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渤海海域某凝析气田的开发项目首次将耐蚀合金(Corrosionresistant alloy)复合海管(即CRA复合海管)技术应用到渤海海域.本文将着重介绍CRA复合海管特性及其海上安装时的检验要点,其中海上安装环节中的节点接长工艺,对海管质量和寿命起到至关重要的作用,将针对节点接长,从CRA复合海管特性和焊接工艺2个方面做重点介绍,对复合管安装检验工作提供一些参考.  相似文献   

饱和潜水支持船作为特种作业船舶,其设备和人员的布置非常密集,因此该船型的消防系统需要进行多区域、多类型的综合设计。本文以上海振华重工建造的145 m饱和潜水支持船为例,阐述该船消防系统的设计情况,为该类型特种船舶的自主研发提供相关参考。  相似文献   

上海振华重工建造的潜水支援船上配备了1套300 MSW级饱和潜水系统,该潜水系统是当前商业潜水设施中颇为先进的系统。作为饱和潜水的核心设备之一,潜水钟承担着向深海运送潜水人员,保障潜水员生命安全的重要责任。介绍了该潜水支援船上潜水钟的构造及特点,通过对潜水钟的功能及设计展开研究,给后续潜水钟及饱和潜水系统的制造及使用提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

本文说明了现阶段饱和潜水员高压逃生撤离系统当中的背景和实际情况,整理了饱和潜水系统的相关要求和制度以及原理等。在对饱和潜水系统的特点和分类进行分析的时候,也介绍了救生艇的相关特点,以及饱和潜水系统的发展趋势等,希望可以为相关部门和企业提供参考。  相似文献   

矿用潜水电泵主要是将电机与泵连接为一体,共同潜入水中工作的机组,潜水电泵不仅运行平稳度高、安全性好,而且安装方便、造价低,在煤矿排水中被广泛使用,但是目前矿用潜水电泵在具体的使用以及工作中存在寿命短、效率低并且在矿井水灾事故的频率逐渐增加,经常会出现抢险初期的积水量大,要求采用大流量的排水系统解决问题,所以在潜水电泵需要随着工作环境的改变而改变,这就意味着需要对矿用潜水电泵进行优化设计。  相似文献   

根据饱和蒸汽膨胀做功特点,分别介绍,单级汽轮机,多级除湿汽轮机、机内再热除湿汽轮机及螺杆膨胀机等四种适于饱和蒸汽余热发电的技术,并通过实际工程表明,此类技术可靠,节能效果显著,经济效益可观,适合于在钢铁、化工及玻璃等存在大量饱和蒸汽余热资源的行业中广泛应用  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了在内河潜水作业过程中潜水员的呼吸气源的供应与应急保障的基本要求,并根据内河潜水的特点提出了一些可作操作性的水下减压方法。  相似文献   

通过设计暖风进水管安装工具。使发动机暖风(弯、直)进水管安装实现通用化、简易化、精准化操作,以提高工作效率及降低操作者的工作强度。本安装工具包括水管支持体靠模和水管支持体,水管支持体靠模上设有水管支持体压装靠面,水管支持体紧贴于靠模的压装靠面上,两者通过磁性相互吸附连接并可拆卸。无论是直管型还是弯管型的暖风进水管都可以被临时固定在水管支持体中,工作时用液压机对水管支持体靠模施加压力,压力经水管支持体压装靠面传递到水管支持体上,将暖风进水管压入发动机气缸盖的安装孔内。整个过程中暖风进水管保持稳定的安装角度和受力方向,在液压机的作用下使安装精度和速度都明显提高。  相似文献   

PGS饱和盐水泥热性能比较稳定,在钻探过程中形成的泥皮薄而坚硬,能够有效的抑制钻井中的粘土水化膨胀,保持钻井壁的穗定,防止坍塌等灾害的出现,并且这种饱和盐水能够有效的抗Ca2+、Mg2+等污染,被广泛应用在高盐高钙底层的钻探工作当中,扛文详细论述。TPGS饱和盐水泥浆在横县陶圩钙芒硝钻探中的应用过程,并分析PGS饱和盐水的配置以及实验效果,以期能够为其它钙芒硝钻探工作提供一点启示。  相似文献   

由海洋经济的发展所产生的海底资源开发、水下勘探、救捞等工作越来越离不开潜水员的水下直接作业.文章首先说明了潜水员认知工效研究的必要性,接着从空间认知和工效作业这两方面出发介绍了水下高气压环境中潜水认知工效研究现状.  相似文献   

针对易燃易爆介质生产和存放安全性要求,提出了基于PROFIBUS-DP的环境参数采集 系统解决方案,完成了系统结构和控制过程设计。结合PROFIBUS-DP开放式现场总线描述了 系统网络通信协议,下位机采用S7-200系列CPU模块和I/O模块构成,上位机采用与设备无关 的MCGS作为监控系统,实现了对采集的数据进行集中管理和实时监控。实际运行证明,系统 性能稳定,可靠性及过程自动化控制效率得到了显著提高,达到了设计目标。  相似文献   


Though Hispanic-Americans constitute the second-largest micro-culture market in the U.S., the consumption behavior of this population has not been much investigated (see, e.g., Wartzman 1999). This lack of investigation is, furthermore, complicated by the fact that this market is not homogeneous, but is, instead, comprised of several distinct country-of-origin groups such as Mexican- and Cuban-Americans, among others (Winsberg and Braus 1994). This problem is further complicated by the fact that within each of these groups there are consumption differences depending on whether and to what extent individuals have assimilated into the Anglo-American macro-culture (Goerne 1990).

I address these issues in this paper as follows: First, I focus on Puerto-Rican Americans because they are the second-largest (Winsberg and Braus 1994), and yet one of the least investigated, of all Hispanic-American groups in the marketing literature; second, using an established measure of the assimilation-construct, I investigate how assimilation-differences in this population affect how these individuals search for information prior to purchases from four very different durable product classes, i.e., a public luxury, a public necessity, a private luxury and a private necessity. What I found is that both cultural- and structural-assimilation have distinct, significant effects on the search behavior of these individuals for each of these durable product classes depending on whether they are luxuries or necessities, and whether they are consumed publicly or privately.

RESUMEN. A pesar del hecho que los Hispanoamericanos constituyen el segundo mayor mercado macrocultural en los Estados Unidos, el comportamiento consumista de esta población no ha sido investigado a fondo (vea ejemplo, Wartzman 1999). Esta falta de investigación, sin embargo, se ve complicada por la falta de homogeneidad de este mercado. A pesar de lo antedicho, el mercado está formado por varios grupos distintos de países de origen, tales como los mejicano-americanos y cubano-americanos, entre otros (Winsberg y Braus 1994). Este problema se complica aún más por el hecho que dentro de cada uno de estos grupos existen diferencias de consumo que dependen de si los individuos se han asimilado o no a la macrocultural angloamericana, y en que medida lo han hecho (Goerne 1990).

En este estudio abarco estos temas de la siguiente manera. En primer lugar, considero los puertorriqueños-americanos, porque ellos son el segundo mayor grupo (Winsberg y Braus 1994) que, a pesar de ello, es el menos investigado de todos los grupos hispanoamericanos cuanto al mercadeo de su literatura. Segundo, usando una medida ya establecida para calcular la asimilación-construcción, investigo cómo las diferencias de asimilación en esta población afectan a los individuaos que la componen, y cómo es que proceden para obtener la información antes de adquirir cuatro productos durables distintos (ejemplo: un lujo público, una necesidad pública y una necesidad privada). Lo que he descubierto es que la asimilación cultural y estructural ejerce efectos bien diferenciados e importantes sobre el comportamiento de dichos individuos respecto a cada uno de estos productos durables, dependiendo del hecho que sean lujos o necesidades y que se consuman pública o privadamente.

RESUMO. Embora os hispano-americanos constituam o segundo maior mercado micro-cultural nos E.U.A., o comportamento consumista desta população não tem sido bem investigado (ver e.g., Wartzman 1999). Tal deficiência é ainda prejudicada pelo fato deste mercado não ser homogêneo, mas, ao contrário, composto de grupos de várias origens distintas, tais como americanos do México e de Cuba, dentre outros (Winsberg e Braus 1994). Este problema agrava-se pelo fato de que em cada um destes grupos há diversidade de consumo, dependendo de quanto e se de fato os indivíduos assimilaram a macro-cultura anglo-americana (Goerne 1990). Apresento estes assuntos, neste trabalho, da seguinte maneira. Primeiro focalizo os americanos porto-riquenhos, porque são o segundo maior grupo (Winsberg e Braus 1994) e o menos pesquisado de todos os grupos hispano-americanos, na literatura mercadológica. Segundo, utilizando uma medida de construto de assimilação, investiguei como as diferen$cLas de assimilação nesta população afetam a busca destes indivíduos por informação, previamente $aG compra de quatro bens duráveis diversos (i.e., um supérfluo público, um essencial público, um supérfluo privado e um essencial privado). Descobri que a assimilação cultural e estrutural possui efeitos distintos e significativos no comportamento destes indivíduos, em relação a cada um destes bens duráveis, de acordo com a sua condição de supérfluo ou essencial e se são consumidos pública ou particularmente.  相似文献   


The principal aim of this paper is to analyze the Mercedes-Benz project in the municipality of Juiz de Fora (Minas Gerais state). This will be accomplished in two ways. First we will analyze the use of fiscal incentives, at both the state and municipal level, which were used in the negotiation with Mercedes-Benz Corporation. Second, through an input-output exercise we will measure the impact of the Mercedes-Benz unit upon the other productive sectors located in Juiz de Fora, the rest of Minas Gerais state and the rest of Brazil. It is important to emphasize that we will measure these impacts in two steps: (a) the construction of the production unit: we will use the fiscal incentives (e.g., budget benefits) offered to Mercedes-Benz (1996), and (b) the forecast production for the first year of operation: we will use the forecast of Class A production–40,000 units for 1999–to implement the shock.

RESUME. El principal propósito de este estudio consiste en analizar el proyecto de Mercedes-Benz en la municipalidad de Juiz de Fora (Estado de Minas Gerais), que se ejecutarà desde dos enfoques. Primero, analizaremos el uso de los incentivos fiscales, tanto al nivel del estado como de la municipalidad, que se utilizaron durante la negociación con la corporación Mercedes-Benz. Segundo, a través de un ejercicio de entrada-salida, mediremos el impacto que la unidad de Mercedes-Benz tendrá sobre otros sectores productivos que operan en Juiz de Fora, y el resto del Estado de Minas Gerais y Brasil como un todo. Consideramos importante hacer hincapié que realizaremos dichas mediciones en dos etapas: (a) la construcción de la unidad de producción: cuando utilizaremos los incentivos fiscales (Ej.: beneficios presupuestarios) ofrecidos a Mercedes-Benz (1996), (b) producción estimada para el primer año de funcionamiento: cuando utilizaremos las proyecciones elaboradas para una producción Clase A–40.000 unidades para 1999 para calcular el impacto del cambio.

RESUMO. Este estudo tem por objetivo principal analisar o projeto da Mercedes-Benz no município de Juiz de Fora (Minas Gerais). Isto será implementado de duas maneiras. Primeiro analisaremos os incentives fiscais, nos níveis estadual e municipal, que foram usados na negociação com a Mercedes-Benz Corporation. Segundo, através de um exercício de entrada-saída, mediremos o impacto da unidade da Mercedes-Benz sobre os demais setores produtivos localizados em Juiz de Fora, o resto do estado de Minas Gerais e o resto do Brasil. É importante enfatizar que mediremos esses impactos em duas etapas: (a) a construção da unidade de produção: usaremos os incentivos fiscais (por exemplo, benefícios orçamentàrios) oferecidos à Mercedes-Benz (1996); (b) produção prevista para o primeiro ano de operação: usaremos a previsão de produção de Classe A–40.000 unidades para 1999–para implementar a mudança.  相似文献   


The misapplication of marketing to major American social institutions-education, religion, health care, the media, government and the legal system-has frequently undermined the fundamental purposes of those institutions, to the point that Laczniak and Michie's (1979a; 1979b) worst fears about marketing as a force for social disorder may have become a reality. Even more perplexing is a deeper question that marketers have yet to address adequately: Is the customer metaphor, which is so central to business and consumer marketing, fundamentally incompatible with the nature of a productive social institution?  相似文献   

Studies of international franchising are scant but increasing and can be divided into two streams of research: those focusing on environmental predictors of internationalization and those focusing on strategic, firm-level characteristics. Examining the latter category, this study empirically explores a set of firm-level attributes as predictors of decision making on whether firms seek international expansion. Using longitudinal data from Bond's Franchise Guide 2001–2008, we draw on a sample of U.S.-based fast-food franchise systems to test our hypotheses. Specifically, our database is composed of 1,058 observations of 158 chains, and we estimate a semi-parametric logistic model for international franchising. The model contributes to the literature by being the first to examine the nonlinearity of international franchising determinants using agency theory. The results show that (a) bonding, (b) the percentage of franchised units, (c) the number of states within which the system operates, and (d) the provision of area development agreements and sub-franchising significantly contribute to the international expansion of U.S.-based fast-food franchisors.  相似文献   

Pandemic-related shocks have induced an unexpected volatility into the evolution of online sales, making it difficult for retailers to cope with frequently occurring, drastic changes in demand. Relying on a socio-technical approach, the purpose of this paper is to (a) offer a deeper insight into the driving forces of online sales during the pandemic, and (b) investigate whether pandemic-related shocks accelerate the long-term growth of online retail. Novel, high-frequency data on GPS-based population mobility and government stringency is used to demonstrate how time spent in residential areas and governmental restrictions drive the monthly evolution of online sales in 23 countries. We deconstruct these effects into three main phases: lure-in, lock-in, and phase-out. Lastly, using time series analysis, we show that the pandemic has induced a level shift into the long-term growth trend of the online retail sector in the majority of countries investigated.  相似文献   

宣钢从1993年成立连铸机以来,随着钢需求的增加,连铸机的拉速从1.0m/min涨到2.0m/min,进而又涨到3.0m/min以上,宣钢的产量也是一路飙升。但随着钢铁产量的过剩,用户对钢的质量要求越来越苛刻,宣钢铸坯的缺陷也越显凸显,宣钢钢轧厂果断采取了低过热度的恒速拉钢生产模式,提高了铸坯的质量,也减少了各种事故的发生率,使铸坯的质量稳步提高。  相似文献   

王侃  冯剑晖  陈雷 《检验检疫科学》2010,20(1):58-60,34
根据GB/T2828.1-2003的基本原则,对"人、机、料、环、法、测(5M1E)"一致的产品作为一个出口检验批,并按AQL原则制定检验抽样方案并进行相应监管,再以此为基础,通过转移规则得分统计,科学地决定是否对该企业产品进行加严或放宽管理。使整个出口产品的监管抽样更加合理、有效、有序。达到对质量与诚信良好的出口企业加快通关的同时,也能大量节省由检测及监管所带来的行政资源。  相似文献   

采用国际通用的SAS统计分析软件编制检疫处理药剂毒力测定的计算机程序。以硫酰氟熏蒸杀灭蜚蠊的毒力测定计算为例,在SAS统计软件平台上运行编写的程序,以Bliss法计算LC50、95%可信限,并绘制"剂量对数—几率值直线"等图形。硫酰氟熏蒸杀灭蜚蠊的LC50值=4.35 g/m3,95%可信限为3.17g/m35.29 g/m3。采用SAS统计软件进行毒力测定数据分析,计算简便、快速、准确。  相似文献   

In this paper I will criticize a common practice I call associative advertising. Briefly, associative advertising induces people to buy (or buy more of) a product by associating that market product with such deep-seated non-market goods as friendship, acceptance and esteem from others, excitement and power even though the market good seldom satisfies or has any connection with the non-market desire. The fault in associative advertising is not that it is deceptive or that it violates the autonomy of its audience — on this point I find Robert Arrington's arguments persuasive (Advertising and Behavior Control, Journal of Business Ethics 1 (1982), 3–12). Instead, I will argue against associative advertising by examining the virtues and vices at stake. In so doing, I will offer an alternative to Arrington's exclusive concern with autonomy and behavior control.My main criticism is two-fold: (a) Advertisers must surely desensitize themselves to the compassion, concern, and sympathy for others that are central emotions in a virtuous person, and (b) associative advertising influences its audience to neglect the nonmarket cultivation of our virtues and to substitute market goods instead, with the result that we become worse and, quite likely, less happy persons.John Waide is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Christian Brothers College.An earlier draft of this paper was presented to the Tennessee Philosophical Association, 10 November 1984. I am indebted to that group for many helpful comments.  相似文献   

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