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各个历史时期的传统民居是城市的文化遗产,体现大城市多层次、多元化的文化形态和深厚的历史文化内涵,不同城市的民居有不同的造型、不同的装饰、不同的风格,反映出不同的历史文化积淀.如汉唐古都的残台断墙,上海、天津的西洋古典式建筑,北京大栅栏半土半洋的商业店面,现代化大城市高楼下的低矮平房等等,它们都是作为一种"符号"而代表着某种特有的文化.  相似文献   

竞业禁止协议,就是指企业与雇员签订的要求雇员在任职期间或者离开工作岗位后一定期限内不得自营或者为他人经营与所任职企业同类经营的协议.关于竞业禁止,在法理上,按照产生的依据,可以将其分为法定的竞业禁止和约定的竞业禁止.法定的竞业禁止源于法律明文规定,如《公司法》对董事、经理同类经营活动的禁止性规定.约定竞业禁止是指雇主以合同或者合同条款的形式,对雇员的从业予以限制,目的在于保护企业的商业秘密,制止不正当竞争.本文所讨论的是约定的竞业禁止.如何认定竞业禁止协议的效力?笔者认为,在认定竞业禁止协议的效力时既要考虑雇员的利益,又要考虑雇主的利益.  相似文献   

白珊 《经济问题》2007,339(11):66-67
随着我国经济的快速发展和对能源的大量需求,使得自然环境遭受着矿山开采的严重破坏.由于许多矿山设施的滞后,以及矿工基本素质的薄弱和经济利益的巨大诱惑,矿工的生命及其尊严,人类的环境及其保护,面临着巨大的挑战,成为一个敏感的社会话题,以及政府、企业、社会共同关注的焦点.  相似文献   

互联网世界的超级动力面临着检验的时刻.世界上极少有公司能像GOOGLE一样,在如此短的时间内以如此繁杂的方法迅速崛起,成为世界上最受欢迎的搜索引擎公司.不管从哪个角度来看,这个事实都确定无疑:公司的市场价值和年收入的增长量;庞大数量的用户利用GOOGLE搜索新闻、寻找最近的比萨饼店,观看邻居花园的卫星照片;GOOGLE的广告商名目表不断增加;与此同时,不断增加的还有公司所拥有的律师.  相似文献   

跨国公司大面积亏损造成的税收损失问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据统计,在我国有相当部分跨国公司处于亏损状态,这些跨国公司有相当部分是为了避税而人为制造亏损,这给我国的税收造成了很大的损失.如何减少税收损失,从博弈论的角度探讨可以得出结论:较小的跨国公司逃税的概率,有利于增加政府财政收入;较小的税务机关稽查的概率,可以节省稽查成本,根据这两个方面建立完善的管理制度将会减少这方面的税收损失.  相似文献   

在信息化浪潮的冲击下,传统的就业方式、就业结构、就业政策等方面都发生了较大的变化.从短期看,信息化进程的推进可能造成对劳动力需求的减少,对就业产生一定的负面影响;但从长期来看,信息技术的发展会促进产业结构和就业结构的调整,推动社会经济的不断发展并产生新的就业机会.政府要高度重视信息化对就业问题的影响,加强信息化背景下的教育及培训,加快劳动力市场信息化建设的步伐,对信息化进行充分的利用和正确的引导,创造出更多的岗位,从而使信息化成为解决我国就业问题的突破口.  相似文献   

营销预警系统在林产品物流中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国林业的发展,林产品的种类、品种规格和表现形态不断丰富,在我国现代化建设和改善人们生活的过程中发挥了巨大的作用.作为联结林产品生产和消费的物流,由于其自身的特点和林产品的属性,没有很好地满足消费者的要求,同时也造成了很大的浪费.为了畅通生产到消费的各个环节,更好地满足消费者的需要,应该建立营销预警系统,把生产、流通到最后消费的各环节成为一体,提高林产品的物流效率.  相似文献   

古希腊艺术与古希腊自然坏境息息相关,地理环境造就了古希腊艺术的性格;自然物产形成古希腊艺术的主要形式;温和气候以及地理位置铸就古希腊艺术的世界观.本文通过对古希腊自然环境与艺术关系的研究,阐释出古希腊辉煌的艺术深深植根于古希腊的自然环境的土壤中.  相似文献   

出口商品屡遭贸易壁垒的原因及对策:以温州为例的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来我国出口商品频繁遭遇贸易壁垒的困扰,其深层次原因是非常复杂的,既有来自于国外的,也有我们内部的因素,对此我们应该采取系统的全面应对措施,充分发挥政府、企业和行业协会三方面的作用,防范国际贸易壁垒带来的损失,促进出口行业和国民经济的健康发展.  相似文献   

JAVA程序设计过程中需要涉及环境变量的设置和使用,尤其是path和classpath这两个环境变量.path环境变量用来设置我们要执行的命令所在的目录,而classpath环境变量用来设置我们的JVM虚拟机要查找的类名所在的目录.如何查看、设置、新建和取消环境变量是我们这里要讨论的问题.  相似文献   

领导干部经济责任审计绩效化的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧阳程  程庆 《经济问题》2008,(10):51-53
从领导干部经济责任审计绩效化的内因入手,归纳了领导干部经济责任审计绩效化的表现形式,分析了领导干部经济责任审计绩效化带来的影响。认为领导干部经济责任审计绩效化的措施包括两方面,一是逐步建立领导干部绩效责任的约束机制;二是加强审计自身建设。  相似文献   

Our work is part of the quest for sustainability of MFIs. To ensure sustainability, an MFI must be effective. It must, among others, face many risks and in particular the default risk. A question arises: what are the determinants of portfolio quality of MFIs? In other words, what are the determinants that influence delays in payment of MFIs? The interest of this research is twofold. The first is practical: knowing the importance of performance measures of microcredit as a precondition for the efficiency and financial performance of MFIs, this study identified determinants of the reimbursement rate in an MFI of Tunisia. It may even give an evidence for banks to intervene on the market of micro credit. The second is methodological: to find the determinants of reimbursement behaviour in MFIs, a binary logistic regression is used, while differing in explanatory variables between key variables and moderators’ ones, which was not met previously in the literature. The results showed that among the variables related to the characteristics of the loan, the loan amount and the borrower's experience with the MFI affect the rate of reimbursement. The credit increases the likelihood of default. Unlike, when borrower's experience with the MFI increases, the risk of default decreases. A relationship between the industry and the repayment rate has not been verified. For variables related to the characteristics of the borrower, age, educational level and marital status of the borrower appear to affect the relationship between the risk of default and the amount of credit. The effect of the credit amount on the default risk decreases as age and level of education increases. In addition, this effect is more important for married compared to the unmarried. For gender, we found that the effect of maturity on the risk of default is not the same for men or women borrowers. It seems that when the maturity increases, men provide reimbursement rates lower than women.  相似文献   

Following a brief review of the conception of freedom as employedin economic discourse, this paper focuses on the evolution ofthe concept of freedom in the work of Amartya Sen. It tracesthe development of Sen's thought from the capability analysisof the late 1970s to his more recent separation of freedom intoits opportunity and process aspects. While broadly appreciativeof Sen's development of the concept of positive freedom, thepaper identifies some difficulties arising from his definitionof capability as a set of options as well as from his separationof the opportunity and process aspects of freedom. Aspects ofthe relationship between Sen's conception of freedom and thatof Marx are discussed briefly in the context of Sen's recentdiscussion of the market as a source of freedom.  相似文献   

In the early stages of Western industrialization, innovation was the domain of individuals who devoted their entrepreneurial talents to the development of a new product or process, typically setting up a new firm in order to take the innovation to the market. Today, commercial R&;D is almost exclusively carried out by corporate laboratories affiliated with manufacturing firms. The corporate R&;D lab, however, did not exist in its modern form until the late nineteenth century. The history of Western industrialization, thus, suggests that a fundamental change in the structure of incentives, and consequently in the nature and the organization of the R&;D process, occurred around the turn of the century. Three questions arise. What is the nature of this change? What economic forces caused it? What are its implications? To answer these questions, I construct a model where this change is endogenous to the evolution of the economy toward industrial maturity. The change in the locus of innovation—from R&;D undertaken by intventor-entrepreneurs, to R&;D undertaken within established firms in close proximity to the production line—results from the interaction of market structure and technological change. This interaction captures the essence of the evolution of the capitalist engine of growth and provides an economic explanation of a “stylized fact” that has received no attention in the theoretical literature. The endogenous market structure generates dynamic feedbacks that shape the growth path of the economy and determine the structural change it undergoes, including the endogenous formation of corporate R&;D labs. The evolution of market rivalry explains when and how established firms become the major locus of R&;D activity.  相似文献   

日本邮政民营化改革解析及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本邮政民营化改革的基本背景是邮政公社在日本邮政事务中居绝对垄断的地位,这样的业务结构有诸多弊端。邮政民营化改革是小泉政府实现其"小政府、大经济"施政纲领的具体体现。尽管邮政民营化改革议案最初遭到了部分国民、在野党和执政党的反对,但小泉所采取的"问信于民"的策略使邮政民营化改革议案最终获得了通过。日本邮政民营化改革对中国邮政体制改革的启示是:放宽市场准入,引入竞争机制;重视体制改革中的利益集团问题;重视"问信于民"的改革策略。  相似文献   

当前,国内大中小城市房价快速上涨,远远超过了国内居民的承受能力,房地产市场出现了严重的泡沫,房地产业结构性问题日益凸显。以高房价为研究起点,分析了高房价反映出房地产业结构性失衡的机理。进一步通过高房价的形成原因的分析,提出了基于房地产业结构调整的房价控制对策。  相似文献   

This paper considers the optimality properties of a market economy in terms of three propositions that evaluate the outcomes of and the process of competition between a population of firms working within a given economic environment. We show that when firms differ in more than one competitive characteristic then competition does not select in general the most efficient firm nor does it always result in increases in the average efficiency with which resources are utilized. Drawing upon a theorem of Kimura, however, we show that competition has the property of maximizing the rate of change of the average selective characteristics in the population. We conclude that a more nuanced appraisal of the institutions of the competitive process is surely necessary. From an evolutionary standpoint, the outcomes of competition are always contingent on the nature of the selection environment and the characteristics of the whole population of firms that are being selected. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

在“大众创业、万众创新”的背景下,我国众创空间数量呈现爆发式增长。为了提高众创空间运行效率以及促进各地众创空间协同发展,以长江中下游各省市众创空间为研究对象,采用数据包络分析方法和投影分析法分析众创空间创新资源投入产出效率,进一步利用莫兰指数和面板空间杜宾模型探索区际创新资源流动可行性与众创空间协同发展路径。研究发现:近年来长江中下游各省域众创空间运行效率绝大多数时候未达到有效,财政投入冗余度最高,在孵企业当年获得投资总额、拥有有效知识产权数、总收入存在不同程度的不足;各省域众创空间发展水平存在空间相关性,创业导师投入、技术市场成交额对周边省市众创空间发展水平具有显著正向影响,高校和科研机构数量、地区生产总值对周边省市众创空间发展水平具有显著负向影响。  相似文献   

批发业作为主导产业对义乌城市化水平的提升是历史与文化、制度与管理、经济发展和规划建设等多因素共同作用的结果,其作用机制表现为连锁反应过程。即:制度作用推动主导产业的形成与发展,带动义乌城市规模的扩张和空间结构的优化;批发业联动其他产业发展,城市功能显著提升、各种资源和要素集聚能力增强;集聚作用驱动城市空间规模进一步扩大、空间结构发生新的变化,导致扩散作用增强;批发业的空间集聚与扩散加速了义乌城市化水平的提升,促进义乌市影响的空间范围扩大,成为浙中区域的经济中心。  相似文献   

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