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浅析战略管理会计系统分析程序   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘涛  颜晓 《经济与管理》2004,18(11):45-47
企业战略管理需从外部环境、资源及战略关键因素量化、成本动因、战略业绩评价四个层次入手,建立战略管理会计 系统分析程序,从而将战略管理与管理会计、定量分析与定性分析相结合,打造完整、系统的战略管理会计研究框架,为企业 的决策及管理服务。  相似文献   

供应链环境下产品创新流程设计及对供应商的评价成为产品创新的关键。本文分析了知识经济条件下的产品创新的新模式,提出供应链环境下产品创新的基本流程,并进一步研究了基于成本-时间模型的产品创新供应链节点企业的评价模型。  相似文献   

产业链是一种包含生产企业、供应商、经销商、服务商、顾客等相互合作与信息交流活动的强有力的高绩效企业网络.新的企业组织形态和价值创造机制对战略管理提出了新的要求.与传统战略管理不同,基于产业链的战略管理要求链中的企业跨越企业边界,对质量、交货期和成本进行重新认识,企业的绩效不仅取决于企业自身的效率,同样取决于与产业链中其他相关企业合作效率,以及整个产业链价值创造系统的整体运行效率.针对传统战略管理理论的局限分析了产业链的基本特征及其对战略管理的影响,提出了产业链条件下的战略管理模式,指出战略管理应以产业链整体优化为目标,以企业间关系管理作为战略管理重点,以建立产业链内有效企业间市场为途径,实施高参与型管理.  相似文献   

马万勋  雷勇  邹艳  蒲勇健 《技术经济》2014,33(10):113-118
以供货频次和需求配比为视角,构建了一个供应链动态博弈模型,研究了在需求方为先决策者和供应方为先决策者两种情形下供应链系统的最优价格决策机制,分别给出了两种情形下的最优价格决策方案,指出产品是最优价格决策中的根本性影响因素。  相似文献   

王超  蔡政英  肖人彬 《技术经济》2009,28(8):119-122
供应链的定价尤其是供应驱动链的定价是供应链管理中的难点之一。本文针对这一问题,首先分析了供应驱动链的运作特点和供应商角色,并将供应驱动链中的供应商与需求驱动链中的供应商进行了比较,分析了供应驱动链中供应商的驱动作用和用户需求对价格变化的敏感性,从利润与需求的主从博弈行为的角度描述供应商定价问题,建立了一种供应驱动链中供应商主导的定价模型,并通过均衡求解引导供应驱动链积极响应用户需求及实现总体利润最大化。  相似文献   

新企业商业模式是以创业机会开发和创业机会利用为中心的价值创造模式。根据效果推理理论,新企业面对高度不确定性,需要通过战略试验这种低成本试验方式开展商业模式创新。针对战略试验与商业模式创新之间的作用机制进行实证研究,同时,检验创业学习在两者关系中的中介作用。结果显示:战略试验对新企业商业模式创新有积极影响,创业学习是促进创业机会识别的关键路径,因此在战略试验和商业模式创新之间发挥中介作用。  相似文献   

In this paper, a multiple objective programming model has been presented as a supply chain with the general purpose of adopting an integrated approach such that with making optimal decisions about the optimum allocation of limited sources in the supply chain, selection of the suppliers, production, distribution and supply programming yields, the least cost and the most income and finally maximizes the profit of the chain. The proposed model attempts to regard the integration condition very well with consideration of factors such as the conditions for suppliers, producers, and distributors as well as free relations of producers with each other in the direction of providing products through a process or even the products from each other. The presented model, for more adaptation to reality, is flexible against the dynamism of the demand, and it considers the effect of economic factors on decisions such as inflation. A numerical example is then given to show the applicability of the proposed model. This model covers the operational dimension of the chain very well with appropriate programming for production and controlling the inventories.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the environmental preferences and pressures of customers in environmentally conscious markets influencing the number of adoptions of ISO 14001—the international standard certified by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) concerning an Environmental Management System (EMS)—in a country. Customers in different countries have different priorities and ideas with regard to the environment and its management, and therefore it is possible that environmental preferences and pressures of customers in environmentally conscious markets are greater, although many earlier studies suggest that foreign customers generally form a significant stakeholder group encouraging the adoption of ISO 14001. A random-effects Tobit estimation using a sample of 155 countries over eight years supports the view that the environmental preferences and pressures of customers in environmentally conscious markets (including Finland, Japan, Germany and Denmark) are more likely to encourage domestic along with foreign suppliers to adopt ISO 14001. As it is easier for firms in environmentally conscious markets to adopt ISO 14001 because of their better economic performance, they have already adopted certification and consequently require their domestic and foreign suppliers to do likewise in the global supply chain. For this reason, suppliers wishing to access environmentally conscious markets can obtain an advantage with ISO 14001 certification.  相似文献   

研发国际化背景下,我国复杂产品供应商被锁定在以发达国家为主导的全球价值链和研发体系中低端,从而限制了国内企业创新行为。基于逆向国际化理论、知识获取理论和创新行为理论,研究国内复杂产品研发网络逆向国际化程度对复杂产品供应商创新行为的作用机理。基于182家复杂产品供应商的有效样本数据,对提出的假设进行验证,结果表明:复杂产品研发网络逆向国际化程度与企业创新行为呈显著正相关关系,知识获取能力在上述关系间起中介作用。  相似文献   

国有企业战略人力资源管理模式研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张跃东  江玉兰 《经济研究导刊》2012,(21):123-126,139
国有企业改革非常重视完善市场竞争机制和产权激励机制,但是,内部管理体系建设以及核心能力培育在一定程度上跟不上企业发展的要求,影响到产权制度改革和市场竞争制度建设的实际效果。尤其是在人力资源管理的系统性、战略性上存在的问题,更是阻碍了国有企业人力资源价值转化为组织绩效。因此,运用战略人力资源管理理论来解释国有企业人力资源管理对组织绩效的贡献,并研究人力资源管理系统建设的相关问题,具有十分重要的理论意义和实践意义。战略人力资源管理(strategyHumanResourcesManagement,简称SHRM)简单而言就是系统地将人与企业联系起来,通过人力资源规划、政策及具体实践,达到获取竞争优势的人力资源配置。采用定性定量相结合,理论研究与实证研究相结合的方法,结合国有企业的实际情况,指出战略人力资源管理是影响国有企业组织绩效的重要因素,并深入探讨战略人力资源管理对企业绩效的作用机理,分析战略人力资源管理必须具备的职能,研究国有企业转变人力资源管理功能可能的模式,进行开发人力资源管理人员队伍的素质标准研究,并建立了国有企业战略人力资源管理绩效评价的模型,进行实证分析,最终得出国有企业实施战略人力资源管理的对策。  相似文献   

李本光 《经济问题》2004,(10):71-72
就我国人力资源会计理论基础进行了思考,认为人力资源会计理论基础是马克思主义政治经济学及其再发展——社会主义市场经济理论、生产力经济学、组织行为学、会计学、人事管理学.  相似文献   

随着新一轮电力体制改革的日益推进,参与电力市场竞争是消纳风电等可再生能源的必经之路。由于风电出力受风速等自然条件影响,出力具有较强不确定性,导致其实际出力难以预测,使得风电商参与电力市场面临巨大的收益风险。合理地转移风电商的市场风险,引入有效的风险规避机制,对提高风电商收益稳定性具有重要意义。因此本文基于电量损失保险机制,建立了风电商、售电公司以及保险公司的Stackelberg博弈模型,通过逆向递归法求解纳什均衡,分析保险费率与市场三方利润之间的关系,得出市场主体风电商、售电公司以及保险公司的最优交易决策。最后通过具体算例分析验证得出,引入电量保险机制,制定适当的保险费率,能够使风电商、售电公司以及保险公司三方利益实现共赢。  相似文献   

供应链环境中的转移定价、内部营销和价值管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究内部供应链关系是正确理解整个供应链成本管理的一个必要条件。内部供应链中存在内部供应商(转让者)和内部客户(受让者)关系,探讨了内部供应链中的转移定价问题,处理供应链中的转移定价问题,应该将其整合进企业战略,以价值创造和增值为目标,在管理转让者与受让者关系时采用“内部客户”观念,并以价值为基础的绩效评估系统来支持这一观念。,  相似文献   

以建设社会主义新农村理论为指导,主要从战略管理学的视野,运用SWOT分析方法和竞争优势形成的基本原理,在综合分析评价外部环境和内部环境的基础上,归纳出景宁畲族自治县新农村建设竞争优势的十个基本元素,提出战略目标选择和战略途径选择的思路,总结提升出畲乡新农村建设的景宁模式,并对完善景宁模式提出三个方面的针对性建议。  相似文献   

制度经济学的企业理论在探寻企业的本质时,将企业抽象为市场的对应物,抹杀了现实中不同企业之间存在的差别(异质性),难以理解企业之间的竞争及企业是如何成长.战略管理学则倾向于重视这种差别,并以此为基点从理论上阐释了企业是如何获取并持久保持竞争优势以促进企业成长,但忽视了企业的同质性.本文则从广义虚拟经济二元价值容介态的视角...  相似文献   

A dominant manufacturing firm often holds partial shares of its suppliers, and the suppliers are willing to make investments customised to the manufacturer. Furthermore, this type of manufacturer‐suppliers relationship is often long‐term and stable. This paper provides an explanation for this phenomenon by modelling repeated interaction between a downstream manufacturer and upstream suppliers. In the model, the manufacturer could avoid, by partially owning a supplier, hold‐up problems which would arise from the supplier's customised investment. The model distinguishes between two sources of appropriable quasi‐rents, and yields new empirical predictions concerning the relationship between appropriable quasi‐rents and vertical integration.  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the implementation of cloud-based systems in startups to answer how and why hi-tech startups use cloud computing, an overlooked question to date. Thus, referring to an extended version of Ross and Blumenstein [2015. “Cloud Computing as a Facilitator of SME Entrepreneurship.” Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 27 (1): 87–101] framework, encompassing issues of context and culture following Spanò et al. [2019. “Context, Culture and Control: A Case Study on Accounting Change in an Italian Regional Health Service.” Journal of Management and Governance. doi:10.1007/s10997-019-09458-0], we analyse cloud adoption in startup firms and rely upon a case study of an Italian hi-tech startup. The case study allowed us to tap into the main issues relating to cloud implementation that is increased opportunities, reduced costs, scalability, access to global markets, and access to international venture capital. The results offer interesting insights to the literature on cloud computing, and also have some managerial implications in that they better unfold the effects played by context and culture.  相似文献   

The paper deals with a production inventory model for various types of items where multiple suppliers, a manufacturer and the multiple non-competing retailers are the members of the supply chain. In this model, each supplier supplies only one type of raw material to the manufacturer. The manufacturer produces a finished item by the combination of certain percentage of the various types of raw materials. The manufacturer produces also multi-items and delivers them according to the demand of the different retailers. Finally, an integrated profit of the supply chain is optimized by optimal ordering lot sizes of the raw materials. A numerical example is provided to justify the proposed model.  相似文献   

This paper aims to provide a deeper understanding of transition drivers by reviewing four major strands of inquiry in transition studies: Multi Level Perspective (MLP); Strategic Niche Management (SNM); Transition Management (TM); Technological Innovation Systems (TIS). To the best of our knowledge, none of these contributions have so far provided a clear-cut classification of main drivers of transitions, as evidenced by the difficulty of practitioners in reaching goals as entrepreneurs, or policy makers in supporting economic growth. We believe that these theoretical streams share views relating the origin and drivers of transitions and that the analysis of the multi-level developments and systemic sub-processes by using the Integrative Propositional Analysis (IPA) allows for a more comprehensive identification of transition drivers. By mapping causal relationships within each perspective and by developing an integrative framework that takes in due account of overlaps between theories, we derived a new conceptual structure for the identification of transitions’ drivers.  相似文献   

基于产业价值链的企业商业信用行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当企业融入了产业价值链的分工,企业的商业信用行为会受到产业价值链因素的影响。而对于企业来说,产业价值链的重要性主要体现在企业同上下游即供应商与客户之间的关系上,企业同上下游的关系一定程度上决定企业在产业价值链上的地位。利用上市公司粗略地构造了"煤、石油-化工"这样一条产业价值链,以产业价值链为背景,研究产业价值链上不同类型的企业的商业信用行为的差异。  相似文献   

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