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孟杰 《民营科技》2014,(8):255-255
通过对东北地区污水处理厂冬季运行方式的总结,提出克服东北地区污水处理厂低温运行难题,加强运行管理,确保污水处理厂稳定运行的办法。  相似文献   

本文以自动化控制系统如何更好的服务于工艺过程管理为核心,以秦皇岛开发区小型污水处理厂的工艺特点为例,分析了如何基于小型污水处理厂的基本工艺,结合自身特点、有效、合理的选择仪表、PLC等设备在内的自控系统,以合理硬件配置,尽可能的满足小型污水厂安全生产的需要。  相似文献   

周翠兰 《价值工程》2014,(13):151-152
本文介绍了城镇污水处理厂监督检查内容、发现的问题及解决措施。城镇污水处理厂能有效处理城区的生活污水、工业废水,避免污水及污染物直接流入水域,对改善生态环境、提升城市品位和促进经济发展具有重要意义。但在其日常运行中仍存在问题,城镇污水处理厂的运行监督尤为重要。  相似文献   

我国小型污水处理厂的设备配备与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济的发展,环境保护问题越来越重要.保护生态环境,已成为我国经济可持续发展的一个重要环节,污水处理厂是进行污水处理的地方,是保护生态环境的重要场所.其中,设备配备与管理,对污水厂的运行效率与质量具有十分重要的影响,基于此,文章对小型污水处理厂的设备配备以及管理进行了深入的分析和探讨.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,环境保护问题越来越重要。保护生态环境,已成为我国经济可持续发展的一个重要环节,污水处理厂是进行污水处理的地方,是保护生态环境的重要场所。其中,设备配备与管理,对污水厂的运行效率与质量具有十分重要的影响,基于此,文章对小型污水处理厂的设备配备以及管理进行了深入的分析和探讨。  相似文献   

污水处理与人民生活、城市建设、国家经济的可持续发展密切相关,在我国城市化进程与经济建设快速推进的今天,做好污水处理厂设备管理维护工作,既要掌握科学的管理与维修方法,又要坚持以人为本;既要着眼于现实生产中设备的安全运行,又要着眼于长远发展的管理目标。本文针对某城镇污水处理厂多年来运行管理中存在的一些问题做了深入的分析,通过改进措施,确保了该厂能够正常运行与出水达标排放。  相似文献   

现代社会的发展,各个企业不断扩大生产规模,城市人口密度不断提高,城市人口的生活等各个方面产生的污水,给环境造成了极大的影响,需要对其进行有效的治理,避免其影响到城市人口的生活质量及生存环境。污水处理厂则是对该类问题进行处理的机构,其能够对污水进行处理,有效的改善环境,并充分利用水资源,在城市的运行管理中发挥着极为重要的作用。由于污水处理厂的运行过程极为复杂,属于资源密集型产业,其在能源的消耗方面较大,该因素也使得其污水处理的效果受到一定的影响。社会资源紧缺现象引起了社会各界的高度关注,国家也一再倡导节约型社会,污水处理厂也需要在各个环境进行节能减排,减少能源的消耗,提高社会效益。本文简单说明了污水处理厂的能源消耗情况,并提出了几点节能减排的措施,为污水处理厂的管理人员提供一定的参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

索伟 《科技与企业》2014,(16):174-174
我国近年来随着城镇化建设的加快,其在污水处理能力方面的发展速度也在不断加快,尽管在我国已经建成的污水处理厂有几千座,但是很多污水厂由于经营管理不当,造成运行成本过高,使得很多污水处理厂面临亏损或者处理效果达不到理想效果。其主要原因是许多城市污水处理厂的运行成本占收入往往比例较大,如果控制不当,很容易使得整个处理厂经营面临瘫痪。因此,如何有效的控制城镇污水处理厂的运行成本是大多数企业共同关心的话题。本文就城镇污水处理厂的成本运行特点,具体提出如何有效的管理和控制器运行成本存在的问题。  相似文献   

现代社会的进步,工业的发展以及城市化建设的逐步深入,污水的排放量不断增加,其淤积与土壤中而形成了污泥。现代科学技术的提高,使得其污水处理厂的技术也不断更新,对于污泥的处理也十分普遍。本文简单分析了小型污水处理厂污泥近自然处置利用技术中污泥土壤化植物滤床的特点及基本原理;污泥土壤化植物滤床的设计及制作,包括污泥投加系统的设计、防渗滤床的制作、滤液收集系统、植物种植层及其运行管理措施等,为从事小型污水处理厂的管理人员提供一定的参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

众所周知,污水处理厂实际运行中的电能耗用量巨大,如何通过对电气设计的合理优化与节能控制,以降低污水处理厂电气系统运行过程中的能耗问题,是业内人士必须高度重视的课题之一。文章结合某污水处理厂工程实例,就供配电系统以及照明系统电气设计中相关节能措施的应用问题展开探讨与分析,望能够有效减少污水处理厂的电能损耗,达到控制污水处理厂实际运行成本的目的。  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to explore how managerial focus influences organizational ambidexterity in different organizational forms at the local government level. An entrepreneurial, leadership, or stakeholder managerial focus will each find reflection in the simultaneous pursuit of exploration and exploitation of resources, and the influence will differ with the organizational form, i.e. whether a local government administration (LGA), or a local government corporation (LGC). Hypotheses are tested on Swedish public organizations operating in the waste management and water and sewerage industries. The findings indicate that LGCs have higher levels of organizational ambidexterity, and that the determinants differ from those in LGAs.  相似文献   

abstract This paper presents results from a longitudinal, qualitative study into the adoption of environmental management systems (EMS) in three companies in the UK water & sewerage industry. Based on institutional theory and the literature on EMS, four factors related to the adoption of EMS are identified: external and internal institutional forces, environmental performance issues, and economic performance issues. While previous literature has often assumed a balance of performance and institutional factors or a preponderance of performance factors, the results of this study indicate that institutional forces are the predominant drivers. The results further indicate that environmental performance issues become less important over time, whereas institutional drivers and economic performance rationales increase in importance over time. While conforming to institutional pressures can result in improved economic performance of a company, adoption of environmental management systems mostly on the basis of institutional and economic factors has wider repercussions for the state of corporate environmental management and progress towards greater ecological sustainability of business.  相似文献   

吴春宝 《价值工程》2011,30(14):171-172
近年来,信息技术迅速发展,各行各业的信息化程度不断提高。我国民用航空维修业正经受加入WTO后的考验,新知识,新技术,新理论层出不穷。加强航空维修工作中信息化管理,会直接影响飞机的维修质量、成本、效率,保证飞行安全。因此,为适应现代化管理的需要,在原有管理模式的基础上,建立管理信息系统,是维修活动中的信息管理问题得到改善和解决或提高的有效途径。  相似文献   

The reformed Italian water and sewerage industry has several distinctive features. It is based on a decentralized structure where local authorities are entitled to define detailed long-term budget plans that claim to provide efficiency incentives to operating suppliers. Unlike previous studies, this paper analyzes the cost efficiency embedded in these budget plans to evaluate the actual capability of local regulators to adequately orientate firm performance. Several panel data cost frontier models were estimated that incorporate diverse specifications for inefficiency and unobserved heterogeneity terms. The results indicate that the decentralized planning mechanism applied in Italian water and sewerage industry regulation failed in fulfilling the declared goal and further highlights that the time-invariant terms are the prevailing source of cost differences, which may conceal a structural component attributable to persistent inefficiency.  相似文献   

This paper aims to extend our understanding of the impact of management practises and employment conditions in the contemporary workplace on the broader social realm. The study provides an analytic account of how these employment conditions impact on the social well-being of a representative sample of individuals and households. We assess the propensity of working arrangements that are manifested in various high performance work systems either to enhance or to diminish quality of life. The paper indicates that certain management practises and employment conditions have impacts that extend beyond the workplace and influence the broader well-being of individuals and families.  相似文献   

Ian Byatt, Director General of Water Supply, explains how the water and sewerage industry is regulated.  相似文献   

高职院校由于沿用传统的人事管理方式管理图书馆,人力资源管理观念不强,导致以下问题的存在:图书馆高素质人才短缺;图书馆馆员知识结构不合理,高学历人才少;人力资源管理制度不规范,难以调动馆员工作积极性;人力资源的配置机制不合理,影响工作效益。因此,在信息时代、知识经济时代和网络时代,为了更好地为师生提供高质量的信息服务,高职院校图书馆必须创新人力资源管理方式。  相似文献   

对绿化施工现场管理的几点想法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王爱荣 《价值工程》2010,29(3):231-231
科学的现场施工管理是优质低价的园林绿化工程的保证。园林工程施工现场管理水平的高低决定着企业的市场应变能力和企业的竞争能力。本文通过对园林工程的施工组织、施工现场管理、施工成本管理和施工安全等几大环节中的若干管理因素的探讨,提出各环节中的主要工作项目和管理思路。  相似文献   

企业能否实现长周期安全生产,与企业构建的安全生产保证体系密切相关。构建安全生产保证体系的内涵中,注重刚性管理的同时,要更加注重柔性管理。文章对企业建立的安全生产保证体系进行了简单分类,指出不同类型的安全生产保证体系存在发生不同类型风险的可能。通过实证案例,对构建符合实际的安全生产保证体系,实现长周期安全生产进行了介绍。  相似文献   

This article looks at the relationship between economic regulation, environmental regulation, company strategy and the environment in the UK water and sewerage industry. The regulatory field in this industry, following privatization in 1989, is highly complex and interdependent. The paper presents three case studies of company interpretation of and response to changes in this regulatory field, focusing particularly on the third review by the economic regulator, in 1999, which involved a reduction of the prices companies were allowed to charge their customers. This had significant but complex repercussions for environmental strategy and management in the companies, with different impacts on mandatory and non‐mandatory activities. It also showed in relief the opportunities for building coalitions between companies and the environmental regulator, both in general terms and revolving around specific, local environmental issues and schemes. Companies' strategic direction was also found to have an impact on their response to the regulatory review. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

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