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文章指出顾客满意,未必对顾客长远利益有益,还有可能损害其他公众的利益,更为遗憾的是也未必能保证公司的长期生存,同时可能恶化环境。因此,文章认为,必须树立新的营销观念,作者称之为“可持续营销观”。  相似文献   

门睿 《新智慧》2005,(8):18-18
麦吉尔定理 在现代社会,当回上帝似乎不再是遥不可及的梦想。至少当你花钱买东西时服务员是把你当成上帝的。毕竟,各大公司喊的“顾客就是上帝”的口号加上服务员毕恭毕敬的态度和周到的服务,很难不让我们在大把花钱时不以上帝自居。肖然,服务员心里未必真把顾客当上帝,因为上帝在世人印象中足无比仁慈宽容的主,而凭钞票的光彩幻化为上帝的顾客有好有坏,或讲理或不讲理,或容易满足或难以伺候。吹毛求疵、无理取闹的顾客相信每个服务员都遇到过。于是,如何使每个顾客都满意,成为每个从事服务性工作的员工和管理人员最关心的事情。  相似文献   

文章指出顾客满意,未必对顾客长远利益有益,还有可能损害其他公众的利益,更为遗憾的是也未必能保证公司的长期生存,同时可能恶化环境.因此,文章认为,必须树立新的营销观念,作者称之为"可持续营销观".  相似文献   

饭店顾客满意度综合评价理论体系及实证研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
使顾客满意、忠诚是饭店企业追求的最终目标,顾客满意是一种心理状况,具有主观性,难以对其量化评价.在Fornell模型基础上提出了一套饭店顾客满意度综合评价理论体系.通过对饭店顾客群体和满意度体系的分析,并结合实例对其在饭店顾客满意度评价中的运用进行了探讨,对实业界具有一定的实用价值.  相似文献   

CS战略——顾客满意战略是21世纪营销的新发展,CS战略的目的是以顾客为中心,使顾客满意,增强企业的竞争力。企业在实施CS战略时要创造使顾客满意的产品价值和产品附加价值,更要开展关系营销,培养顾客的忠诚度,树立较高的企业形象。  相似文献   

一CS战略的基本内涵CS系英文“CustomerSatisfaction”缩写,意为“顾客满意”,CS战略即“顾客满意战略”。其基本指导思想是:企业的全部经营活动要以顾客的满意为指针,把顾客需求作为企业开发产品的源头,在产品功能、价格设定、分销促销环节建立以及完善售后服务系统等方面以便利顾客为原则,最大限度使顾客感到满意。同时,企业要及时跟踪研究顾客的满意度,并依此设立和改进目标,调整企业营销环节,在顾客满意中树立良好的企业形象,增强竞争能力。它不是简单的服务项目的堆积,而是从顾客的目前利益和长远利益出发,要求企业的…  相似文献   

基于体验模糊性的顾客满意度评价方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
顾客满意度评价是企业实现顾客满意的基础。顾客满意是顾客的一种心理体验,这种体验具有较强的模糊性,现有的评价方法不能很好地适应这种模糊性。本文通过顾客满意理论分析了顾客满意模糊性的原因。并提出了基本体验模糊性的顾客满意度评价方法。  相似文献   

引导市场营销方向的是顾客消费需求,市场营销的产品和活动只有在适合需求、实现顾客满意的情况下,才能顺利实现其交换和价值。当前我国的市场营销偏离了顾客满意这个中心,存在着许多误区。本文着重讨论了顾客满意对企业理念、质量策略、价格策略、分销渠道、促销和服务等营销策略的重要性以及如何制订营销策略。  相似文献   

六西格玛管理与实现顾客满意   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为,我国的大多数组织目前尽管已认识到了顾客的重要性,但还未真正充分实现顾客满意,而六西格玛管理是1987年由摩托罗拉提出并实施、1995年由通用电器进一步完善的一种管理模式,是一种通过减少过程变异、减少缺陷、降低成本、使顾客充分满意,增加利润的系统管理方法.引入六西格玛管理模式,是组织最大程度使顾客满意、实现可持续发展、提升竞争力的关键路径之一.  相似文献   

王军 《大众商务》2006,(5):47-47
开店初期,商品定价是一项重要工作。对顾客来讲,没有什么东西能使他们更敏感了,因为价格即代表他兜里的金钱。要想让顾客感受到你只从他兜里掏了很少一部分,而非一大把钱,就要掌握一些定价的小技巧,不然只能眼睁睁看着别的商家旺销,自家却门前冷落。  相似文献   

Regardless of the apparent need for product eliminations, many managers hesitate to act as they fear deleterious effects on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Other managers do carry out product eliminations, but often fail to consider the consequences for customers and business relationships. Given the relevance and problems of product eliminations, research on this topic in general and on the consequences for customers and business relationships in particular is surprisingly scarce. Therefore, this empirical study explores how and to what extent the elimination of a product negatively affects customers and business relationships. Results indicate that eliminating a product may result in severe economic and psychological costs to customers, thereby seriously decreasing customer satisfaction and loyalty. This paper also shows that these costs are not exogenous in nature. Instead, depending on the characteristics of the eliminated product these costs are found to be more or less strongly driven by a company’s behavior when implementing the elimination at the customer interface.  相似文献   

Customer metrics help firms manage their performance and predict financial outcomes. While many firms focus on customer satisfaction metrics for this purpose, dual-process theories in psychology and neuroscience show that customer decisions are based on two processes. This suggests that metrics which measure the impulsiveness of purchase decisions might effectively complement customer satisfaction metrics. In a series of experiments we demonstrate that satisfaction and impulsiveness metrics make distinct but strong predictions of consumer choices. Satisfaction and impulsiveness influence choice in different ways. While impulsiveness relates to choice directly, the satisfaction-choice path is mediated by loyalty intention. Moreover this relationship is moderated by product involvement such that impulsiveness metrics provide a better prediction for low-involvement than for high-involvement situations. Finally, a field study of 750 customers of 101 firms demonstrates these relationships at a firm level, indicating that satisfaction and impulsiveness metrics have equally strong but distinct relationships with shareholder value. Therefore firms may be able to benefit from complementing customer satisfaction metrics with customer impulsiveness metrics.  相似文献   

顾客互动已成为企业竞争优势的重要源泉,但有关顾客互动和价值共创的内在机制并未得到充分研究,顾客互动并未引起实践界和管理者的足够重视,本文将弥补这一缺陷并进行相关研究。本文以虚拟品牌社区为研究对象,从刺激—有机体—反应(S-O-R)理论和自我决定理论出发,剖析了顾客互动、顾客自我决定感和社区满意之间的关系。结果表明:产品互动和人际互动较强地促进了顾客的自我能力感和自我归属感,自我能力感显著地促进了社区满意,而自我归属感同社区满意之间的关系只是得到最低程度地支持。同时,本文也发现,自我能力感和自我归属感在顾客互动和社区满意之间扮演着中介作用角色。  相似文献   

自20世纪70年代以来,学和企业经理们不断地探求顺应市场形势变化的企业经营新方法,从最初以产品为中心的单纯注重产品质量,到“以顾客为导向”的争取顾客满意与忠诚,直至90年代顾客价值概念的提出,将企业经营理念推向了一个全新的高度。本从历史和逻辑的角度分别剖析了“利润最大化”、“顾客最满意”和“顾客价值最大化”等企业经营理念,指出了在新形势下“利润最大化”和“顾客最满意”的不合时宜之处.并对“顾客价值最大化”的经营理念进行了战略定位分析。  相似文献   

文化元素在产品设计上应用得越来越频繁,企业把文化元素应用到产品设计中,满足消费者的情感需求,成为企业营销发展的新趋势。本文以王老吉“百家姓”产品为例,基于情感营销的理论,以情感反应的三个维度——设计情感、产品情感和渠道情感为中介变量,构建产品设计与顾客满意度关系模型,运用实证分析方法探究情感反应的中介作用。研究结果表明,情感反应的三个维度在产品设计和顾客满意度的关系中存在显著的中介作用。据此,本文对企业如何有效地开展情感营销和提高顾客满意度提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

Although it has frequently been argued that the job satisfaction of a company’s employees is an important driver of customer satisfaction, systematic research exploring this link is scarce. The present study investigates this relationship for salespeople in a business-to-business context. The theoretical justification for a positive impact of salespeople’s job satisfaction on customer satisfaction is based on the concept of emotional contagion. The analysis is based on a dyadic data set that involves judgments provided by salespeople and their customers collected across multiple manufacturing and services industries. Results indicate the presence of a positive relationship between salespeople’s job satisfaction and customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the relationship between salespeople’s job satisfaction and customer satisfaction is found to be particularly strong in the case of high frequency of customer interaction, high intensity of customer integration into the value-creating process, and high product/service innovativeness.  相似文献   

本文通过对房地产服务客户满意度影响因素的探讨,提出了房地产业顾客满意度的结构方程模型,并对模型进行配适度检验。研究结果发现:(1)在直接效果部分:职业道德对顾客满意度之因果关系并未获得显著性支持;而服务质量对顾客满意度有显著的正向影响;(2)在间接效果部分:职业道德及服务质量透过顾客价值对顾客满意度都有显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

Many multinational corporations have implemented cross-national satisfaction measurement programs for tracking and benchmarking the satisfaction of their customers across their various markets. These companies measure satisfaction with the goal of maximizing customer loyalty and the financial benefits associated with loyalty. However, existing research comparing consumer satisfaction across nations is limited, with the few existing studies examining only a small number of countries or predictors of satisfaction, or a small group of consumers within a particular economic sector. To expand our knowledge of the determinants of cross-national variation in customer satisfaction, we study three sets of factors: cultural, socioeconomic and political-economic. We utilize a unique sample of cross-industry satisfaction data from 19 nations, including nearly 257,000 interviews of consumers. Consistent with our hypotheses, we find that consumers in traditional societies have higher levels of satisfaction than those in secular-rational societies. Likewise, consumers in self-expressive societies have higher levels of customer satisfaction than those in societies with survival values. We also find that literacy rate, trade freedom, and business freedom have a positive effect on customer satisfaction while per capita gross domestic product has a negative effect on customer satisfaction. We discuss the implications of these findings for policymakers, multinational corporations, and researchers.  相似文献   

A number of studies affirm that the level of consumer satisfaction with a product is positively correlated with the amount of effort expended in obtaining that product. This proposition, however, fails to explain situations where the customer may be more satisfied with a product when expending low effort than when expending high effort. The article attempts to reconcile conflicting evidence concerning the effects on product evaluation as a result of the magnitude of consumer effort. The two experiments conducted in this study suggest that the, issue of effort is a relative matter, measured and viewed by the individual in relation to the extent of his effort resource or reservoir. The experiments also indicate that this effort resource is capricious over time and place. The conclusion suggests to marketers with pricing responsibilities other alternatives to high-price policies as a means of attaining the desired customer evaluation of a product.  相似文献   

提高顾客让渡价值是提高顾客满意度的一种有效方式,但由于无法判断出顾客让渡价值中哪些因素发挥了积极作用,因而基于顾客让渡价值的顾客满意度的比较模型是分别考察顾客总价值满意度和顾客总成本满意度,并使二者之间建立起联系.该模型能够区别出顾客让渡价值中各个因素所发挥的不同作用,从而为企业提高让渡价值提供参考依据.  相似文献   

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