in Sweden that have implemented the so called CERO analysis in order to adapt to future emission targets for travel. The overall aim of the study is to identify factors explaining why some municipalities are more successful than others in a benchmarking comparison.

The results indicate that commuting by car is by far the most dominant source of emissions, constituting on average 76% of total annual travel emissions (including both commuting and business travel). In order to reduce these emissions, travel planning programs within organizations must address both commuting conditions and business travel conditions to reduce car dependence for work travel, e.g., employees using private cars for business trips most likely also use their own cars for commuting. To identify potential success factors as regards emissions-efficient travel, three comparative statistical analyses were conducted: grouping municipalities with low emissions in relation to the total average; analysis of car commuters' willingness to change travel mode; and before-and-after analyses of municipalities implementing specific action plans. The results revealed that municipalities conducting follow-up studies 2 years after implementing travel planning programs all lowered their total CO2 emissions, by on average 10% during a 2-year period. Overall, these municipalities achieved redistribution to alternative travel modes but also reduced total travel mileage.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the Tunisian government's tourist promotion policies during the 1990s. It takes a Deleuzian perspective, using the notion of crystalline narration developed by the author of The Time-Image. I will emphasise the idea of coalescence between past and present as revealed in the advertising images of the period where heritage objects appear among other contemporary objects.

In fact, I will draw on a corpus of short films and commercials produced by the Tunisian tourism bureau to be broadcast both inside and outside the country. My analysis will focus on the ways in which actors in the fields of politics and tourism use these objects for media purposes, targeting both Tunisians and foreign tourists to whom they strive to hold up a crystal-image of Tunisia. This image is shored up by a political discourse put forward by a state that wishes to appear both to its citizens and to others as reconciling past and present. The crystal metaphor evokes a narrative mode in which heritage is likened to the glittering of scattered crystals and Tunisian identity seems to emerge from the ‘mists of time’ with sparkling refractions on ‘tips of the present’.  相似文献   

This paper obtains the optimal routings for intermodal containerized transport from Canada to Mexico. Such traffic is being stimulated by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), but the cost and lead times of feasible routes are not well known. We summarize the links and routes to Mexico on which one or more carriers now operate, and then determine non-dominated tradeoffs between cost and service. Every southbound route from Canada requires a transshipment point in the southern or southwestern U. S. Feasible transshipment points are also candidate locations for a manufacturing ‘twin plant’, a distribution centre, or a transportation hub. Here, as a first step in this bigger problem, a network is constructed between five Canadian origins and three important Mexican destinations. Each link employs available intermodal services whose transit time and transportation cost are obtained through industry sources. A shortest-path algorithm enables calculation of the route requiring least time and the route of minimum cost. Non-dominated time/cost tradeoffs are identified for each origin–destination pair. After including inventory expenses (by parametrizing the unit value of lead time), total-cost curves then eliminate some routing alternatives. Guidelines are provided on the effects of mode, carrier, and O–D locations on selection of intermodal routes to Mexico. Finally, two new intermodal services are proposed and their benefits discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines how a single international border can exact different policies, practices, spatial variations, and tourism spaces at various points along its length. Based on an examination of the westernmost portion of the Canada–US frontier, this constructivist study investigates how the juxtaposition of barriers, attractions, transit spaces, and tourism landscapes is created concurrently on a single stretch of an international boundary. Four coterminous ‘zones’ of tourism were identified, including an area of illegal activity, ports of entry or crossing points, the peace park, and the exclave zone. Theoretical and practical implications are drawn from this study for border managers, tourism planners, and border agencies.  相似文献   

企业筹资中亟待重视非显性成本的管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在企业筹资过程中,必然会导致非显性成本的产生。非显性成本具有不可控、误导等特性,往往掩盖企业总成本的真实性,影响决策的预期效应,影响经济决策的科学判断和正确选择。因此,不能把非显性成本排除在经济形势观察的视野之外,为此对铁路企业筹资中降低非显性成本提出有关建议。  相似文献   

我国西部交通发展战略与措施探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地区间发展不平衡、东西部差距加大,已成为我国国民经济和社会全面持续发展的羁绊,而交通是其中的一个主要影响因素。针对目前我国西部交通发展建设中存在的问题,对西部交通的发展战略目标和设想进行了探讨,提出了建立西部综合运输体系新格局,以及加快西部交通发展的建议。  相似文献   

This paper advances (i) propositions of consumer behaviour theory in tourism via storytelling theory and (ii) skills in decoding elements and subtle details that appear in ‘good stories’ versus not‐so‐good stories within travel contexts. The present paper presents a set of iconic story symbols for use in decoding stories and shows how to use these tools for decoding tourism‐related narratives. Practice using these visual iconic symbols in decoding stories achieves effective storytelling learning via cognitive sculpting; that is, learning improves from moving and arranging (sculpting) potentially three‐dimensional story or electronically movable icons while talking or writing narratives. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The business traveller contributes significantly to the turnover of the hotel industry and, with the globalisation of business, this sector shows signs of increasing growth. Service quality has now become one of the main factors used to gain competitive advantage, thus the industry must focus more specifically on the needs and expectations of its business customers. The aim of this paper is to focus on the business travel market and more specifically on the comparison of two hotels in two European cities, Brussels and Manchester. This area of research has not been attempted before and will provide an interesting comparison with findings in USA. A literature review identified the relevant attributes used to measure service quality, which were utilised to design a questionnaire, distributed to customers in a five star hotel in Manchester and in Brussels. The primary data obtained were then compared with the findings of other researchers. The analysis indicated that Brussels scored the majority of the attributes more highly (many significantly) than did Manchester. This may be influenced by the international profile of the Brussels respondents who tended to travel on business more frequently than the Manchester sample. The comparisons with the USA surveys found some inconsistencies that might be attributed to societal differences.Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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